GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)
GoldenEye is a FPS video game adaptation of the James Bond |movie of the same name, made by Rare for the Nintendo 64 (known by some as GoldenEye 007, after the box art).
The majority of the game's missions are directly lifted from the film, with some slight alterations and omissions. Several hidden missions were also included for gamers good enough to reach them; these were inspired by other Bond movies. The game's split-screen multi-player mode allowed players to control classic Bond villains (and, through the help of cheat devices, the other four Bonds), and featured many different gameplay combinations based on weapon selection and game rules (including "You Only Live Twice" [where you get two lives, and that's it] and "License to Kill" [one hit kills, no matter the gun, except the Klobb sometimes]).
In November 2010, a remake by Activision for the Wii was released. Click here for more details.
- Action Girl: Natalya, surprisingly, in the Jungle.
- Adaptation Expansion: Several levels in the game take place in the nine years between the movie's gun-barrel opening and proper start. However, a few things don't match up. Namely that fact that Bond never visits Severnaya in the movie (at least not in the present-day), and he never chases Janus through a cavern en route to the giant satellite dish; indeed, the resulting level makes no sense since Bond destroys pumps to stop Janus stopping himself.
- AKA-47: None of the weapons have real names. The AK-47 itself is called the "KF7" (with an appropriate "Soviet" appended sometimes), and the RC-P90 is in reality the FN Herstal P90.
- Always Close:
- The bomb in "Statue", justified by a proximity-triggered mechanism that sets the remaining time to 15 seconds if it was higher when you got close.
- The bomb in "Train" on 00 Agent always leaves you with about four seconds to escape.
- Artificial Atmospheric Actions: The hostages in "Frigate".
- Artificial Stupidity: Enemies will not open fire unless they have a clear line of sight. Railings, glass and invisible walls count as obstacles for the purpose of aiming. This turns Xenia into an Anticlimax Boss, as you can gun her down as she crosses the bridge (she treats the bridge as a corridor). This also stumps Jaws, since he'll never fire if you simply run up and down the staircase.
- Artistic License Ships: The La Fayette looks nothing like a La Fayette-class frigate and rather more like an American Kidd-Class destroyer. The Dummied Out multi-player version of the map is even called "Destroyer".
- Attack Drone: Drone guns are extremely annoying (and deadly).
- Awesome but Practical: The Cougar Magnum! Except when it isn't. And then there's the Golden Gun, the grenade launcher, the tank...
- Bag of Spilling
- Beating a Dead Player
- Big Damn Fire Exit: The Silo is a Timed Mission in which you must get to the elevator before the explosives you've planted go off.
- Big Head Mode: DK Mode.
- Bling Bling Bang: The Golden Gun. Also, the Gold and Silver versions of the PP7.
- Bond One-Liner: Well, obviously.
- Boom! Headshot!: A frequent result of using the sniper rifle, and the quickest way to kill someone. The game tracks all limb, torso and headshots as well.
- Boring but Practical: The Dostoveii is pretty average, but if you use it correctly (especially in multi-player), it can be deadly. The same can be said for some other handguns and automatics.
- Bottomless Magazines:
- The energy weapons (the Moonraker Laser, Watch Laser and Taser) all have unlimited ammo.
- Your enemies never run out of ammo. You, however, do.
- Brutal Bonus Level: The Aztec bonus mission.
- Bulletproof Human Shield
- The Can Kicked Him: The Facility begins in the vent above a bathroom.
- Casual Danger Dialogue: Trevelyan and Bond when they first meet. Natalya also does this a lot.
- The Cavalry: Averted. In the Caverns, one objective is to call in a team of Marines to help fight Janus, but in the Cradle, you're totally on your own (just like in the movie).
- Cherry Tapping: With the weaker weapons (pistols, Klobb or sniper rifle), it's possible to shoot enemies quite a few times before they die.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Natalya will shoot someone, then comment on a nice plant.
- Cold Sniper: Bond gets a sniper rifle in the Surface level.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Enemies seem to follow a Law of Chromatic Superiority where green mooks aren't much of a threat, brown mooks are officers, and black mooks are by far the most dangerous.
- Commissar Cap: Ourumov wears one.
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Natalya will sometimes do this.
- Computer Equals Monitor: In some levels. Averted in others where you must physically destroy the mainframe.
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Enemies have Bottomless Magazines and often have Exclusive Enemy Equipment. As well, bosses have far more health than you do, and Trevelyan can run much faster.
- Container Maze: Several levels have this feel, including the Depot and Control.
- Coup De Grace Cutscene: More than a few (e.g. the ending of the Depot and Cradle).
- The Cracker: Boris.
- Critical Existence Failure
- Cutscene Incompetence: The ending of Surface II shows Bond running into a bunker and getting captured without even putting up a fight.
- Damsel in Distress: Natalya gets captured how many times in this game? Let's see. First in Severnaya, where Bond meets her in the same predicament. Then at the Statue Park in St. Petersburg. Then after the Russians arrest them. Then Ourumov gets ahold of her, leading to the tank chase, and you only recover her two missions later. That's four in total, before she takes a level in badass.
- Dark Action Girl: Xenia.
- Deadpan Snarker: Q Branch and Moneypenny in the mission briefing screens. Natalya gets a few snarks of her own in.
- Diagonal Speed Boost: Speedruns more or less require that you strafe everywhere.
- Die, Chair, Die!: Everything can be destroyed, and explode after. This actually comes in handy in the Runway level, as chucking a grenade at the guards by the desk in the side building will blow up the desk up, the filing cabinets and the guards.
- Dirty Communists
- Disney Villain Death: Trevelyan simply falls off the Cradle and dies, unlike in the movie (where the entire thing collapsed and fell on him). Or he may die without even falling. That depends on how the player kills him.
- Do Not Drop Your Weapon: Enemies will continue clutching their guns until their very last hitpoint is taken away.
- Doomsday Device: The Goldeneye satellite.
- Dramatic Gun Cock: It's just the sound though.
- Dual Wielding: "Jungle" even includes grenade launcher in one hand, machine gun in another. However, without the use of cheats, you can only dual wield if you kill an enemy who is dual wielding guns and take it from them.
- Dude, Where's My Reward?: The cheat unlocked for beating the Train level on 00 Agent is the Silver PP7, a decent gun which is in no way worth the difficulty of getting it. The much better Gold PP7 can be unlocked in the Cradle on Agent, which is also much, much easier.
- Dummied Out: This game contains some of the most well-known examples of this trope, such as All Bonds mode, the Citadel map, and the castle in the Dam level.
- Elaborate Underground Base: Bunker, Control, Aztec, etc.
- Elite Mooks: Some levels have troops in black, usually with better weapons, and wearing body armor. They are quite difficult to kill.
- Enemy-Detecting Radar
- Escort Mission:
- "Protect Natalya", anyone?
- Inverted in "Jungle". Natalya is armed with the Cougar Magnum and has suddenly become an extremely good shot. In addition, enemies are more likely to target James, which often results in Natalya killing more mooks than you. Doesn't work on the drone guns though.
- Everything Fades: Enemies just disappear when they die, although their guns don't.
- Evil Laugh: Baron Samedi does this a lot.
- Exclusive Enemy Equipment: Most of the really cool guns belong to enemy soldiers, including the RC-P90, Automatic Shotgun and Grenade Launcher. Luckily you can pick them up for yourself after killing them.
- Exploding Barrel: All over the place.
- Exploring the Evil Lair: Several levels.
- Fan Remake: GoldenEye: Source.
- Fan Vid: A hilarious live-action reenactment of the Facility level can be found here.
- Canadian rock band Shyne Factory did the video to I Don't Wanna Bring You Down in the style of Archives.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: The Moonraker Laser and Watch Laser.
- Game Breaking Bug: Or game breaking cheat in this case. The Invisible Bond cheat makes you become just that. Sure, enemies can't see you and won't fire at something they can't see, but mission critical NPCs also can't see you, so they won't talk or give you what you need, making the mission Unwinnable. Then again, you're probably not playing the game with cheats to actually complete the missions, so this isn't a problem for most. There's also a button-code that allows you to toggle invisibility on and off, so it's not as debilitating as that.
- Game Mod: Goldfinger 64.
- Gentleman Snarker: Q.
- Get Back Here Boss: The fight with Trevelyan is a deadly game of tag where he runs all over the level shooting at you while you evade gunfire from his mooks.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar:
- Several mission briefings contain double entendres by Q or Moneypenny.
- It's possible to shoot enemies in the groin, at which they will grab themselves and keel over.
- The cutscene that plays over the ending credits is Bond and Natalya making out.
- Government Agency of Fiction: MI6.
- Gravity Barrier
- The Guards Must Be Crazy:
- Enemies will walk right past dead bodies and ignore bullets whizzing by their heads, since they only attack if they see you (or if you make a ton of noise). On the other hand, they also appear to be rather deaf and nearsighted.
- Averted with the jailer in the Bunker, whose reaction to Bond trying to pull the "sick prisoner" gig is simply to state "You must think I was born yesterday".
- Guide Dang It: Getting the Golden Gun in Egyptian.
- Guns Akimbo: Almost all of the game's weapons can wielded with both hands using cheats (it's possible to do this in single-player mode without them, but only if taken from an enemy carrying both).
- Guns Do Not Work That Way: Rare didn't seem to understand the layout of the P90; the magazine becomes a huge white block that's wider than the gun frame, and the weapon ejects right instead of down. Additionally, certain guns have an incorrect magazine size. In the RC-P90's case, it has 80 bullets instead of 50. This is probably because Rare entered the amount of ammo as 50 in hexadecimal, which is 80 in decimal.
- Hand Cannon: The Cougar Magnum is ridiculously overpowered, to the point of being able to shoot through metal doors.
- Hannibal Lecture: Trevelyan loves giving you these.
- Harder Than Hard: Beating the game on 00 Agent unlocks 007 modes, which can be customized to be as hard as the player wants (1000% damage? Sure Why Not). This has led to the custom License to Kill (one-shot, one kill applies to both the player and enemies) and Dark Agent (all maxed out stats) difficulties.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Bond and Natalya.
- High-Speed Missile Dodge: Rocket launchers fire rather slow projectiles to compensate for how much damage they deal.
- Hollywood Hacking: Apparently, Natalya can hack into an advanced, secure network and disable a multimillion dollar piece of military equipment in about three minutes. Did you want her to take any longer???
- Hollywood Silencer: Silenced weapons are very quiet, though because of the rather strange mechanics they're not much more effective than single shots with unsilenced ones.
- Hostage Situation: Several levels, including Frigate, and (most annoyingly) Train.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Natalya at times. The Jungle level proves it.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Taken Up to Eleven with "All Guns": Bond has somewhere around 50-60 different weapons, including a tank.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Enemies are terrible shots at long range, being unable to hit you with any degree of accuracy using sniper rifles.
- Implacable Man: Jaws especially, but also Trevelyan. Both shrug off gunfire and keep firing away at you.
- Incredibly Obvious Bug: Twice. You plant a "covert" modem in the dam at Arkhangelsk, and a tracker "bug" on the Pirate helicopter in Monte Carlo. Both are the size of your head. Not to mention planting it at the dam requires placing it directly on the monitor.
- The Infiltration: Several levels, including the Bunker, and Jungle.
- Insecurity Camera: Several missions involve destroying these. They promptly explode.
- Instant Death Bullet: The famous Golden Gun, as well as the Golden PP7. In "License to Kill" mode, every bullet is this.
- Insurmountable Waist High Fence
- Invisibility Cloak: The "Bond Invisible" cheat.
- Irrelevant Importance: Killing people after they help you with objectives.
- I Shall Taunt You: Trevelyan loves to do this.
- Just Between You and Me: During your meeting with Janus in Statue Park, he delivers a Motive Rant before dispatching his bodyguards to kill you.
- Just Plane Wrong: The "Pirate" helicopter isn't a Eurocopter, it's an Apache.
- Kill Sat: The titular satellite.
- Knockback: Waves of enemy soldiers will become Goddamn Bats due to their shots pushing you back and preventing you from firing your gun for a second because you got hit.
- Knowledge Broker: Valentin Zukovsky.
- Last-Note Nightmare: The music in "Surface II" becomes dissonant when Bond is captured in the final cutscene.
- Lock and Load Montage: Several levels begin with one.
- Luck-Based Mission: Unlocking Invincibility in "Facility" depends on the random location of Dr. Doak. "Control" is partially a Luck-Based Mission as well, since a lot depends on which side the guards come from, whether they breach the bulletproof glass and if they shoot at you or Natalya. "Aztec" depends entirely on whether the guards at the beginning throw grenades at you or not; if they do, you will die.
- Made of Explodium: A legendary example of the trope. Everything that isn't level geometry, glass or an enemy can be made to explode. Yes, including doors, under certain conditions. This was partly due to the fact that the game creators couldn't implement a satisfactory physics system into the game, and thus the only way to make objects destructible in-game was to make them explode.
- Made of Iron: Bond himself, but also Janus, Xenia, Jaws and any other "boss" characters can shrug off multiple gunshots and even explosions.
- The Mafiya: Zukovsky's criminal gang and the Janus syndicate seem to have a Mob War of sorts going on between them.
- Man in White: Baron Samedi.
- Matrix Raining Code: Most computers have scrolling lines of green text.
- Meaningful Name: Janus (Roman god with two faces) and Xenia (Greek for "foreign" or "strange").
- Mercy Invincibility: Uniquely for an FPS, this is played completely straight, and one of the quirks maintained in Goldeneye Source.
- Missing Mission Control: In some levels, they don't give you any useful information due to your being captured.
- Mission Control: Your mission briefing from M and Q.
- More Dakka: The RC-P90 is famous for this. The Phantom also holds a large magazine (50), and the ZMG has quite a rapid rate of fire. You also do not want to be in the sights of the heavy drone guns.
- Nintendo Hard: 00 Agent. And don't even try getting all the cheats: you'll be pulling your hair out by the time you're done.
- Nobody Poops: Averted in the same area as the movie.
- In the game, though, he's apparently shitting while standing fully clothed in the toilet stall.
- No Fair Cheating: Playing with cheats on will not unlock anything.
- Noodle Incident: Mentioned by Q in the briefing of the Silo mission:
007, remember to treat the timed explosives with respect - you know what happened to 004 in Beirut.
- No Scope: The Sniper Rifle can be used as a (very unwieldy) pistol.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Natalya seems to do this a lot.
- One-Hit Kill:
- The Golden Gun. The only exception is if it hits an enemy's weapons box.
- The Gold PP7 counts too. Except that it holds seven rounds like the original instead of the Golden Gun's single clip.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: The "License to Kill" multi-player mode.
- One-Hit Polykill: The Magnum can do this.
- One Bullet Magazines: Every weapon (except those with infinite ammo, like the Laser), but taken to the logical extreme with the Golden Gun.
- Only Six Faces: The generic Mooks are pretty much identical, leading to Deja Vu after you mow down the same set of machine-gun toting minions three times in a row. The strange thing is that the game has over 40 random faces, but only a handful are used per load.
- Outrun the Fireball: The ending of the Train; except, instead of the same six minutes Bond had given Alec, you have only one minute to cut through the floor and get away with Natalya (unless you're quick enough to graze Xenia before she and Janus get away after you've killed Ourumov).
- Punch Clock Villain: Russian soldiers.
- Purely Aesthetic Gender
- Purposefully Overpowered: The Golden Gun.
- Rapid-Fire Typing: Whenever anyone is typing, usually Natalya's hacking.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Defense Minister Mishkin.
- Recurring Riff: A brief snippet from the James Bond theme shows up in every level.
- Red Filter of Doom: The screen turns red whenever Bond dies, mimicking the gunbarrel scenes from the movies.
- Reliably Unreliable Guns: Your enemies' rifles will jam for no reason sometimes.
- Renegade Russian: Ourumov.
- Respawning Enemies:
- Usually caused by noise or alarms being set off; stealth is the best way to avoid them.
- Bunker II on secret agent or higher makes you wade through droves of mooks with automatic weapons to complete two of your objectives. The only decent weapon you can get in this level is very, very noisy. Combine that with never-ending guards and a lack of body armor in the level for a prime example of Nintendo Hard.
- The Reveal: Janus is Alec Trevelyan.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: The Cougar Magnum is a beast of a handgun, and pretty much a One-Hit Kill most of the time. To balance this out, the game developers made its rate of fire very slow.
- Say My Name: Bond and Natalya seem to love doing this.
- Script Breaking
- Set a Mook to Kill a Mook: It's difficult, but not impossible, to get enemies to run into each other's line of fire.
- Shoot Out the Lock
- Short-Range Long-Range Weapon
- Shotguns Are Just Better: The Automatic Shotgun is a great weapon and more powerful than almost anything else in the game... but only at extremely close quarters.
- Shown Their Work: The giant screen in the bunker has Cyrillic lettering on it which reads Severnaya.
- Silliness Switch:
- The Paintball Mode cheat, which replaces all bullet holes with colorful paintballs.
- DK Mode changes all characters' heads and limbs to huge and bizarre proportions, mimicking the body structure of Donkey Kong.
- Slow Doors: The brownish metal doors from the Facility and other levels.
- Sniper Scope Sway
- Sniping Mission: Surface I.
- Songs in the Key of Panic: Whenever a critical moment happens in a level, the music will often change into a faster version of the level's theme.
- Speed Run: Time attacking was encouraged by the developers, since not only does the game keep track of one's best time on each level on each difficulty, but completing particular levels within specific target times (some lenient, some strict) unlocks bonus cheat options.
- Spiritual Successor: Perfect Dark and Time Splitters.
- Spread Shot: The Automatic Shotgun fires scatter shot that does up to five damage, depending on accuracy.
- Stealth-Based Mission: Several, including both Bunkers.
- Stop Helping Me!: Natalya will accidentally shoot you if you get in her line of fire during the Jungle stage. On the other hand, you can also trick Mooks into shooting each other as well.
- Stuff Blowing Up: The end cutscenes of the Silo and Train.
- The Syndicate: The Janus Syndicate.
- Tank Goodness: The third level, and again later in the game where you reenact the tank chase from the movie.
- Theme and Variations Soundtrack: The entire soundtrack is comprised of variations on James Bond's theme song.
- Themed Cursor: Your menu cursor is a crosshair.
- Timed Mission: The Silo, as well as the Streets and Cradle. The ending of the former is Always Close.
- Translation Convention: Translated Russian is displayed in brackets instead of quotation marks.
- Trial and Error Gameplay
- Tuckerization:
- The "Klobb" gun is named after Ken Lobb, a former Nintendo of America employee who helped develop the game.
- Dr. Doak looks like and is named after David Doak, one of the developers at the time... who has a PhD in biochemistry, as a chemical and biological weapons expert might need.
- Unflinching Walk: The ending of Streets has Bond doing this.
- Unnecessary Combat Roll: Enemies love this one.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential:
- Shooting or squishing too many civilians will fail the mission. Note we didn't say "any" civilians...
- Try using dual Klobbs on guards and only tap the Z button. Fast animation cheat might increase enjoyment.
- Video Game Remake: In 2010, for the Wii. Another was made for the DS, but was generally considered inferior to both games.
- Weak Turret Gun: Drone guns.
- Weapon of Choice: The PP7 for Bond, the Cougar Magnum for Natalya, the DD44 for Ourumov, the AR33 for Trevelyan, etc.
- We Can Rule Together: Trevelyan taunts you with this.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Mishkin simply disappears halfway through the game, whereas he was killed in the movie. It's never shown what happens to Boris either.
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Killing civilians? Pure evil. Killing dozens of soldiers? Awesome!
- What the Hell, Player?: If you kill Boris Grishenko in Control, Natalya will scold you and refuse to help you complete the level.
- Why We're Bummed Communism Fell: A major part of the plot.
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Some scientists will pull out guns and start shooting at you if they're wounded, as will Valentin.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: Bond's weapon of choice, the PP7, which is a play on the Walther PPK. Well, what comes before P in the alphabet?
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Bond tries this on the guard watching his and Natalya's cell in the second Bunker mission. However, he's too Genre Savvy to fall for that. Of course, Bond's plan isn't to make him open the cell... but to use his magnetic watch to get the keys from the guard without him noticing. Well, this latter part is actually a weird case of Gameplay and Story Segregation (it happens in a playable section, no cutscenes, and you can skip this entirely by just using the watch, getting the keys, and knocking the guard out before any dialogue pops up).
- You Are Too Late: In multiple levels.
Trevelyan: Too slow, James!
- You Shall Not Pass: The Escort Mission in Control.
- Zerg Rush: Whenever an alarm sounds. You can also tell by all of the bad guys that wear sunglasses.