Aachi and Ssipak
Aachi and Ssipak is a 2006 animated South Korean film, directed by Jo Beom-jin and animated by Studio Flying.
In the future, all citizens are implanted with anal identity chips at birth; and when they defecate in public stalls, they receive an addictive, hallucinogenic popsicle called a juicybar as a reward. Juicybars cause people to transform into small, blue, and stupid Mutants. These mutants have been organized by a Hitleresque charismatic leader named The Diaper King, into a revolutionary cell called The Diaper Gang and they are constantly hounded by police forces, aided by an unstoppable government cyborg. Everyone wants to control the juicybar supply. The police, the mob, and the Diaper Gang. Jimmy the Freak, a drug-addled porn director, stumbles onto a means of tricking the system into over-dispensing juicybars and he hands this information to the leader of the Diapers. They then recruit porn star/wannabe-actress Beauty (a woman imbued with the power to defecate several times a day) to be the vessel for a blessed anal chip and soon accidentally lose her to Aachi and Ssipak, small time hoodlums who make a living stealing juicybars from other people. This results in the police, the mob, and the Diaper Gang to chase after them.
With over the top Gorn and Toilet Humor, it's definitely not for kids.
- Action Survivor: Beauty is definitely one but even the two main characters tend to try to escape more than they actually fight (see Dirty Coward). Most of the death and bloodshed is between the antagonists.
- Anti Heroes: Aachi, Ssipak, and Beauty. All things considered, they're not as bad as the villains, by much anyway.
- Back from the Dead: Jimmy the Freak and Geko.
- Badass: Geko has the ability to mow down Diaper Gang mooks with ridiculous ease.
- Bad Boss: Diaper King and chief of police.
- Batman Cold Open: The film starts with the Diaper Gang getting killed by Geko. The title characters show up a few seconds later and have little to do with the previous scene aside from running over a half-dead mutant.
- Bilingual Bonus: Aachi and Ssipak have names that sound a lot like Korean swear words. The equivalent would be an English language movie named "Dammat and Fook".
- Black Blood: Geko due to being a cyborg-zombie.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Faced with imminent death at the hands of two hideously modified blue mutants, the Chief resolves to kill herself with her own pistol. Completely subverted when one of the mutants slices her arm off before she can pull the trigger.
- Butt Monkey: Jimmy the Freak can't seem to get a break, even after death.
- Cool Bike: Almost everyone has one. It's an After the End movie. What did you expect?
- Cool Shades: Geko and Aachi.
- Crapsack World: With the world reduced to using crap as a fuel source. It's as bad as it sounds.
- Determinator: Geko the cyborg cop.
- Dog Food Diet: It's implied that the blue mutants feed Beauty dog food so she can defecate and make more Juicybars.
- Dirty Coward: After Geko knocks Ssipak unconscious, Aachi threatens him and then promptly runs and hides behind his motorcycle.
- Damsel in Distress: Beauty.
- Disturbed Doves: Parodied.
- Enfant Terrible: The chief. Though she could just be a psychotic woman with stunted growth.
- Considering Korean society's obsession with cuteness and youth, she is likely supposed to be a satire of that aspect of the culture.
- Evil Versus Evil: The Diaper Gang vs. The Government vs. The Mafia
- Fiery Redhead: Aachi.
- Funny Afro: Jimmy has one.
- Gorn: There's plenty of it anytime Geko's guns are going off.
- Karma Houdini: Not only does Dr. Strange manage to escape during the onslaught, in the end credits, he's shown working on a new cyborg model using the corpses of the leader of the Diaper Gang and the Chief.
- Living MacGuffin: Beauty, for her ability to get lots of juicybars.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Strange.
- Mooks: The Diaper Gang.
- Mushroom Samba: Jimmy goes through one.
- Mutants: The Diaper Gang, again.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Or rather a Ninja-Cop-Zombie-Cyborg in Geko's case.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Geko vs. Ssipak. It doesn't go well for Ssipak.
- Off with His Head: A common way in which Diaper Gang mooks die.
- Police Are Useless: They don't fare too well overall but they at least have Geko on their side.
- The Quiet One: Geko rarely speaks.
- Shout Outs: This movie has some really warped shout outs to Alien, Misery, Basic Instinct, RoboCop, Superman, and Batman as well as a constipated Mickey Mouse.
- These scene where Beauty is bouncing down a huge flight of stairs while strapped to a motorcycle could be a subtle parody of The Battleship Potemkin.
- It might also be a shout out to The Untouchables with the baby carriage.
- In one scene a cashier closes her station as gas-masked mooks run by, which is a shout out to Monsters, Inc..
- There's a minecart chase scene lifted directly from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
- In one very brief scene, Beauty looks like Uma Thurman on the poster for Pulp Fiction.
- These scene where Beauty is bouncing down a huge flight of stairs while strapped to a motorcycle could be a subtle parody of The Battleship Potemkin.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: The leader of the Diaper Gang mouths these words before shooting the Captain who ends up betraying the Chief.
- Rollerblade Good: Geko has a pair of rocket-powered skates. Built-in, of course.
- Toilet Humor: The plot revolves around a dung-powered world. Go figure.
- Wardrobe Malfunction: Beauty slips up at least once due to Gainaxing.
- X Meets Y: Smurfs meets Avatar meets Aeon Flux meets Beavis and Butthead.
- Widget Movie
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Beauty.