Brain Scratch Commentaries

"Professionally Unprofessional."

BrainScratch Commentaries ("BSC" for short) is a commentary group on YouTube, created by Nayrman214, Solaris Paradox, and SomecallmeJohnny. Inspired by Hellfire-Commentaries, the trio perform videogame and movie commentaries, as well as occasional "random rambles," ranging from discussions of various irrelevant topics to the lampooning of the list-based opinions of such well-known gaming media outlets as IGN and GameSpot. Known for their professionalism as might Ray Charles be known for his accuracy at the shooting range, these three up-and-coming commentators aim to provide various laughs at any cost -- even at the price of their own intense boredom. As such, there is nearly as much padding in their commentaries as there is in the games they routinely lambast.

Nayrman (Ryan Malis) could be considered the brains behind the operation, as it was his hair-brained idea to start the group in the first place. The idea was first pitched to Solaris (Lewis Medeiros), a fellow member of the Sonic fan-forum, who then invited Johnny (Juan Ortiz) to take part. Recently, ExandShadow (Ted Wiesen) has recently been made a permanent fourth memeber to add "youthful innocence to the jaded old men" in the group. In addition to the four main commentators, the team occasionally invites along a guest to join in the fun as an additional commentator -- usually planned, sometimes at complete random.

Guest commentators so far include:

Tropes used in Brain Scratch Commentaries include:
  • Aborted Arc: Devil May Cry 4, as a result of the crew having nothing to say after 44 parts. (See F-Zero GX and Portal 2)
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Whilst commentating on Dragonball: Evolution, a movie the entire team deemed an undiluted cinematic incarnation of fecal matter, all three commentators actually had to admit that Goku's hairgel gag was actually pretty funny.
  • You Fail Linguistics Forever: Johnny finally learned how to pronounce "Chasm" during the TV Tropes episode.
    • ExandShadow mispronounces the aforementioned word in the second TV Tropes episode.
    • SolarisParadox discovers the proper pronunciation of "Awry" during their commentary of |Sonic '06.
    • ExandShadow somehow manages to combine dramatically and drastically into dramastically in part 13 of Pokemon Crystal.
  • Ascended Extra: ExandShadow was just added randomly during the Resident Evil 4 playthrough, then he eventually became a permanent member.
  • Afraid of Needles: Solaris explains why he hates needles in Part 14 of the F-Zero GX playthrough.
  • Anachronic Order: Some playthroughs are prerecorded months before they even get uploaded and are not posted in the order they were made. It's kinda fun to guess when these were recorded just by the commentary alone. The first part of |Sonic '06 to feature Solaris's return after so long, as it was the last one recorded for the playthrough.
  • Angrish: Johnny in part 17 of the Portal 2 Co-Op playthrough.
  • Anticlimax: The only way to describe the epic showdown with the optional boss in Symphony of the Night, ending it with "AND THEN HE DIED"
  • Anything But That: When playing Needle Man's stage to fight Doc Robot in Mega Man 3, Nayrman fails to successfully make it across a large chasm before his energy for Rush Jet runs out. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Awesome but Impractical: In Episode 5 of Sonic 4 Episode II, Johnny managed to get a shield, invincibility and unleash Super Sonic... unfortunately aside from an awesome show of effects, only Super Sonic was of any use of the three things.

Ryan: It's Nuclear Sonic!

  • Batman Did It: According to Johnny and Nayrman, this is the undeniable answer of how Batman does what the hell he does everywhere. Justifiable since it's, well... Batman.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty: Ryan costantly misquoting the chorus of "The U.S.S. Make Shit Up" throughout the Batman: Arkham Asylum playthrough.

Ryan: Fire the Photon Particle Beam off the Main Deflector Dish...

Lewis: This lady has not earned her massive bitch of an ego, and if her head gets ripped off, I will laugh.
Ryan: Not in this movie, anyway...
Lewis: Wait, that happens?
Ryan: Kind of...
Johnny: After the research I've done, she goes through a lot of shit...
Lewis: Oh, good! I'll laugh a lot then!
Johnny: And then you'll feel guilty.
Lewis: No I won't.
Lewis: (after Asuka's "death" scene) may notice I'm not laughing right now.

  • Bias Steamroller:
    • Nayrman has a huge grudge against EA and Nintendo.
    • Solaris to all 8-bit games.
    • Johnny towards anti-gravity & ice gimmicks in platformers, as well as deep underwater areas.
      • Although his hate of underwater areas is more of a childhood fear created by Ecco the Dolphin
    • Exand towards the Legend of Zelda for the NES and Gen 4.
      • He seems to have a grudge against the franchise in general.
  • Blatant Lies: In the Zelda 1 commentary, when Ted jump-cuts in front of dungeon 3, Matt claims that he got lost while Ted says that he was just stopping from a new recording. The reason why the other claim it to be a lie was because Ted already established that whenever he performs a jump-cut is when he's looking at the strategy guide.
  • Born Lucky: Nayrman has some incredible luck during the Mario 2 playthrough; some examples include killing an enemy by jumping under it and making a wall jump.
    • Let us not forget this little Gem from the battle against Asshat Oak

Nayrman: What's that? You're about to bring out your Hydregion that's ten levels higher than me and I only have my Samurott with Blizzard... oh what's that? Your attack misses... what's that? Blizzard hits for Super Effective + Critical Hit damage and I one shot you?

  • Brain Bleach: During the Arkham Asylum playthrough, Joker makes the quip about scaring Batman by revealing himself in a thong, and gained the appropriate reactions from Nayrman, Solaris, the viewers, and anybody who has played the game.
  • The Bus Came Back: After Lewis' computer crashed for the second time, Exand stepped in to replace him once again. Lampshaded in the Symphony of the Night playthrough.
  • Butt Monkey: Ted, if the Mega Man X 3 and The Legend of Zelda playthroughs are anything to go by.
  • Call Back:
    • During the Portal play-through, when Solaris pauses after dying, Ryan says "pausing won't save you". This is word for word what Johnny said to Ryan during the Lost Levels play-through.
      • And again during the Mario Kart 64 play-through, when Ted pauses after falling off a track, Ryan again says "pausing won't save you".
    • During a particular surreal dream scene in a train during the Eva 2.22 commentary, Solaris suggests that the G-Man is talking to Gordon Freeman in a nearby traincar. In the Final Fantasy VI commentary they did later, Solaris brings up the same point again for a ghost train, and Nayrman calls back to the former scene in response.
  • Can You Hear Me Now?: During part 4 of the Mega Man 6 playthrough, Ryan had a very hard time hearing Clement and Johnny due to choppy call reception. The trio then dubbed this as "Worst Part Ever" in the part itself while still retaining the title "Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you!"
  • Captain Obvious: Practically everyone; for example, Nayrman points out Maria's unfortunate concussion in the Rondo of Blood playthrough.
      • It seems to be his style of commentation.
    • During the Sonic 2006 playthrough, the crew constantly points out all of the areas in which the characters point out the obvious. This bashing lead to major laughs throughout the playthrough from both the commentators and the viewers.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Nayrman tends to do this, especially during the Scott Pilgrim vs. the World playthrough.
  • Catch Phrase: Nayrman has three of these... "Yaaay!", "Por Qua?!", and "Huzzah!" "You could just go" is starting to turn into Nayrman's 4th catchphrase. He also tends to say "I'm glad I paid for those child grabbing lessons" whenever any character is kidnapped or grabbed. It could be faster to say Nayrman adapts a new catchphrase per playthough. Ryan also has the tendency to exclaim the catchphrase "God Dammit!" whenever an opposing enemy AI does something extremely cheap to turn the tide in the computer's favor. (see: Pokemon Crystal Lance Battle)
  • Cluster F-Bomb: One could also argue that Nayrman's "Fuck you" is a catchphrase. He seems to be growing a potty mouth as of late.
    • Johnny is the most fouled mouth of the group.
    • It should be noted that the group can't go a single part without saying a curse word.
  • Cruelty Is the Only Option: If the Mega Man playthroughs are any indication; Nayrman's motto seems to be "If I have to suffer playing through this part of the game, you have to suffer watching it!" Cue the screams of Solaris and Johnny in the background.
  • Curse:
    • The |Sonic '06 playthrough has killed both Clement's (is fixed) and Solaris' (replaced) computers.
  • Companion Cube: All three members are totally infatuated with the Companion Cube in their Portal Playthrough. Solaris names it "Biffalo the Third", much to Johnny's confusion.
  • Deadpan Snarker: The crew resorts to this from time to time. It seems to be a favorite method of Solaris, though whether or not he's actually funny shall be left up to the individual watching.
  • Department of Redundancy Department:
    • Courtesy of Solaris, in Part 8 of the Mega Man 3 commentary.

Solaris: "If you die, I'm going to kill you!"

Solaris: "And of course the loops are automatic. Of course."

Solaris: "It's a glowing blue box. That glows."

  • Did Not Do the Research: Whenever they do a "random ramble" on a "Top 100" countdown list or anything similar, there are usually at least two among their number who have no idea what most of the games, shows, or movies on the list even are. They are, at least, cognizant of this fact.
    • Johnny admits that this was the reason he did not enjoy Majora's Mask at first.
    • During the entire Sonic Adventure playthrough, Ryan and Johnny think "It Doesn't Matter" was done by Crush 40, when it was actually done Tony Harnell with Jun on Guitar and Johnny (Crush 40's singer) writing part of the lyrics.
  • Discretion Shot: A preferred editing method of Johnny whenever he completely fucks something up, as in Sonic 4, for instance.
    • Averted with Ryan who rarely edits at all.
  • Don't Explain the Joke:
    • Nayrman has a bad habit of doing this.
    • And, as of the Mirrors Edge run, so does Typing Blank.
    • Add Solaris to the count.
  • Dull Surprise: Nayrman has a tendency to sound rather bland sometimes. He lampshades it by saying he needs the other 2 because "I'm boring".
  • Easy Mode Mockery: A case of Just for Pun, of course, but during the Mirror's Edge run of the game, Typing Blank calls out Nayrman for playing the game on easy difficulty.
  • Ear Worm: It may just be this troper, but Nayrman's invincible song may count as an in-universe example (he's still waiting for a full version):


  • Elephant in the Living Room: Averted by Johnny in the Portal Playthrough, when he mentions that a Possum is in his room and calls it to everybody's attention. This was also said in their commentary of Mega Man 4 when they made fun of this trope.
  • Epic Fail: Johnny's encounter with Storm Eagle during the Mega Man X playthrough. He didn't die during the fight, but to be taken down to an inch of his life by what's considered one of the easiest bosses in the Mega Man X series was fail enough to stand as an example of this trope.
    • Whenever a similar occurrence of Epic Fail occurs, the above example is referenced as a Running Gag by quoting the words "It's STORM EAGLE!"
    • Nayrman recently surpassed (or would it be sank lower than?) Johnny since he was killed by Toad Man.
    • Johnny getting shot and killed by Turrets through a portal in the Portal 2 commentary, Part 10.
    • FAILURE!!!
    • The multiple deaths in parts 1 and 2 of the Legend of Zelda playthrough, mostly due to Ted not being familiar with the game.
    • The soon to be infamous ExandShadow getting lost in front of Dungeon 3 in Legend of Zelda.
  • Fan Nickname: Because of the Pokemon Crystal playthrough, everybody refers to "Sonic and Shadowfan15" as "The Girl".
  • Five-Man Band:
  • Follow the Leader: This group is a self-proclaimed rip-off of Hellfire-Commentaries.
    • It's also possible that this very page is a rip-off of a certain other page.
    • Mentioned near the end of the Mega Man 4 playthrough, Johnny mentioned that both he and a friend of his wanted to make a drunken let's play, which has been done by Tipping Forties (ClementJ642 has also attempted a drunken Super Meat Boy run).
  • Fridge Logic: Lampshaded in the Pokemon Crystal commentary as they got confused why the people of Lavendar Town dig up Pokemon graves in the Pokemon Tower and turned said tower into a radio tower when they clearly had trouble in the town Ghost Pokemon because of disturbing the graves
  • Gender Bender: Behold Rule 63 Brain Scratch Comms. [dead link] The "boys" don't seem too happy about their predicament. "Joanna" being the only outright furious one. The rest just seem too embarrassed or generally annoyed to speak up about it. Manny/Amanda ("The Girl") seems to be enjoying the role reversal though, wanting to make the girls part of a harem... to which they immediately object.
  • Grammar Nazi: The sheer number of edits made by Solaris while he was tinkering with this wiki page... if wiki edits could kill, the world would have ended that night.
    • Solaris also displays his language-dictatorship ambitions during commentaries, as well. Such as that time during the F-Zero GX playthrough where he got on Johnny's case for saying "vampirish" instead of "vampiric." As it turns out Vampirish is a real word.
    • In the |Sonic '06 playthrough Solaris said "Fastly" instead of "Quickly" but no one called him out on it.
    • The intro crawl for the Sonic 4 playthrough (see the below example of "Incredibly Lame Pun") was redone many, many times as Solaris fussed over inconsequential grammatical aspects and wording issues. Nayrman finally snapped, refusing to do it again. To this day, Solaris swears his original text was funnier.
  • Groin Attack: How Ryan administers the coup de grace against Turbo Man in Mega Man 7
  • How About That Local Sports Team: A phrase used by Nayrman when having nothing to say during a playthrough, most notably F-Zero GX Although not mentioned enough to be a catchphrase, it is criticized by Solaris by stating he hates sports, and to shut up.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Nayrman. He criticizes Johnny for chickening out/ being a pussy when turning down the difficulty for one of his playthroughs, yet in his playthrough of Mirror's Edge, he puts the difficulty on the easiest setting. Lampshaded by Ted.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: At the insistence of Solaris, Nayrman included a Star Wars intro crawl in the first part of the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I commentary, titling the Episode, "The Fandom Menace."
    • Ted. You think it, he puns it. Johnny's at least rooting for him.
  • Indecipherable Lyrics: In part 4 of the Super Smash Bros playthrough, Ryan and Johnny sing along to the Brawl theme song in a "misheard lyrics" style. The lyrics are shown on screen when the song plays again at the end of the playthrough.
  • In Harm's Way: Johnny repeatedly states that he is reckless during the Mega Man X games; causing him to put himself in danger or close to getting killed a few times.
  • In Memoriam: Played for Laughs at the very beginning of the Mega Man X2 playthrough, both Johnny and Ryan praise on how amazing the Green Biker Dude is and are saddened by his early death, dedicating the first part's title in his honor.
  • Killed Off for Real: Pretzel Bag was eaten by Johnny during the Pokemon Crystal playthrough.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero:
    • During the No More Heroes playthrough, Nayrman displayed a bizarre and extremely pointless desire to activate every fire extinguisher in the building on his way to a certain boss and yet he disregarded the more useful wrestling masks.
    • Solaris is more practical--he's only a raging klepto when it comes to things you can actually collect, although they may still be completely pointless, as are the Silver Medals in Sonic the Hedgehog 2006... and he'll still probably have a compulsive urge to collect them and not quite be able to suppress it.
    • Johnny however states that he is the anti-klepto of the group as he completely ignores the Red Star Rings during the Sonic Generations playthrough, even if they were right next to him.
      • Which repeats itself in the Sonic 4: Episode II commentary.
    • The basic rule of thumb between the two: Nayrman collects useful things (Riddler trophies and Joker teeth), while Solaris collects pointless things (Extra lives and continues in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which has a save function).
    • Ted's reactions to Johnny ignoring expansions in Metroid Fusion show that he, too, is a klepto.
  • Ludicrous Speed: In order to get through the second Sky Chase subgame in Part 11 of the Sonic Adventure playthrough without having to jump cut, Johnny interrupts the in-game footage with Lord Dark Helmet shouting "Ludicrous Speed GO!" Johnny then speeds the video up around 300% and adds the plaid look directly from the movie.
    • According to Ryan, Lewis has never seen Spaceballs. However, during the actual reference sequence, Lewis quotes the movie. Whether this moment is left over idiocy from Ryan's Sonic and Tails run of Sonic 3 and Knuckles is unknown.
  • Limited Sound Effects: Behold the majestic and multi-talented Nayrman214 as he lends a much-need dose of ambiance to an epic showdown between Leon S. Kennedy and a squad of zombie cultists.
  • Madness Mantra:
    • Solaris nearly goes insane while watching an entire full-length part of Nayrman farming for Rush Jet energy in Mega Man 3, to the point where he had delusions of Drawing magic in Final Fantasy VIII.

Solaris: "Come on, Squall, you can do it, just thirty more Death spells until you're immune to Level 5 Death forever! Draw! Draaaaaaawwwwwww!!!"

    • This happens again during the No More Heroes 2 "parking lot" section, although the madness was not so severe.
    • And comes back in full force during the F-zero GX gameplay. Below is just a small sample:

Johnny: "Come and knock on our doorrr...Three's company too!

    • And again in the commentary for Mega Man 4, where Ryan is farming for energy drops when he thought he edited it out
    • During the Portal 2 Co-Op Commentary, during part 15, Johnny gets so bored out of his mind that he starts playing Sonic R music, the theme from Jeopardy and the Mii Channel Theme, trying to not go insane.
  • Man Child: Johnny admits this.
    • Pretty much the whole BrainScratch Crew.
  • Man With a Thousand Voices:
    • Out of the four commentators, Johnny has done the most imitations. From doing many accents and voices for characters in-game, or as a joke.

Nayrman: Isn't that right Mr. Invisible Pink Unicorn?
Johnny: (in a deep accent) Yes Ryan, you tell them motherfuckers!
Johnny: (using his normal voice) Mr. Unicorn, you can talk!?

    • Whenever someone makes a joke, he will proceed with a laugh dubbed as the Fonzie Laugh, even if they don't know who Fonzie is.
    • During the Pokemon Yellow playthrough when a Dragonite is sent out to battle in the Elite Four:

Johnny: (imitating Barney the Dinosaur) Oh, I'm gonna get gangsta up on these bitches! A stranger is only a friend you haven't met yet.
Johnny: (using his normal voice) What the hell are you teaching our kids?

    • His Big The Cat impersonations are spot on, and quite hilarious with the shit he comes up with.

Johnny: (As Big) Frogy! If this about that I shoved you up my ass, I was really drunk! Get back here you fucker!
Tails: Sonic Let's hurry, we need to find the Chaos Emeralds
Johnny: FUCK the Chaos Emeralds! I need to find Froggy!

    • He has sung parts of the Trololo song to the point that he does sound like, if not close to, Edward Khil.
  • Miles Gloriosus:
    • Mere inches away from losing his final life (and the points he'd amassed throughout the game), Nayrman cowardly hovers on the sidelines during the final boss battle of the multiplayer Turtles in Time Re-Shelled playthrough. He steals the last blow after all three other players wear the final boss down, celebrating his status as the designated winner.
    • Does it again on the Pokemon Crystal playthrough when he brags that he (Gastly) was the reason why they defeated Miltank.
  • Never Learned to Read: TypingBlank, unfortunately, as he repeatedly stumbles through reading these tropes during the special episode.
  • No Indoor Voice:
    • Spax during the SNES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time.
  • Obvious Beta: Something the crew takes advantage of with the Resident Evil 4 special episode.

Johnny: I hope they never fix this shit.

  • Off-Model: The trio points out instances during cutscenes in the Rondo of Blood commentary when the sprites don't look quite right.
  • Old Shame: Nayrman feels this way with the Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man 2 playthroughs.
    • It's Storm Eagle!
  • Oh, No, Not Again: During Ring Man's stage in Mega Man 4, Nayrman repeatedly runs back and forth across the gaps to recharge Mega Man's health meter or farm lives. The rest of the crew and guests end up moaning in despair, fearing a retread of his Mega Man 3 fiasco. Fortunately, he doesn't really grind that long. Now deliberately invoked as of the Mega Man 5 playthrough; we can now grow to expect this with every subsequent Mega Man playthrough.
  • Once an Episode: Solaris, Johnny, and Nayrman are all Sonic fans, and thus a shit ton of sonic references. After subscriber Metalhellspawn began keeping a count of how many Sonic references the team made per video, he stopped counting after some time, it unknown of how many references are made so far. Solaris began announcing Sonic references before and after making them in a vain attempt to add humor to his chronic inability not to associate anything and everything he possibly could with his beloved childhood hero.
  • One of Us: Nayrman and Johnny have frequently mentioned this very wiki in their videos, even listing some tropes by name. Solaris, on the other hand, never bothered to join the site until this page was made (see the above example of Grammar Nazi).
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Johnny's real name is Juan, but everyone (including his brother and Johnny himself) just call him Johnny.
  • Only Sane Man: Solaris seems firmly rooted in reality, as he constantly nitpicks or rants about anything in games that wouldn't make any logical sense in the real world.
  • Original Character: Junkles and Knuckers from Sonic 3CD & Knuckles & Knuckles
    • Pretzel Bag could also count for this, as well as the many incarnations of Biffalo.
  • The Perfectionist: Solaris, who tends to go after every ring he sees in both his Sonic 1 playthrough and during most of his recording of |Sonic '06. Seems to have lightened up during his Knuckles run of Sonic 3 and Knuckles (besides getting perfects in special stages and amassing extra lives and continues).
  • Poor Communication Kills: 90% of the entire reason for the deaths and frustrations in the Portal 2 Co-Op.
  • Power Trio: Ryan, Johnny, and Lewis, of course. But with Ted's promotion, they're more of a Four-Man Band now.
    • Sonicandshadowfan15 seems to be becoming The Chick, even though she isn't technically a permanent member.
  • Put on a Bus: Ted Lampshades this during the Tetris commentary, saying now that Lewis is back he does not need to be there.
  • Pungeon Master: Both Ted and ParanoiaSonik. Unlike the former, the latter makes some well timed puns in the Mega Man X3 commentary.
  • Running Gag:
    • Certain gags and themes show up repeatedly across a number of videos, such as Johnny's Old Shame, the team running the G.I. Joe mantra into the ground, or Solaris and his constant Sonic references.
    • someone pausing the game as they die leading another to say "pausing won't save you" see Call Back: above
    • An outburst of the word "NUCLEAR!" whenever there's a quibble about pronunciation.
    • Solaris and his arguments with some guy on the Sonic Retro forums comes up a lot.
    • "EAT A SNAKE!"
    • The legacy of Biffalo in all his/its incarnations
    • In the Symphony of The Night playthrough, whenever something doesn't make sense Johnny says it's ok cause "This castle is a creature of chaos, it may take many incarnations."
    • Ted adding Guile's Theme to Electrode battles in their Pokémon Commentaries with the Sonic Boom sound effect added when it uses said move.
    • Ted also adding Sonic's Final Smash shout from Super Smash Brothers Brawl almost every time the move Supersonic is used in the Pokemon Crystal Commentary.
    • Ted also naming the Pokemon he catches and intends to use during a Pokemon playthrough after various members of Brainscratch Commentaries.
      • it should be noted, that every time he does this, Johnny gets pissed off.

Johnny: You made ME a FUCKING YELLOW RAT?
Johnny: You made ME a FUCKING BUG?

    • Johnny bringing up that they canceled the Devil May Cry 4 playthrough during the Portal 2 Co-op while bored out of his mind.
  • Rule 34: An obvious joke that Solaris in particular exploits whenever possible. One example occurs during the Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels) commentary.

Solaris: "Let's see...furry porn, veggie porn, munitions porn, weather porn, and now...uh, fire porn?"
Johnny: "Wait, why fire porn? Who mentioned fire porn? How do you @#$% fire?!"

  • Rule 63: Thanks to Lewis playing Leaf Green as the female trainer, and subsequently naming her "Ashley" (A popular nickname for rule 63 Ash from the pokemon series), it was only a matter of time before this happened to the main crew themselves. (See: Gender Bender)
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: A Running Gag, mostly done by Nayrman in Resident Evil 4.
  • Schedule Slip: Due to issues with Solaris's PC blue screening some playthroughs were held back until the issue was fixed.
  • The Scrappy:
    • Invoked by Nayrman, who immediately referred to TypingBlank as such at the beginning of the Mirror's Edge commentary.
    • Nayrman became this to many during the Super Smash Brothers Brawl commentary due to his very questionable opinions of Nintendo and its franchises.
    • Solaris became this to a lot of anime fans when he said "I like Naruto more than Dragonball Z" in Final Fantasy 6

Nayrman: Can I punch you over the internet?!

  • Shipper on Deck: During an interview with Sonic Paradox, the crew found out that the viewers shipped Ted and Amanda, Ted and Lewis, Johnny and Lewis and Johnny and Ryan, being disturbed not only by the parings, but also by the fact that their fans were shipping real people.
    • During same interview, Johnny questioned why pairings in the internet are called ships, giving Solaris an interesting idea.

Solaris: From now on shipping will be known as boating, I boat Naruto/Hinata!"

  • Shout-Out:
    • Brental Floss, Hellfire Commentaries, Big Al, Clement, this list could go on.
    • And of course, the numerous Sonic references.
    • A shout-out to Junkles was made by Nayrman during the Sonic CD Playthrough (After a stutter of words by Solaris).
    • Ted and Johnny in Part 3 of the Metroid Fusion commentary mentioned two particular lines from the Dig Dug episode of Sonic for Hire

Ted: Now we can go rape that village!
Jonny: Yay, monster rape!

  • Sixth Ranger: ExandShadow has now Become the Official Fourth Member Of Brain Scratch Comms.
  • The Smurfette Principle: SonicandShadowfan15 is the only female member of the BSC crew.
    • Lampshaded in the Pokemon Crystal playthrough, where the last Pokémon captured, a Skarmory, is nicknamed "The Girl".
  • So, You Were Saying?:
    • Solaris makes a solid argument about Mario 64's power-ups being highly situational and gimmicky, only for Nayrman to completely ignore him by pointing out the goofy music (the theme played in the vanish cap cavern) played during his rant.
    • Again this happens when Solaris tries to explain about the CGI cutscenes involving the Xbox 360 port of Sonic Adventure, Johnny interrupts him remarking at how slow Dr. Robotnik is crashing down near Tails.
    • Also the name of this trope is also played straight and inverted in many playthroughs when they are recording many parts in a row, usually done by Solaris.

Solaris: As I was saying before the end of the last part.

  • Story Arc: In the Tails portion of the Sonic Adventure playthrough, during the flashback of Tails meeting Sonic for the first time in part 10. the gang quickly come up of a story of how Sonic had stolen a penny that he Tails himself found.

Nayrman: Angst, angst, oax, angst.
Solaris: Sadness, more angst. Oh, a penny. (Sonic then runs past in front of Tails)
Nayrman: And now it's gone.
Johnny: He took my penny, that was my penny! Hey! I'm Talking to you! I didn't think he heard me. I'm gonna chase that fucker. (Tails begins following Sonic smiling) My penny! Gimme back my penny! It was mine!
Solaris: I saw it first!!
Solaris: Sonic, your shoes are untied!
Nayrman and Solaris: I don't have shoelaces, you dipshit.
Johnny: (the flashback ends) We completely shitted on that flashback.

  • The Many Deaths of You: Ted gets his ass kicked hard at the Legend of Zelda.
  • Third Person Person: Almost every time he posts a channel comment with their joint YouTube account, Solaris forgets to sign his name as part of the comment. He then remembers, comes back, and adds an additional comment reading "...said Solaris" to clarify who posted the comment.
  • Unsound Effect: In the Castlevania: Rondo of Blood commentary, Johnny took the liberty of adding subtitles to the cutscenes. In the very first cutscene, when a woman screams after being sacrificed, the subtitles read "*women screaming*".
  • Watch It Stoned: Johnny's Painkillers he needed to take after a trip to the emergency room caused for some questionable content during the F-Zero GX playthrough. It is debatable, however, whether or not his commentary was the consequence of the painkillers or of his extreme boredom.
  • We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties: In part 4 of Sonic 4 Episode II, Ted's Skype screws up a lot ledding to him often not being able to finish his sentances several times.
    • This episode is appropriately titled "Ted Vs Skype."
  • We Want Our Jerk Back: A lot of the fans were missing Lewis from the commentaries after his computer crashed. Whether or not the random guest appearances were any better are interpretative, but he was sorely missed by the community.
    • And now after Solaris has vanished from Most of Crystal and both Mega Man 7/X3 this seems to be happening again.
  • Wham! Line: The reactions of Ryan, Clement, Ted and Paranoiasonik when Johnny said he preferred Mega Man X6 to X3.
  • What Could Have Been: The Super Mario 64 playthrough was going to be 100% but Nayrman deciding to homebrew his Wii stopped this from happening. There was also supposed to be a Devil May Cry 4 playthrough but because the crew had nothing interesting to say throughout the recording process, it was scrapped. A decision later regretted many times over during the Portal 2 Co-Op commentary.
  • You Suck: Nayrman says this whenever criticizing/making fun of someone, mostly Johnny.

"Well that was an anti-climactic ending...We can always click on Botchamania!"

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