Brental Floss

/wiki/Brental Flosscreator

Real name Brent Black, this guy, long story short, is the most prominent authority in the currently rising video game branch of the recent[when?] "With Lyrics" phenomenon.

While he started out doing piano renditions of Nintendo songs on YouTube, it wasn't until his "What if Mega Man 3...Had Lyrics?" video that he got his big break. After gaining a small cult following, he rose to further fame with deal to feature some of his videos on ScrewAttack. This landed him his very first concert and an album, "What if this CD...Had Lyrics?"

A self-themed web comic began in August[when?] in collaboration with Dan Roth and relatively well known illustrator Andrew Dobson.

Listen to his works here (or here), his first CD here, and the instrumental version of his CD here. He also has an official website.

What if this page...Had examples?:
  • Badass Beard: The man himself.
  • Badass Boast: The entire 'Castlevania with lyrics' song is this, sung from Simon Belmont's point of view.

Simon/Brentalfloss: Dracula/I am backula/To lay the smacula/Like great-grandpa Trevor

You're gonna die!/Bubbles! Bubbles!/I'll tell you why!/Bubbles! Bubbles!


  • Cluster F-Bomb: A staple of his discography.
  • Continuity Nod: Towards the end of the Star Fox Space Oddity video, Scrooge McDuck can be seen floating past in space, referring back to the DuckTales (1987) Moon Theme video.
  • Darker and Edgier: His Kirby song depicts Kirby as a monster who is going to eat every human being and steal their souls.
  • Did Not Do the Research: Averted with his videos, which clearly demonstrate he's played the games he sings about
    • Played straight in his "Top 10 overlooked NES themes" video, where he notes how purposes behind the MM4 robot masters seemed rather bizarre, like Skull Man being the "evil funeral home director" or Ring Man "the crappy magic tricks assistant" Except these two were built just to fight Mega Man, not with real world functions in mind.
    • Also played straight in his Mega Man videos, where many times he shows a picture of a different Mega Man than the one (the original) all of his Mega Man videos are about.
  • Godwin's Law: The "Kirby With Lyrics" video describes Kirby as anti-semitic, and shows a picture of Kirby dressed as Hitler.

"Kirby's anti-semitic,
and hungry as hell.
He likes kids who eat kosher the best."

"See, 3 was good,
and 4 was pretty good...
and 5 and 6 were okay
but 7 sucked big dinosaur balls!"

"Must restore peace! Must escape! Peace in the universe is once again restored...HOLYCRAPIMAGIRL!!!"

Fox: This is Fox McCloud to Star Fox team!
Hey, Falco, you're a douche!
And please, Peppy, for the love of God, retire!
As for Slippy, will you please die in a fire!? Immediately!

"That was fun, but now you're done.
You're out of luck because you suck.
You're not quite as good as everyone else who plays it.
Don't continue, just give in,
You silly boob, ya fuckin' noob,
Just turn off the power and cry yourself to sleep, you pussy."

The end, Mofos.

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