Black Lagoon/Characters
The Lagoon Company
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Brad Swaile (EN)
A former Japanese Salaryman, Rokuro "Rock" Okajima serves as the the Lagoon Company's negotiator and translator, and is the series' primary POV Character. Although the least physically dangerous member of the Company, Rock possesses the ability to negotiate with heavily-armed, insane, hyper-violent individuals, and not only get out of such negotiations alive, but even convince them to see things his way.
- Action Survivor: He's survived being caught in the middle of multiple gunfights, being kidnapped several times, a collapsing building, boat chases, car chases, assaults from various ultra-violent maniacs......and Revy.
- All Guys Want Bad Girls: A rare case where a kind, decent guy is after a violent and really dangerous female criminal, though Rock gets fed up with her attitude soon enough to make her think a bit.
- Anti-Hero: Type I-> Type III
- Anime Hair: He has a strange hairstyle that's spiky and unkempt on one side and straight and groomed on the other side.
- Possibly to reflect his being caught between the Dark and the Light.
- Badass
- Being Good Sucks: At the beginning of "The Wired Red Card", he complains of this because of being shot with a blank at the end of the previous arc after all his efforts to save everyone.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Revy.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension Lampshaded by Eda a lot, especially in Revy's face.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Easily the most decent and sympathetic human being in
the seriesRoanapur, and usually very polite and even-keeled... but just as dangerous as his crewmates, albeit in a different way. - Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey: In his old job, he got his ass kicked a lot by his bosses. He's shaken this off as he adjusts to his life as a pirate.
- Character Development: Growing from his first appearance as a sad sack into one who can survive among some pretty awful people; not necessarily a completely positive change.
- The Chessmaster: Shown in full flux during the end of the "Baile de la Muerte" arc.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Particularly in the Yakuza arc. And no, it doesn't end well.
- Corrupt the Cutie: Rock seems to be headed in this direction
- The Cynic: What he has irrefutably become by the recent chapters. Whereas the old Rock would have been moved by Fabiola's lingering idealism towards a morally-gray-world where justice and decency can exist if you want it to, the double-whammy of failing to save Hansel/Gretel AND Yukio from Balalaika's clutches has knocked that hope clean out of him. The only response he had instead is now a cold, apathetic, Revy-like snarl.
- Dude in Distress: Revy gripes about how Rock gets captured all the time, leading to a funny moment when Yukio abducts him towards the end of the Yakuza arc.
"Great! Now he's been kidnapped by a schoolgirl!"
- The Dulcinea Effect: Puts his ass on the line for Yukio, a girl he has only just met, and who proceeds to try and kill him. He probably did it because she reminded him of himself, though.
- Establishing Character Moment: The first time that Rock shows that he's not the timid weaksauce salaryman he appears to be is when Revy goes into a spiel about how Rock probably couldn't even begin to match her in a drinking game, only for him to flip his shit, call her bluff, and proceed to match her shot-for-shot in Bacardi (the challenge is then interrupted by grenades). The second time is when he shows us how to kill an attack helicopter with an obsolete torpedo boat.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He may have willingly chosen to become a pirate and run with very unsavory people doing very unsavory things, but dammit, he still has morals!
- Evil Makeover: Averted. He insists on keeping his typical white-collar suit from his Salaryman days instead of slipping into more comfy, action-oriented clothes. Considering that being in the Lagoon Company is his new job, he intends to treat it as such.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: His eyes were shown as fairly wide at the beginning of the series, when he was at his most inexperienced and idealistic, but over time, they have narrowed considerably, as he became more competent/cynical. It should be noted that this style of eye is used to denote such badasses as Revy, Roberta, Ginji, etc.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Guile Hero: Has to relay on his wits and negotiation abilities to survive. The result? He becomes a good guy who has nonetheless managed to successfully make Balalaika and Sister Yolanda back down. He's a serious candidate for magnificent bastard, should he become even more embittered.
- Heel Realization: Not quite, but the events in Tokyo forced him to realize what kind of life he's chosen.
- Fabiola gives him another, more serious one of these by shooting him in the gut with a blank and calling him out.
- I Choose to Stay: He could have gone anywhere, could have started another honest life somewhere else, but he chose to stay with the Lagoon Company, having taken a shine to the pirate lifestyle.
- Improvised Weapon: Although not usually a physical fighter, he did defend himself from a chainsaw-wielding goth girl using a metal shelf the one time, and then there's the above example where he trips Chaka up using spilled cleaning fluid and knocks the obnoxious prick out with a bowling pin.
- It Amused Me: His main reason for helping Garcia in the second Roberta arc, this causes Fabiola to give him a What the Hell, Hero?.
- Knight in Sour Armor: By the end of Season 2, Rock freely admits that justice is non-existent, and that morality is a sham, yet he still believes in helping people because it's his "hobby."
- The Messiah: Rock is about the closest thing the Black Lagoon universe has to The Messiah, but given the Crapsack World that he lives in, anything heroic or idealistic that he tries to do tends to go badly for him.
- As El Baile de la Muerte shows, he CAN save lives, but it almost seemed like the world only let him get away with it because he acted like a prick to do it.
- Morality Chain: To Revy. Starts more as a Morality Pet but, as their relationship thickens, he becomes this. Especially when she makes it very clear to him that she would never let anyone else talk to her the way he does or tolerate his naïveté from anybody else.
- To the point that when he goes Laughing Mad, gloating to himself over how Chang was wrong about the Gray Fox situation being unsalvagable, she seems to be given pause.
- Never Gets Drunk
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Sure!
- Naive Newcomer: Initially.
- Non-Action Guy: Most of the time, anyway.
- Papa Wolf: He really doesn't like children being mistreated/put in danger, as seen with Garcia, Gretel, and Yukio. Notably, when Yukio was abducted, he mounted a rescue, and seeing what her captors had done brought out his foulest language and drove him to actually assault the ringleader. And later, he risks his life by trying to persuade Balalaika to spare her.
- Precision F-Strike: He's easily the most polite and well-spoken cast member, so when he does swear, it means he's truly furious, such as when he has it out with Revy, or when he sees how Chaka and his gang have mistreated Yukio.
- "Hey! (Hits Chaka over the head with bowling pin) Fuck you!"
- During the climax of episode 2: "YOU GOT FUCKED!" Along with Flipping the Bird.
- Protagonist Journey to Villain
- Psychotic Smirk: Has been using it since chapter 72, which combined with the narrowed eyes has cemented his status as a badass. It was also used in his earlier moments of awesome, with Revy's drinking challenge, and with the takedown of the Extra Order chopper.
- Stranger in a Familiar Land: In the Yakuza arc.
- Sympathy for the Devil: For Hansel, and especially Gretel.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Talking the Monster to Death: Does this several times, most notably with Balalaika at the end of the final arc.
- Though she made it clear that she was still calling the shots.
- Technical Pacifist: Rock absolutely refuses to use firearms, and the furthest he has gone to inflict bodily harm was to assault Chaka with a bowling pin. He's still very dangerous in his own right, as he comes up with plans that almost always succeed at the cost of racking up huge body counts. After all, he's the one who came up with the idea to attach several blocks of Semtex to a speargun, fire it at a container ship blocking their way, and then detonate the explosives to both disable the ship and throw off their pursuers as well.
- Token Good Teammate: Of the Lagoon Company.
- Took a Level in Badass: Goes from a meek white collar to a badass Chessmaster as the series continues.
- The Unfavorite: The reason he hasn't contacted his family to let them know he's alive. He claims his distant relationship with his parents was because they preferred his older, more successful brother.
- Villain Protagonist
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: At least initially.
- Will They or Won't They?: He and Revy.
- Unless they already did. Eda thinks this may have happened while they were in Japan.
- Xanatos Gambit: formed one to stop Roberta's Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (JP), Maryke Hendrikse (EN)
A nihilistic Chinese-American gunwoman and the Lagoon Company's primary muscle. Known as "Two Hand," after her preferred style of shooting. Her first name is apparently "Rebecca", but nothing more is known of her past apart from the implication that it wasn't a happy one.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Subverted. She does hit and abuse Rock, even almost shoots him at one point, but it is never portrayed as normal or acceptable. Moreover, Rock eventually stands up for himself and succeeds in convincing her that there are other ways to solve her issues than her guns. She feels ashamed after this confrontation and mostly stops abusing him after that.
- All Amazons Want Hercules: Averted; this particular Amazon prefers Odysseus.
- Chinese American Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Ax Crazy: During the events of the Nazi arc, Revy went on a quite psychotic killing spree, and in the manga, she didn't even spare the noncombatants. Dutch called her on this, telling her he didn't remember hiring "Charles fucking Whitman."
- Badass: She's the poster
girlwoman and one of the two primary characters for a series full of 'em. - Bare Your Midriff: Her default attire.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Rock
- Tsundere: Very heavy on the tsuntsun, and has even tried to shoot Rock several times.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension
- Berserk Button: Revy has a Hair-Trigger Temper and gets pissed off at pretty much everything but later on, she develops one of these about Rock. Do NOT mess with him around her if you value your life.
- Boobs of Steel
- Blood Knight
- Break the Cutie: You just know that Revy went through something like this during her childhood.
- How about the time she told Rock about her Fridge Horror of the world they are living.
- Broken Bird
- Brooklyn Rage
- Brown Eyes
- Byronic Hero
- Character Development: Or "watching a monster-like Dark Action Girl learning to care by spending time with a decent human being".
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Celibate Villain Protagonist: Despite being Ms. Fanservice, so far, she hasn't been shown to have any sex life to speak of. At one point Eda lampshades this by teasing her about it, "When it comes to you and men..." Makes more sense once we find out in the OVA that she was raped by a police officer when she was a teenager. Of course, another more present reason is her growing relationship with Rock. Him aside, the only other men she shows any real interest in are all for non-sexual/non-romantic reasons; usually ones whom she hopes to fight aside/kill with, or ones whom she hopes to fight/kill.
- Clingy Jealous Girl/Green-Eyed Monster: Although she'd more than likely deny it, she does not like other women trying to make a move on Rock. For example, she always responds aggressively to Eda's flirting with him, and at the time when Jane taunted her about thinking of ringing Rock into an orgy, Revy threatened her to stay away from Rock, or she would show her just what she got up to with her female partners in prison... why she was so good with that they could never go back to anyone else.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Revy is the primary contributor to the high volume of F-bombs dropped in the series proper.
- Cute and Psycho: At her most Ax Crazy, she has some shades of this.
- The Cynic
- Dark Action Girl: To the extreme. Were it not for Dutch and Rock coupled with Character Development, she could easily go on a killing spree and murder as many people as possible For the Evulz.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Apparently killed her first man while underage, and was raped by a corrupt cop once. She's still got outstanding warrants in New York.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Whether she likes it or not, Rock's decency and kindness IS beginning to rub off onto her personality.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: For Revy, they're a sign that she has gone into psychopathic Whitman Fever mode, and is incredibly dangerous to be around.
- Drives Like Crazy: The one time we see her driving, you'd think the only way she ever learned to turn corners is to drift.
- In the final episode of season two, she hijacks a truck and just like the above example, Drove recklessly. Though it's justified in this case.
- Even Evil Has Standards: In the Tokyo arc, she expresses her disgust at Chaka shooting his own men in the back.
"Wow. You shot your own subordinates. Despicable to the end."
- Eyes of Gold
- Fingerless Gloves
- For the Evulz: Why she kills, basically. Dutch tries to keep her from killing everyone she comes across.
- The Gunslinger: Type C.
- Guns Akimbo: Revy's weapons of choice are two custom-modified Berettas, and her skill in using them has earned her the name "Two Hands."
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Good Lord, what doesn't piss her off?
- Hollywood Atheist: Revy gave up on God when she was young, a product of growing up on the harsh and unforgiving streets.
- Hot Amazon
- I Call It Vera: Variation; she calls her guns "cutlasses" after their moniker, the "Sword Cutlass Special 9mm".
- Jerkass: Particularly towards Rock at the beginning of the series, until he stood up to her and chewed her out. She's mellowed since then, but it's important to remember she's still not a particularly nice person...
- Killing Mid Sentence
- The Ladette: Revy is more macho than a lot of men, even when she's wearing a skirt.
- The Lancer/The Dragon: To Dutch
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: She fits the storyline role, but is more violent/crazy/sociopathic/rebellious than most examples of this trope.
- Miser Advisor
- Ms. Fanservice: Oh, yeah.
- Mood Swinger: Her set of attitudes: sullen, Nietzsche-ing, cocky, pleased, foaming-at-the-mouth-furious, and calm. The last is by far the scariest.
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Noble Demon
- Not a Morning Person: Apparently, though her drinking habits may have something to do with it.
- Out of the Inferno
- Pet the Dog: She once showed a group of kids what gunplay is really about - using their popguns. We even get a Luminescent Blush after she sees Rock was watching!
- Near the end of that story arc, she shows them again...using her guns. Don't worry, she just shoots some cans up. Even she isn't that cruel.
- Pirate Girl
- Playing Against Type: Megumi Toyoguchi aka Winry Rockbell Wha...?
- Even better, the English dub is voiced by Bubbles (no, not Tara Strong, the other one, Maryke Hendrikse).
- AKA Susan Test.
- and Gilda. Good Lord. Revy is an R-rated Gilda!
- Even better, the English dub is voiced by Bubbles (no, not Tara Strong, the other one, Maryke Hendrikse).
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Say hi to the Fuhrer for me."
- Rape as Backstory: In the El Baile De La Muerte OVA, it's revealed that Revy was raped as well as beaten by a police officer during her days as a teenage street punk.
- Satisfied Street Rat: ...Not that it didn't leave her fucked in the head, to put it mildly.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Revy looks good in her "city clothes" when she travels with Rock to Tokyo.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man Even if she hasn't acknowledged in as many words that she's attracted to Rock, the signs are there.
- Lady Swears-A-Lot: By far the most foul-mouthed character on the show.
- Situational Sexuality/Prison Rape: When she was in prison, she apparently was so good that her partners could never go back to anyone else, and she was definitely the aggressor! She even threatened to show off her stuff to Jane.
- Slasher Smile: Revy often displays these when she gets into a gunfight. And other times as well...
- Sociopathic Hero
- Spell My Name with an "S": In some fan-translations she became "Levy" before her real first name was revealed.
- Stripperific
- Super-Powered Evil Side: The only way to explain how Revy managed to match Roberta during their fight in Rasta Blasta, in light of what Roberta is capable of during El Baile de la Muerte. Either that, or Roberta was holding back. A lot.
- Talk To The Gun
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tattooed Crook: Revy has a quite prominent tribal tattoo on her shoulder.
- Tranquil Fury: Revy's "Whitman Fever," which is more a relapse of Ax Crazy than actual anger. When Revy starts to look like she's sleep-deprived and stops yelling and swearing, there will be blood and there will be lots of it. Revy's eyelids lower and she occasionally smiles slightly whenever she goes into such states.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Trigger Happy: Very much this.
- Vapor Wear: Partially averted, her panties are visible at all times cause she never zips up her shorts. But her bouncing, and other clues imply she doesn't wear a bra. When we see her room it's shown that she just hangs it on the lamp in her room, thus giving us a literal example of Lampshade Hanging. She definitely wasn't wearing one when she hid those documents for the CIA in her top. One of the agents even complains about them being all sweaty...
- Villain Protagonist
- Violently Protective Girlfriend
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Eda.
- When She Smiles: One of the major signs of the effect Rock has had on her. Very rarely is that Revy smiles without it meaning something else, so getting her to smile earnestly is a major accomplishment. Most notable during the Japan arc; when Revy notices Rock watching her play with a group of young kids (in her own unique way), where she not only smiles, she blushes.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: She does!
- Will They or Won't They?: Her and Rock.
- Women Are Wiser: Inverted and justified. Rock is morally superior to her but her lack of morals stems from a horrific and unstable childhood.
- Worthy Opponent: Ginji is this to her.
- Would Hurt a Child: She usually has to be provoked into it, but Revy isn't above hurting or even killing kids. As Dutch says when he's ordering Rock to take over watching Garcia from a pissed-off Revy at the beginning of the first Roberta arc, "not a lot of maternal instinct there."
- Yandere: Revy gets pretty creepy when Jane considers seducing Rock.
- You Gotta Have Burgundy Hair: A rare shade, even in Anime.
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP), Brian Drummond (EN)
An American computer hacker who acts as the Lagoon Company's communications officer and radio operator.
- Affably Evil: Though definitely less evil than most in the series.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Creed: "Fuck the Nazis" is a family motto, apparently.
- He is Jewish, after all, even though there is probably not much Kosher left in him seeing his line of work.
- He could be of the Reform sect.
- Badass Long Hair
- Blond Guys Are Evil <-> Hair of Gold: Swings between the two. He is a pirate and has no moral compunctions about it but he is among the least actively malevolent of the lot, seeing that even his girlfriend is more active than him in that matter.
- The Cynic: Benny has no illusions whatsoever about the evils he ignores on a daily basis. He hasn't got Revy's materialistic nihilism, but he's about as cynical as Dutch.
"What do you expect to happen to her? Get cured? Go to school, be happy and make friends? It will never happen and that's just how reality is."
- Deadpan Snarker: Loves to gibe at his pals.
- Green Eyes
- Informed Judaism: Only ever mentioned during their encounter with the Neo-Nazis but he drinks alcohol, smokes, delves into cyber-piracy and isn't seen giving much shit about his religion otherwise. Justified in that him being a pirate is either the reason or the consequence of him disregarding the religion's teachings.
- Megane
- Mission Control
- Nerd Glasses
- Nice Jewish Boy: Completely, utterly subverted. Sure he's brainy and usually nicer than the rest of the cast. But that's it. As noted above, he's just as morally dubious as his buddies and is completely desensitized about death, killing and any other pleasantries Roanapoor has to offer.
- Non-Action Guy
- Only Sane Man: Probably this, considering his crewmates.
- Perma-Stubble
- Playful Hacker: And his mad skills even score him a girl.
- Straight Man: Gives Rock occasional Hannibal Lectures on what he needs to accept about the life he chose. Also see: The Cynic.
- Villain Protagonist
Voiced by: Tsutomu Isobe (JP), Dean Redman (EN)
A laconic African-American swiftboat veteran; the leader of the Lagoon Company and the captain of the Black Lagoon.
- Affably Evil: He's the leader of a group of pirates who'll get the job done no matter what it'll take. He's also one of the most sane people of the cast. See Benevolent Boss and Cool Old Guy.
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Bald of Awesome
- Bald of Evil
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Badass
- Badass Driver: At one point he drives the Lagoon at full speed at a wrecked freighter to use it as a ramp in order to get airborne and shoot a torpedo at a helicopter. Christ.
- Granted, it was Rock's idea, but Dutch deserves kudos for actually pulling it off.
- Beard of Evil: Has a mean goatee.
- Benevolent Boss: He's got pretty good HR skills, and know how to look after his employees well.
- The Captain
- The Comically Serious: "Amen, Hallelujah, and Peanut Butter..."
- Cool Shades
- Cool Old Guy: Dutch is, in the very least, in his fifties.
- Except maybe not...
- Cultured Badass: He even quotes La Rochefoucauld and Marx at Revy and Rock when they complain about work.
- The Cynic
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gangsta Style: He does this with a shotgun in episode 6, though only for his first shot.
- Genius Bruiser
- Mysterious Past: Major Caxton says that Dutch's story about being a Vietnam vet is a lie because he claimed to be part of an offensive while in a unit that didn't take part in it, and he didn't understand basic military lingo that a 'Nam vet would have known. His actual past (or if Caxton was even right) is still unknown.
- Pragmatic Villainy: Does not like his employees (read:Revy) running off Ax Crazy and shooting Innocent Bystanders instead of sticking to the plan.
- Punch Clock Villain: Sure, he deals in slaves and drugs and illegal firearms that are used for gods know what, but it's just business.
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Scary Black Man: Not so much. Unless you're a Nazi.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Episode 3.
- Slasher Smile: He displays these from time to time.
- Sunglasses at Night: He hasn't been seen once without them.
- The Stoic: The only moment he gets pissed is when he comes back to discover his warehouse in flames during the Greenback Jane arc, and even then not so much.
- Even when Roberta grabs his arm and - effortlessly - starts to pull him out through the window of a moving car, he doesn't panic.
- The Vietnam War: Claims to be a Vietnam veteran. As it turns out, that may not be entirely true, if at all.
- Villain Protagonist
- Warrior Poet
And of course for all four, Smoking Is Cool.
Hotel Moscow
Voiced by: Mami Koyama (JP), Patricia Drake (EN)
A former Soviet VDV special forces commander turned mafia queen; member (along with Mr. Chang and two others) of the four-person commission that regulates crime in Roanapur. Her real name is Sofiya Irininskaya Pavlovena.
- Affably Evil
- All Women Are Lustful: Averted hard.
- A Mother To Her Men
- Asexuality: Even though she can get flirtatious with guys like Rock or, more seriously, Mr. Chang, she finds sex boring and uninteresting, and has no real sex life to speak of. There's also her completely bored-to-death look when she edits porn videos.[1]
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass
- Badass Army: The Vysotniki, who were all former Soviet commandos with the Spetsnaz and the VDV and they all had combat experience in Afghanistan against the Mujaheddin.
- Badass Greatcoat: Her officer outfit from her army days.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: Quotes an 80's song while delivering one of her most brutal The Reason You Suck Speeches.
- The Baroness: Do NOT get on her bad side if you value your life. Trust us on this one.
- Beauty Mark
- Berserk Button: One of the surest ways to get on Balalaika's bad side is to torture or kill any of her men.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blood Knight: According to Revy she'd rather give up sex than pass up a chance to wage war.
- In the light novel, she welcomed an old subordinate who'd found himself on the opposite side refusing the olive branch because it meant that he, like herself, meant to continue fighting to the bitter end.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: In the anime, we see her as an innocent young girl who wanted to join the Olympic sniping team. Until the Afghan War happened and she got completely trashed.
- Broken Bird
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Fujiama Gangsta Paradise. Full stop. The head of Washimine clan attempted to do this at first because Balalaika was obviously going overboard, providing a very undesirable sort of help.
- Cool Big Sis: To Revy, anyway, who even refers to her as "Anego" which means "Sister". Though Revy isn't above calling Balalaika a bitch when she pulls a gun on Rock or has her men shoot Revy and Shenhua in the arms.
- Dark Action Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Seeker: Balalaika confesses to Chang that her driving motivation is to "meet that one fated person in that one fated battle" and die remembering who she once was.
- Dissonant Serenity
- Evil Laugh / Laughing Mad: Her reaction to Rock trying to talk her down near the end of the Yakuza arc. If she ever seemed sane and reasonable before, here you find out the opposite...
- Eviler Than Thou: Her confrontation with Hansel.
- And later the Yakuza, especially Yukio.
- In the light novel, she out-eviled Mr. Chang of all people, laughing in his face when he offered to take out her rebellious subordinate so she wouldn't have to kill one of her own.
- Femme Fatalons
- Former Regime Personnel
- Good Looking Kapitan
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Balalaika has a large part of one side of her face scarred, a result of the war. She's sometimes called "Fry Face" because of it.
- As she still manages to look attractive regardless.
- The first time you see her arms in Chapter 64...Jesus.
- And the swimsuit special by the author/artist shows that it's actually most of her torso (assuming the doujin is canon).
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Mami Koyama aka Kei aka Ophicus Shaina aka Esmeraude aka Princess Kycilia Zabi aka Captain Talia Gladys aka Arale Norimaki aka Lunch.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Lady of War
- Lzherusskie: the name "Sofiya Irininskaya Pavlovena" is a typical case of klukva. The order of names is totally wrong (should be "Sofiya Pavlovna Irininskaya"), and the last name sounds really fake to this Russian troper.
- The Mafiya: Unlike most other women pertaining to a Mafia-like organization, she's in charge instead of being just a regular Mafia Princess. As said above, if anything, she's more of a Mafia Queen. She's too experienced and too powerful to be a "princess".
- Mama Bear: You hurt her subordinates, you will be dead soon. And. VERY. Messily. Hansel and Gretel didn't pay attention to this, so...
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: A balalaika is a type of stringed instrument, but it's also Russian military slang for a Dragunov sniper rifle (which Balalaika used during the Soviet-Afghan War).
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Pet the Dog: Many, mostly concerning her relation with both her henchmen and Lagoon Company.
- Particularly, the smile she gives to Rock at the end of the Yakuza arc, which is one of the few times she gives an actual, honest smile instead of Technically a Smile.
- The revelation of why she was discharged, mainly, due to an international incident when she was photographed by media somewhere her unit shouldn't have officially been, is a pet the dog moment for her since the reason she got photographed was because she went out of her way to save a child.
- Power Hair: Subverted. She is powerful, Badass, feared and a decent strategist but she has the long, flowing, slightly wavy tresses usually worn by weak and fragile Distressed Damsels.
- Pre Ass Kicking One Liners: Nice commie ones like "Comrades, raise your fists!" or "Cock your hammers!"
- Psychotic Smirk
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Mr. Chang's Blue.
- Scars Are Forever: Justified, given their severity.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Done to Hansel, with a sniper rifle.
- Slasher Smile: When she's enjoying herself
- Smoking Is Cool: Usually has a nice big cigar on hand. Also smokes Parliaments from time to time.
- The Stoic: Keeps her cool even as Hansel tells her how one of her men died an agonizing death, screaming out to her.
- The Strategist: She's the brains of her personal army.
- Technically a Smile: (Provides the page picture). If Balalaika ever smiles at you, it's recommended that you make sure your last will and testament is up to date.
- Tranquil Fury: Even when she's in the depths of teeth-gnashing, blood-boiling rage, Balalaika tends to speak like a patient mother scolding her children. She raises her voice in anger exactly twice. Both times are among the tensest points in the series.
- Ubermensch
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: This is Balalaika at age 9.
- Villain Protagonist
- Warrior Poet
- Would Hurt a Child: Zig-zagged. Like Mr. Chang, under certain circumstances she no compunctions about hurting children physically and very violently. Even though she did not do it directly, Hansel and Gretel got no special treatment for being children, and the fact that they killed some of her men no doubt helped, and it's heavily implied that she would have done it herself if given a chance. And in the anime, a flashback to the Afghan War shows her shifting her sniper fire away from a child running towards its mother, but presumably she'd have no qualms about killing a Child Soldier, and does mention that her men had to fight some in Afghanistan.
- Why We're Bummed Communism Fell
Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (JP), Mark Acheson (EN)
Balalaika's former platoon sergeant during the Soviet-Afghan war, Boris is utterly loyal and devoted to her and is almost always at his Kapitan's side.
- Bishounen: According to one of the omakes, he used to be an incredibly scrawny, girlish-looking boy (the Shout-Out to Rose of Versailles was very obvious), so to fix this, he joined the Army and took 20 levels in badass.
- Even more hilarious is that everyone, even Balalaika, told him he was an idiot for doing such a thing.
- The Dragon: We can safely assume he is this to Balalaika, despite not having seen him do much so far.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Admits to Balalaika that taking out Hansel's leg and hand with a sniper rifle and letting him slowly bleed to death gave him the chills. Though he may have been talking about how he was letting one of the only people to kill a member of the Vysotniki in-series within twenty feet of her.
- Former Regime Personnel
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The large scar across his face is his most distinguishing feature.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Mark Acheson AKA Unicron.
- Mauve Shirt
- Sergeant Rock: The fact that she addresses him as "sergeant" rather than by name suggests that he's her former platoon sergeant.
- The Stoic: Very much so.
- The Mafiya
Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP), Richard Newman (EN)
Member of the Vysotniki
- Friendly Target: Pretty much the reason he was introduced. Although his death doesn't seem like it was intended to make the audience sad, just horrified.
- Human Pincushion: Remember that mention of horrifying? The other reason he was introduced was part of being a demonstration on how insane Hansel and Gretel are.
He is a corporal and member of the Vysotniki.
- Friendly Target: Pretty much the reason he was introduced. Seriously, he didn't even survive the episode he was introduced in. Although his death doesn't seem like it was intended to make the audience sad.
Kan Yi Fan Triad
Mr. Chang
Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Trevor Devall (EN)
A former police officer with the Royal Hong Kong Police turned Triad leader; currently engaged in an friendly competition with Balalaika over control of the Roanapur underworld.
- Affably Evil: Starts out as this, but reveals himself as Faux Affably Evil later on.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass: Revy calls him "sir" which should instantly tell you he's the most baddest guy in a town full of them. (It's obvious that Revy wants to be a cool, rich and powerful Triad boss just like Chang when she grows up.)
- Back-to-Back Badasses: He and Revy make an awesome version of this - See the terrorist arc.
- Badass Longcoat
- Cool Shades: Considering his character design is based on Chow Yun-Fat, this pretty much comes with the territory.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Of the untied variety, hanging around the collar of his coat.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Apathetically and matter-of-factually talks about his absolute lack of compassion for the sexually-abused Ax Crazy children Hansel and Gretel because he is a black-hearted cynical scumbag and is completely comfortable with that fact, not to mention that they killed some of his men. This is the defining difference from the kind-and-honorable Papa Wolf gangsters played by Chow Yun-Fat that he is based upon.
- The Chessmaster: The one who commissioned Rock to see through to ending Roberta's rampage.
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Chang looks suspiciously like Chow Yun-Fat.
- See John Woo entry below. Mr. Chang was a Hong Kong police detective at one time, before he went over to the Triads.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Laugh: Gives one after Rock calls him out for what he is.
- Mr. Fanservice: Without his glasses, he is very handsome.
- Guns Akimbo: So does this (See Cool Shades). Unlike Chow Yun-Fat's characters, Chang's Weapons Of Choice are two Beretta 76s. He also uses a pair of AMT Hardballer Longslides borrowed from his subordinates.
- Identical Stranger: The light novel mentions offhand that when he visited Beijing, he was mistaken for a celebrity. Wonder who that could have been?
- Nerves of Steel: Normally cheerful and emotive, this guy is also capable of being completely calm during a massive shootout. The only time he lost his cool was when Eda told him he was an insect compared to the might of the United States.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: The already mentioned Chow Yun-Fat.
- Only Sane Man: Generally acts as a voice of reason towards the other local crimelords, particularly Balalaika.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Balalaika's Red.
- Slasher Smile: Rarely done, but has one or two of these on occasion, usually accompanied by a cigarette between his teeth.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Triads and the Tongs: Mr. Chang is a Pak Tsz Sin (a high ranking officer) of the Kan Yi Fan, a fictional Triad based in Hong Kong.
Voiced by: Yuko Sasaki (JP), Saffron Henderson (EN)
A Taiwanese assassin in the employ of Mr. Chang. She prefers to use various edged weapons in close combat, in particular a pair of kukri knives linked together with a length of leather rope at the handles, thus using them as modified rope darts. She is also skilled in the use of throwing knives.
- Affably Evil: Quite cheery most of the time, whether she's skewering hapless Mooks, or delivering an unfortunate man in a suitcase to be chopped up by a goth with a chainsaw. She and Revy even have a (relatively) friendly conversation whilst trying to kill each other.
- Anime Chinese Girl
- Ax Crazy
- Badass
- Dark Action Girl
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Wears long stiletto heels on purpose to keep her edge in an environment where almost nobody knows martial arts. When she gets serious, they come off.
- I Sound Like A Retard In Chinglish
"My English not good because I am pure Taiwanese. Maybe you like me to skin your ass, bitch?"
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
- Knife Nut: She's as good with the knives as Revy is with the guns.
- Kukris Are Kool
- Lady of War: She's damn graceful with those kukris and kunai.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Very easy to underestimate given her ridiculous Engrish. You'll regret laughing though when her knife comes out.
- Power Trio: She forms one with Rotton and Sawyer. They even live together now!
- Qipao
- She's Got Legs: And that dress shows off every inch.
Ripoff Church / Church of Violence
Voiced by: Jun Karasawa (JP), Lisa Ann Beley (EN)
An easy-going, sunglasses-wearing nun with the so-called Church Of Violence. Revy's confidante and only friend. Also an undercover agent for the CIA.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Anyone who puts a bullet in the church had better damn well be prepared to go to war. She doesn't appreciate apprentice priest Rico calling her "sis," either.
"That's SISTER to you, jackass!"
- Blue Eyes
- Bottle Fairy
- Cluster F-Bomb (Second to Revy in that department.)
- The Cheerleader: When de-aged in the omakes.
- Cool Big Sis: To Rico apparently.
- Cool Shades (She always wears them - the few times we see her without them, she's either in disguise or otherwise acting officially as a field officer, versus the normal 'undercover' role.)
- Dark Action Girl
- Gainax Bounce: There is no way in hell that she wears a bra whilst in her civvies.
- Miser Advisor: Even more so than Revy.
- Ms. Fanservice: Just look at her when she's wearing her "street clothes"... or maybe even still in her nun's habit.
- More Dakka: Oh so very much!
- Naughty Nuns: Or is it? The ending of the Greenback arc and her role in the El Baile De La Muerte arc indicate that what we see of Eda is mainly a front.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: You'll see her coming anyway, unless she's really serious.
- Nun-Too-Holy: She's the trope image. Nuff said, really.
- Shipper on Deck: She seems to have taken an interest in Rock/Revy.
- When she's not hitting on Rock herself... which could be an act, and if it is, it's a damn good one.
- Stripperific: When not wearing her nun outfit.
- The Sunglasses Come Off: Any time Eda takes her sunglasses off, she becomes ice-cold and dead serious. And it's scary how much of a change it is.
- The Tease: She frequently comes on very heavily to Rock, much to his embarrassment and Revy's annoyance. As if the poor guy didn't have enough stress in his life...
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: "That's SISTER to you, jackass!"
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Revy
- Weapon of Choice: A Glock 17L.
Ricardo aka Rico.
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (JP), Simon Hill (EN)
Eda's assistant and a newcomer in the Church Of Violence, who makes his debut in the "Greenback Jane" arc.
- More Dakka: His weapons of choice is an M60 Machine Gun.
- Naive Newcomer: In the Greenback Jane arc.
- Running Gag: "That's SISTER to you, jackass!"
- Sexy Priest: In a sort-of cute, laid-back way.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Or green, in his case.
Sister Yolanda
Voiced by: Akiko Takeguchi (JP), Shirley Millner (EN)
Leader of the Church of Violence. Very likely has a background in intelligence herself, as she is fully aware of Eda's status, and acts as an informant/confidante to her.
- Affably Evil: Seems like just a benevolent, soft spoken elderly lady, aside from the eyepatch. And, you know, the weapons dealing and the drug smuggling.
- Church Militant/Corrupt Church
- Cool Old Lady: Wouldn't it be awesome if your grandma was more like this?
- Eyepatch of Power
- Hand Cannon: A gold-plated and engraved Desert Eagle to be exact. And this 70-year-old lady can fire it with one hand.
- I Was Quite a Looker: God DAMN.
- Lady of War: Very cultured and very well versed in the Bible. Mixes this rather well with being able to blow your shit up with a gold plated Desert Eagle.
- Never Mess with Granny: Especially not when she's firing a freakin' Desert Eagle one-handed.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: You had BETTER believe it.
The Lovelace Household
Voiced by: Michie Tomizawa (JP), Tabitha St. Germain (EN)
A maid who worked for four years at the Lovelace household in Venezuela. Although her domestic skills such as cleaning and cooking were somewhat lacking, she developed a close friendship with the young son of the Lovelace family, Garcia. Roberta was once known as Rosarita Cisneros, a former FARC guerrilla trained as an assassin in Cuba and an internationally wanted criminal. She was taken in by the Lovelaces to clear a debt of honor between Roberta's father and the head of the family, who then became her master.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV --> Type V (El Baile De La Muerte)
- Anti-Hero Antagonist: In her first appearance,she was trying to retrieve Garcia from his kidnappers, (which were the protagonists)...and is utterly unstoppable in her pursuit
- The Atoner: Tried to be a good person by being a loyal servant and a mother/sister of sorts to Garcia... sadly, all that went out the window with the murder of her master/Garcia's dad.
- Ax Crazy: During "El Baile De La Muerte", Roberta not only falls into this state, but takes it Up to Eleven.
- Badass: The merest mention that "The Maid" is back in town is enough to set everyone on edge, because the only thing it could mean is trouble.
- Badass Bandolier
- Badass Creed: "In the name of Santa Maria, a hammer blow of righteousness to all injustice."
- Badass Adorable: With VERY heavy on the badass part but still, when you see that kind-hearted side of her, you really can't help but want to take her home with you.
- Braids of Action
- Briefcase Blaster: Used one in her initial appearance.
- Byronic Hero
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Probably the most Egregious case in the series.
- Composite Character: A combined Expy of El Mariachi, The T-1000 and Mary Poppins, or as the author calls her, "Death Poppins."
- Crazy Prepared: Let's see, she shows up in Roanapur with an umbrella made of Kevlar that has a built in shotgun, a suitcase made of the same with a built in machine gun and rocket launcher, and she hides enough grenades to demolish an entire building in her maid's skirt. And then there's what's inside her suitcase besides all that. If this isn't a prime example of this trope I don't know what is.
- Cry Cute: The adorably sad eyes she looked at Garcia with when she hung off the edge of Dutch's car. Aww, can I take her home with me?
- Curb Stomp Battle: She catches one of Shenhua's kukris in her teeth, uses it to block the other kukri (with it still in her teeth), then shatters it right in Shenhua's face (again with her teeth). When Sawyer steps in, Roberta jams the chain and snaps the blade with the trigger guards of her Colts. And when it's Rotton's turn? She gives him the boot.
- Dark Action Girl: Fits both the "dark" and the "action" parts with emphasis.
- Determinator: To the point where the crew of the Lagoon repeatedly jokes that she could be the T-1000. All jokes stop when she starts climbing up the back of their car with a pair of trench knives. After catching up to them on foot at a dead run. What makes it awesome is that she's even imitating Robert Patrick's "knife hand" sprinter's run.
- Take a look at Roberta's Blood Trail under Nigh Invulnerable, just being able to MOVE under that condition guarantees this trope.
- Distaff Counterpart: A morally questionable, astonishingly competent assassin disguised as a household servant? Sounds a little like Roberto...
- Fan Nickname: Maidinator.
- Get A Hold Of Yourself, Head Maid!
- Guns Akimbo: Amongst her weapons are a pair of Sistema Colt Modelo 1927s, which she wields against Revy's Cutlasses. And later, she adds drum clips to them.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: None other than Michie Tomizawa or Tabitha St Germain.
- Hot Amazon: Garcia certainly thinks so!
- Hypocritical Humor: "I have no need for filthy language." During her fistfight with Revy, "STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!"
- Implacable Woman: Rock makes a joke on how she's like the Terminator. Turns out it couldn't be closer to the truth.
- Lightning Bruiser: She's got impressive foot speed and is WAY stronger than she looks.
- Mama Bear: You look at Garcia wrong, you're deader than dead.
- Meganekko
- Mexican Standoff: With Revy.
- Morality Pet: Garcia Lovelace.
- Morality Chain: The Lovelace clan in its entirety is this to her, as evidenced in El Baile de la Muerte.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After she shoots Garcia because "Master would never say such a thing!" [Read: denounce her Roaring Rampage of Revenge].
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Her nickname is the "Bloodhound of Florencia" and to be fair running won't do you much good. She can outrun a car. Dead fucking serious.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Made of Iron is a standard power for Black Lagoon characters. Roberta is not so much made of 'Iron' as 'diamondoid, probably poured over a base of Wolfram or some other extremely dense, tear-resistant material'.
- The final episode of Roberta's Blood Trail completely subverts this by being different from the manga. In the manga, Roberta came out of the entire ordeal without a scratch. In the OVA, she is severely wounded by the Grey Fox unit to the point of losing her right eye, right leg, and left arm, and if that isn't bad enough, her right hand's index and middle fingers are shot off. The only reason she can still walk in the ending is thanks to a cobbled together prosthetic right leg.
- Ninja Maid
- Parasol of Pain: Hers is made of Kevlar and has a built in shotgun. And that's just one of her many pain-inducing items.
- Plucky Maid.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Who would believe that the clumsy housemaid who just burned dinner is actually the "Bloodhound of Florencia"?
- One Woman Army
- Red Baron: The Bloodhound of Florencia
- Redemption Failure
- Roaring Rampage of Rescue: What happens when Garcia gets kidnapped.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: When Roberta's master (and Garcia's dad) is killed at the start of El Baile De La Muerte, this is Roberta's response.
- Sanity Slippage: During El Baile De La Muerte. Calling it Sanity Freefall would be more accurate. The drug abuse and hallucinations probably didn't help.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- She Who Fights Monsters: So very much in El Baile De La Muerte. Only Garcia, Fabiola and Rock's Xanatos Gambit were enough to snap her out of psycho-mode.
- Sociopathic Hero
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Lampshaded when Roberta changes from her maid's outfit to a Hot Amazon look.
- Shower of Angst: We see her sulking in the shower right after her master's demise.
- Slasher Smile: In El Baile De La Muerte. Andholycrap.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Her last name, Cisneros, has been localized as "Tisneros".
- The Unfettered
- Unstoppable Rage: Goddamn...
- Up to Eleven: Roberta lives this trope - the Dojikko maid (she's better with guns than she is with household duties, it's stated) as well as the Ax Crazy and One Woman Army parts.
- Villain Protagonist: In the OVA's "Roberta's Blood Trail".
- Walking Armory
Garcia Fernando Lovelace
Voiced by: Kazue Ikura (JP), Cathy Weseluck (EN)
The young son of Roberta's master Diego, heir to the Lovelace family. When he's kidnapped and later the Lagoon company gets the work of "transporting" him, Roberta goes against our "heroes" to get her Morality Pet back. And that's just the beginning...
- Action Survivor
- Break the Cutie: The poor kid...
- A Child Shall Lead Them
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In both Japanese and English.
- Dude in Distress: Not his fault, he ain't a child soldier like several other kids in this series.
- Disappeared Dad More like blown to smithereens, but still...
- Harmful to Minors Hoo boy...
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight
- Likes Older Women: He loves Roberta like family. We find out at the end of Chapter 76, he doesn't love her as a mother, or even as a sister. More like a wife. Kiss included!
- May–December Romance: Roberta may return his (romantic) feelings. It's a bit unclear how she feels about that, but she did tell him that she was impressed by how much he had grown in her absence (after he had straddled her, no less).
- Mexican Standoff
- Morality Pet: To Roberta
- The Messiah: Kind of grows into this trope during the course of "El Baile de la Muerte".
- The White Prince
Diego Jose San Fernando Lovelace
Garcia's father, Roberta's boss and leader of the Lovelace family. Whose tragic death kicks off the El Baile de la Muerte arc.
- Disappeared Dad
- Impoverished Patrician: To a degree. While he still has quite a bit of money due to plantations, it's still not compared to what the Lovelaces used to have in the past, due to their political beliefs and the harrassment of the Colombian cartel.
- Morality Chain: Roberta owes him her new chance at life, and thus she goes batshit when he kicks it.
- Sacrificial Lion
- The White Prince
Fabiola Iglesias
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP)
Another maid in the Lovelace household, and the only one who's trained in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry like her. After Roberta leaves in her Roaring Rampage of Revenge, she becomes Garcia's caretaker.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: She learned Capoeira from watching people practice. No formal training involved.
- Badass Adorable: Basically Roberta Lite.
- Bare Your Midriff: Late in El Baile de la Muerte, she ditches her maid outfit for bike shorts, a sports bra, and an unzipped hoodie. Averted in the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA when the hoodie remained zipped.
- Celibate Heroine
"There is no need for you to be concerned about my breasts. Even if they grew as big as melons I have no intention of anybody fondling them."
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like Shoots Rock with a blank and cracks his rib at the end of "El Baile De La Muerte", despite his doing everything possible to help her and Garcia, even if he did have to manipulate them and gamble with their lives.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dance Battler: Well versed in Capoeira.
- Dramatic Gun Cock: When she pulls out a China Lake grenade launcher (that she hid on her back, underneath her outfit) to take out an SUV.
- Groin Attack: With a knife concealed in her shoe. Ouch!
- Green Eyes
- Guns Akimbo: Dual-wields two Techno Arms MAG-7 shotguns that she hides in her sleeves.
- Little Miss Badass: About 14 to 15 years old, one of the shortest characters in the series, and packing enough firepower to shoot out the entire frontage of the Yellow Flag and blow up an SUV in one shot.
- The Napoleon: Is picked on because of her lack of height.
- Ninja Maid
- Odango Hair
- Dress over Bike Shorts: Being a Dance Battler who fights in a Maid outfit, this is a must to prevent unwanted attention.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Carries a pump-action China Lake grenade launcher during her fight at the Yellow Flag.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Revy of all people, who has been insisting that they live in a horrible, vicious world and that Fabiola needs to stop being so idealistic. She finally gets fed up with it and insists the world is neither, and that she can accept that the world is a gray place and the one who really thinks the world is black and white is Revy herself. Neither Revy or Rock were impressed, though.
- Street Urchin: Her backstory.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Rock at the end of the Roberta arc, because of him using most of the characters involved as pawns and the fact that he did it for fun as well to win the bet with Mr. Chang.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
The Washimine Clan
Ginji Matsuzaki
Voiced by: Kiyoyuki Yanada (JP), Michael Adamtwaite (EN)
Legendary enforcer for the Washimine clan and protector of Yukio Washimine, his skill with a sword is equal to Revy's gunfighting ability.
- Badass
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Revy at the bowling alley.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Longcoat
- Berserk Button: Harm Yukio in any way and you will die slowly and painfully. Chaka found that out the hard way.
- Bodyguard Crush
- Born in the Wrong Century: Honestly, his almost-supernatural swordsmanship belongs in a completely different genre, much less century.
- Cool Shades
- Dodge the Bullet: When he's not cutting bullets in half in midair Ginji dodges them with ease, despite his size, at point blank range.
- Mr. Fanservice: He's a muscled giant with sunglasses and a katana who spends some time shirtless.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Ginji with not just Yukio, but any female character.
- I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy: The only reasons he goes back to the Yakuza is because he loves Yukio.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Ginji uses a shirasaya blade. Semi-justified in that he's part of the Yakuza.
- Lightning Bruiser: Huge but fast.
- Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters: He's first seen working in a festival booth. He also says that being poor is better than "selling women and drugs."
- Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: He averts this completely. And wins.
- Red Baron: Manslayer Ginji.
- Retired Badass: Was contentedly working as a vendor until he was called out of retirement.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Goes through the punks who kidnapped and mistreated Yukio like a hay reaper ("Did you want to see my sword that badly?!"), then goes after the ringleader, chops up his gun, severs then the hands holding it, knocks the guy into a pool, and pushes him under to drown.
- Samurai
- Slasher Smile: Witholds it most of the time, but lets it slip for a moment when he takes down Laptev's group, and finally lets' it out during the final battle.
- Tattooed Crook: Has a large traditional yakuza-style backpiece.
- The Big Guy: Revy calls him "Jumbo" for a reason.
- The Dragon: For the Washimine Clan.
- The Stoic
- Together in Death: With Yukio.
- Worthy Opponent: Revy immediately pegs him as one for her. He slowly stops denying his inner psycho and admits he sees her the same way.
Yukio Washimine
Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP), Lalainia Lindbjerg (EN)
A high school girl and heir to the Washimine Clan, who takes over leadership of the group when it's at war with Balalaika and the old one, Tsugio Bandou, loses his life.
- Anti-Villain: One of the few honorable and ethical people in the series. Just happens to be antagonistic to the viewpoint characters. And chooses to become a Yakuza boss when Balalaika kills the previous one, since she's next in line.
- Big Bad Wannabe: The underworld has a really steep learning curve and Balalaika had a few decades of experience on her.
- Batman Gambit: Just one against Hotel Moscow.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: She chose to die by her own hand rather than being at the mercy of rival clans or Hotel Moscow, to preserve her honor, or to be with Ginji.
- Break the Cutie
- Broken Bird
- Brown Eyes
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Rock rescues Yukio from capture, humiliation and imminent rape, then begs her to leave the underworld. She thanks him politely and then unleashs a brutal Hannibal Lecture deconstructing his own motives.
- Doomed Moral Victor: Pretty much. She lives her life without compromising her principles, which is why she turns to evil despite Rock's advice.
- Good Counterpart: To Rock, he thinks.
- Go Out with a Smile (in the manga, she's smiling sadly at Rock and Revy as she pierces her throat with Ginjis' katana and neck and falls on his lifeless body.
- Gory Discretion Shot: In the anime, we don't see her actually pierce her throat with Ginji's katana, and instead just hear the sound, which might actually be worse. Subverted in the manga.
- Hannibal Lecture: Completely deconstructs Rock when he tries to convince her that the path she has chosen is wrong.
- He is later able to, politely, tell her to shut up, stating that his path is not only a perfectly valid way to live, but also one that allows him to see that she is simply not cut out for the life of a gangster.
- Hime Cut
- Honor Before Reason: The entire reason she took over her Family was because she felt obligated to her subordinates, despite the fact that none of them wanted her to sacrifice her normal life for them and that there was absolutely no chance of victory. Arguably, her refusal to leave Balalaika's forces alone is something of a subversion, on the grounds that she made that decision on the very reasonable grounds that she had no reason to trust Balalaika to keep her word after having broken it to wage war on her Family in the first place.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Willingly takes leadership of a Yakuza gang, and laughs at Rock's suggestion that she leave the underworld. It doesn't end well for her.
- Improbable Age: Horribly deconstructed. A teenager has no business trying to fight Balalaika and her ex-special forces henchmen, even with the help of Ginji and the rest of the Washimine Clan. And made even worse by the intervention of Chaka and his group.
- Meganekko
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Not Nietzsche specifically, but Yukio is well read on philosophy, genuinely tries to apply it to her life decisions and has a fatalistic worldview.
- Out-Gambitted: At almost every turn. Her trick with the van worked nicely, but as for the rest...
- The Philosopher
- Samurai: She commits suicide in the traditional manner of a Japanese noblewoman.
- See You in Hell: The message that she asks Rock to relay to Balalaika before commiting suicide in the manga.
- Too Clever by Half: Her relentless philosophizing is just a front for her uncertainty and desire to be with Ginji, but it lets her delude herself for long enough for her whole life to wind up in ruin.
- Warrior Poet
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask
- Yakuza Princess
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Thoroughly deconstructed, as the "young Samurai girl who takes up the family business" ends up in Hell because of that.
- You Are in Command Now: Becomes head of the Washimine clan after the leader kicks it. She did well with what she had at hand, being able to figure out what was going on a lot faster than her more experienced subordinates, and she made a decent showing against the head of the rival Family. But even her skills at leading couldn't compensate for the fact that she started off with a very small gang (a portion of whom were Ax Crazy traitors) who had been targeted for annihilation by both a much larger gang headed by freakin' Balalalaika. Really, the only factor she had in her favor was the Revy-level Badass enforcer/love interest Ginji, and that's not even close to enough to dig her out of the pit she started in.
Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (JP), Jonathan Holmes (EN)
One of the Washimine family's enforcers who attempted to take control of the family.
- All Guys Want Bad Girls: Revy being dangerous and violent is a huge turn-on for him.
- Affably Evil: Subverted. When he first appears, he seems like a dimwitted yet likeable mook who harbors an almost childlike enthusiasm for guns and shootouts. However, this facade quickly dissipates after he "snaps" and reveals himself for the murderous psychopath he truly is.
- Bad Boss: Shoots his own for no good reason. That was the thing that made Revy pissed with him. That, and beating up Rock.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight: He wanted to duel against Revy, cowboy style. Instead, he got to duel Ginji and that didn't end up well for him.
- Bodyguard Betrayal
- Cruel and Unusual Death: What Ginji does to him is ...unpleasant, but he seriously had it coming.
- Dirty Coward
- Dumb Blonde
- Dumb Muscle
- Expy: Of Kakihara from Ichi the Killer, apparently.
- The Gunslinger: Fancies himself one. Revy outright states that he's nothing more than a barely-competent poser with serious delusions of grandeur. He doesn't take her advice.
- Humiliation Conga: After seeing his entourage of thugs get wiped out, he makes a run for it while taking Yukio as a hostage. Rock makes him slip with spilled cleaning fluid, bashes him in the head with a bowling pin, and liberates his hostage. Then Revy drop-kicks him in the face and grinds his balls under her heel whilst delivering a Reason You Suck Speech. Then he goes one-on-one using a revolver against Yukio's protector, who can cut bullets in mid-air with a sword. Predictably, he loses badly, gets cut up, and is finally finished off by drowning. From what we've seen of him, he deserved every single thing that came to him.
- Kick the Dog: All the Goddamn time. Beats up poor Rock savagely for cutting in on his "conversation" with Revy, hoping to provoke her into a quickdraw duel. Kidnaps Yukio, lets his buddies beat her up and strip her nearly naked, and plans to sell her into sexual slavery to "a real sicko" (and he gleefully describes in detail some of the horrible things she's going to be forced into). Criticises his guys for being "pussies" during the fight in the bowling alley, whilst making his way to the exit using Yukio as a human shield, and later shoots the last surviving gang members just because he's annoyed. He's one hell of a guy.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Uhhh... yeah!
- Psycho for Hire: Oh yeah. An idiot, but psycho nonetheless.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: He fancies himself a Wild West-style gunman. Revy sees this as evidence that he's a poser and a show-off.
- Smug Snake: Very, very much so.
- The Starscream: If Starscream had been a psychopath. Attempted to become the boss of the family by beating up Yukio and then wanted to rape her and sell her out to the Russians. Rock and Ginji were rather demonstrative in response.
- Stupid Evil: He acts needlessly sadistic towards Rock, Yukio and his subordinates, and he winds up paying dearly for this later on.
- Too Dumb to Live: Seriously overestimates his abilities, as shown by his trying to take on Revy one-on-one even after seeing her and Ginji tear through his entire gang like hay reapers. She drop-kicked his sorry ass rather than waste the bullet, before letting Ginji slice him to pieces and drown him to death.
- Would Hit a Girl: And does. As can be gleaned from the above, he's the abusive asshole version of this trope.
Tsugio Bandou
Voiced by: Tomomichi Nishimura (JP), John Novak (EN)
Yukio's immediate predecessor as the leader of the Washimine clan, and a friend of her late father Ryuzou. By the time he took charge, the clan was already in danger of being absorbed by a larger and more powerful rival. He resorts to contacting the Russian mafia for help, leading to the events of the story arc.
- Even Evil Has Standards: For him, the final straw came when Balalaika proposed kidnapping the rival clan leader's family members.
- Failure Is the Only Option: In the end, he is left with two equally undesirable choices: either continue cooperating with Hotel Moscow and have every other yakuza clan in Japan turn against the Washimine clan, or cut ties with their erstwhile ally and incur the wrath of the mafia.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Resorts to increasingly drastic measures in order to keep the clan going, including human trafficking.
- Neck Snap: How Balalaika responds to him breaking their deal.
- Number Two: What he was to Ryuzou, before the latter died.
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: Part of him was sent back to the yakuza in a briefcase.
- The Obi-Wan: To Yoshida
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP), Trevor Devall (EN)
Tsugio's bodyguard, and later one of Yukio's supporters in the Yakuza.
- Pet the Dog: Tries to defend Yukio from Chaka and his group, rallying support for her.
- Mauve Shirt
Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (JP), Eli Gabay (EN)
The leader of Roanapur's branch of the Colombian Manisarela Cartel.
- Cluster F-Bomb (Rivals Revy in terms of swearing-to-nonswearing dialogue ratio.)
- Defeat Means Friendship
- No One Could Survive That: He's at ground zero of the Yellow Flag bar being grenaded by Roberta, but is seen alive (albeit beaten and bloody) in the hands of Hotel Moscow in the next episodes. He's seen later, very much alive, which is actually pretty impressive, considering this is Hotel Moscow we're talking about.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Despite being Colombian, he is named after the Mexican drug lord Juan Garcia Abrego, one of the founders of the Mexican Gulf Cartel.
Voiced by: Akimasa Ohmori (JP), Trevor Devall (EN)
An Irish driver who worked with Shenhua at one time. A compulsive coke fiend, he has a distressingly frequent tendency to hallucinate at inopportune times, such as in the middle of a car chase.
Shenhua: Even when his head off to Mars, he never mess up driving.
- Bedlam House: According to Shenhua, he's currently in an asylum due to having taken so much coke that "he never came back from Mars".
- Don't Try This At Home: Remember kids, drugs are bad, and you should certainly never take them before driving.
- Drives Like Crazy
- Drunken Song: Does this with cocaine, belting out a soulful rendition of The Minstrel Boy while high in the light novel.
- Oireland
- Non Sequitur Thud: Delivers one when Revy kicks him for getting high. And then just keeps spewing them.
- "I forgot! We have to go to Liverpool! Jimi Hendrix is calling for me! To defeat the Klingons-ASAP! Oh Captain Picard here I come!!"
- "Where're you ladies takin' me? Could it be? Could it? The legendary nude beach?!"
- (When the car gets shot up) "Barbarella is holding an anti-war sign in the nude!"
- "Playmates! There are exactly one hundred Playmates! Starting from the nineties! It's the attack of the Playmate Army!" *with accompanying hallucination, no less*
- "What? My application for the Black Panthers was denied again?!?"
- Perma-Stubble
- Put on a Bus: It's implied that his liberal drug use resulted in his brain being permanently fried.
- The Stoner: And how!
Hansel and Gretel
Voiced by: Omi Minami (JP, Hansel), Tomoko Kaneda (JP, Gretel), Ashleigh Ball (EN, Hansel), Jocelyne Loewen (EN, Gretel)
A pair of incestuous, prepubescent porn star assassins with shared multiple personality disorders. Creepy as Hell. And just as horribly broken due to their horrendous common backstory.
- Affably Evil: They're both bug-fuck insane, but no one ever said that they were impolite.
- Ambiguous Gender: They both have short hair and swap a wig and voices, taking turns being the boy and the girl. Parodied in an omake where all the characters changed genders... and they still looked exactly the same.
- Ax Crazy: Literally, in Hansel's case.
- Badass Adorable: Of the creepiest variety imaginable.
- Badass Longcoat: Hansel wears one as part of his Elegant Gothic Lolita getup. It's also where he hides his axes, so it also serves a practical purpose.
- Batman Gambit: They diverted the hired guns out for their bounty by bribing two local orphans to pose as them.
- BFG: Gretel, an 11-year-old child, fires a Browning Automatic Rifle from the hip. Not entirely unrealistic, since Bonnie (of Bonnie and Clyde fame) carried a cut-down one much of the time and she was 90 pounds soaking wet, but still eyebrow raising.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil and Conditioned to Accept Horror
- Blood Knights: With emphasis on "Blood".
- Break the Cutie: Where to start...?
- Corrupt the Cutie: Things got worse...
- Kill the Cutie: In a dual Tear Jerker and CMOH.
- Corrupt the Cutie: Things got worse...
- Brother-Sister Incest: And this is the least disturbing thing about them.
- Brother-Sister Team
- Children Forced to Kill: They started out like this, being forced to kill other children in snuff films just to survive. At some point they began to enjoy it.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: What they do to poor Meshov. And in a sense, what Balalaika does to Hansel as punishment.
- Creepy Children Singing: They sing a duet, the quotes are above. Gretel also sings shortly before she dies, this time its not nearly as creepy.
- Creepy Twins: Squared, cubed, and then raised to the power of itself. Seriously it got them in the pantheon (family).
- Crossdresser: Hansel and Gretel actually switch clothes. It's never explicitly stated what their real genders are, all the audience knows is that the girl carries the machine gun and the boy carries the axe. When they switch clothes they switch weapons too. The anime reveals that they also switch voices.
- Cry Cute: Hansel breaks down into tears as he bleeds to death.
- Cute and Psycho: Cute and innocent-looking ? Check. Ax Crazy ? Check. This fanart probably puts it best.
- Cute Little Fangs/Fangs Are Evil
- Dark and Troubled Past: ...Yes. Very yes.
- Dress Hits Floor Gretel does this. It's intended to be disturbing, for us. She wanted to titillate Rock. Rock isn't happy about her gesture of gratitude.
- Depraved Bisexual: Gretel (we think) enjoyed feeling up Eda a little too much.
- In an omake, both of them wanted to 'play doctor like the adults do' with Garcia.
- Dissonant Laughter: Hansel laughing right after a sniper destroys one of his knees, he laughs at Balalaika stating she planned to watch him bleed out.
- Dissonant Serenity
- Does Not Know How to Say Thanks: Gretel is given genuine compassion, a hug and Tender Tears by Rock. The poor girl is so dumbfounded that she sexually offers herself to him, truly thinking that it's the best way to thank him.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Enfants Terribles: They know full well how cute they are, and they love using it to catch their victims by surprise.
- Evil Gloating: Hansel taunts Balalaika with news of how one of her men screamed out for her as he was slowly tortured to death.. This is not a good idea.
- Fan Disservice: A bit of Girl-On-Girl Is Hot is nice... but not when the girl doing the fondling is a pre-teen murderer and batshit insane. Not to mention she gropes the other girl at gunpoint.
- There's also an omake scene involving Garcia, but that's more hilarious than fan-servicy or fan-diservicy.
- Freudian Excuse: Nothing can excuse their actions, but they have a pretty valid reason as to why they're as damaged as they are. Anyone would be fucked up in the head having survived what they were put through.
- Giggling Villains: Though Gretel does break out a full-blown Evil Laugh once when Eda asks her why they're still after Balalaika even though they killed the guy who hired them.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Hansel and/or Gretel, when the current Hansel wields the axe (Since they switch personas, if one of them is a girl, it'd be this - at the very least, it'd be cute kid With Psycho Weapon).
- Grotesque Cute
- Hair Decorations: Gretel wears a black hair ribbon.
- Harmful to Minors: Does not even begin to describe their past.
- Hime Cut: Gretel.
- Hypocritical Humor: Hansel asks for help dragging a Russian mobster to their car.
Gretel: But that's a boy's job. It's not very ladylike to carry heavy things. (opens fire with her BAR rifle)
- I Love the Dead: Though according to Gretel they have never tried it with an "Ivan" before. May have been metaphorical, however. We hope.
- Interplay of Sex and Violence: They get really turned on at the thought of everybody coming to kill them.
- Japanese Sibling Terminology: Refer to each other as nii-sama and nee-sama (very formal, respectful and hinting at romantic feelings) in the Japanese version while using "fratele meu" and "sora mea" (the Romanian words for "my brother" and "my sister") in the English dub.
- Laughing Mad: They're so beyond broken they almost always have a smile and often laugh. Especially when being violent.
- Little Miss Badass: Gretel.
- Monster Sob Story: Good Lord.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Both twins use weapons that are somewhat big for them. At one point Hansel even drags a grown man around, even though he complains that the man is heavy.
- My Sibling Will Live Through Me: Damn it, Gretel... er, Hansel... you know what, forget it!
- Nightmare Fetishists
- No Sense of Personal Space: Gretel really got in Eda's face when she and Hansel ran into Revy and her. She also groped Eda after catching her alone a bit later, and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit if her change of tone was any indication.
- Obliviously Evil: They have no problem killing and torturing people because that's how they believe the world works.
- Only Known By Their Nicknames: Hansel and Gretel are what they were called in the snuff films they were forced to take part in.
- Orphanage of Fear: Where they were raised before Ceausecu fell. And what came after was even worse.
- Outlaw Couple: They're just so cute together! Just look.
- Precocious Crush: Gretel's blush when Rock hugs her may imply a small one.
- Psycho for Hire: With emphasis on "psycho."
- Purple Eyes
- Black Comedy Rape: Their sexual assault on a terrified Garcia in an omake is Played for Laughs.
- Redemption Equals Death: Particularly Gretel.
- Shout-Out: Hansel and Gretel both resemble "the twins from The Shining," as pointed out by a traumatized survivor of their attack on a bar.
- Slasher Smile: See for yourself [dead link]
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Gretel
- Snuff Film: What these two were forced to do. They survived by becoming ruthless killers.
- Split Personality: "Hansel and Gretel" are personalities the twins developed to cope with their traumatic childhood. They can decide themselves who wants to be who at any given time. When Hansel has his hand shot off by Balalaika's men, the pain and stress causes him to randomly switch between Hansel's and Gretel's voice every few seconds.
- To the Pain/Would You Like to Know How They Died: Hansel gives one to Balalaika which turns out to be last thing he ever does.
- Together in Death: The end credits for 15. Dear GOD, those credits.
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior
- Twincest: And it's among the least unsettling things about them.
- Twin Switch
- That Makes Me Feel Angry Gretel mentions or implies mild guilt at bribing the local orphans to pretty much certain death
- Unholy Matrimony
- The Un-Reveal: We're not shown (which is just as well) whether 'Gretel' really is Gretel when she exposes herself to Rock. Either way it's not surprising Rock freaks out.
- Villainous Crossdresser
- White-Haired Pretty Kids
Janet "Greenback Jane" Bhai
Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Kelly Sheridan (EN)
An Indian counterfeiter whose goal is to create perfect counterfeit money. After members of the Floridian cartel that hired her lose patience with her due to continued schedule slips and shoot one of her co-workers to death before giving her a 48-hours deadline to finish her job, she flees from the members of the cartel and eventually seeks sanctuary with the Church of Violence, unleasing a mad pursuit.
- Blondes Are Evil: Except she's more of a Poke the Poodle villain than an actual threat.
- Butt Monkey
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Dojikko
- Eyes of Gold
- Geeky Turn On: She once says watching Benny break code turns her on.
- Harmless Villain: She is so ineffectual in her villainy that it's hard to take her seriously.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Benny isn't unusually tall but she is very small.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice: Unintentionally so in her first arc. As of her reappearance, she's embraced this wholeheartedly, from dress to manner.
- My Girl Is a Slut: Has recently revealed her interest in getting herself gangbanged. And she planned on roping Rock into it. Revy was pissed about it.
- Naive Newcomer: Starts like that, but as of the latest chapters, not so much. Though she didn't think about the possible consequences about letting her colleague, who had probably never been to Thailand, come from Bangkok to Roanapur BY HERSELF. Later on it's revealed that she planned from the beginning to betray that colleague anyway, it means she probably just didn't care.
- Pair the Smart Ones and sorta Official Couple: With Benny.
- Panty Shot/She's Got Legs/Running Gag: Keeps being subjected to her flowing skirt going up and giving the viewer a nice view of her legs and panties.
- Techno Babble: Over the finer details of counterfeit money. Revy is not amused.
- Underboobs: As of the latest arc, she's taken to wearing a slim tube-top. And just plain skimpier clothes in general.
- You Have 48 Hours: What the Floridian cartel tells her. She manages to escape from them.
Rotton the Wizard
Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP), Samuel Vincent (EN)
A handsome, long-coated adventurer introduced during the Greenback Jane arc, he is one of the few survivors of the band of mercenaries hunting for Jane. He now lives with the other two, Shenhua and Sawyer the Cleaner.
- Adult Child: Has watched one Power Rangers episode too many, most likely, to do all those poses in mid battle.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Longcoat: Subverted, as while he looks the type, he's not all that badass.
- Bishonen: Pretty much the only adult one in the series.
- Cool Shades
- Crazy Prepared: He might not be all that bright, but he has a Bulletproof Vest unlike the rest of the Carnival of Killers and metal armor for his groin, which helped save his balls when Roberta kicked them.
- Drink Order: Milk, since he Can't Hold His Liquor.
- The Dulcinea Effect: "There's no way I can just ignore an injured girl and let her die."
- The Fool
- Genre Savvy: Oddly plays this straight in regards to the fact he's smart enough to wear a bulletproof vest and codpiece most of the time. See Wrong Genre Savvy for what he gets wrong.
- He also gains the trust of two of the most dangerous people in town. Seriously, no one screws with Shenhua or Sawyer and gets away with it.
- Guns Akimbo: With two Broomhandle Mausers, except he didn´t get to use them onscreen yet.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Sort of. He saves both Shenhua and Sawyer, but given the Crapsack World setting of this series, both seem pretty nice they then became semi-loyal allies instead of killing him immediately thereafter. Yes, they'll kill anyone in the price is right, but if that's the worst thing about you in Roanapur, you can't be that bad, so he may have actually been on point with this one.
- In the Name of the Moon: Is very fond of this. Black Lagoon being the kind of show that it is, it doesn't do him much good.
- Joke Character
- Made of Iron: Played with. Even when he's shot, falling down from a building or being kicked in the balls (by Roberta of all people!), he just rises up again and continues on. Luckily, he's Genre Savvy enough to wear a bulletproof vest and a metal codpiece, though he got kicked so hard that the codpiece dented, and still fell from a rooftop onto solid asphalt. In general he takes far more punishment than most people could handle.
- Nice Guy: Now that Rock no longer qualifies for this trope, he is the sole possessor of it in this franchise.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Rotton? Lotton? The North American translation says its Lotton while most of the scanlations says its Rotton...
- Token Good Teammate: Compared to his fellow bounty hunters, who are either complete psychopaths at worst and a bunch of backstabbing cutthroats at best.
- Also of the Power Trio he's formed with Shenhua and Sawyer.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: The prettiest, whitest haired, and nicest character in the series.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: And judging by how disconnected from the harsh realities of life he is, it's going to take a lot more to break him than it did to break Rock.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Rotton acts like he came from a more idealistic series. Even Rock has become more savvy to the way the world works than he has.
Sawyer the Cleaner
Voiced by: Asami Yaguchi (JP), Venus Terzo (EN)
A feared presence in the Roanapur underworld, who helps the various crime organizations dispose of corpses (and soon to be corpses) with her trusty chainsaw. Actually a rather pretty young goth girl.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Adorable
- Blue Eyes
- The Butcher: It's even her legitimate career to hide her bounty hunting.
- Chainsaw Good: So good in fact that she can use it to deflect bullets.
- Cleanup Crew
- Creepy Monotone: She has one of these whenever she uses her artificial voice box to communicate.
- Cute Bruiser: A rather dark take on this trope
- Cute Mute: A subversion; while she is cute in a goth-punk sort of way and does appear to be missing her vocal cords, she can be quite mouthy when she has her electrolarynx device. Without it, not so much.
- Dissonant Serenity: She's quite cheerful; at one point when she's explaining that the bad odor in a hotel room results from the ooze from rotted corpses she had to clean up there earlier she smiles happily while all around her, people are losing their lunch, and may in fact be giggling because the others are losing their lunch.
- Earn Your Title: Sawyer "The Cleaner", she cleans up messes, specializing in body disposal, alive or dead doesn't matter to her.
- Expecting Someone Taller: Her fellow mercenaries have this reaction during the Greenback Jane arc, as most of them have never seen her in person, and those who have, only saw her swathed in surgical dress which obscured her features.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon
- Goth
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Blocks bullets... with a chainsaw.
- Last-Name Basis: Everyone refers to her by her last name Sawyer, her real name is Frederica Sawyer.
- Meaningful Name: Sawyer - Saw-er, one who saws. Not to mention the Shout-Out below.
- Nightmare Fetishist: She loves playing violent video games and discussing the clean-up jobs she does.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: It appears that nobody knows her first name, only Sawyer the Cleaner. Revy also calls her by the nickname Goth Girl
- Only in It For the Money: Subverted, She enjoys the money, but she does enjoy the work too.
- Psycho for Hire: She really loves both her jobs; her job disposing of bodies after torturing that person, and her job as a bounty hunter.
- Samus Is a Girl: Several characters react this way In-Universe when they discover that she's female, since most people deal with her when she's covered head to toe in scrubs that obscure her face.
- Shout-Out: Her name and weapon of choice are one to the family in the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.
- Villainous BSOD: Whenever she loses her communication device, an Ultravoice. She later upgrades to a choker-mounted version to prevent such incidents.
- Heroic BSOD: She's seen shaking in terror after the team confronts a crazed Roberta.
Claude "Torch" Weaver
Voiced by: Youichi Nishijima (JP), Jason Simpson (EN)
One of the Carnival of Killers hired to hunt down Jane in the Greenback Jane arc.
- Affably Evil: Despite being a Psycho for Hire who likes to burn people with his flamethrower; he seems quite pleasant.
- Big Fun: If it's a Serial Killer party.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Dissonant Serenity: He wears a contented grin and talks happily in a Texas good 'ol boy accent while trying to kill everyone with his flamethrower.
- The Dragon: To Russel. He's the one who follows orders the best, and well as one of the most dangerous of the bounty hunters.
- Drink Order: Milk (alcohol is against his religion).
- Family Values Villain: A softspoken possible-Mormon who doesn't drink or swear (he and Lotton are probably the only people on the show not to do the latter). He's also an Ax Crazy Pyromaniac who roasted his own wife.
- Fat Bastard
- Fire-Breathing Weapon: Uses both a full-on backpack flamethrower and a cigerette-lighter version.
- Jet Pack: What happens after Revy shoots the tanks on his flamethrower trough his stomach, causing the exhaust to blast through his gut, before he explodes. "You're a rocket man, baby!"
- Meaningful Name: "Torch".
- Professional Killer
- Pyromaniac: Oh yeah.
- Straight Edge Evil
Guy Russel
Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma (JP), Brian Dobson (EN)
A cowboy themed Bounty Hunter who leads the group hired to go after Jane.
- Bounty Hunter
- Cowboy
- Fish Out of Water: He'd be much more at home in Florida.
- He Knows Too Much: Is killed by Eda when he twigs to the fact that she is a CIA operative.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: The other killers mock him and view him as a Small Name, Big Ego type, but he holds his own quite well in a gun duel with Eda.
- Revolvers Are Just Better
Voiced by: Banjo Ginga (JP), Scott McNeil (EN)
Head of an Italian mafia operating in Roanapur. He hired Hansel and Gretel to assassinate Balalaika and Chang so that he could take control over Roanapur's underworld, but quickly found that the Creepy Twins didn't enjoy being told to kill.
- Bad Boss: Almost as bad as Chaka.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Gory Discretion Shot: While we don't see the result of the twins turning on him, we certainly hear it.
- Hoist by His Own Petard (come on)
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death
- Smug Snake
Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (JP), Ashleigh Ball (EN)
Maki is a high-school junior who goes to the same school as Yukio. She's very much your average Japanese high school girl and looks up to Yukio as a sempai.
- Hair Decorations (blue hair ribbons)
- Foil: To Yukio, showing what she might have been if she were born in a normal family.
- Girlish Pigtails
- The Ingenue
- Ordinary High School Student
- Sempai Kouhai and Tomboy and Girly Girl: The kouhai and tomboy to Yukio's sempai and girly girl.
- Tender Tears
- ↑ although anyone who edits for a living can tell ya that after the first 30 minutes even porn gets boring when you're editing them