Baka and Test/Characters
Character sheets for various characters in Baka Test here. Potential spoilers ahead, you have been warned.
Class 2-F
Akihisa Yoshii
Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (Japanese) and Josh Grelle (English)
The biggest idiot in the world (according to the majority of the cast) and somehow the main protagonist. Though a consistent failure in tests, his one major advantage is that this gives his Summoned Being a special ability to interact with physical objects and dodge attacks by other Beings. Unfortunately, this also causes him to be drafted by various teachers to do their grunt work. Currently lives on his own due to his parents' overseas work and his sister studying in Harvard (though she later came back), and usually has meals consisting of water and condiments due to his habit of spending what little allowance he gets on video games.
- Acquired Poison Immunity: Later in the novels Akihisa can survive Himeji's cooking due to spending summer eating his sister Akira's.
- I think it was Lampshaded by Akihisa that his mom was an even worse cook than Akira OR Himeji. So, yeah, Aki ate too much Poison Mushroom for breakfast that he has acquired an immunity to foods that normally can kill people.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Whenever he has to bring out his inner Wholesome Crossdresser.
- Amusing Injuries: Applied to by mostly Minami, sometimes others like Miharu, Yuuko, or indirectly Himeji.
- Badass Adorable: He's very capable of kicking your ass outside Summoned Being battles. Just ask those two senior jerks who insulted Class F's Maid Cafe -- and he did it while dressed as a Meido.
- Berserk Button: Do not insult Mizuki.
- To a lesser extent don't do anything to Hideyoshi.
- Bishonen: So Yuuko thinks.
- Butt Monkey: Every episode, something bad always happens to the poor guy. But rest assured, it's all in the name of comedy. In fact, it's the basis of his Summoned Being's power to affect physical matter.
- Iron Butt Monkey: He's capable of taking a lot of damage and still get back up in the next second.
- Cassandra Truth: He can cook. Like a pro.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Good God, yes. He may be forgiven for misunderstanding Minami's feelings (given her attitude), but remaining clueless to Mizuki's more overt advances is just ridiculous.
- Comically Missing the Point
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Slowly turns to this in the light novel and manga, and is hinted to be turning into one at the end of the first anime season. After all, the reason the bracelet broke in the first place was because Akihisa was no longer an "idiot".
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Bruiser: See Badass Adorable.
- Deadly Dodging: His summon has to do this or die because its so weak breathing on it might even take it down.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Or at least Toshimitsu and, later on, Hideyoshi.
- He is even rated "#1" amongst a group of gay guys. Not that he knows it, though.
- First Kiss: Minami takes his.
- Fragile Speedster: His Summoned Being in the manga version, as well as the penultimate episode of the first season.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: He calls upon these two on occasion to weigh the outcomes and make the decision.
- Guilty Pleasure: In the manga, he admits to himself that he cannot help but buy video games and manga even if they consume a very large portion of what little allowance he has.
- The Hero
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Yuuji.
- Hidden Depths: Is a superb cook. Has also shown that he can be fairly smart if he actually puts effort into studying.
- I Am Not Right-Handed: Subverted -- he believed he could win a Summoned Being battle because nobody knows he's actually left-handed. The result was less than optimal.
- Hypocritical Humor: He keeps telling Yuuji to take notice of Shouko already. Despite the fact he can't notice two girls liking him.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Has Mizuki's best interests at heart, but thinks thinks she may not return his kindness. So he thinks.
- I Will Protect Her: Occasionally does this for Minami and/or Himeji.
- Idiot Hero: Dear God, yes. Though he starts to grow out of his idiocies over time.
- If It's You It's Okay: Apparently thinks homosexuality is wrong (and initially didn't even believe it was real), yet has no problem with confessing to Hideyoshi, buying fanservicey pictures of him from Kouta, or getting a nosebleed from seeing him topless. He frequently mistakes him as one of the two token girls in class together with Mizuki, although at times he also considers Minami as one. At other times he ignores Hideyoshi's true gender altogether.
- In the light novels he does acknowledge that Hideyoshi is a guy, but for some reason treats him as a girl anyway. An offhand remark in volume 8 even confirms that, yeah, he feels it is okay if it’s Hideyoshi.
- Indy Ploy: Despite his Too Dumb to Live tendencies he is very good at coming up with good tactics on the fly.
- Meaningful Name: Yoshii means "righteous"/"good"/"good luck" (the first two definitely apply to Akihisa; the latter is the total opposite of his life, unless one counts his Unwanted Harem).
- Mundane Utility: His special Summoned Being is like a part of him. His teachers make good use of this -- penalty in the form of boring chores.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Guys Finish Last: He's one of the nicest guys you can meet (depending on who you ask), and because of it, practically everything he has done backfires on him. Although it has its benefits.
- Nosebleed: Just not at Kouta's level yet.
- Oblivious to Love: Because he's an Idiot Hero, even Mizuki's more overt romantic advances don't translate correctly to him.
- It should be noted that in the light novels, the possibility of Mizuki and Minami liking him has crossed his mind before. It's just that he usually dismisses it as a delusion, believing they couldn't like someone like him.
- Perpetual Poverty: 1/64th cup ramen cuts as lunch, salt water (main course) with sugar water (side dish) meals and cold water showers are some of the miseries caused by how broke he is.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest
- Power Perversion Potential: Since his summon can interact with the real world, it can do something ecchi things take photos of girls in the baths or such. Subverted in two ways, first he has to have a summon field and second if he can summon so can the people he's peeping on which leads to...pain.
- Shipper on Deck: Actively encourages the Yuuji/Shouko pairing.
- Shoot the Messenger: Basically it goes like this,
'Yuuji: Akihisa go declare war on class x(x being E-A)
'Akihisa:*comes back beaten up and humilatated*
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With his older sister Akira -- he's idiotic but can cook; she's brilliant but can't cook.
- Supreme Chef: He's responsible for preparing the meals in his home. Gourmet-class meals, in fact.
- It has been discussed that he can launch a professional career with that sort of talent.
- Synchronization -- Being the "Punishment Inspector", ostensibly meaning he inspects how effective punishments are firsthand, his Summoned Being is the only one that can become tangible, and he feels whatever it feels.
- That Came Out Wrong: More or less half of what he tells people.
- This Loser Is You
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Shouko threw the match for him in the first season's finale so he would get his wish to have Himeji retake the test. But Himeji doesn't want to leave him, and thus all his efforts are wasted.
- Too Dumb to Live: All the time. One extreme case is spending most of what little allowance he has on video games instead of food.
- The best one has to be he's a member of the FFF, guys who can't get girls and will kill anyone who does including their own. Akihisa also happens to be ranked first rate inquisitor and is the Chick Magnet...get some popcorn
- Unknown Rival: Shouko considers him a rival for Yuuji's heart. As usual, he's oblivious.
- Unwanted Harem: He has five people that like him -- Mizuki, Minami, Hazuki, Toshimitsu and even Akira.
- As of the light novels, he gains a sixth doter in the form of -- yes -- Hideyoshi.
- And His sister Yuuko too.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Yuuji -- they may hurl insults upon each other, but would instantly join forces once there's trouble.
- Weak but Skilled: In the anime.
- We Need a Distraction: Akihisa role is the one doing the distracting, and usually it doesn't end well for him.
- With Friends Like These...: The torment he gets from his friends would make any person quit being friends with them. He, on the other hand, puts up with it, much to our benefit.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Meido, repeatedly.
- Mizuki seems to like him dressing up in a schoolgirl uniform.
- So much so that said has its own persona, Aki-chan also a few girls are head over heels for hir.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Pulled it off in the first OVA against two Jerkass students insulting Class F's Maid Cafe. It works. And he's dressed in a maid outfit.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Mizuki and Minami think he's cute in girl's clothing. Even Hideyoshi thinks so. He doesn't take these compliments very well.
Yuuji Sakamoto
Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese) and Scott Freeman (English)
Self-appointed Representative of Class F and a close friend of Akihisa. Despite his low grades, he's quite the brilliant tactician and strategist, and always thinks up of plans to beat enemy classes.
- Almighty Janitor: In the manga and light novels it's shown that when he does study he makes for a Class B-caliber student.
- Always Someone Better: To Akihisa.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Butt Monkey: Not as bad as Yoshi of course.
- The Chessmaster
- Class Representative
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- The Gadfly: Loves screwing with Akihisa.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Wears pink boxers polka-dotted with red hearts. Akihisa just thinks he wears them because of Cool Biz.
- Henpecked Boyfriend: Of Shouko. Well, the henpecking is supposed to be funny.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Akihisa.
- Hot Mom: He has one, note this picture was during his earlier years so...
- I Will Protect Her: He won't admit it, but he did this for Shouko. He pulled a Big Damn Heroes moment to save Shouko from 3 boys who tried to bully her after she tried to stop them from writing some vicious lies on his PE clothing; he tried to come up with an excuse not to help, but in the end saves her. Although he tries to pass it off as nothing, Shouko is really touched by that action that she vows to his mother to marry him someday.
- Insufferable Genius: As a kid
- Iron Butt Monkey: Only when concerning Shouko.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Played with. It was part of his scheme to get back at two senior jerks who made fun of his class's Maid Cafe in the OVA. However, the first time he did it for Akihisa was played straight.
- Marshmallow Hell: From Shouko in episode 4 of Ni. She does this to Yuuji to confirm once and for all whether or not he really doesn't find her attractive. Though Yuuji feebly denies he is enjoying it, his Summon leaping for joy (the upgraded Summons speak and reveal their summoners' thoughts and repressed feelings) reveals that Shouko's physical charms are not lost on him.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Yuuji does have feelings for Shouko and cares a lot about her, but is horrified at her extreme efforts.
- Not So Different: He and Akihisa are closer than they appear...not that type of closer but more along the lines of Butt Monkey, whipped, and well etc.
- Redheaded Hero
- Rousing Speech: He likes giving these to his classmates, such as decrying the IQ-based classification the school imposes upon its students.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: With Shouko. However, Shouko herself refuses to believe this.
- Ship Tease: With Shouko. Most characters -- even Akihisa -- approve of this.
- While were at it, let's count the number of moments between him and Akihisa
- The Smart Guy
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Even if Class F wins a Summoned Being battle, Yuuji declines to penalize the losing Class with room exchange. He also has his own reasons -- as he confided to Akihisa, he doesn't want his classmates to become complacent, at least not until they beat Class A.
- Tsundere: Type A towards Shouko.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Akihisa -- they frequently hurl insults on each other, but when troubles comes they're quick to join forces.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He wound up taking the role of a huge Chinese girl in Ni!'s second episode courtesy of Shouko.
- Zerg Rush: Some of his plans thus far include sending more troops if the first few don't work, such as in Episode 12 of the anime and the 5th to 7th episodes of Ni! (Volume 3 of the light novel).
Mizuki Himeji
Voiced by: Hitomi Harada (Japanese) and Alexis Tipton (English)
One of the smartest students in Fumizuki, who got stuck in Class F after missing the placement exam due to a freak fever and thus automatically scored a zero. She's the meat shield that keeps Class F afloat in a Summoned Being battle. She has a crush on Akihisa, though he doesn't seem to notice, and tries to win him over with her cooking, but one bite is all it took to cause all her classmates to fear her dishes.
- Almighty Janitor
- Apologetic Attacker
- Badass Adorable
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Damn Heroes
- The Big Girl: Both in combat style and horizontal figure.
- BFS: Her Summoned Being's Weapon of Choice.
- Buxom Is Better: Much to Minami's horror.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor: In the manga, a can of beer (in the anime, a glass of spiked chocolate) is more than enough to get her tipsy and either go bold or on a full-blown Yandere rampage.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Covert Pervert: She would enjoy watching Akihisa strip as punishment for not revealing his household secrets to the gang. She certainly would enjoy seeing him in drag, too.
- Her Summoned Being in the latter half of Ni!'s fourth episode tried to uncover her perversion.
- Also this from volume 7 of the novel:
Mizuki: I think Minami-chan will use this chance to touch Akihisa-kun's chest and butt...that's too sneaky...”
Minami: Wh, what are you saying, Mizuki! How can I do such a thing—eh, what? What did you just say? Touching...Mizuki, what were you talking about...”
Mizuki: Ah! No, nothing! I'm not talking about touching him sneakily. Th, that... I'm just talking about improving the relationship with Akihisa-kun. I just said it wrongly!”
Minami: Mizuki..what were you planning to do to Aki...”
- Cute Bruiser
- Dissonant Serenity: In Yandere mode.
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: As the one of the highest scores in school Himeji has a bit of trouble dealing with slightly more delicate tasks like Summoner baseball. Her pitches took out members of both her team and opponents. Adding to this she can't aim well....
- Expressive Accessory: Her bunny hair clip reflects her mood.
- Formerly Fat The reason she doesn't taste her own food
- To the point she had the Embarrassing Nickname: Yuki-chan (Snowman)
- makes good on the saying Fat in middle school becomes breasts in high school
- Gag Boobs/Gainaxing
- The Heart: Played with. While she seems to fill this role, Akihisa would usually play the part.
- Hollywood Pudgy: Is concerned about her weight. But she seems to be the only one who thinks she needs to lose weight.
- Innocent Cohabitation: Later in the novel Himeji's parents are stuck in another country for a while and she ends up living with Akihisa and Akira.
- Lethal Chef: Her food kills (and is unaware of it because she doesn't taste them lest she gain weight)[1]...
- Food Porn: ...Yet they look so deceivingly tasty.
- As it turns out Yuuji might have weaponized her cooking...
- Lightning Bruiser: Her Summoned Being is of the fast-moving big bruiser variety.
- Lovely Angels: With Shouko in episode 7.
- Love Bubbles: Gets these a lot. Viewed from outside, there's a bubbly pink sphere extending a few feet from her.
- Nice Girl
- Patient Childhood Love Interest
- Purple Eyes
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Minami's Tomboy.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Like with Shouko its played with. She doesn't have the traditional look but her personality is closer to the tradition and she likes cooking her guy food. It might actually taste good if she taste tested it.
- Yandere: Played for Laughs.
Minami Shimada
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (Japanese) and Leah Clark (English)
The other known female student in Class F. She spent most of her life in Germany, making her bad at reading kanji despite being fairly intelligent. Like Mizuki, she also has a crush on Akihisa -- which she expresses by literally crushing him with wrestling moves whenever he misreads her intentions, which is quite often.
- A-Cup Angst: She has a complex from her small bust size.
- Berserk Button: Don't mention about how small her chest is.
- Between My Legs: In episode 4.
- Cat Smile: Her Summoned Being frequently wears this.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Cute Bruiser: She can look good while doing suplexes.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Especially Miharu.
- Everybody Hates Mathematics: Inverted -- math is the only subject she does well. Justified in that spending most of her life in Germany made her forget kanji, making every other subject nigh-impossible to understand.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy/Impossibly Cool Weapon: In the second OVA she wields a Mace-Scythe.
- Expressive Accessory: Her hair ribbon sometimes perks up or falls down to reflect her mood.
- First Kiss: With Akihisa.
- Good with Numbers
- Gratuitous German: According to Hazuki, Minami goes on a breakdown babbling in German when upset.
- Green Eyes
- Japanese Pronouns: She uses "uchi" to refer herself instead of "watashi" or "atashi".
- The Lancer: More evident in the manga.
- One of the Boys: Much to her dismay, this is how Akihisa views her.
- BUT!!!! He does tell a few people he finds Shimada charming.
- Onee-Sama: Miharu refers to her this way.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Avoiding Rummage Sale Reject, she actually has a nice choice of clothes outside school.
- Surprisingly Good English: "What a shit man you are!"
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Mizuki's Girly Girl.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Tsundere: Type A.
- What Does She See in Him?: Why does Minami like Akihisa? He asked her to be his friend when she couldn't make any due to the language barrier. But being who he is he asked her in French instead of German.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Whenever Akihisa presses her Berserk Button.
- You Gotta Have Reddish-Purple Hair
Hideyoshi Kinoshita
Voiced by: Emiri Katou (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English)
A student with a talent for acting, whose extremely effeminate looks caused characters and audiences alike to question their sexuality. Everybody frequently mistakes him for a girl despite his insistence to the contrary, was considered by Mizuki and Minami as a rival for Akihisa's affection, occasionally gets confessed to by Akihisa, has a separate space reserved for him in dressing rooms, and keeps getting female roles and costumes from the Drama Department. The only person who considers him a guy is Akihisa's sister Akira -- only because she didn't expect him to have any female friends. He has difficulty studying serious subjects, and is pretty much the opposite of his twin sister Yuuko, who happens to be in Class A.
- A Friend in Need: He joins in the antics of the others probably because its what friend's do, although its still a mystery how he can get away from the consequences when it goes downhill.
- Ambiguous Gender: In-series, though he frequently insists he's a boy.
- Antiquated Linguistics: Speaks mainly in like an old man(ancient japanese and all), but thats only in japanese language. In the english dub...not so much.
- Attractive Bent Gender
- Beneath the Mask: Deep down, Hideyoshi isn't all that different from the others in class F. Also he really does likes Akihisa (romantically).
- Berserk Button: He really hates it when people sell him female clothing when he asks for male ones, as well when he wears male clothing and people make him switch to female ones.
- Bishonen/ Bishojo: You decide.
- Blade on a Stick: His Summoned Being wields a naginata, a weapon traditionally wielded by women.
- Blue Eyes: Blue-green.
- Butt Monkey: Not as bad as Akihisa, but no one will ever call him a guy on first glance, even when he insists otherwise. This obviously has caused him a bit of trouble in "I'm a guy" situations.
- Catch Phrase: More or less "I'm a Guy", when he does or uses into non-female related things, and someone asks him why he did so.
- The Chick
- Childhood Friends: He's known Akihisa since first grade, and has been with him since then in every class.
- Cooldown Hug: During the Study Camp arc, he had to do this to calm Akihisa when he went berserk baying for Yuuji's blood... It's a Long Story.
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Damsel in Distress/Dude in Distress: Played for Laughs in OVA one where the two Jerkass students kidnapped him because "he was the best looking one of the group".
- Deadpan Snarker: He does sometimes snark in his usual quiet and polite manner, especially towards Akihisa's Insane Troll Logic.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Subverted. Hideyoshi insists he's a boy. Not like anyone, especially Akihisa, cares.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: To the point that EVERYONE mistakes him for a girl and very little know that he is actually a guy despite him saying that he is a guy. He even has his own exclusive bath house room just because of this.
- Easily Forgiven: Due to his appearance and personality, he was the only boy to escape "punishment" by the girls during the Study Camp arc (Volume 3 light novels, Episodes 5 to 7 of Ni!).
- Even the Guys Want Him: Just ask Akihisa and Kouta.
- Fan Nickname: "The Trap", in some circles.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: An extremely Bishonen guy who's often put into cross-dressing outfits against his will, has his own male harem and also has a twin sister.
- Hair Decorations
- Half-Identical Twins: With his sister Yuuko.
- If It's You It's Okay: May actually be the case towards Akihisa as of the later novels.
- To a lesser extent, some of the non-yaoi in the fandom actually think Hideyoshi is the best one for Akihisa. As he is the only one of the other love interests who hasn't harm/humiliate Akihisa in anyway.
- Innocent Fanservice Guy
- Japanese Pronouns: In Japanese, his way of speech is quite antiquate and definitely not what a young person would use. To match with it, he refers to himself with "washi", the pronoun old men use.
- Most likely a joke on his name: He shares his first name with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second unifier of Sengoku-era Japan, and his surname was taken from the surname of Toyotomi's alias when he was younger.
- Of course, why one of the greatest traps in anime should be named after the man whose title gave English the word "tycoon" is a mystery known only to his creator.
- Most likely a joke on his name: He shares his first name with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second unifier of Sengoku-era Japan, and his surname was taken from the surname of Toyotomi's alias when he was younger.
- Luminescent Blush: Like all of the other love interests of Akihisa, he is prone to this.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Yuuko's Masculine Girl, much to the latter's chagrin.
- Master of Disguise: One can dress him up as a girl and he can/will play the part very well. Including voice work on both languages.
- Meaningful Name: Hideyoshi means "good esteem"/"good excellence".
- Meido: He and his sister have worn the uniform before. You decide who looks prettier.
- Mr. Fanservice
- He even lampshades it.
Hideyoshi: Why was I the only one who got a transformation sequence?
- Nice Guy: He's the only guy in class who doesn't try to beat Akihisa up.
- Not So Above It All: He'd occasionally "fit in" with his classmates' antics. One example is blushing over Akihisa's confessions.
- Only Sane Man: If it weren't for his appearance and voice, he'd be the nicest guy in Class F!
- Running Gag: Never seems to get male clothing (apart from his uniform), and even if he does, its not going to be on him for long.
- Scenery Censor: His chest is always covered by something (a towel or a person's arm).
- Hand or Object Underwear: And sometimes, as if to highlight his Ambiguous Gender, he may also use his arms as censors.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Yuuko -- he is not too smart but kind; she is smart but haughty.
- Sleep Cute: So cute Akihisa tried to kiss him once; it was even lampshaded in the novels. Of course he does look cute without his hair clips.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: He's so beautiful no one believes him to be a guy, and gets confessions from guys just about everyday. Then there's the poem a certain someone wrote to him which kind of gave him nightmares for a while.
- The Stoic: Not quite, but most people say he has a good poker face. Quite good considering how many confessions he gets from other guys.
- Stupid Sexy Hideyoshi
- Talking to Himself: He and his sister share the same voice actresses in both languages.
- Tights With a Skirt
- Took a Third Option: Between the boys' and the girls' rooms, he ended up at the "Hideyoshi Room".
- Unknown Rival: Very much unaware that Mizuki and Minami consider him a rival for Akihisa's heart.
- Voice Changeling: His specialty in acting is voice mimicry, which has helped class F in certain situations.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Poor Hideyoshi. Just when someone can finally tell he's a guy, Akihisa screws it all up and insists he's a girl.
Kouta Tsuchiya
Voiced by: Kouki Miyata (Japanese) and Greg Ayres (English)
A friend of Akihisa and pervert par excellence who is almost never seen without a camera on hand. Whenever he sees a potential panty/boob shot, he'll squeeze into whatever angle necessary for the best shot, and sells them for some cash. Akihisa seems especially interested whenever he takes a photo of Hideyoshi in a sexy pose. He also turns out to be an excellent athlete, with Health and P.E. grades to rival even those of Class A, but is terrible at all other subjects.
- Blatant Lies: Calls Aiko's swimsuit secondary interest. Nosebleed ensues.
- Camera Fiend: Complete with videocam surveillance.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Sort of -- he's good at health subjects and biology, and nothing else.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Friend in the Black Market: Want fan servicy pictures of say Hideoyshi or Akihisa in girl's clothing? Well Mutsurini can get you what you want...for a price.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: He should be wearing army urban camouflage instead of his trademark ninja clothes if he really wants to blend into the environment. Same goes for his Summoned Being.
- Hollywood Hacking
- Hypocritical Humor: He, of all people, tells Yoshi not to be a pervert.
- In-Series Nickname: "Muttsurini" ("Morose Pervert", or sometimes "Voyeur").
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Nosebleed: Nobody can beat him to it, not even Akihisa, that second-rate bleeder... not with Kouta's excessive amounts.
- Complete with a personal blood bag.
- The Rival: To Aiko, they both are good with technology, are the top in health and phys ed(Mutsurini being higher), and she likes to tease him alot.
- The Sixth Ranger
- Sugar and Ice Personality: To Aiko.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: "Koumi" is extremely beautiful, and she loves to cosplay.
A group consisting of the majority of male students within Class F, often seen wearing dark robes and hodes that hide their features. Since none of them have luck with girls, they formed a pact to hunt down anyone in their class who did. If they find a guy in Class 2-F winning affection from a girl, they will perform an Inquisition upon him. Even Akihisa has donned their robe at times (when he isn't a target).
The only named student to be a part of this group is Ryo Sugawa.
- Ax Crazy: To uphold their dateless status, they use, among a list of weapons, axes.
- The Bro Code: Fits this to a T.
- Cavalry Betrayal: They help you in a summon war but if they hear you were with a girl in anyway they will turn on you, just ask Akihisa and Yuuji.
- Crazy Jealous Guys: Because they don't win the gals.
- Faceless Goons
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Mention a girl being nice and prepared to be crucified.
- Hollywood Dateless
- If I Can't Have You: These dateless losers decide to hunt down any lucky guy who has girls swooning for him. Especially Akihisa.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Suicide Attack: They used a Zerg Rush version of this in Episode 11 of the first season.
- Token Evil Teammates
Class 2-A
Shouko Kirishima
Voiced by: Tomomi Isamura (Japanese) and Jamie Marchi (English)
The soft-spoken, if assertive, Class Representative of 2-A. She was Yuuji's childhood friend, and now dreams of marrying him... whether he likes it or not.
- Abuse Is Funny When It's Female On Male: For this show, it's a good thing, it is.
- To a scary degree-- she pokes his eyes until they're sore so he doesn't look at other girls. She tries to rape him, breaks into his house, and tries to kill him twice. Once when she thinks that he said "Himeji's more my type than Shouko. And she's got bigger boobs too!" (he didn't). Then when she tries to drown him so she can give him CPR. No one bats an eye...yeah.
- Fridge Brilliance: Why should they, since no one ever complained about the constant abuse Akihisa suffers from on a regular basis?
- To a scary degree-- she pokes his eyes until they're sore so he doesn't look at other girls. She tries to rape him, breaks into his house, and tries to kill him twice. Once when she thinks that he said "Himeji's more my type than Shouko. And she's got bigger boobs too!" (he didn't). Then when she tries to drown him so she can give him CPR. No one bats an eye...yeah.
- Batter Up
- Clingy Jealous Girl: The most dangerous one in the series.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Determinator/Plucky Girl: No matter how many times Yuuji turns her down or her attempts to marry him fail, she will never give up on him.
- Domestic Abuser: Of the Gender Flipped kind, with Yuuji on the wrong end of the stick.
- Eye Scream: "DOUBLE-EYE-POKE!" are just one of her painful Yandere moves.
- Face Palm of Doom
- Godiva Hair
- Hair Decorations
- Heroines Want Redheads
- Hime Cut
- Katanas Are Just Better: Her Summoned Being wields one.
- Lightning Bruiser: Her Summoned Being is of the hard-hitting speedster variety.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Lovely Angels: With Himeji in episode 7.
- Mistaken for Lesbian: Because she is crazily in love with Yuuji she rejects all men who want to go out with her, which initially created the impression to others that she is a lesbian.
- The Ojou
- Proper Tights with a Skirt
- Rapunzel Hair
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin/Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Rescue Romance: The real reason why Shouko is so obsessed with Yuuji. He pulled a Big Damn Heroes moment to save Shouko from 3 boys who tried to bully her after she tried to stop them from writing some vicious lies on his PE clothing; he tried to come up with an excuse not to help, but in the end saves her. Although he tries to pass it off as nothing, Shouko is really touched by that action that she vows to his mother to marry him someday.
- Ship Tease: With Yuuji. She's egged on by other characters -- including Akihisa.
- Shock and Awe/Electric Torture: If Eye Scream isn't a viable option.
- Short, Dark and Bishoujo
- Single-Target Sexuality: Yuuji-sexual.
- Spanner in the Works: Functions as this to Yuuji. Because she is his childhood friend she can see through all his plots.
- Supreme Chef: She trained herself in every way to be the perfect house wife to Yuuji, including this.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: And yet she's doing her best to win Yuuji's heart.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Inverted since she often takes it out on Yuuji instead of others.
- Woman Scorned: Played with in-universe, Shouko consider Yuuji cheating if he is near/talking/running from any girl (or Hideyoshi). As well she thinks he's a bit too friendly with Akihisa.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Has the looks with her dark hair and almost Hime Cut as well as the intense desire to be a wife. She varies slightly in the uses a katana instead of a naginata in battle. She varies even more with the rest of her personality.
- Yandere: She will do anything to have Yuuji. This goes both ways.
- You Gotta Have Dark Blue Hair
Aiko Kudou
Voiced by: Yoshino Nanjou (Japanese) and Trina Nishimura (English)
A green-haired girl and a bit of a troublemaker who might be Kouta's equal in terms of Health and P.E., except she adds that she has "practical" experience in that area.
- Ascended Extra/Recurring Extra: Depending on which part of the story, but she plays a role here or there giving minor hints to the arc. But most of the time she just likes to tease and watch the guys get into trouble.
- An Axe to Grind: Her Summoned Being uses one.
- Bokukko
- Brown Eyes
- Cute Little Fangs: All the time.
- Foe Yay: She and Kouta are arch enemies, but not that doesn't mean deep down (ok not so deep really) they do like each other.
- Skirt Over Slacks: What she wears most of the time. Kouta can tell; everyone else can't.
- The Tease: With the most prominent of her hijinks being her "practical" experience in Health and P.E. lessons, it is Most often directed at Kouta.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Toshimitsu Kubo
Voiced by: Takuma Terashima (Japanese) and Joel McDonald (English)
A calm, collected boy who usually sticks to a tight schedule and has very good grades as a result. However, after a small misunderstanding, he thought Akihisa was trying to hit on him, and now happens to have a crush on Akihisa.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Akihisa doesn't know about Kubo's love for him.
- Big Damn Heroes: In episode 7 of Ni.
- Dual-Wielding: With Sinister Scythes.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: In the first OVA.
- Megane
- Single-Target Sexuality: Akihisa-sexual.
- Stalker with a Crush: He acts like this at times.
- In the novel though, he really does start falling into this.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Invisible to Gaydar
- Twisting the Words
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Yuuko Kinoshita
Voiced by: Emiri Katou (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English)
Hideyoshi's twin sister. Unlike him, she is prideful, haughty and pretty arrogant, but has the grades to back it up.
- A-Cup Angst: She might have a bit of an issue with her breasts, which Akihisa kind of pointed when she put him into a wrestling move disguised as Hideyoshi... It's a Long Story.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: She's the only one who hurts Hideyoshi in the light novels. Compare what she does to him like what Minami does to Akihisa.
- The Ace: She's beautiful, smart, atheltic, a decent cook (from what little information is known about her)... but can't sing.
- In comes Hideyoshi, who helps solve that issue but... well, Hilarity Ensues.
- It's interesting to note that even though she's The Ace, it's Hideyoshi who's a lot more popular than her. See Green-Eyed Monster.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Girl
- Berserk Button: Turns out Yuuko might have a thing about her weight, and oddly enough Hideyoshi points this out to her when he dressed up as her. Her skirt is a bit loose around his waist.
- Between My Legs: Twice in episode 12.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: More of a wolf in cat's clothing but its the same idea.
- Blue Eyes: Blue-green.
- Covert Pervert: A Yaoi Fangirl who, if Hideyoshi is to be believed in the light novel, walks around at home wearing nothing but panties.
- Furthermore she has a thing for girly guys... just like Hideyoshi and Akihisa.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Implied -- her bad treatment of Hideyoshi may stem not only from his poor grades, but also out of jealousy over the fact that he attracts more guys than she does. This is probably helped by his genuinely nice personality.
- Hair Decorations
- Half Identical Twin: With her brother Hideyoshi.
- I Can Explain: This type of trope pops up whenever Hideyoshi starts cosplaying, and people mistake him for her. Needless to say she gets pissed and starts breaking his joints.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In Volume 9 she actually helped Akihisa sneak back into the school as a class F vs C war was going on.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Hideyoshi's Feminine Boy, much to her dismay.
- Meaningful Name: Yuuko means "superior child".
- Meido: She and her brother have worn the uniform before. You decide who looks prettier.
- Moment Killer
- Perverse Sexual Lust: In Volume 9 she is dissapointed that the pretty ones are only in 2D.
- Pride
- Ship Tease: With Akihisa, of all people. She thinks he's an idiot... and a pretty one.
- Later on its confirmed she does like Akihisa...She thinks he would make a good puppy.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Hideyoshi -- she is smart but haughty; he is not too smart but kind.
- Talking to Herself: Shares the same voice actress with her brother, on both languages.
- Tsundere: Potential one for Akihisa. She already fills out the part by beating the crap outta him, and might have a crush on him.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Limited to fiction, apparently. Her favorite genre is two pretty boys making out.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Knows a wrestling move or two.
Class 2-B
Kyouji Nemoto
Voiced by: Hiromu Miyazaki (Japanese) and Todd Haberkorn (English)
A cunning schemer and Class Representative of Class B who's willing to cheat his way to victory and good grades. He tried forming an alliance with Class C, only to be defeated by Yuuji and his own plan, forcing the poor guy to get dressed in female clothing and get photographed by Yuuji as leverage to force his class into fighting Class A.
- Class Representative
- Dragged Into Drag
- Humiliation Conga: Not only is he defeated by 2-C -- or, to be more exact, Out-Gambitted by Yuuji -- but he was also forced by Yuuji to get photographed wearing female clothing as Blackmail material to force him and 2-B to fight 2-A.
- Smug Snake
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Class 2-C
Yuuka Koyama
Voiced by: Hiromi Igarashi (Japanese) and Terri Doty (English)
Class C's Class Representative who was originally going out with Class B's Kyouji, until she saw him Dragged Into Drag.
- Class Representative
- Hair Decorations: Wears a clip on the leftside.
- Ice Queen
- Purple Eyes
- You Gotta Have Dark Green Hair
Class 2-D
Genji Hiraga
Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Japanese), Micah Solusod (English)
Class Representative of Class D.
Miharu Shimizu
Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (Japanese) and Kristi Bingham (English)
A lesbian who is madly in love with Minami, even if that love is unrequited.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Covert Pervert: During the study camp arc, she was the one spying on the girls. Since this was unexpected the blame was pushed into the boys instead.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Does Not Like Men: She hates them infact, which is ironic since later on she teams up with Kubo.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fiery Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: Sort of hinted at in the light novels. She declares that her father should be the first one to disappear before all other men. Yoshi then notes that she looked like she "recalled something repulsive" and wondered if something might have happened.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Het Is Ew
- Hypocritical Humor: Repeatedly refers to the object of her crush's affections as a "fag". She's much worse.
- Mega Twintails
- Murder the Hypotenuse
- Nightmare Face: During the test of courage segment
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Slasher Smile
- Horned Hairdo: Her pigtails
- Odango Hair: When she wears a swimsuit.
- Princess Curls
- Psycho Lesbian: Miharu's solution to anyone between her and Minami is to remove the problem. Especially Akihisa.
Class 2-E
Hiromi Nakabayashi
Voiced by: Yuko Takayama (Japanese) and Anastasia Munoz (English)
Class Representative of Class E and a natural athlete. Though she has bad grades, her athletic talent gives her greater endurance. Her summoned Being appears in the form of a basketball player.
- Action Girl
- All Love Is Unrequited: Likes Kubo, but how she got turned down its a bit sad.
- Between My Legs: In episode 1.
- Class Representative
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hair Decorations: Sports a headband.
Kaoru Todo
Voiced by: Kaori Nakamura (Japanese) and Wendy Powell (English)
The old principal of Fumizuki High. Her name is never directly mentioned in the anime.
- The Chessmaster
- Covert Pervert
- No Name Given: Or at least never directly mentioned in the anime.
Shin Fukuhara
Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda (Japanese) and Anthony Bowling (English)
A soft-spoken teacher who used to be 1-F's homeroom teacher, but later became the narrator after being replaced by Nishimura-sensei.
- Dull Surprise
- The Narrator
- Lemony Narrator: Most of the time.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Does this several times over in the dub. "You're interrupting my narration!"
Souichi Nishimura
Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese) and Kent Williams (English)
A hardcore master of discipline who possesses great physical ability and serves as the current homeroom teacher of 2-F. He is the one who drags students off to remedial lessons if their Being gets KO'd in battle. Whatever the time, place, number of students or even relevance to school, he will pop up and drag them all back for those lessons.
- Badass
- Badass Normal: He can take on Akihisa's Summoned Being and win, despite its ability to interact with physical objects.
- Big Damn Heroes: In the first season in episode 12 when Himeji, Akihisa, and Minami are about to fall he catches them and lifts the chain up through the sky.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Genius Bruiser: Can fight all boys of class F and has the second highest score of the 2nd year teachers(the class A teacher Takahashi has the highest score)
- In-Series Nickname: "Tetsujin" or "Iron Man"
- Large Ham
- Lemony Narrator: On occasion, when he trades duties with Fukuhara.
- One-Man Army: He took on all the boys from class F and won.
- Meaningful Nick Name: Ironman literally is tough as iron as he can shrug off Aki's summon hitting like nothing.
- Pet the Dog: Nishimura-sensei was assigned as Class F's homeroom teacher as the latter's penalty for narrowly losing their ESB against Class A thanks to Yuuji failing to properly execute his part of his own plan. However, he decides not to immediately put them through his notorious remedial lessons for once as recognition for their valiant efforts.
- Sadist Teacher: Considered one by the people who get taken away for remedial lessons.
- Stealth Hi Bye/Dynamic Entry
- Stern Teacher
- Super Strength: One way to see his ability, considering he can carry 2 over the shoulder while also carrying 2 under the arms.
- Tap on the Head: How Akihisa managed to beat him(only time anyone managed this so far) during the study camp arc.
- The Juggernaut
A 45-year-old Math teacher rumored to threaten students into going out with her through manipulating their grades.
- Christmas Cake: Maybe way beyond Christmas Cake, really.
- Old Maid
- Only One Name
- Shotacon: Being an adult woman who uses grades who get boys for dates, she may as well be.
Other Characters
Hazuki Shimada
Voiced by: Mana Hirata (Japanese) and Lindsay Seidel (English)
Minami's little sister who refers to Akihisa as "baka na onii-chan" ("stupid brother"), and talks about marrying him one day after he saved up money to buy her a giant stuffed doll.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason she likes Akihisa is because he went out of his way to buy her a 25,000-yen doll.
- Even if it made him Blessed with Suck.
- Cheerful Child
- Girlish Pigtails
- Green Eyes
- Innocent Innuendo: Anything she says and/or does can be easily misconstrued.
- She claims she gave her First Kiss to Akihisa (to the cheek, at least) -- cue Death Glares from the FFF and a beating from Minami, with some assistance from Mizuki.
- In the School Festival arc she decided to go full-out instead of letting the guys surrender.
- Precocious Crush: To Akihisa.
- Wife Husbandry: Possible one if Akihisa waits.
- Token Mini-Moe
Akira Yoshii
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese) and Carli Mosier (English)
Akihisa's 23-year-old sister with a bust that rivals Mizuki's. She studied at Harvard, but comes back to Japan later in the story to look after Akihisa. Considering some of her dialogue, it's possible that she has a brother complex or is just very good at teasing him in order to get him to do better. Unlike her brother, she's very smart, but bad at cooking.
- Bottle Fairy: Get her drunk and she gets bold.
- Brother-Sister Incest: She wants this with her brother but it ain't happening.
- Buxom Is Better
- Cool Big Sis
- Even the Girls Want Her: The other girls are insanely jealous of her looks.
- She has Himeji's ideal waist, Shouko and Minami's ideal chest size.
- Gag Boobs/Gainaxing
- Het Is Ew: Unless it's her and Akihisa.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lethal Chef -> Cordon Bleugh Chef: Her food won't kill you like Himeji's but still... certain ingredients make you wonder about taste.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With her younger brother Akihisa -- she's smart but can't cook; he's idiotic but can cook.
- Single-Target Sexuality: She so far has only show interest in her brother Akihisa and no one else.
- The Tease: Its hard to say if she really means what says she wants to do with Akihisa, but its here.
- Yaoi Fangirl
- ↑ Baka-Tsuki translated one of Himeji's recipes (Note the end part); for those not up on their inorganic chemistry, "King's Water" is called as such because it is one of the few solvents that can dissolve solid gold.