Angel/Recap/S04/E20 Sacrifice
The Fang Gang flees underground, and finds a possible weakness of Jasmine.
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Lorne: (pointing a woman about to Wrench Whack Wes) Soccer mom, 12 o'clock!
Lorne: And that's why when we use words like "ugly-ass" and "beastie," we can sometimes do more damage than we intend to. It ain't all about sticks and stones, my young friends. That's all. A little life lesson. One to grow on. (points) Knowing... knowing is half the--
Golden: Man, shut up!
- All Planets Are Earthlike: Averted
- And I Must Scream / Body Horror: One of the victims turns out to be a vampire, imprisoned in his flesh wall yet still alive.
Just drop the cliche serial killer crap and stake me already! Please!
Angel: What else do we know about [the High Priest]?
Wesley: I'm just guessing that he's bigger and meaner than our big, mean friend over there.
- Subverted when he turns out to be a short guy with two legs.
- Badass Boast: Angel makes it clear to Golden's gang that he can take their weapons off them easily, so they better take the pointy bits out of his face.
- Blade on a Stick: Golden's gang are armed with these.
- Blood Magic
Wesley: Are you preparing a spell?
Demon: Mmm, this blood magic. Flesh magic. Older than words. More much power.
- Book Ends: Angel holding the door so his friends can escape, is inverted at the end of the episode with them holding the door so he can escape.
- The Dragon: Connor for Jasmine.
- Cliff Hanger / Oh Crap
- Contrived Coincidence
Fred: It's weird, really, us running into you like this. I mean, we—we're professional monster killers.
- Creepy Child: Any child possessed by Jasmine.
- Curse Cut Short / Tongue Trauma
Vampire Victim: Why don't you go f-- (screams as the demon attacks him)
Spidery Demon: Pssh! More talky meat. (throws the victim's tongue over to Wesley)
- Destination Defenestration / Car Cushion
- Evil Laugh: Jasmine really goes to town on this.
- Fan Service: Some of Jasmine's more attractive followers strip down to their underwear to feed her.
- Flashback Echo: Angel sees his son's blood on his knuckles and flashes back to beating him.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Healing Hands
- Hive Mind
- I Did What I Had to Do
- I Know Your True Name / Eureka Moment
Wesley: She has a name, and it has power over her! That's why she keeps it a secret!
- In a Single Bound
- La Résistance: Averted -- Golden's gang are obvious candidates, but they fall under Jasmine's spell the moment they hear her voice.
- Laughing Mad / Healing Factor
- The Magnificent: She Who Walks Among Us.
- Malevolent Masked Men: The National Guard Mooks.
- Mercy Lead
Wesley: Aren't you worried I'll just run away?
Demon: Hm. Not worried. Good at catching furries.
- The Mole: By the time Fred and Gunn catch up with Matthew, he's already fallen under Jasmine's control.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast / Spell My Name with a "The": The Devourer.
- New Era Speech
- Oh Crap: "I see you."
- Open Says Me: Hilarious Outtakes has a scene where Angel runs to block the door that Connor is trying to break through, only to fall on him when the whole doorframe falls to pieces.
- Punctuated Pounding: Connor trying to break down the door with Angel on the other side.
Connor: I'm finally part of something! (crash) I belong! (crash) I won't let anyone ruin that!
Gunn: We need a damn break. But the universe don't seem to be handing breaks out to the underdog lately. No leads, no database, no weapons, no shelter.
Wesley: And very little gas.
- Rule of Three / Ironic Echo: Jasmine and Connor each saying "Angel!" to Lorne shouting his name on catching sight of him.
- Run or Die
- She Who Must Not Be Named
- Spider Limbs
- This Is the Part Where
Wesley: (holding the door) We can't hold it.
Gunn: Time for the big fight scene.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Gunn doesn't like the idea of being Reduced to Ratburgers. Neither does Angel for that matter.
- Back to Angel