Angel/Recap/S04/E14 Release
Cordelia forces Angelus to work for her.
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ANGELUS: If I did have any friends, they sure as hell wouldn't be living inside my head.
BEASTMASTER: Like you're forced to live inside Angel's? (chuckles) Because you're the voice in there, aren't you? Just beneath the surface, buried under all that goodness, fully conscious, fully aware, but trapped. Unable to move or speak, powerless to act on your desires. So thirsty, so must be agony.
- Bad Liar: According to Connor, Cordy wants...soup.
- Bottomless Magazines: Exactly how many shells were in that shotgun?
- Brandishment Bluff: Angelus scares Fred into letting him steal Lilah's book by pretending a Made in Country X charm has counteracted the protection spell.
- Bullet Catch: Angelus intercepts a dart fired by Fred in the Tome of Eldritch Lore he's carrying.
ANGELUS: Can't beat a good book.
- Call Back
- The short Montage of Connor looking in the mirror for demonic features resembled Faith trying out expressions in Buffy's body in BTVS "Who Are You?"
- Vampires and junkies getting each other high is like in BTVS "Into the Woods" where humans would pay vampires to bite them; the humans would get the thrill while the vampires would get easy blood.
- Chekhov's Gun: The Beastmaster calling Angelus 'sweet'. The Fantastic Drug is used to defeat Angelus, as revealed in the next episode.
- Cliff Hanger: Angelus defeats Faith and drinks her blood, declaring he's going to make her a vampire.
- Continuity Nod
- Wesley brings up being tortured by Faith ("Five by Five") and the Watcher's Council trying to kill her ("Sanctuary"), while Angelus brings up Wesley's inadequacy as a Watcher (which lead to Faith's Start of Darkness) in BTVS "Consequences".
- Connor snarks "Thought you were more of a Taser girl" when a startled Fred points her tranq pistol at him, referring to when Fred zapped him with a taser in the season premiere.
- Curse Cut Short: Faith gets out a "What the f--?" before she's attacked by a vampire.
- Death Seeker: Averted -- though the urge if not the drive is still there, as the next episode shows.
- Dodge the Bullet: Angelus dodges bullets, Tranquillizer Darts and shotgun blasts in this episode.
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu / Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon
- Dramatic Gun Cock: "Let's not."
- Angelus repeatedly racks his shotgun while talking to Faith -- turns out he's just emptying it as he wants to use his fangs on Faith instead.
- Even the Girls Want Her: On seeing Faith the junkie girl says, "Hey, you're pretty. You wanna make out?"
- Evil Gloating: Angelus boasts to the other vampires in the Bad Guy Bar about his defeat of a Slayer and the Beast.
- Exalted Torturer: "I avoided the main arteries."
- Failed Attempt At Drama / Offhand Backhand
- Fantastic Drug: Wes and Faith find vampires drinking the blood of human junkies in a back room of the Bad Guy Bar. Wesley explains that it's a mutal means of getting each other high -- the junkies get the thrill of the Kiss of the Vampire, while the vampires get high on the heroin-laced blood.
- Feet First Introduction: Subverted in the Cold Open from the usual Badass or Foot Focus version -- the shoes of an exhausted Wesley and a severely battered Faith slowly step into frame, then drops of blood from Faith's wounds drip onto the floor.
- Friend or Foe: Fred accidentally shoots Lorne with a tranq dart. Lorne thanks her for the best sleep he's had since this whole apocalypse business started.
- Get It Over With
- Healing Factor
- Hearing Voices: And very loudly too.
ANGELUS: (holds his hands to his ears) Hello, volume!
ANGELUS: I am not well deaf!
- Human Shield: Angelus threatens to Neck Snap Wesley, who tells Faith to attack regardless. She doesn't and Angelus gets away.
- I Did What I Had to Do
- I Love the Dead
FAITH: Screw you.
ANGELUS: Maybe after. I like my girls to lie still.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique
- Juggle Fu
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Angelus says, "It's all about choices, Faith. The ones we make, and the ones we don't. Oh, and the consequences." -- "Choices" and "Consequences" were Season 2 Buffy episodes where Evil!Faith played a major role.
- Mathematician's Answer: Wesley asks a blood-splattered Faith if she's OK. She replies, "I'm sticky."
- Meaningful Echo: Angelus says "There's my girl!" after taunting Faith into lashing out at him. Faith said the same thing after taunting Buffy into punching her in BTVS "Consequences".
- Morning Sickness: Cordelia
- The Nicknamer: Gunn dubs Angelus "Vampire Moriarty". Faith is Super Girl.
- Not So Different / Punctuated Pounding
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Cordelia says this re Angelus killing the Beast, and Wesley says it to Faith re fighting Angelus.
- Perp Sweating / Bad Guy Bar
- Punctuated Pounding
ANGELUS: Has a penchant for rains of fire, blotting out the sun, (punches the occult shopkeeper) getting... (punches him again) inside.... (punch) your... (punch) head.
WESLEY: This the part where you [Faith] tell me you've turned a new leaf, found God, inner peace? We both know that isn't true. You haven't changed. You can't.
- Shower of Angst / Punch a Wall: After Faith gets the crap beaten out of her, she showers off to clean up the blood. Then she vents her frustrations on the shower tiles.
WESLEY: I'm not worried about the bathroom. Although I'm fairly sure my security deposit's a complete loss.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Angelus certainly thinks so.
- Staircase Tumble / Flash Step: Angelus throws Faith down the stair; by the time she reaches bottom he's already there pushing a shotgun in her face.
- Stay Frosty: Faith to Wes.
- Stiff Upper Lip: Angelus mocks what he assumes Wes told Faith -- ironically Wes had been telling her that if she didn't match Angelus' evil she won't survive.
- Terms of Endangerment
- (Angelus kicks Faith and she stumbles away) A little tired, sweetie? You wanna take a break?
- Tomato in the Mirror: Connor is shocked when the demon protection spell zaps him for attacking Angelus, meaning he's part demon.
- Tranquillizer Dart: The Fang Gang break out the dart pistols.
- Twisted Echo Cut: The Beastmaster is interrupted from talking in Angelus' head by Connor entering the room where Cordelia is.
CORDELIA: Just a little woozy. Could be the whole Angelus-nailing-me-with-a-crossbow thingy. Or it could be the baby. His way of saying--
Cut to a peeved ANGELUS: Hello! Hey, I got places to go, friends to kill...well, not actually my friends, but you get the idea.
- Walk in Chime In: Involving Angelus, as per usual.
FRED: If I were a Runic transcription guide, (walks to the bookcase, searches) I would be...(finds the book) shelved wrong.
ANGELUS: Talking to yourself, Fred? A lot of that going around.
- Fred pulls the trigger but her gun is empty -- Angelus grins.
ANGELUS: Too bad. I was just starting to have fun.
CONNOR: (charging towards him) Why stop now?
- Faith and Wesley are entering the Hyperion gates.
FAITH: We track him, we find him, we--
ANGELUS: (walks out of the front doors) Get your asses kicked? I dunno, wild guess.
- Later on...
WESLEY: This Maury that Lorne knows may be able to help us find where Angelus is hiding. (stop as they see Maury's corpse)
ANGELUS: No...but I can.
ANGELUS: Defy who? A big scary voice? Whoa! Hey, I got one of those, too. You wanna hear it? (cups his hands over his mouth) You can kiss my vampire ass!
- Back to Angel