Angel/Recap/S04/E22 Home
As a reward for them stopping Jasmine's plan to bring about peace on Earth, the Senior Partners offer the gang control of the L.A. branch of Wolfram & Hart.
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- Absolute Cleavage: Just because Lilah is dead, doesn't mean she can't look sexy.
- Arson, Murder, and Admiration
- Back From the Dead: Lilah's Magically-Binding Contract with Wolfram & Hart extends even past her death.
- Badass Adorable: Fred eagerly helps herself to a sound-suppressed Heckler & Koch submachine gun which she carries like a teddy bear for the entire tour.
- Berserk Button: Connor talks a cop out of shooting himself. But when he realises the man had a family he was going to leave behind, Connor beats him unconscious. Issues, anyone?
- Bittersweet Ending
- Book Ends: The dinner scene with Connor's new family is like the family gathering meal Angel dreamed of in the season premiere.
- Brainwashing for the Greater Good / Give Him a Normal Life
- Chekhov's Gun: The locket plays an important role in BTVS "Chosen" and the Season 5 premiere of Angel.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Knox plays an important role in Season 5.
- Continuity Nod: Wesley encounters a former Watcher working for Wolfram & Hart after the destruction of the Council in Season 7 Buffy.
- Deal with the Devil
- Despair Event Horizon
- Double Entendre: Lilah tries to tempt Angel with the latest intel from Sunnydale.
Angel: Buffy can handle herself.
Lilah: But isn't it more fun when you handle her?
- Driven to Suicide / Suicide Attack / Taking You with Me
- Elevator Going Down: Gunn clearly is hoping for this, and is shocked when his attractive guide takes her to see the Conduit instead.
Gunn: Already rubbed elbows with Little Miss Muffet once. Don't need a repeat with her replacement, and here I am thinking I'm getting seduced. Well, I'm getting screwed all...
- Hypocritical Humor: Lorne is taken on a tour by a member of Wolfram & Hart's entertainment division.
Preston: I had this prepared. Confidential list. Peepers only. Thought you might want to take a gander at our roster. (opens the book) Just a rundown of some of the talent we represent here.
Lorne: Uh, no, no, no, no. I don't think you have to tell me what you represent here, young man. I know. Evil. Pure evil in the— (Preston flips through the pages of the book, catching Lorne's attention) Huh. Which is also apparently everyone I've always wanted to meet.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: Connor
- Improvised Weapon: Inevitable when you have a fight in a sporting goods store.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Wes refuses to believe the woman in front of him is Lilah Morgan.
Wes: It's a lie.
Lilah: Lah. It's a Lilah.
- Ironic Echo: "Nothing in this world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and it's cruel, but that's why there's you, Angel. You live as if the world were as it should be."
- It Meant Something to Me: Lilah assures Wes re cutting off her head.
- Kill It with Fire
- The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: Lilah explaining the temptations of corporate life.
"Money, clothes, women. Did I mention we have a juice bar?"
"Necro-tempered glass. The whole building's fitted with it. Helps keep those uplifting, wholesome rays from charbroilin' the boss, and 30% more energy efficient."
- The Library of Babel
- Marionette Motion: Lilah appears to have some difficulty in walking when she first appears at the Hyperion, as if she's not quite used to moving around in her old body.
- Meaningful Echo: "There's a signed dollar in your wallet that says different." Lilah repeats the words that Imaginary Lilah spoke to Wes while he was working himself up to dismember her.
- Nothing Up My Sleeve / Grappling Hook Pistol: Go Wes!
- Panthera Awesome: The Conduit to the Senior Partners takes the form of a black panther.
- Please Keep Your Hat On: Lilah wears a neck scarf to hide the scar from her beheading. When Angel grabs her by the throat, she tells him to be careful as her head comes off easy.
- Reflective Eyes: Gunn is reflected in the eyes of the panther.
- Shout-Out: to Trading Places with his new employees all greeting "Mr. Angel".
- Stunned Silence
- Suggestive Collision: Lorne starts to dance with Fred in the middle of the lobby. She spins out and bumps into Wesley.
- The Un-Reveal: What Gunn was offered by the Senior Partners.
- Walk in Chime In: The Fang Gang turning up one by one to take the ride in Wolfram & Hart's limo.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?
Lorne: So it's an evil limo. I get that, but does that mean we don't restock the cherries?
- White Void Room
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Connor's trip to the mall doesn't end well.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame
- Back to Angel