Angel/Recap/S04/E21 Peace Out
Angel discovers Jasmine's true name and uses it to defeat her.
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Jasmine: There are no absolutes, no right and wrong. Haven't you learned anything working for The Powers? There are only choices. I offered paradise; you chose this!
- A Million Is a Statistic / Utopia Justifies the Means: The atrocities committed by her cronies are shrugged off as "birth pains."
"Yes. I murdered thousands... to save billions!"
- Anti-Anti-Christ:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
- Assimilation Plot
- Badass Boast: "I was forged from the inferno of creation, vampire!"
- Big No
- Bodyguard Betrayal: Is all set to double-team against Angel with Connor — who immediately turns on her, killing her instantly. Especially cold given that Jasmine was elated to see him again, having had everyone else turn against her.
- Converse with the Unconscious / Despair Speech
- Cliffs of Insanity
- Decapitation Presentation
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- The Easy Way or the Hard Way
Angel: (walks up to the Keeper of the Word) Ok, big guy, you got a name I need. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. (the Keeper stands) But you're gonna give me her name or-- (the Keeper growls menacingly at Angel) Right. The hard way.
- False Reassurance: A girl stripping off so she can be eaten pours out her woes before she met Jasmine, who reassures her that she'll never be bothered by her problems again.
- Glamor Failure / Nightmare Face
- Evil Gloat-y
- Evilutionary Biologist: Before crossing over to Earth, Jasmine first took over a race of insectoids. Her chosen followers were evolved into scaly humanoids with telepathic powers.
Lorne: Uh huh, and how'd that work out for them?
Jasmine: (beat) It was a trial run.
- Facial Horror: Mass hysteria ensues when Jasmine's Nightmare Face is revealed; she tries to shapeshift to a more appealing form, but her face is still covered in boils and lessions.
- Hoist By Their Own Petard: Angel removes Jasmine's cloaking spell during her televised broadcast to the world.
- I Did What I Had to Do
- I Just Want to Be Loved: Implied to be her true motivation for enslaving the human dimension. When Angel breaks her hold over mankind, she's visibly saddened when her once-devoted worshipers flee her in revulsion and panic.
- I Know Your True Name
- Insult Backfire: Angel says the free will is what makes people human.
Jasmine: But you're not human!
Angel: Working on it.
- Killed Mid-Sentence / Benevolent Architecture
- Last Villain Stand: After her brainwashing powers are lost, Jasmine declares that if she can't rule the world she's going to destroy it. She shrugs off everything Angel tries to throw at her, but she doesn't get to enjoy her spree for long because Connor, whose immunity to her powers apparently stretch to ignoring her invulnerability, swoops in and kills her.
- Losing Your Head: The Keeper of the Word has his mouth sewn shut. After cutting off his head, Angel cuts the threads and the name issues forth.
- Meaningful Echo: In the season premiere Angel told Connor, "Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us."
Connor: You know...what this was all about? Protecting our baby—Jasmine—so she, and make this world the kind of place you wanted. And it is better. Not harsh and cruel; the way that Angel likes it so he has a reason to fight. Cause you know that's what he's about, him and the others. Finding reasons to fight. Like that's what gives their lives any meaning.
- Mundane Solution: Gunn keeps kicking the door to their cage until it finally opens.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Blessed Devourer.
- Neck Lift
- The Nose Knows: Connor picks up Cordelia's scent on the men Jasmine used to hide her body.
- Not Brainwashed: Due to their blood relation, Jasmine's powers never worked on him. He was just so jaded and messed up by that point that her "peace at the cost of free will" plan seemed like a good deal, even if he never actually felt the same bliss everyone else did.
- Not Quite Dead / Walk in Chime In
Angel: I'm worried that he might--
Lilah Morgan: End world peace? You guys already did that.
- Omnicidal Maniac: With her powers stripped and followers gone, Jasmine decides to take up Angel's offer of helping him make the world a better place... One body at a time.
- Open Says Me: Connor arrives at the church where Cordelia's body is lying in state to find the entrance boarded up and two police officers who politely ask him to leave. Smash Cut to both of them being hurled through the barrier by Connor.
- Perp Sweating
Connor: Tell me, and I'll crush your windpipe.
Man: You mean "or," right? Or you'll crush my windpipe?
- Redemption Rejection: Even after all she's done, Angel still tries for a reconciliation. Jasmine clobbers him in response.
- See You in Hell
- Schiff One-Liner
- Shock and Awe: Averted
- Stepford Smiler
- Super Strength
- "Take That!" Kiss; Jasmine plants one on Angel during their final confrontation. Considering all those oozing pustules... ew.
Connor: Always the same, Dad. I get a girl, you gotta make a play for her.
- Tantrum Throwing
- Tempting Fate
- To Serve Man
- Utopia Justifies the Means
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?
- Your Head Asplode: Connor puts a fist through Jasmine's head. Splat.
- Back to Angel