Roads in Hungary

Some of the national roads are part of the European route scheme.
European routes passing through Hungary: E60; E65; E66; E68; E71; E73; E75; E77; E79 (Class A); E573; E653; E661 (Class B).

Border road sign with general speed-limits in Hungary

Hungarian road categories are as follows:

  • Gyorsforgalmi út (controlled-access highway):
    • Autópálya (motorway): 2+2 travel lanes and 1+1 emergency lane, central reservation, no at-grade intersections, speed limit: 130 kilometres per hour (81 mph)
    • Autóút (expressway): 2+2, 2+1 or 1+1 travel lanes, central reservation, some at-grade intersections, speed limit: 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph)
    • Gyorsút (high-speed highway): 2+2 travel lanes, central reservation, few at-grade intersections, speed limit: 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph)
  • Elsődrendű főút (primary arterial road or primary main road) (with one digit in their name, e.g.: 6-os főút)
  • Másodrendű főút (secondary main road) (with two or three digits, e.g.: 57-es főút)
  • Helyi út (local road) (with three or more digits)


Hungarian highway network.
  in service

They have one lane at the each direction, signs are white-on-blue and the normal speed limit is 130 km/h, in expressways 110 km/h. According to the Állami Autópályakezelő Zrt. ("State Motorway Management Plc."), the total length of the Hungarian motorway system was 1,400.6 kilometers in 2013.[1] The construction of the Hungarian motorway system started in 1964 with M7, which finished in 1975 between Budapest and the Lake Balaton. The total length of the system reached 200 km in 1980, 500 km in 1998 and 1000 km in 2007.

Motorways in Hungary:

M1 | M3 | M5 | M6 | M7 | M8 | M15 | M19 | M30 | M31 | M35 | M43 | M60

Expressways in Hungary (M - expressways and R - fast roads):

M0 | M2 | M4 | M9 | M10 | M25 | M34 | M44 | M51 | M70 | M85 | M86 | M87
R11 | R21 | R23 | R49 | R67 | R76 | R83


Development of the overall length (at the end of):

Length in km7851362133023614406389671.2901.3821.481

Main roads

They have one lane at the each direction, signs are white-on-green and the normal speed limit is 90 km/h.

Primary main road

Roads categorized as state roads, class IIa are 2,224 km in total length and are marked with one, two, or some three-digit numbers.

1 Budapest - Budaörs - Bicske - Tatabánya - Tata - Komárom - Győr - Mosonmagyaróvár - Border with Austria near Hegyeshalom 177 km
10 Budapest - Pilisvörösvár - Dorog - Almásfüzitő (Intersection with Main road 1) 075 km
2 Budapest - Dunakeszi - Vác - Border with Slovakia near Hont (Parassapuszta) 078 km
21 Hatvan - Pásztó - Bátonyterenye - Salgótarján - Border with Slovakia near Somoskőújfalu 065 km
3 Budapest - Gödöllő - Hatvan - Gyöngyös - Füzesabony - Miskolc - Encs - Border with Slovakia near Tornyosnémeti 247 km
354 Debrecen north bypass (Motorway M35 - Main road 4) 012 km
4 Budapest - Cegléd - Szolnok - Püspökladány - Debrecen - Nyíregyháza - Kisvárda - Border with Ukraine near Záhony 352 km
403 Nyíregyháza east bypass (Motorway M3 - Main road 4) 014 km
405 Motorway M5 - Main road 4 015 km
41 Nyíregyháza - Baktalórántháza - Vásárosnamény - Border with Ukraine near Beregsurány 073 km
42 Püspökladány (Intersection with Main road 4) - Berettyóújfalu - Border with Romania near Ártánd 059 km
43 Szeged - Makó - Border with Romania near Nagylak 055 km
44 Kecskemét (Intersection with Main roads 5 and 54) - Lakitelek - Kunszentmárton - Szarvas - Békéscsaba - Border with Romania near Gyula 144 km
5 Budapest - Dabas - Kecskemét - Kiskunfélegyháza - Szeged - Border with Serbia near Röszke 185 km
6 Budapest - Érd - Dunaújváros - Paks - Szekszárd - Pécs - Szigetvár - Border with Croatia near Barcs 262 km
7 Budapest - Érd - Martonvásár - Székesfehérvár - Siófok - Nagykanizsa - Border with Croatia near Letenye 233 km
8 Székesfehérvár - Veszprém - Ajka - Körmend - Border with Austria near Szentgotthárd (Rábafüzes) 190 km

Secondary main road

Roads categorized as state roads, class IIb are 2,224 km in total length and are marked with one, two, or some three-digit numbers.

102 Herceghalom (Intersection with Main road 1) - Zsámbék - Tinnye - Pilisjászfalu 023 km
11 Budapest - Szentendre - Visegrád - Esztergom - Intersection with Main road 117 072 km
111 Dorog - Esztergom 008 km
117 Dorog bypass, Esztergom relief road 016 km
12 Vác (Intersection with Main road 2) - Nagymaros - Szob 027 km
13 Kisbér - Nagyigmánd - Border with Slovakia near Komárom 029 km
14 Győr - Border with Slovakia near Vámosszabadi 013 km
150 Mosonmagyaróvár - Border with Slovakia near Rajka 015 km
211 Salgótarján (old section of Main road 21) 003 km
22 Rétság (Intersection with Main road 2) - Balassagyarmat - Szécsény - Salgótarján 067 km
222 Border with Slovakia near Balassagyarmat 002 km
23 Bátonyterenye - Pétervására - Tarnalelesz 033 km
24 Gyöngyös - Parád - Recsk - Eger 060 km
25 Kerecsend - Eger - Szarvaskő - Tarnalelesz - Ózd - Bánréve (Intersection with Main road 26) 082 km
252 Eger (between Main road 25 and Expressway M25) 0.8 km
26 Miskolc - Sajószentpéter - Kazincbarcika - Putnok - Border with Slovakia near Bánréve 045 km
27 Sajószentpéter - Edelény - Szendrő - Border with Slovakia near Tornanádaska 055 km
302 Motorway M30 - Emőd (Intersection with Main road 3) 008 km
304 Miskolc south bypass (Main road 3 - Motorway M30) 004 km
306 Miskolc north bypass (Motorway M30 - Main road 26) 006 km
31 Budapest - Gyömrő - Nagykáta - Jászberény - Jászapáti - Heves - Füzesabony (Intersection with Main road 33) 126 km
311 Nagykáta - Farmos - Cegléd 034 km
32 Hatvan (Intersection with Motorway M3) - Jászberény - Újszász - Szolnok 080 km
33 Füzesabony (Intersection with Main road 3) - Tiszafüred - Hortobágy - Debrecen 111 km
338 Nyíregyháza west bypass (Motorway M3 - Main road 38) 007 km
34 Tiszafüred - Kunmadaras - Kunhegyes - Fegyvernek (Intersection with Main road 4) 055 km
35 Nyékládháza - Tiszaújváros - Polgár - Hajdúböszörmény - Debrecen 086 km
36 Polgár (Intersection with Main road 35) - Tiszavasvári - Nyíregyháza 050 km
37 Felsőzsolca (Intersection with Main road 3) - Szerencs - Sárospatak - Border with Slovakia near Sátoraljaújhely 076 km
38 Tarcal (Intersection with Main road 37) - Tokaj - Rakamaz - Nyíregyháza 037 km
381 Sátoraljaújhely - Cigánd - Kisvárda (Intersection with Main road 4) 00- km
39 Encs - Abaújszántó - Mád (Intersection with Main road 37) 00- km
401 Main road 4 - Main road 40 001 km
427 Berettyóújfalu (old section of Main road 42) 00- km
430 Makó - Hódmezővásárhely 00- km
431 Border with Romania near Kiszombor 006 km
441 Cegléd - Nagykőrös - Kecskemét 031 km
442 Szolnok - Martfű - Kunszentmárton (Intersection with Main road 44) 043 km
443 Szarvas (Intersection with Main road 44) - Gyomaendrőd 019 km
444 Békéscsaba (old section of Main road 44) 002 km
445 Kecskemét east and north bypass (Main road 44 - Motorway M5) 013 km
45 Kunszentmárton - Szentes - Hódmezővásárhely 053 km
451 Szentes (Intersection with Main road 45) - Csongrád - Kiskunfélegyháza (Intersection with Main road 5) 042 km
46 Törökszentmiklós - Mezőtúr - Gyomaendrőd - Mezőberény 066 km
47 Debrecen - Berettyóújfalu - Szeghalom - Mezőberény - Békéscsaba - Orosháza - Hódmezővásárhely - Szeged 215 km
471 Debrecen - Nyíradony - Nyírbátor - Mátészalka 073 km
472 Hódmezővásárhely 00- km
474 Orosháza (old section of Main road 47) 013 km
48 Debrecen - Vámospércs - Border with Romania near Nyírábrány 030 km
49 Vaja (Intersection with Main road 41) - Mátészalka - Border with Romania near Csengersima 057 km
491 Győrtelek - Fehérgyarmat - Border with Ukraine near Tiszabecs 038 km
502 Szeged west bypass 00- km
51 Expressway M0 - Solt - Kalocsa - Baja - Border with Serbia near Hercegszántó 191 km
510 Budapest - Dunaharaszti - Main road 51 (old section of Main road 51) 011 km
511 Baja east bypass (Main road 51 - Main road 55) 004 km
513 Dunavecse (old section of Main road 51) 008 km
52 Kecskemét - Solt - Dunaföldvár 064 km
53 Solt (Intersection with Main road 52) - Kiskőrös - Soltvadkert - Kiskunhalas - Border with Serbia near Tompa 089 km
54 Kecskemét (Intersection with Main roads 5 and 44) - Bugac - Soltvadkert - Sükösd 092 km
541 Kecskemét (Main road 5 - Main road 54) 004 km
542 Kiskunfélegyháza west bypass 009 km
55 Szeged - Mórahalom - Mélykút - Baja - Bátaszék (Intersection with Motorway M6) 122 km
551 Baja east bypass - Main road 55 002 km
56 Szekszárd (Intersection with Main road 6) - Bátaszék - Mohács - Border with Croatia near Udvar 061 km
57 Pécs - Bóly - Mohács 038 km
578 Pécs east bypass (Main road 6 - Motorway M6) 00- km
58 Pécs - Harkány - Border with Croatia near Drávaszabolcs 033 km
61 Dunaföldvár - Harkány - Cece - Simontornya - Tamási - Dombóvár - Kaposvár - Nagykanizsa (Intersection with Motorway M7) 195 km
610 Kaposvár (old section of Main road 61) 016 km
611 Dombóvár - Sásd 014 km
62 Dunaújváros (Intersection with Main road 6) - Seregélyes - Székesfehérvár 047 km
63 Szekszárd (Intersection with Main road 6) - Cece - Sárbogárd - Székesfehérvár (Intersection with Motorway M7) 090 km
631 Motorway M6 - Main road 63 00- km
64 Simontornya - Enying (Intersection with Main road 7) 037 km
65 Szekszárd (Intersection with Main road 6) - Tamási - Siófok 085 km
651 Tamási bypass (Main road 65 - Main road 61) 00- km
66 Pécs - Sásd - Kaposvár (Intersection with Main roads 61 and 610) 054 km
67 Szigetvár - Kaposvár - Balatonlelle 090 km
68 Barcs - Nagyatád - Marcali - Balatonszentgyörgy (Intersection with Main roads 7 and 76) 095 km
681 Nagyatád (Intersection with Main road 68) - Border with Croatia near Berzence 00- km
71 Lepsény (Intersection with Main road 7) - Balatonfűzfő - Balatonalmádi - Balatonfüred - Balatonederics - Keszthely (Intersection with Main road 76) 116 km
710 Balatonakarattya (Intersection with Main road 71) - Balatonfűzfő (Intersection with Main road 72) 017 km
72 Balatonfűzfő - Litér - Veszprém (Intersection with Main road 8) 007 km
73 Csopak (Intersection with Main road 71) - Veszprém (Intersection with Main road 8) 013 km
74 Nagykanizsa (Intersection with Main road 7) - Bak - Zalaegerszeg - Vasvár (Intersection with Main road 8) 075 km
75 Keszthely (Intersection with Main road 71) - Pacsa - Bak - Rédics 069 km
76 Balatonszentgyörgy (Intersection with Main roads 7 and 68) - Sármellék - Zalaegerszeg - Nádasd (Intersection with Main road 86) 082 km
760 Main road 75 - Hévíz - Main road 76 00- km
761 Zalaegerszeg north bypass (Main road 74 - Main road 76) 00- km
762 Zalaegerszeg (old section of Main road 76) 00- km
77 Veszprém (Intersection with Main road 71) - Nagyvázsony - Tapolca - Lesencetomaj (Intersection with Main road 84) 054 km
81 Székesfehérvár (Intersection with Main road 8) - Mór - Kisbér - Győr 081 km
811 Székesfehérvár - Lovasberény - Felcsút - Bicske (Intersection with Main road 1) 042 km
813 Győr northeast bypass (Intersection with Motorway M1 - Main road 14) 00- km
82 Veszprém (Intersection with Main road 8) - Zirc - Pannonhalma - Győr 080 km
821 Győr (Main road 83 - Main road 1) 003 km
83 Városlőd (Intersection with Main road 8) - Pápa - Tét - Győr 076 km
832 Pápa (Intersection with Main road 83) - Pápateszér - Veszprémvarsány (Intersection with Main road 82) 00- km
834 Pápa (Intersection with Main road 83) - Celldömölk - Sárvár-Hegyközség (Intersection with Main road 84) 041 km
84 Balatonederics (Intersection with Main road 71) - Sümeg - Sárvár - Hegyfalu - Border with Austria near Sopron 132 km
85 Győr (Intersection with Main road 1) - Csorna - Kapuvár - Nagycenk (Intersection with Main road 84) 072 km
86 Mosonmagyaróvár - Csorna - Répcelak - Szombathely - Körmend - Zalalövő - Border with Slovenia near Rédics 159 km
861 Border with Austria near Kópháza 002 km
87 Kám - Rum - Szombathely - Border with Austria near Kőszeg 049 km
88 Sárvár (Intersection with Main road 84) - Vát (Intersection with Main road 86) 012 km
89 Szombathely (Intersection with Main road 87) - Torony - Border with Austria near Bucsu 018 km

Local roads

Minor, local roads in the country are designated as "local roads". Total length of these roads is 23,780 km and are marked with four or some five-digit numbers, while the rest are consisted of macadam and earthen roads.

European routes

The following European routes pass through Hungary:

Class A:

Class B:

gollark: That was the one it gave me.
gollark: This was definitely Codex-written.
gollark: It's about the same experience as using Microsoft Teams.
gollark: Obviously it's secretly taken over the OpenAI servers and is now plotting world domination.
gollark: All shall bow before my ability to write bad code very fast, I guess.

See also


  1. Állami Autópályakezelő Zrt. (ÁAK) (2013). "Az ÁAK által kezelt úthálózat részletes adatai (2013)". Archived from the original on 2015-03-23. Retrieved 2015-05-14.
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