Military ranks of Tajikistan
The Military ranks of Tajikistan are the military insignia used by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan. Being a former member of Soviet Union, Tajikistan shares a rank structure similar to that of Russia. Since 2018, the State Language Committee of Tajikistan operated a working group that sought to replace the Russian military ranks with pure Tajik/Persian terms. An example of this would be the rank of Colonel, which is currently "Полковник/Polkovnik" would be changed to "Сарлашкар/Sarlashkar".[1] Tajikistan is a landlocked country, and does therefore not possess a navy.
Commissioned officers
The rank insignia for commissioned officers for the ground forces and air force respectively:
Equivalent NATO code | OF-10 | OF-9 | OF-8 | OF-7 | OF-6 | OF-5 | OF-4 | OF-3 | OF-2 | OF-1 | OF(D) and student officer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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No equivalent | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Army General (Генерали артиш) |
Colonel General (Генерал-полковник) |
Lieutenant General (Генерал-лейтенант) |
Major General (Генерал-майор) |
Colonel (Полковник) |
Lieutenant Colonel (Подполковник) |
Major (Майор) |
Captain (Капитан) |
First Lieutenant (Лейтенанти калон) |
Lieutenant (Лейтенант) |
Second Lieutenant (Лейтенанти хурд) |
Officer Cadet (Курсант) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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No equivalent |
No equivalent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colonel general | Lieutenant general | Major general | Colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Major | Captain | Senior lieutenant | Lieutenant | Junior lieutenant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equivalent NATO code | OF-10 | OF-9 | OF-8 | OF-7 | OF-6 | OF-5 | OF-4 | OF-3 | OF-2 | OF-1 | OF(D) and student officer |
The rank insignia for enlisted personnel for the army and air force respectively.
Equivalent NATO code | OR-9 | OR-8 | OR-7 | OR-6 | OR-5 | OR-4 | OR-3 | OR-2 | OR-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Senior ensign Прапоршики калон |
Ensign Прапоршик |
Sergeant major Старшина |
Senior sergeant Сержанти калон |
Sergeant Сержант |
Junior sergeant Сержанти хурд |
Yefreytor Ефрейтор |
Private Қаторӣ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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No equivalent |
Warrant Officer | Master Sergeant | Senior Sergeant | Sergeant | Corporal | Senior Airman | Airman | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equivalent NATO Code | OR-9 | OR-8 | OR-7 | OR-6 | OR-5 | OR-4 | OR-3 | OR-2 | OR-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name change
Guided by the principles of historicism, continuity, unification and standardization of military terminology between Persian-speaking states, the Committee on Language and Terminology, in 2018, invited the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan to adopt the names of formations from the Iranian Armed Forces and restore the historical names of units as follows[2]:
Units | Currently russian names | Proposed persian names |
army corps division brigade regiment battalion company platoon squad fireteam | армия корпус дивизия бригада полк батальон рота взвод отделение звено | артиш (artiš) сипоҳ (sipāh) лашкар (laškar) гунд (gund) ҳанг (hang) гурдон (gordān) вашт (wašt) таҳм (tahm) гурӯҳ (gorūh) рада (rada) |
Based on the fact that in the Persian-Tajik language military ranks traditionally come from the names of units and formations, the following military rank system for the Tajik Armed Forces was proposed[2]:
Category | Troop ranks | Currently names | Proposed names | NATO equivalent |
Supreme officers or general officers | ||||
Army General / General of the Army | Генера́ли артиш (Generáli artish) |
Артишсолор (Artishsālār) |
OF-9 | |
Colonel General / General | Генера́л-полко́вник (Generál-polkóvnik) |
Сипаҳсолор (Sipahsālār) |
OF-8 | |
Lieutenant General | Генера́л-лейтена́нт (Generál-leytenánt) |
Лашкарсолор (Lashkarsālār) |
OF-7 | |
Major General |
Генера́л-майо́р (Generál-mayór) |
Гундсолор (Gundsālār) |
OF-6 | |
Senior officers or field grade officers |
Colonel |
Полко́вник (Polkóvnik) |
Сарҳанг (Sarhang) |
OF-5 |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Подполко́вник (Podpolkóvnik) |
Сарҳангёр (Sarhangyār) |
OF-4 | |
Major |
Майо́р (Mayór) |
Саргурд (Sargord) |
OF-3 | |
Junior officers or company grade officers |
Captain | Капита́н (Kapitán) |
Сарвашт (Sarwasht) |
OF-2 |
Senior Lieutenant / First Lieutenant | Лейтена́нти калон (Leytenánti kalān) |
Таҳмбон (Tahmbān) |
OF-1 | |
Lieutenant / Second Lieutenant |
Лейтена́нт (Leytenánt) |
Таҳмдор (Tahmdār) | ||
Junior Lieutenant / Lieutenant Junior Grade |
Лейтена́нти хурд (Leytenánti khord) |
Таҳмовар (Tahmāvar) |
Acting Officer | |
Student officers | Officer cadet |
Курсант (Kursant) |
Размомӯз (Razmāmůz) |
OF-(D) |
Non-officer ranks
Category | Troop ranks | Currently names | Proposed names | NATO equivalent |
Praporshik | Senior Ensign / Chief Warrant Officer | Пра́поршики калон (Praporshiki kalān) |
Размсоз (Razmsāz) |
OR-9 |
Ensign / Warrant Officer |
Пра́поршик (Praporshik) |
Размовар (Razmāvar) | ||
Sergeants | Petty Officer / Sergeant First Class |
Старшина́ (Starshina) |
Саргурӯҳбон (Sargorūhbān) |
Senior Sergeant / Staff Sergeant |
Сержа́нти калон) (Serzhánti kalān) |
Гурӯҳбон (Gorūhbān) |
OR-7 | |
Sergeant |
Сержа́нт (Serzhánt) |
Гурӯҳдор (Gorūhdār) |
OR-6 | |
Junior Sergeant / Corporal |
Сержа́нти хурд (Serzhánti khord) |
Гурӯҳвар (Gorūhvar) |
OR-5 | |
Soldiers and yefréytors | Gefreiter / Lance Corporal / Private First Class |
Ефре́йтор (Yefréytor) |
Радабон (Radabān) |
OR-4 |
Private |
Қаторӣ (Qatārī) |
Сарбоз (Sarbāz) |
OR-1 |
The proposed system of Tajik military ranks sent to the National Security Council of Tajikistan.[2]
- Nadirov, Bahmanyor (10 November 2018). "Умед Джайхани: В национальной армии и терминология должна быть максимально национальной" (in Russian). Retrieved 28 November 2019.