Belgian military ranks

The following are the ranks and insignia of the Belgian Armed Forces. [1][2]

Depending on the uniform being worn (there are three: ceremonial, working, and operational)[3] - rank badges are worn in various places: in the middle of the chest, on the shoulders, at the wrists, etc.

The ranks are given in English, Dutch, French, and German (the three official languages of Belgium).


The rank insignia for commissioned officers for the army, navy, air force and Medical component respectively.

NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1OF(D)Student officer
Opperofficieren - Officiers généraux Hoofdofficieren - Officiers supérieurs Lagere officieren - Officiers subalternes
No equivalent No equivalent
General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Senior Captain Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Officer Cadet
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Brigadegeneraal Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein-commandant Kapitein Luitenant Onderluitenant Aspirant
Général Lieutenant général Général-major Général de Brigade Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Capitaine-commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant Aspirant
General Generalleutnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Stabshauptmann Hauptmann Leutnant Unterleutnant Aspirant
No equivalent No equivalent
Admiral Vice-Admiral Divisional Admiral Flotilla Admiral Captain at sea Frigate captain Corvette captain Lieutenant at sea, 1st class Lieutenant at sea Ensign at sea Ensign at sea, 2nd class Officer Cadet
Admiraal Vice-admiraal Divisieadmiraal Flottieljeadmiraal Kapitein-ter-zee Fregatkapitein Korvetkapitein Luitenant-ter-zee 1ste klasse Luitenant-ter-zee Vaandrig-ter-zee Vaandrig-ter-zee 2de klasse Aspirant der marine
Amiral Vice-amiral Amiral de division Amiral de flottille Capitaine de vaisseau Capitaine de frégate Capitaine de corvette Lieutenant de vaisseau de 1re classe Lieutenant de vaisseau Enseigne de vaisseau Enseigne de vaisseau de 2e classe Aspirant de marine
Admiral Vizeadmiral Divisionsadmiral Flotillenadmiral Kapitän zur See Fregattenkapitän Korvettenkapitän Linienschiffsleutnant 1. klasse Linienschiffsleutnant Seefahnrich Seefahnrich 2. klasse Aspirant von marine
No equivalent No equivalent
General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Senior Captain Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Officer Cadet
Generaal Luitenant-generaal Generaal-majoor Brigadegeneraal Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein-commandant Kapitein Luitenant Onderluitenant Aspirant
Général Lieutenant général Général-major Général de Brigade Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Capitaine-commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant Aspirant
General Generalleutnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Stabshauptmann Hauptmann Leutnant Unterleutnant Aspirant
Belgium No equivalent
No equivalent
Generaal-majoor Brigadegeneraal Kolonel Luitenant-kolonel Majoor Kapitein-commandant Kapitein Luitenant Onderluitenant Aspirant
Général-major Général de brigade Colonel Lieutenant-colonel Major Capitaine-commandant Capitaine Lieutenant Sous-lieutenant Aspirant
Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Stabshauptmann Hauptmann Leutnant Unterleutnant Aspirant
NATO codeOF-10OF-9OF-8OF-7OF-6OF-5OF-4OF-3OF-2OF-1OF(D)Student officer


  • Officer-cadets at the Royal Military Academy wear the ranks of second lieutenant with the insignia of the Academy above the rank insignia.
  • The ranks of navy admiral and air force general were created in 2002

Non-commissioned officers

Army component Air component Navy component Medical component
Senior non-commissioned officers - Hoofdonderofficieren - Sous-officiers supérieurs - Hochrangigeunteroffiziere
OR-9 Chief warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-majoor
French: Adjudant-major
German: Stabsadjutant

Chief warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-majoor
French: Adjudant-major
German: Majoradjutant

Chief principal master
Dutch: Oppermeester-chef
French: Maître-principal-chef
German: Chefhauptmeister

Chief warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-majoor
French: Adjudant-major
German: Majoradjutant

OR-9 Master warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-chef
French: Adjudant-chef
German: Oberadjutant

Master warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-chef
French: Adjudant-chef
German: Chefadjutant

Principal master
Dutch: Oppermeester
French: Maître-principal
German: Hauptmeister

Master warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant-chef
French: Adjudant-chef
German: Chefadjutant

Elite non-commissioned officers - Keuronderofficieren - Sous-officiers d'élite - Eliteunteroffiziere
OR-8 Warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant
French: Adjudant
German: Adjudant

Warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant
French: Adjudant
German: Adjudant

1st master chief
Dutch: 1ste meester-chef
French: 1e maître-chef
German: Erster Chefmeister

Warrant officer
Dutch: Adjudant
French: Adjudant
German: Adjudant

OR-7 1st sergeant-major
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-majoor
French: 1e sergent-major
German: Erster Sergeant-Major

1st sergeant-major
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-majoor
French: 1e sergent-major
German: Erster Sergeant-Major

1st master
Dutch: 1ste meester
French: 1e maître
German: Erster Meister

1st sergeant major
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-majoor
French: 1e sergent-major
German: Erster Sergeant-Major

Junior non-commissioned officers - Lagere onderofficieren - Sous-officiers subalternes - Niedriger Unteroffiziere
OR-6 1st master sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-chef
French: 1e sergent-chef
German: Erster Sergeant-Chef

1st master sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-chef
French: 1e sergent-chef
German: Erster Sergeant-Chef

Master chief
Dutch: Meester-chef
French: Maître-chef
German: Meister-Chef

1st master sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant-chef
French: 1e sergent-chef
German: Erster Sergeant Chef

OR-6 1st sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant
French: 1e sergent
German: Erster Sergeant

1st sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant
French: 1e sergent
German: Erster Sergeant

Dutch: Meester
French: Maître
German: Meister

1st sergeant
Dutch: 1ste sergeant
French: 1e sergent
German: Erster Sergeant

OR-5 Sergeant
Dutch: Sergeant
French: Sergent
German: Sergeant

Dutch: Sergeant
French: Sergent
German: Sergeant

2nd master
Dutch: 2de meester
French: 2e maître
German: Zweiter Meister

Dutch: Sergeant
French: Sergent
German: Sergeant


Land component Air component Marine component Medical component
Elite volunteers - Keurvrijwilligers - Volontaires d'élite - Elitefreiwillige
OR-4 1st master corporal
Dutch: 1ste korporaal-chef
French: 1e caporal-chef
German: Erster Korporal Chef

1st master corporal
Dutch: 1ste korporaal-chef
French: 1e caporal-chef
German: Erster Korporal Chef

1st chief quartermaster
Dutch: 1ste kwartiermeester-chef
French: 1er quartier-maître-chef
German: Erster Oberquartiermeister

1st master corporal
Dutch: 1ste korporaal-chef
French: 1e caporal-chef
German: Erster Korporal Chef

OR-4 Master corporal
Dutch: Korporaal-chef
French: Caporal-chef
German: Korporal Chef

Master corporal
Dutch: Korporaal-chef
French: Caporal-chef
German: Korporal Chef

Chief quartermaster
Dutch: Kwartiermeester-chef
French: Quartier-maître-chef
German: Oberquartiermeister

Master corporal
Dutch: Korporaal-chef
French: Caporal-chef
German: Korporal Chef

Junior volunteers - Lagere vrijwilligers - Volontaire subalternes - Niedriger Freiwillige
OR-3 Corporal
Dutch: Korporaal
French: Caporal
German: Korporal

Dutch: Korporaal
French: Caporal
German: Korporal

Dutch: Kwartiermeester
French: Quartier-maître
German: Quartiermeister

Dutch: Korporaal
French: Caporal
German: Korporal

OR-2 1st private
Dutch: 1ste soldaat
French: 1er soldat
German: Erster Soldat

1st private
Dutch: 1ste soldaat
French: 1er soldat
German: Erster Soldat

1st seaman
Dutch: 1ste matroos
French: 1er matelot
German: Erster Matrose

1st private
Dutch: 1ste soldaat
French: 1er soldat
German: Erster Soldat

OR-1 Private
Dutch: Soldaat
French: Soldat
German: Soldat

Dutch: Soldaat
French: Soldat
German: Soldat

Dutch: Matroos
French: Matelot
German: Matrose

Dutch: Soldaat
French: Soldat
German: Soldat

The rank names relating to corporal and sergeant are replaced with "brigadier" and "maréchal des logis/wachtmeester" in application to personnel of units whose traditions are related to or descend from horse units. These include the cavalry, artillery, and logistics units. Similarly, in the cavalry units, the lowest rank is named "cavalier/ruiter", they are addressed the title "Monsieur/Mijnheer", a remnant of the aristocratic origins of horse mounted units; it was sought to remove these names in March 2013, retaining only the generic rank names.

Corps Corporal (Caporal de corps/korpskorporaal) is an appointment at the Corps level for individuals with the rank of 1st master corporal, its insignia is that of the 1st master corporal with a crown at the top.

Medical Component rank variations

gollark: Well. Yes. Most things would.
gollark: ???
gollark: ComputerCraft's not particularly bad as environments go.
gollark: No, it should just not be done, do things cleanly, correctly and... generally sanely?
gollark: Well, as I said, that way it will *maybe* fix your *particular* issue, but you'll try and blindly shove that in another project and it *won't*.


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