List of schools in rural Western Australia

This is a list of schools in the state of Western Australia, located outside the Perth metropolitan area. The Western Australian education system traditionally consists of primary schools, which accommodate students from kindergarten to Year 6, and high schools, which accommodate students from Years 7 to 12. Previously primary schools accounted for Year 7 education, but in 2015 all Western Australian schools transitioned Year 7 to be a part of the high school system. In country areas, District High Schools serve as both a primary and a junior high school, with students generally commuting to or boarding at larger towns to finish the last two years of their education.

Public schools

Primary schools

Name Suburb LGA Region Established Notes
Adam Road Primary SchoolSouth BunburyBunburySouth West1967
Albany Primary SchoolAlbanyAlbanyGreat Southern1855Split sex school 1874–1894; relocated 2002
Allanson Primary SchoolAllansonCollieSouth West1913Formerly West Collie until 1920
Allendale Primary SchoolWonthellaGreater GeraldtonMid West1952
Amaroo Primary SchoolCollieCollieSouth West1950
Augusta Primary SchoolAugustaAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West1905
Australind Primary SchoolAustralindHarveySouth West1980Previous schools 1841–1878, 1888–1896, 1905–1948
Avonvale Primary SchoolNorthamNorthamWheatbelt1954
Babakin Primary SchoolBabakinBruce RockWheatbelt1913
Badgingarra Primary SchoolBadgingarraDandaraganWheatbelt1965
Bakers Hill Primary SchoolBakers HillNorthamWheatbelt1898
Baler Primary SchoolSouth HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1975Known as South Hedland No.2 before opening
Balingup Primary SchoolBalingupDonnybrook-BalingupSouth West1895
Beachlands Primary SchoolBeachlandsGreater GeraldtonMid West1956
Beacon Primary SchoolBeaconMount MarshallWheatbelt1932
Bencubbin Primary SchoolBencubbinMount MarshallWheatbelt1923
Bindoon Primary SchoolBindoonChitteringWheatbelt1954
Binnu Primary SchoolBinnuNorthamptonMid West1958
Bluff Point Primary SchoolBluff PointGreater GeraldtonMid West1913Relocated 300m north in 1965
Bolgart Primary SchoolBolgartVictoria PlainsWheatbelt1915
Borden Primary SchoolBordenGnowangerupGreat Southern1925
Boulder Primary SchoolBoulderKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1897Central school 1909–1951
Boyanup Primary SchoolBoyanupDardanupSouth West1879
Braeside Primary SchoolKatanningKatanningGreat Southern1980
Bremer Bay Primary SchoolBremer BayJerramungupGreat Southern1953
Bridgetown Primary SchoolBridgetownBridgetown-GreenbushesSouth West1870
Broome Primary SchoolBroome[1]BroomeKimberley1899
Broomehill Primary SchoolBroomehillBroomehill-TambellupGreat Southern1893
Brunswick Junction Primary SchoolBrunswick JunctionHarveySouth West1881
Bunbury Primary SchoolBunburyBunburySouth West1895Relocated in 1962
Busselton Primary SchoolBusseltonBusseltonSouth West18501881–1894 split sex; full PS since 1960, relocated in 1998
Cable Beach Primary SchoolBroome[1]BroomeKimberley1990
Cadoux Primary SchoolCadouxWongan-BalliduWheatbelt1933
Calingiri Primary SchoolCalingiriVictoria PlainsWheatbelt1917
Capel Primary SchoolCapelCapelSouth West1885Known as Coolingup 1897–1904
Carcoola Primary SchoolCarcoolaMurrayPeel1971
Carey Park Primary SchoolCarey ParkBunburySouth West1955
Cascade Primary SchoolCascadeEsperanceGoldfields1974Relocated in 1981
Cassia Primary SchoolSouth HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1981
Castletown Primary SchoolCastletownEsperanceGoldfields1966
Cervantes Primary SchoolCervantesDandaraganWheatbelt1973
Chapman Valley Primary SchoolNabawaChapman ValleyMid West1892
Clifton Park Primary SchoolAustralindHarveySouth West1988
Condingup Primary SchoolCondingupEsperanceGoldfields1961
Cooinda Primary SchoolEast BunburyBunburySouth West1968Formerly Trott Street PS until 1969
Coolgardie Primary SchoolCoolgardieCoolgardieGoldfields1894
Coorow Primary SchoolCoorowCoorowMid West1912Relocated 1952
Cowaramup Primary SchoolCowaramupAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West1923
Cranbrook Primary SchoolCranbrookCranbrookGreat Southern1899
Cue Primary SchoolCueCueMid West1896
Dampier Primary SchoolDampierKarrathaPilbara1967DHS in 1970–?
Dandaragan Primary SchoolDandaraganDandaraganWheatbelt1893
Dardanup Primary SchoolDardanupDardanupSouth West1880
Darkan Primary SchoolDarkanWest ArthurWheatbelt1908DHS 1962–2009
Denmark Primary SchoolDenmarkDenmarkGreat Southern2000
Dumbleyung Primary SchoolDumbleyungDumbleyungWheatbelt1911DHS 1970–1990s
Dudley Park Primary SchoolDudley ParkMandurahPeel1976
Dunsborough Primary SchoolDunsboroughBusseltonSouth West1963
Dwellingup Primary SchoolDwellingupMurrayPeel1911
East Kalgoorlie Primary SchoolWilliamstownKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1907
East Manjimup Primary SchoolManjimupManjimupSouth West1971
East Narrogin Primary SchoolNarroginNarroginWheatbelt1963
Eaton Primary SchoolEatonDardanupSouth West1967
Eneabba Primary SchoolEneabbaCarnamahMid West1960website
Esperance Primary SchoolEsperanceEsperanceGoldfields1894
Fairview Primary SchoolCollieCollieSouth West1959Formerly Glenlea
Falcon Primary SchoolWannanupMandurahPeel1991Website
Flinders Park Primary SchoolBayonet HeadAlbanyGreat Southern1978
Frankland River Primary SchoolFranklandCranbrookGreat Southern1899
Gairdner Primary SchoolGairdnerJerramungupGreat Southern1960
Geographe Primary SchoolGeographeBusseltonSouth West2002
Geraldton Primary SchoolGeraldtonGreater GeraldtonMid West1863Split sex 1868–1894; JHS 1917–1938
Glen Huon Primary SchoolEatonDardanupSouth West2000
Glencoe Primary SchoolHalls HeadMandurahPeel1981
Goomalling Primary SchoolGoomallingGoomallingWheatbelt1906DHS 1970–1988
Greenbushes Primary SchoolGreenbushesBridgetown-GreenbushesSouth West1893
Greenfields Primary SchoolGreenfieldsMandurahPeel1990
Halls Head Primary SchoolHalls HeadMandurahPeel1995
Hannans Primary SchoolHannansKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1992
Harvey Primary SchoolHarveyHarveySouth West1899
Hopetoun Primary SchoolHopetounRavensthorpeGoldfields2007Previous schools 1907–1936; 1946–1951
Hyden Primary SchoolHydenKondininWheatbelt1934
Jerdacuttup Primary SchoolJerdacuttupRavensthorpeGoldfields1964
Kalannie Primary SchoolKalannieDalwallinuWheatbelt1930
Kalgoorlie Primary SchoolKalgoorlieKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1896
Kambalda Primary SchoolKambaldaCoolgardieGoldfields1968
Karratha Primary SchoolKarrathaKarrathaPilbara1971
Karridale Primary SchoolKarridaleAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West1883
Katanning Primary SchoolKatanningKatanningGreat Southern1892JHS 1950–1957
Kendenup Primary SchoolKendenupPlantagenetGreat Southern1922
Kirup Primary SchoolKirupDonnybrook-BalingupSouth West1899Called Upper Capel 1899–1901
Kingston Primary SchoolKingstonHarveySouth West2009
Kondinin Primary SchoolKondininKondininWheatbelt1917
Koorda Primary SchoolKoordaKoordaWheatbelt1920
Kukerin Primary SchoolKukerinDumbleyungWheatbelt1914
Lake King Primary SchoolLake KingLake GraceWheatbelt1935
Lancelin Primary SchoolLancelinGinginWheatbelt1960
Leeman Primary SchoolLeemanCoorowMid West1971
Leinster Primary SchoolLeinsterLeonoraGoldfields1977
Little Grove Primary SchoolLittle GroveAlbanyGreat Southern1997
Maidens Park Primary SchoolWithersBunburySouth West1977Withers PS until 2011
Mandurah Primary SchoolMandurahMandurahPeel1855
Manjimup Primary SchoolManjimupManjimupSouth West1911
Marble Bar Primary SchoolMarble BarEast PilbaraPilbara1909
Margaret River Primary SchoolMargaret RiverAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West1909
Meckering Primary SchoolMeckeringCunderdinWheatbelt1896Relocated 1968
Miling Primary SchoolMilingMooraWheatbelt1923Relocated 1935
Millars Well Primary SchoolKarrathaKarrathaPilbara1981
Mingenew Primary SchoolMingenewMingenewMid West1894
Moora Primary SchoolMooraMooraWheatbelt1897JHS until 1970
Moorine Rock Primary SchoolMoorine RockYilgarnWheatbelt1945
Mount Lockyer Primary SchoolLockyerAlbanyGreat Southern1954
Mount Manypeaks Primary SchoolManypeaksAlbany RGreat Southern1954
Mount Tarcoola Primary SchoolMount TarcoolaGreater GeraldtonMid West1978
Munglinup Primary SchoolMunglinupRavensthorpeGoldfields1960
Narrogin Primary SchoolNarroginNarroginWheatbelt1893
Newdegate Primary SchoolNewdegateLake GraceWheatbelt1926
Newman Primary SchoolNewmanEast PilbaraPilbara1969DHS 1969–1973
North Dandalup Primary SchoolNorth DandalupMurrayPeel1900
North Kalgoorlie Primary SchoolLamingtonKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1902
North Mandurah Primary SchoolMandurahMandurahPeel1982
North Tom Price Primary SchoolTom PriceAshburtonPilbara1978
Northam Primary SchoolNorthamNorthamWheatbelt1864Split sex 1881–1894; JHS 1917–1920
Nullagine Primary SchoolNullagineEast PilbaraPilbara1959
Nulsen Primary SchoolNulsenEsperanceGoldfields1972
Nungarin Primary SchoolNungarinNungarinWheatbelt1913
Nyabing Primary SchoolNyabingKentGreat Southern1915
O'Connor Primary SchoolSomervilleKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1996
Ocean Road Primary SchoolDawesvilleMandurahPeel2001
Ongerup Primary SchoolOngerupGnowangerupGreat Southern1914
Onslow Primary SchoolOnslowAshburtonPilbara1895
Pannawonica Primary SchoolPannawonicaAshburtonPilbara1972
Paraburdoo Primary SchoolParaburdooAshburtonPilbara1971DHS until 2000
Parkfield Primary SchoolAustralindHarveySouth West1993
Pegs Creek Primary SchoolKarrathaKarrathaPilbara1978
Perenjori Primary SchoolPerenjoriPerenjoriMid West1912
Picton Primary SchoolGlen IrisBunburySouth West1861Relocated in 1996
Pingelly Primary SchoolPingellyPingellyWheatbelt1895DHS 1954–2005
Pingrup Primary SchoolPingrupKentGreat Southern1925
Pinjarra Primary SchoolPinjarraMurrayPeel1954Relocated 1959
Port Hedland Primary SchoolPort HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1970Formerly Cooke Point PS until 1998
Rangeway Primary SchoolRangewayGreater GeraldtonMid West1965
Rapids Landing Primary SchoolMargaret RiverAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West2018
River Valley Primary SchoolBurekupDardanupSouth West1999
Riverside Primary SchoolGreenfieldsMandurahPeel1995Originally Teranca PS
Roebuck Primary SchoolBroome[1]BroomeKimberley2000
Salmon Gums Primary SchoolSalmon GumsEsperanceGoldfields1926
Scaddan Primary SchoolScaddanEsperanceGoldfields1970Previous school 1934–?
South Bunbury Primary SchoolSouth BunburyBunburySouth West1913
South Halls Head Primary SchoolHalls HeadMandurahPeel2008
South Hedland Primary SchoolSouth HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1972
South Kalgoorlie Primary SchoolSouth KalgoorlieKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1904
South Newman Primary SchoolNewmanEast PilbaraPilbara1976
South Stirling Primary SchoolPorongurupPlantagenetGreat Southern1954Formerly Takalarup
Spencer Park Primary SchoolSpencer ParkAlbanyGreat Southern1959
Tambellup Primary SchoolTambellupBroomehill-TambellupGreat Southern1905
Tambrey Primary SchoolKarrathaKarrathaPilbara1989
Tammin Primary SchoolTamminTamminWheatbelt1900
Three Springs Primary SchoolThree SpringsThree SpringsMid West1908
Tom Price Primary SchoolTom PriceAshburtonPilbara1967
Trayning Primary SchoolTrayningTrayningWheatbelt1912
Useless Loop Primary SchoolUseless LoopShark BayGascoyne1969
Vasse Primary SchoolVasseBusseltonSouth West1884Westbrook 1881–1903; Newtown 1903–1938
Waggrakine Primary SchoolWaggrakineGreater GeraldtonMid West1979
Walkaway Primary SchoolWalkawayGreater GeraldtonMid West1887
Walpole Primary SchoolWalpoleManjimupSouth West1954
Wandering Primary SchoolWanderingWanderingWheatbelt1869Relocated in 1924
Watheroo Primary SchoolWatherooMooraWheatbelt1914
Wellstead Primary SchoolWellsteadAlbany RGreat Southern1965Formerly Cape Riche
West Busselton Primary SchoolWest BusseltonBusseltonSouth West1965
West Northam Primary SchoolNorthamNorthamWheatbelt1906
Wickepin Primary SchoolWickepinWickepinWheatbelt1911
Wickham Primary SchoolWickhamKarrathaPilbara1971DHS until 2000
Williams Primary SchoolWilliamsWilliamsWheatbelt1878DHS 195?–1989
Wilson Park Primary SchoolCollieCollieSouth West1963
Woodanilling Primary SchoolWoodanillingWoodanillingGreat Southern1902
Wundowie Primary SchoolWundowieNorthamWheatbelt1950
Yakamia Primary SchoolYakamiaAlbanyGreat Southern1970
Yalgoo Primary SchoolYalgooYalgooMid West1897
Yarloop Primary SchoolYarloopHarveySouth West1907
Yealering Primary SchoolYealeringWickepinGreat Southern1910
Yerecoin Primary SchoolYerecoinVictoria PlainsWheatbelt1928
Yuna Primary SchoolYunaChapman ValleyMid West1934Closed 1940–1947

District high schools

The term "district high school" in Western Australia typically means a primary school combined with a high school on the one campus which services the educational needs of a rural district. The term came into use in the 1970s; prior to this, such schools were either known as "Junior High Schools" or simply "Schools" (covering the same range of years), or "Primary Schools" which were limited to year 7, and started serving high school students only upon becoming DHSs.

Name Suburb LGA Region Established Became DHS Notes
Beverley District High SchoolBeverleyBeverleyWheatbelt18731954
Boddington District High SchoolBoddingtonBoddingtonPeel19121958Formerly Hotham until 1920
Boyup Brook District High SchoolBoyup BrookBoyup BrookSouth West19001954
Brookton District High SchoolBrooktonBrooktonWheatbelt19031960
Bruce Rock District High SchoolBruce RockBruce RockWheatbelt19151960
Carnamah District High SchoolCarnamahCarnamahMid West19121963
Carnarvon Community CollegeCarnarvonCarnarvonGascoyne2018Formerly:
  • Carnarvon Primary School
  • East Carnarvon Primary School
  • Carnarvon Senior High School
Corrigin District High SchoolCorriginCorriginWheatbelt19151958
Cunderdin District High SchoolCunderdinCunderdinWheatbelt19021954
Dalwallinu District High SchoolDalwallinuDalwallinuWheatbelt19121964
Dalyellup CollegeDalyellupCapelSouth West20012001
Derby District High SchoolDerby[1] Derby-West KimberleyKimberley19051960
Dongara District High SchoolDongaraIrwinMid West18691979
Donnybrook District High SchoolDonnybrookDonnybrook-BalingupSouth West18861954Formerly Minninup until 1896
Dowerin District High SchoolDowerinDowerinWheatbelt19081970
East Kimberley CollegeKununurra[1]Wyndham-East KimberleyKimberley19641977Formerly Kununurra District High School until 2019[2]
Exmouth District High SchoolExmouthExmouthGascoyne19651968
Fitzroy Crossing District High SchoolFitzroy Crossing[1]Derby-West KimberleyKimberley19531982
Gingin District High SchoolGinginGinginWheatbelt18811981
Gnowangerup District High SchoolGnowangerupGnowangerupGreat Southern19081957
Halls Creek District High SchoolHalls Creek[1]Halls CreekKimberley19541986
Jerramungup District High SchoolJerramungupJerramungupGreat Southern19561970Relocated to current site in 1958
Jurien Bay District High SchoolJurien BayDandaraganWheatbelt19661992
Kalbarri District High SchoolKalbarriNorthamptonMid West19592002
Kambalda West District High SchoolKambalda WestCoolgardieGoldfields20002000Merger of West Kambalda PS and Kambalda High
Kellerberrin District High SchoolKellerberrinKellerberrinWheatbelt19051954
Kojonup District High SchoolKojonupKojonupGreat Southern18631954Relocated in 1952
Kulin District High SchoolKulinKulinWheatbelt19161966
Lake Grace District High SchoolLake GraceLake GraceWheatbelt19141962
Leonora District High SchoolLeonoraLeonoraGoldfields18991990
Meekatharra District High SchoolMeekatharraMeekatharraMid West19041972
Merredin CollegeMerredinMerredinWheatbelt1950K–1; JHS until 1957; SHS until 2011
Morawa District High SchoolMorawaMorawaMid West19231954
Mount Barker Community CollegeMount BarkerPlantagenetGreat Southern20082008
Mount Magnet District High SchoolMount MagnetMount MagnetMid West18961984
Mukinbudin District High SchoolMukinbudinMukinbudinWheatbelt19231972
Mullewa District High SchoolMullewaGreater GeraldtonMid West18951971
Nannup District High SchoolNannupNannupSouth West19061961Relocated in 1964
Narembeen District High SchoolNarembeenNarembeenWheatbelt19231963
Norseman District High SchoolNorsemanDundasGoldfields18961953
Northampton District High SchoolNorthamptonNorthamptonMid West18631961
Northcliffe District High SchoolNorthcliffeManjimupSouth West19281963
Pemberton District High SchoolPembertonManjimupSouth West19141954
Quairading District High SchoolQuairadingQuairadingWheatbelt19121954
Ravensthorpe District High SchoolRavensthorpeRavensthorpeGoldfields19011970
Roebourne District High SchoolRoebourneKarrathaPilbara19052009
Shark Bay SchoolDenhamShark BayGascoyne18942006
Southern Cross District High SchoolSouthern CrossYilgarnWheatbelt18911965
Toodyay District High SchoolToodyayToodyayWheatbelt18721967Formerly Newcastle; renamed Sep. 1910
Wagin District High SchoolWaginWaginGreat Southern18921954
Waroona District High SchoolWaroonaWaroonaSouth West18981958
Wongan Hills District High SchoolWongan HillsWongan-BalliduWheatbelt19131958
Wyalkatchem District High SchoolWyalkatchemWyalkatchemWheatbelt19131960
Wyndham District High SchoolWyndham[1]Wyndham-East KimberleyKimberley19081973
York District High SchoolYorkYorkWheatbelt18981952

High schools

Historically, a Junior High School (JHS) was a primary school with a Year 8–10 component (now known as a District High School), a High School (HS) was a high school limited to Year 8–10, whilst a Senior High School (SHS) was a high school extending to year 12.

Name Suburb LGA District Established Notes
Albany Senior High SchoolAlbanyAlbanyGreat Southern1918Relocated and became a HS in 1924
Australind Senior High SchoolAustralindHarveySouth West1987
Bridgetown High SchoolBridgetownBridgetown-GreenbushesSouth West1953JHS until 1961
Broome Senior High SchoolBroome[1]BroomeKimberley1990
Bunbury Senior High SchoolBunburyBunburySouth West1923
Busselton Senior High SchoolWest BusseltonBusseltonSouth West1952JHS until 1957; HS until 1961
Cape Naturaliste CollegeVasseBusseltonSouth West20088–9 (2009) 8–10 (2010) 8–11 (2011) 8–12 (2012–2014) 7–12 (2015 onwards)
Central Midlands Senior High SchoolMooraMooraWheatbelt1971JHS until 1970; HS until 1974; named Moora until 1973
Champion Bay Senior High SchoolKarlooGreater GeraldtonMid West1975Foormerly John Willcock College until 2018
Coastal Lakes CollegeLakelandsMandurahPeel2019
Collie Senior High SchoolCollieCollieSouth West1899PS until 1922; JHS until 1945; HS until 1951
Coodanup Community CollegeCoodanupMandurahPeel1989Formerly Coodanup SHS
Denmark Senior High SchoolDenmarkDenmarkGreat Southern2000Formerly Denmark DHS and Denmark HS
Eastern Goldfields CollegeKalgoorlieKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields200511–12 only
Eaton Community CollegeEatonDardanupSouth West2003
Esperance Senior High SchoolEsperanceEsperanceGoldfields1956JHS until 1965; HS until 1970
Geraldton Senior CollegeGeraldtonGreater GeraldtonMid West199710–12 only
Halls Head Community CollegeHalls HeadMandurahPeel2001
Harvey Senior High SchoolHarveyHarveySouth West1950Agric JHS 1953–1962
Hedland Senior High SchoolSouth HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1964JHS until 1970; HS until 1971; renamed from Port Hedland 1972
John Tonkin CollegeMandurahMandurahPeel2012Merger of Mandurah High School and Mandurah Senior College
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High SchoolSouth KalgoorlieKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields20058–10 only
Karratha Senior High SchoolKarrathaKarrathaPilbara1972HS until 1974
Katanning Senior High SchoolKatanningKatanningGreat Southern1950JHS until 1959; HS until 1962
Manea Senior CollegeCollege GroveBunburySouth West200911–12 only
Manjimup Senior High SchoolManjimupManjimupSouth West1950JHS until 1957
Margaret River Senior High SchoolMargaret RiverAugusta–Margaret RiverSouth West1955JHS until 1961, HS until 1995 when year 11 introduced, full SHS from 1996
Narrogin Senior High SchoolNarroginNarroginWheatbelt1950JHS until 1955
Newman Senior High SchoolNewmanEast PilbaraPilbara1974PS until 1971
Newton Moore Senior High SchoolSouth BunburyBunburySouth West1966
North Albany Senior High SchoolOranaAlbanyGreat Southern1982
Northam Senior High SchoolNorthamNorthamWheatbelt1921Split from Northam PS
Pinjarra Senior High SchoolPinjarraMurrayPeel1921PS until 1951; JHS until 1960; HS until 1965
Tom Price Senior High SchoolTom PriceAshburtonPilbara1967PS until 1970; JHS/DHS until 1995

Other schools

This is a list of all other schools operated by, or under, the Western Australian Department of Education and Training. These include special schools for the disabled, the School of the Air and remote community schools which usually represent an Aboriginal community and typically offer a multilingual education in the local language and/or Kriol, and English. While some of these remote schools are new and have been established on behalf of the community, others were previously mission schools and were funded and operated by religious orders or private benefactors.

Name Suburb LGA District Opened Notes
Bayulu Remote Community SchoolGogo Station, Fitzroy CrossingDerby-West KimberleyKimberley1957K-7; formerly Gogo until Jun 1991[1]
Burringurrah Remote Community SchoolVia Gascoyne JunctionUpper GascoyneGascoyne1990K–12
Carnarvon School of the AirCarnarvonCarnarvonGascoyne1968K-7
College Row SchoolSouth BunburyBunburySouth West1957Education support
Dawul Remote Community SchoolDoon Doon Station[1] via KununurraWyndham-East KimberleyKimberley1988K–12
Djidi Djidi Aboriginal SchoolGlen IrisBunburySouth West1996Aboriginal specialist
Djugerari Remote Community SchoolCherrabun Station[1] via Fitzroy CrossingDerby-West KimberleyKimberley1964K-7; Walmajarri
Gascoyne Junction Remote Community SchoolGascoyne JunctionUpper GascoyneGascoyne2005K–12
Holland Street SchoolGeraldtonGreater GeraldtonMid West1960Education support
Jigalong Remote Community SchoolJigalongEast PilbaraPilbara1952K–12; Martu
Jundranung Remote Community SchoolGlen Hill Station[1] via KununurraWyndham-East KimberleyKimberley1984K-10
Kalgoorlie School of the AirKalgoorlieKalgoorlie-BoulderGoldfields1962K-7
Kalumburu Remote Community SchoolKalumburu Community[1]Wyndham-East KimberleyKimberley1962K–12; Kwini
Kimberley School of the AirDerbyDerby-West KimberleyKimberley1960K-7
La Grange Remote Community SchoolBidyadanga Community[1]BroomeKimberley1960K–12; largest RCS in state
Laverton Remote Community SchoolLavertonLavertonGoldfields19011901–2005 called Laverton PS
Looma Remote Community SchoolLooma Community[1]Derby-West KimberleyKimberley1984K–12; prim. Walmajarri; formerly DHS (1998–2003)
Meekatharra School of the AirMeekatharraMeekatharraMid West1959K-7
Menzies Remote Community SchoolMenziesMenziesGoldfields1897K–12; 1897–1993 called Menzies Primary School
Mount Margaret Remote Community SchoolVia LavertonLavertonGoldfields1978K-7; formerly a mission (from 1920s)
Muludja Remote Community SchoolFossil Downs Station[1] via Fitzroy CrossingDerby-West KimberleyKimberley1991K-7
Ngaanyatjarra Lands SchoolWarburtonNgaanyatjarrakuGoldfields2005K–12, multi-campus.; replaced several remote schools
Ngalapita Remote Community SchoolNgalapita Community[1] via Fitzroy CrossingDerby-West KimberleyKimberley2003K-7
One Arm Point Remote Community SchoolOne Arm Point Community[1] via BroomeBroomeKimberley1975K–12
Pia Wadjarri Remote Community SchoolVia MurchisonMurchisonMid West2003K–12
Port Hedland School of the AirPort HedlandPort HedlandPilbara1964K-7
Tjuntjunjara Remote Community SchoolVia LeonoraNgaanyatjarrakuGoldfields2008K–12, Pitjantjatjarra
WA College of Agriculture (Cunderdin)CunderdinCunderdinWheatbelt1984Specialist
WA College of Agriculture (Denmark)DenmarkDenmarkGreat Southern1942Specialist
WA College of Agriculture (Harvey)HarveyHarveySouth West1953Specialist; part of Harvey SHS until 1997
WA College of Agriculture (Morawa)MorawaMorawaMid West1978Specialist; agricultural college from 1995
WA College of Agriculture (Narrogin)NarroginNarroginWheatbelt1914Specialist; part of Narrogin SHS 1955–1979
Wananami Remote Community SchoolKupungarri Community[1]Derby-West KimberleyKimberley1990K–12
Wangkatjungka Remote Community SchoolWangkatjungka Community, via Fitzroy CrossingDerby-West KimberleyKimberley1964K–12; formerly Christmas Creek until Feb 1987[1]
Wiluna Remote Community SchoolWilunaWilunaGoldfields1901K–12; Martuwangka
Yandeyarra Remote Community SchoolYandeyarra CommunityPort HedlandPilbara1976K–12
Yintarra Remote Community SchoolCoonanaKalgoorlie-Boulder RGoldfields1986K-10; formerly Cundeelee
Yulga Jinna Remote Community SchoolVia MeekatharraMeekatharraMid West2003K–12

Defunct public schools

Closures since 1980

Name Suburb LGA Opened Closed Notes
Abrolhos Island SchoolAbrolhos IslandsGreater Geraldton19642014Seasonal school on Big Pigeon Island.
Ardath Primary SchoolArdathBruce Rock19151985
Balgo Hills Aboriginal SchoolBalgoHalls Creek19621984Became Luurnpa Catholic School
Ballidu Primary SchoolBalliduWongan-Ballidu19222016
Benger Primary SchoolBengerHarvey19181996
Bindi Bindi Primary SchoolBindi BindiMoora19032000Called Indarrie until 1927
Bodallin Primary SchoolBodallinYilgarn19242002
Broome District High SchoolBroomeBroome19721989Split to form Broome SHS and Cable Beach PS
Bullfinch Primary SchoolBullfinchYilgarn19111984
Buntine Primary SchoolBuntineDalwallinu19222015
Burekup Primary SchoolBurekupDardanup19131998Amalgamated into River Valley PS
Burracoppin Primary SchoolBurracoppinMerredin19112000
Camballin Primary SchoolCamballinDerby-West Kimberley19611983Students moved to Looma RCS
Carnarvon Primary SchoolCarnarvonCarnarvon18852017Merged into Carnarvon Community College
Carnarvon Senior High SchoolCarnarvonCarnarvonGascoyne19542017JHS until 1965; HS until 1971; merged into Carnarvon Community College
Chowerup Primary SchoolChowerupBoyup Brook19231997
Cockatoo Island SchoolCockatoo IslandDerby-West Kimberley19471987Formerly Yampi until 1959
Coomberdale Primary SchoolCoomberdaleMoora19091990
Coonana Primary SchoolCoonanaKalgoorlie-Boulder19421980
Cosmo Newbery Primary SchoolCosmo NewberyLaverton19591987
Cosmo Newbery Remote Community SchoolCosmo NewberyLaverton19932006Amalgamated into Ngaanyatjarra Lands School
Deanmill Primary SchoolDeanmillManjimup19141998
Denmark District High SchoolDenmarkDenmark19531999Agric JHS/DHS until 1991
Donnelly River Primary SchoolDonnelly RiverManjimup19531981
Doodlakine Primary SchoolDoodlakineKellerberrin18982004
East Carnarvon Primary SchoolCarnarvonCarnarvon19682017Merged into Carnarvon Community College
Eastern Goldfields Senior High SchoolKalgoorlieKalgoorlie-Boulder19142005Split into middle and senior schools
Ejanding Primary SchoolEjandingDowerin19262000
Fitzgerald Primary SchoolFitzgeraldRavensthorpe19671995
Gabbin Primary SchoolGabbinMount Marshall19222000
Gascoyne Junction Primary SchoolGascoyne JunctionUpper Gascoyne19601997
Geraldton Senior High SchoolGeraldtonGreater Geraldton19392005Split to form Geraldton Senior College and John Willcock College
Gillingarra Primary SchoolGillingarraVictoria Plains19081998Called Conduin until 1915
Glenorchy Primary SchoolMokupWest Arthur19351996
Goldsworthy Primary SchoolGoldsworthyEast Pilbara19661992
Grass Patch Primary SchoolGrass PatchEsperance19662015Earlier school 1927–1934
John Willcock Senior High SchoolMount TarcoolaGreater Geraldton19751997Amalgamated with Geraldton SHS
Kambalda High SchoolKambalda WestCoolgardie19701999Merged to form Kambalda West DHS
Karlgarin Primary SchoolKarlgarinKondinin19322005
Koolan Island Primary SchoolKoolan IalandWyndham-East Kimberley19611992
Koolyanobbing Primary SchoolKoolyanobbingYilgarn19661983
Kununoppin Primary SchoolKununoppinTrayning19121993
Latham Primary SchoolLathamPerenjori19232015
Laverton Primary SchoolLavertonLaverton19012005Renamed Laverton Remote Community School
Mandurah Senior CollegeMandurahMandurah2001201111–12 only, merged into John Tonkin College
Mandurah High SchoolMandurahMandurah19792011Formerly Mandurah SHS; converted to 8–10 in 2001; merged into John Tonkin College
Marvel Loch Primary SchoolMarvel LochYilgarn19102005
Menzies Primary SchoolMenziesMenzies18971992Renamed Menzies Remote Community School
Mollerin Primary SchoolMollerinKoorda19611985
Mount Barker Primary SchoolMount BarkerPlantagenet18932008Amalgamated with HS to form Community College
Mount Barker Senior High SchoolMount BarkerPlantagenet19522008JHS until 1961. Became a Community College (K–12)
Mount Hampton Primary SchoolMount HamptonYilgarn19341995
Mount Walker Primary SchoolMount WalkerNarembeen19272005
Muntadgin Primary SchoolMuntadginMerredin19302005
Ngurrawaana Remote Community SchoolVia RoebourneRoebourne20052009K–12; Martu; amalgamated into Roebourne.
North Baandee Primary SchoolNorth BaandeeKellerberrin19201990
North Merredin Primary SchoolMerredinMerredin19072011JHS 1950–1957; amalgamated into Merredin College
Nyamup Primary SchoolNyamupManjimup19421984
Ogilvie Primary SchoolOgilvieNorthampton19241994
Oombulgurri Remote Community SchoolOombulgurri Community[1]Wyndham-East Kimberley19822011K–12; formerly Forrest River Mission
Piawaning Primary SchoolPiawaningVictoria Plains19371998
Pingaring Primary SchoolPingaringKulin19231998
Pithara Primary SchoolPitharaDalwallinu19151985
Port Hedland Primary SchoolPort HedlandPort Hedland19061998
Quinninup Primary SchoolQuinninupManjimup19252004
Rawlinna Primary SchoolRawlinnaDundas19201995
Rocky Gully Primary SchoolRocky GullyPlantagenet19512003
Roelands Primary SchoolRoelandsHarvey19031998Amalgamated into River Valley PS
Salt River Primary SchoolSalt RiverGnowangerup19241986
Sandstone Primary SchoolSandstoneSandstone19072013also closed 1967–1977
Shay Gap Primary SchoolShay GapEast Pilbara19731993
Shackleton Primary SchoolShackletonBruce Rock19231991
Shay Gap Primary SchoolShay GapEast Pilbara19731993
South Merredin Primary SchoolMerredinMerredin19622011Amalgamated into Merredin College
Telfer Primary SchoolTelferEast Pilbara19771995
Tincurrin Primary SchoolTincurrinWickepin19212015
Varley Primary SchoolVarleyLake Grace19452003
Wannamal Primary SchoolWannamalChittering19201984
West Dale Primary SchoolWest DaleBeverley19291987
West Kambalda Primary SchoolKambalda WestCoolgardie19691999Merged to form Kambalda West DHS
Westonia Primary SchoolWestoniaWestonia19132009Became campus of South Merredin PS;
amalgamated into Merredin College 2012
Wialki Primary SchoolWialkiMount Marshall19441993
Widgiemooltha Primary SchoolWidgiemoolthaCoolgardie19171982
Wittenoom Primary SchoolWittenoomAshburton19491985
Wubin Primary SchoolWubinDalwallinu19192007
Yorkrakine Primary SchoolYorkrakineTammin19011980
Yornup Primary SchoolYornupBridgetown-Greenbushes19081984Called Springside until 1929

Earlier closures

Name Suburb LGA Opened Closed Notes
Agnew Primary SchoolAgnewLeonora19371948
Ajana Primary SchoolAjanaNorthampton19191942
Albion Downs Primary SchoolNear LeinsterWiluna19611975Relocated to Leinster
Aldersyde Primary SchoolAldersydeBrookton19151968
Alma Primary SchoolAlmaNorthampton19051956
Ambergate Primary SchoolAmbergateBusselton19241941
Appadene Primary SchoolAppadeneManjimup19241947
Argyle Primary SchoolArgyleDonnybrook-Balingup19081953
Arthur River Primary SchoolArthur RiverWest Arthur19091943
Arrino Primary SchoolArrinoThree Springs19061952
Baandee Primary SchoolBaandeeKellerberrin19121947
Badgebup Primary SchoolBadgebupKatanning19201947
Badgerin Rock Primary SchoolBadgerin RockKoorda19341941
Balbarrup Primary SchoolBalbarrupManjimup19131944
Balkuling Primary SchoolBalkulingQuairading19221978
Ballaying Primary SchoolBallayingWagin19051953
Banksiadale Primary SchoolBanksiadaleMurray19131964
Bardoc SchoolBardocKalgoorlie-Boulder18971931
Beenong Primary SchoolBeenongLake Grace19241940
Beermullah Primary SchoolBeermullahGingin19241962
Belka Primary SchoolBelkaBruce Rock19211944
Bendering Primary SchoolBenderingKondinin19201950
Benjaberring Primary SchoolBenjaberringWyalkatchem19111947
Benjinup Primary SchoolBenjinupBoyup Brook19371946
Beria SchoolBeriaLaverton19071942Rebuilt on new townsite 1935, building moved to Linden 1946
Big Bell Primary SchoolBig BellCue19371955
Bilbarin Primary SchoolBilbarinCorrigin19161965
Bonnie Vale SchoolBonnie ValeCoolgardie18971912
Boogardie Primary SchoolBoogardieMount Magnet19051952
Bornholm Primary SchoolBornholmAlbany19111966
Boscabel Primary SchoolBoscabelKojonup19141942
Boulder High SchoolBoulderKalgoorlie-Boulder19521960
Bowelling Primary SchoolBowellingWest Arthur19181948
Bowgada Primary SchoolBowgadaPerenjori19241941
Bradleys Primary SchoolBradleysGreater Geraldton19261961
Bramley Primary SchoolBramleyAugusta–Margaret River19251954
Brazier Primary SchoolBrazlerDonnybrook-Balingup19081953Formerly Capel Upper until 1928
Bringo SchoolKojarenaGreater Geraldton19071949Formerly Kojarena until 1938
Broad Arrow Primary SchoolBroad ArrowKalgoorlie-Boulder18971961
Brookhampton Primary SchoolBrookhamptonDonnybrook-Balingup18991940
Brown Hill Primary SchoolBrown HillKalgoorlie-Boulder19011953
Buckingham Primary SchoolBuckinghamCollie19121950Formerly Muja until 1928
Buckland Primary SchoolBucklandNortham18681876Relocated to Wongamine
Bullaring Primary SchoolBullaringCorrigin19171947
Bulong Primary SchoolBulongKalgoorlie-Boulder18971918
Bulyee Primary SchoolBulyeeCorrigin19291940
Bunbury District High SchoolBunburyBunbury19171922Became SHS in 1923.
Bungulla Primary SchoolBungullaTammin19201941
Burabadji Primary SchoolBurabadjiGoomalling19201939
Burbanks SchoolBurbanksCoolgardie18981917
Burtville SchoolBurtvilleLaverton19061920
Cailbro Primary SchoolCailbroDalwallinu19391956
Capel River Primary SchoolCapel RiverCapel19041954
Carlotta Primary SchoolCarlottaNannup19331947
Caroling Primary SchoolCarolingQuairading19181945
Caron Primary SchoolCaronPerenjori19251972
Cartmeticup Primary SchoolCartmeticupWoodanilling19011945
Chadoora Primary SchoolChadooraPerenjori19371961
Chandler Primary SchoolChandlerNungarin19431953
Chinocup Primary SchoolChinocupKent19291937
Chittering Primary SchoolChitteringChittering18841952Formerly Lower Chittering until 1909
Clackline Primary SchoolClacklineNortham18961976Relocated 1954
Clifton Primary SchoolVia BrunswickHarvey19051967
Collie Cardiff Primary SchoolCollie CardiffCollie19161950
Collie North East Primary SchoolCollieCollie19261970North Collie until 1959
Cookernup Primary SchoolCookernupHarvey18951953
Cossack SchoolCossackRoebourne18811913
Crossman Primary SchoolCrossmanWilliams19331952
Culbin Primary SchoolCulbinWilliams19331952
Cundinup Primary SchoolCundinupDonnybrook-Balingup19151950
Dangin Primary SchoolDanginQuairading19101949
Datatine SchoolDatatineDumbleyung19161943
Davyhurst SchoolDavyhurstMenzies19031915
Day Dawn SchoolDay DawnCue18951929
Denmark Primary SchoolDenmarkDenmark18961952Moved and became Agricultural JHS
Dingup SchoolDingupManjimup18921913
Dinninup SchoolDinninupBoyup Brook19021939
Dongolocking Primary SchoolDongolockingDumbleyung19111944
Doodarding Primary SchoolDoodardingDowerin19301973
Dowerin Lakes Primary SchoolVia DowerinDowerin19061958
Dudinin Primary SchoolDudininKulin19211973
Duranillin Primary SchoolDuranillinWest Arthur19311970Previous school 1906–1912
Dwarda SchoolDwardaWilliams19251934
East Bowes Primary SchoolEast BowesNorthampton19061961
East Pithara SchoolPitharaDalwallinu19341941
Edjudina SchoolEdjudina Menzies19081923
Elleker Primary SchoolEllekerAlbany19051944
Emu Hill Primary SchoolEmu HillNarembeen19141938
Ewington Primary SchoolEwingtonCollie19151970
Fairbridge Primary SchoolFairbridgeMurray19151978
Forest Grove Primary SchoolForest GroveAugusta–Margaret River19231960
Gleneagle Primary SchoolGleneagleWandering19391966
Glenoran Primary SchoolGlenoranManjimup19221946
Gnarabup Primary SchoolGnarabupAugusta–Margaret River19261945
Golden Ridge SchoolGolden RidgeKalgoorlie-Boulder19081927Waterfall until 1911
Grass Patch Primary SchoolGrass PatchEsperance19271951
Gullewa SchoolGullewaYalgoo18971931
Gunyidi Primary SchoolGunyidiCoorow19251939
Gutha Primary SchoolGuthaMorawa19191952
Gwalia Primary SchoolGwaliaLeonora19001963
Gwambygine Primary SchoolGwambygineYork19121947
Hamel Primary SchoolHamelWaroona19051944
Harrismith Primary SchoolHarrismithWickepin19191971
Hester Primary SchoolHesterBridgetown-Greenbushes19441953Previous school operated 1908–1920
Highbury Primary SchoolHighburyNarrogin19041946Named Wolwolling 1904–1906
Hines Hill Primary SchoolHines HillMerredin19121947
Hoffman Mill Primary SchoolHoffmanHarvey18971962
Holyoake Primary SchoolHolyoakeMurray19111961
Huntley Primary SchoolHuntleyMurray19301958
Irishtown Primary SchoolIrishtownNortham18681948Formerly Greenhills until 1892
Isseka Primary SchoolIssekaNorthampton19081951
Jalbarragup Primary SchoolJalbarragupNannup19091941
Jardee Primary SchoolJardeeManjimup19121972Formerly Jarnadup until 1928
Jarrahwood Primary SchoolJarrahwoodBusselton19121972
Jelcobine SchoolJelcobineBrookton19321945
Jennacubbine Primary SchoolJennacubbineGoomalling19111955
Jennapullin Primary SchoolJennapullinNortham18961946
Jilbadji Primary SchoolJilbadjiYilgarn19261951
Jindong Primary SchoolJindongBusselton19241954[3]
Jingalup Primary SchoolJingalupKojonup19191970
Kangaroo Gully Primary SchoolBridgetownBridgetown-Greenbushes19221951
Kanowna SchoolKanownaKalgoorlie-Boulder18961940
King River Primary SchoolKing RiverAlbany18941946
Kintore SchoolKintoreCoolgardie18991931
Kondut Primary SchoolKondutWongan-Ballidu19181942
Konnongorring Primary SchoolKonnongorringGoomalling19171973
Koojan Primary SchoolKoojanMoora18971953
Kookynie SchoolKookynieMenzies19011967
Korrelocking Primary SchoolKorrelockingWyalkatchem19121945
Kudardup Primary SchoolKudardupAugusta–Margaret River19221970
Kulikup Primary SchoolKulikupBoyup Brook19141942
Kulja Primary SchoolKuljaKoorda19291944
Kulyalling Primary SchoolKulyallingBrookton19041946
Kundip Primary SchoolKundipRavensthorpe19071941
Kunjin Primary SchoolKunjinCorrigin19131945
Kurrawang SchoolKurrawangCoolgardie19051938
Kweda Primary SchoolKwedaBrookton19151972
Kwolyin Primary SchoolKwolyinBruce Rock19201956
Lakewood Primary SchoolLakewoodKalgoorlie-Boulder19041964
Lawlers SchoolLawlersLeonora19011930
Lennonville SchoolLennonvilleMount Magnet19001924
Linden SchoolLindenMenzies19461948Building moved from Beria, teacher's quarters from North Burracoppin
Lomos Primary SchoolLomosCorrigin19201944
Lowden Primary SchoolLowdenDonnybrook-Balingup19101953
Lower Balingup Primary SchoolBalingupDonnybrook-Balingup19221946
Lower Chittering Primary SchoolLower ChitteringChittering19201952
Lower Margaret SchoolMargaret RiverAugusta–Margaret River19091925
Ludlow SchoolLudlowBusselton18661948Formerly Ludlow Bridge School[4]
Lyalls Mill Primary SchoolLyalls MillCollie19041952
Malyalling Primary SchoolMalyallingWickepin19101943
Mangowine Primary SchoolMangowineNungarin19131945
Mayanup Primary SchoolMayanupBoyup Brook19041945Formerly Scottsbrook until 1938
Merkanooka Primary SchoolMerkanookaMorawa19121947
Metricup Primary SchoolMetricupBusselton19241953
Middlesex Primary SchoolMiddlesexManjimup19241961
Minnivale Primary SchoolMinnivaleDowerin19111974
Mogumber Primary SchoolMogumberVictoria Plains18981979Closed 1952–1960
Moodiarrup Primary SchoolMoodiarrupWest Arthur19091951
Mooliabeenee Primary SchoolMooliabeeneeMoora19101946
Moonyoonooka Primary SchoolMoonyoonookaGreater Geraldton18881952
Mornington Mills Primary SchoolMorningtonHarvey18991966
Moulyinning Primary SchoolMoulyinningDumbleyung19141958
Mount Ida Primary SchoolMount IdaMenzies19511967
Mount Kokeby Primary SchoolMount KokebyBeverley19031945
Mount Malcolm SchoolMalcolmLeonora19001933Renamed Malcolm School 1900
Mount Monger Primary SchoolMount MongerLaverton19361958
Mount Morgans Primary SchoolMount MorgansLaverton19041915
Mount Sir Samuel SchoolSir SamuelWiluna19011939
Muchea Primary SchoolMucheaChittering19051952
Mullalyup Primary SchoolMullalyupDonnybrook-Balingup19021965
Mulline SchoolMullineMenzies19051924
Muradup Primary SchoolMuradupKojonup19101970
Nanga Brook Primary SchoolNanga BrookMurray19091961
Nangeenan Primary SchoolNangeenanMerredin19061945
Nanson SchoolNansonChapman Valley19131943
Narngulu Primary SchoolNarnguluGreater Geraldton19081947
Needilup Primary SchoolNeedilupJerramungup19231976
Newlands Primary SchoolNewlandsDonnybrook-Balingup19001953
Niagara SchoolNiagaraMenzies18991913
Nillup Primary SchoolNillupAugusta–Margaret River19251954
Noggerup Primary SchoolNoggerupDonnybrook-Balingup19091960
North Boyanup Primary SchoolBoyanupDardanup19331946
North Drakesbrook Primary SchoolWaroonaWaroona19101943
Ora Banda Primary SchoolOra BandaKalgoorlie-Boulder19121957
Osmington Primary SchoolOsmingtonAugusta–Margaret River19291953
Paddington SchoolPaddingtonKalgoorlie-Boulder18981912
Palgarup Primary SchoolPalgarupManjimup19211964
Pantapin Primary SchoolPantapinQuairading19101962
Paynes Find Primary SchoolPaynes FindYalgoo?1971Also 1919–1943
Pindar Primary SchoolPindarGreater Geraldton19311960
Pintharuka SchoolPintharukaMorawa19171939
Popanyinning Primary SchoolPopanyinningCuballing19051973
Quindalup Primary SchoolQuindalupBusselton18991963
Quindanning Primary SchoolQuindanningWilliams18931960
Rathmines State SchoolEast BunburyBunbury19271967Relocated to Trott Street/Cooinda Primary School PS
Reid Primary SchoolReidKalgoorlie-Boulder19421975
Rosa Brook Primary SchoolRosa BrookAugusta–Margaret River19231954
Rosa Glen Primary SchoolRosa GlenAugusta–Margaret River19251953
Ruabon SchoolRuabonBusselton19231941[3]
Sandy Gully Primary SchoolSandy GullyNorthampton19441956
Seven Springs SchoolSeven SpringsToodyay18681873
Shannon River Primary SchoolShannon RiverManjimup19501968
Sheoak State SchoolKarridaleAugusta–Margaret River19271952A group settlement school
Shotts Primary SchoolShottsCollie19131950
South Borden Primary SchoolBordenGnowangerup19331945
South Boulder Primary SchoolBoulderKalgoorlie-Boulder19201971
South Chittering Primary SchoolLower ChitteringChittering19301952
Stratham Primary SchoolStrathamCapel18951946
Tenindewa Primary SchoolTenindewaGreater Geraldton19131939
Tenterden Primary SchoolTenterdenCranbrook19041961
Tingledale Primary SchoolTingledaleDenmark19251968
Trafalgar SchoolTrafalgarKalgoorlie-Boulder19001930Boulder Mines until 1901; Lake View until 1906
Treesville Primary SchoolTreesvilleCollie19231956
Tuckanarra Primary SchoolTuckanarraCue19051954
Uduc SchoolUducHarvey18991921
Upper Chittering SchoolChitteringChittering18841904
Upper Ferguson Primary SchoolUpper FergusonDardanup18931971
Wadderin Hill SchoolWadderin HillNarembeen19191936
Walpole No. 2 School North Walpole Shire of Manjimup 1932 1948
Warner Glen Primary SchoolWarner GlenAugusta–Margaret River19251954
Waterloo Primary SchoolWaterlooDardanup18961971
Werribee SchoolWundowieNortham19301949Students relocated to Wundowie PS
Wellington Mills Primary SchoolWellington MillsDardanup19021971
West Toodyay SchoolToodyayToodyay18981920
Wilga Primary SchoolWilgaBoyup Brook19101956
Willowdale Primary SchoolWagerupWaroona19341957
Willyabrup Primary SchoolWilyabrupBusselton19281953[5]
Winchester Primary SchoolWinchesterCarnamah19221951
Wongamine Primary SchoolWongamineGoomalling18761945Relocated from Buckland
Worsley Primary SchoolWorsleyCollie19001952
Wuraming Primary SchoolWuramingBoddington19151956
Yallabatharra Primary SchoolYallabatharraNorthampton19371956
Yallingup Primary SchoolYallingupBusselton19051963
Yalyalup SchoolYalyalupBusselton19101921[3]
Yandanooka SchoolYandanookaMingenew19221944Renamed Overland School 1933
Yandanooka Primary SchoolYandanookaMingenew19591977
Yanmah Primary SchoolYanmahManjimup19221954
Yelverton SchoolYelvertonBusselton19341937[3]
Youanmi SchoolYouanmiSandstone19111941
Yunndaga SchoolYunndagaMenzies19001925Woolgar until 1917
Zanthus Primary SchoolZanthusKalgoorlie-Boulder19221975

Non-government schools

K–12 schools

Name Town Region Category Opened Website Notes
Australian Christian College – Southlands Collingwood Heights (Albany) Great Southern Christian independent Website ACE curriculum;
distance/home education support
Bethel Christian School Albany Great Southern Christian (CSA) 1981 Website
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Gelorup South West Anglican 1972 Website
CAPS Coolgardie Coolgardie Goldfields-Esperance Christian (CSA) 1981
Cornerstone Christian College West Busselton South West Christian (CSA) 1986 Website
Djarindjin Lombadina Catholic School Lombadina Kimberley Catholic 1913 Website K-10; formerly Lombadina Mission
Esperance Anglican Community School Esperance Goldfields-Esperance Anglican (ASC) 2008 Website
Foundation Christian College Greenfields Peel Christian (CEN) 1997 Website
Frederick Irwin Anglican School Mandurah Peel Anglican (ASC) 1991 Website
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School Yalyalup South West Anglican (ASC) 2003 Website
Geraldton Grammar School Geraldton Mid West Anglican 1996 Website
Goldfields Baptist College Kalgoorlie Goldfields-Esperance Baptist 2000 Website
Grace Christian School Glen Iris South West Christian (CSA) 1990 Website
Great Southern Grammar Lower Kalgan Great Southern Christian 2000 Website
Hope Christian College Roelands South West Christian 1999 Website
John Calvin School Albany Yakamia Great Southern Free Reformed Website
Kearnan College Manjimup South West Catholic 1925 Website Formerly St Joseph's until 1972
Kulkarriya Community School Yungngora Community Pilbara Aboriginal 1978 Website
Kururrungku Catholic Education Centre Mindibungu Community Kimberley Catholic 1984 Website K-10
Luurnpa Catholic School Balgo Kimberley Catholic 1984 Website K-10; Kukatja/English
Mandurah Baptist College Lakelands Peel Baptist 2005 Website
Mandurah Catholic College Mandurah Peel Catholic 1992 Website
Ngalangangpum School Warmun Kimberley Catholic 1979 Website K-10; Kija/English
Nyikina Mangala Community School Via Derby Kimberley Independent 2000 Website K-10; Nyikina/Mangala/English
Parnngurr Community School Parnngurr Community Pilbara Independent 1989 Website K-10
Purnululu Aboriginal Community School Via Kununurra Kimberley Independent 1992 K-10
Rawa Community School Via Newman Pilbara Independent 1981 Website
Sacred Heart School Beagle Bay Community Kimberley Catholic 1892 K-10; Nyulnyul/English
St Joseph's College (Albany) Spencer Park Great Southern Catholic 1978 Website
St Joseph's School Northam Wheatbelt Catholic 1948 Website K-10; formerly Marist Brothers School
St Mary MacKillop College West Busselton South West Catholic 2016 Website Formed from merger of St Joseph’s School and MacKillop Catholic College[6]
St Mary's College Broome Kimberley Catholic 1995 Website
St Mary's Star of the Sea Catholic School Carnarvon Gascoyne Catholic 1906 Website K-10
Wulungarra Community School Kadjina Community Kimberley Independent K-10; Walmajarri
Yakanarra Community School Via Fitzroy Crossing Kimberley Independent 1990 K-10
Yiyili Community School Via Fitzroy Crossing Kimberley Independent 1982 Website K-10

Primary schools

Name Town Region Category Opened Website Notes
Assumption Catholic Primary School Mandurah Peel Catholic 1982 Website
Birlirr Ngawiyiwu Catholic School Via Halls Creek Kimberley Catholic 1986 Website
Bunbury John Calvin Primary School Glen Iris South West Free Reformed 2002
CAPS Kurrawang Kurrawang Goldfields-Esperance Christian (CSA) 1987
Carnarvon Christian School Carnarvon Gascoyne Christian (CEN) 1995 Website
Child Side School Boyanup South West Independent 2003 Website
Cornerstone Christian College Quedjinup South West Christian (CSA) 2016 Website [7]
Dawesville Catholic Primary School Dawesville Peel Catholic 2007 Website
Esperance Christian Primary School Esperance Goldfields-Esperance Adventist
Golden Hill Steiner School Denmark Great Southern Independent Website
Holy Rosary School Derby Kimberley Catholic 1954 Website
Immaculate Heart College Lower Chittering Wheatbelt Independent 2012 Website
Leaning Tree Community School Geraldton Mid West Independent 2007 Website
Leschenault Catholic Primary School Australind South West Catholic 1986
Living Waters Lutheran College Halls Head Peel Lutheran 2001 Website
Margaret River Montessori School Margaret River South West Independent 1992 Website
Margaret River Independent School Forest Grove South West Independent 1982 Website Formerly Nyindamurra Family School until 2009
Our Lady of Lourdes School Dardanup South West Catholic 1920 Website
Our Lady of Mt Carmel School Mullewa Mid West Catholic 1914 Website
Our Lady of the Cape Primary School Dunsborough South West Catholic 1996 Website
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School Esperance Goldfields-Esperance Catholic 1993 Website
Parklands School (Albany) Orana Great Southern Montessori 1986
Sacred Heart Catholic School Goomalling Wheatbelt Catholic 1912 Formerly Presentation School
St Anne's School Harvey South West Catholic 1935 Website
St Bernard's School Kojonup Great Southern Catholic 1952
St Brigid's Primary School Bridgetown South West Catholic 1925 Website Present structure built 1956
St Brigid's Primary School Collie South West Catholic 1902 Website
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School Port Hedland Pilbara Catholic 1942 Website
St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School Geraldton Mid West Catholic 1978 Website
St John's Primary School Rangeway Mid West Catholic 1969 Website
St Joseph's School Boulder Goldfields Catholic 1897
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pinjarra Peel Catholic 1930 Website
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Kununurra Kimberley Catholic 1967 Website
St Joseph's Primary School Moora Wheatbelt Catholic 1910
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pemberton South West Catholic 1952 Website
St Joseph's Primary School Southern Cross Wheatbelt Catholic 1906 Website
St Joseph's Primary School Waroona South West Catholic 1943 Website
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Withers South West Catholic 1978 Website
St Joseph's Primary School Wyndham Kimberley Catholic 1964 Website
St Lawrence's Primary School Bluff Point (Geraldton) Mid West Catholic 1940 Website
St Mary's Catholic Primary School South Bunbury South West Catholic 1904
St Mary's Catholic School Boyup Brook South West Catholic 1957 Website
St Mary's School Donnybrook South West Catholic 1916 Formerly St Philomena's
St Mary's Primary School Kalgoorlie Goldfields Catholic 1901 Website Formerly St Michael's to 1975, then KCPS to 1998
St Mary's School Merredin Wheatbelt Catholic 1926 Website Formerly St Joseph's until 1996
St Mary's School Northampton Mid West Catholic 1868 Website
St Matthew's Catholic Primary School Narrogin Wheatbelt Catholic 1918 Website
St Michael's School Brunswick Junction South West Catholic 1954
St Michael's School Narrogin Wheatbelt Catholic 1952
St Patrick's School Katanning Great Southern Catholic 1912 Website
St Paul's Primary School Karratha Pilbara Catholic 1978 Website
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School Margaret River South West Catholic 1993 Website
Strelley Community School Via Port Hedland Pilbara Aboriginal 1976 Website
Wanalirri Catholic School Gibb River Kimberley Catholic 1991 Website
Warlawurru Catholic Primary School Halls Creek Kimberley Catholic 1987 Website
Woodbury Boston Primary School Torbay Great Southern Independent 1980 Website
Yallingup Steiner School Yallingup South West Independent 1988 Website

Secondary schools

Name Town Region Category Opened Website Notes
Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury South West Catholic 1973 Website
Catholic Agricultural College Bindoon Wheatbelt Catholic 1936 Website Formerly St Joseph's (to 1936) /
Keaney College (to 1995)
CAPS Wongutha Gibson Goldfields-Esperance Christian (CSA) 1993 Website Replaced Wongutha Mission (founded 1954)
John Paul College Kalgoorlie Goldfields Catholic 1984 Website
Nagle Catholic College Geraldton Mid West Catholic 1994 Website Founded as a result of merger with Stella Maris College (1891) and St. Patrick's College (1926)
Our Lady of Mercy College Australind South West Catholic 2020 Website Originally a second campus of Bunbury Catholic College
St Luke's College Karratha Pilbara Catholic 1987 Website
Strathalbyn Christian College Strathalbyn Mid West Christian 1979 Website

Defunct non-government schools

Name Town Region Category Years Opened Closed Notes
Ave Maria CollegeAlbanyGreat SouthernCatholic girlsHigh1977Amalgamated into St Joseph's College
CBC KalgoorlieSouth KalgoorlieGoldfieldsCatholic boysHigh19061983Amalgamated into John Paul College
Christian Brothers Agricultural SchoolTardunMid WestCatholicK–1219282009
Dominican Ladies' CollegeDongaraMid WestCatholic girlsHigh19011971
Geographe Grammar SchoolAustralindSouth WestChristian (SCEA)?19832015Formerly Unity CS until 2007, Australind CS until 2010
Karalundi Aboriginal Education CentreVia MeekatharraMid WestAdventist?19862016
Kobeelya Church of England Girls' SchoolKatanningGreat SouthernAnglican girlsK–1219221982
MacKillop Catholic CollegeWest BusseltonSouth WestCatholicHigh19942015Amalgamated to St Mary MacKillop College[6]
Mukinbudin Community Christian SchoolMukinbudinWheatbeltK–1020002008
Nulungu CollegeBroomeKimberleyCatholicHigh19721994Amalgamated into St Mary's College
Ocean Forest Lutheran CollegeDalyellupSouth WestLutheranK-1020042018
Pindan CollegeSouth HedlandPilbaraVocational11–1220082012Formerly Australian Technical College Pilbara[8]
Prendiville Catholic Girls CollegeKalgoorlieGoldfieldsCatholic girlsHigh19711983Amalgamated into John Paul College
Sacred Heart SchoolMount BarkerGreat SouthernCatholicK-1019471971
Sacred Heart SchoolNorsemanGoldfieldsCatholicK-1019411972
Salvado CollegeNew NorciaWheatbeltCatholicK–1219741991Known briefly as New Norcia Catholic College in 1980s
St Aloysius's SchoolToodyayWheatbeltCatholicK-1019031971
St Anthony's Convent of Mercy SchoolCoolgardieGoldfieldsCatholicK–1218981978
St Edmund's College (CBC Collie)CollieSouth WestCatholic boys4–1219552000Became HS campus of St Brigid's 1994
St Francis Xavier's School (Marist Brothers)BunburySouth WestCatholic boysHigh19541972Amalgamated into Bunbury Catholic College
St Gertrude's CollegeNew NorciaWheatbeltCatholic girlsK–1219081974Amalgamated into Salvado College
St Ildephonsus's CollegeNew NorciaWheatbeltCatholic boysK–1219131974Amalgamated into Salvado College
St Joseph's Convent SchoolNannupSouth WestCatholicPrimary19371966
St Joseph's Primary SchoolAlbanyGreat SouthernCatholicPrimary18781977Amalgamated into St Joseph's College
St Joseph's Primary SchoolMargaret RiverSouth WestCatholicPrimary19501970
St Joseph's SchoolBunburySouth WestCatholic girlsHigh18831972Amalgamated into Bunbury Catholic College
St Joseph's SchoolBusseltonSouth WestCatholicPrimary19032015Relocated 1954 and 1987; amalgamated to St Mary MacKillop College[6]
St Joseph's SchoolWaginWheatbeltCatholicK-1019131971
St Mary's SchoolBroomeKimberleyCatholicPrimary19121994Amalgamated into St Mary's College
St Patrick's College (CBC Geraldton)GeraldtonMid WestCatholic boysHigh19261993Amalgamated into Nagle Catholic College
St Patrick's SchoolYorkWheatbeltCatholicPrimary18721971
St Pius X College (CBC Albany)AlbanyGreat SouthernCatholic boysHigh19561977Amalgamated into St Joseph's College
Stella Maris Presentation CollegeGeraldtonMid WestCatholic girlsHigh18911993Amalgamated into Nagle Catholic College
gollark: Why have a `float` type when you could just have float division or something?
gollark: Bestest idea: literally everything is an integer with no type (except maybe size), and you can do any operation on any value.
gollark: It should be implicit, for safety.
gollark: No, not a meta-instruction-pointer, there are instructions for instruction pointer forking/killing.
gollark: Idea: two (2)-dimensional esolang where you can arbitrarily create and unexist instruction pointers, and create warps.

See also


  1. "Schools in the Kimberley District". Aboriginal Perspectives Across the Curriculum (APAC). Retrieved 10 March 2010.
  2. Mills, Vanessa (28 June 2019). "School name change for Kununurra". ABC Kimberley. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  3. "WA Schools Gazetteer" (PDF). Geoproject Solutions. 10 December 2018. Retrieved 9 September 2019.
  4. "Assessment Documentation: Ludlow Forestry Mill and Settlement" (PDF). Heritage Council of Western Australia. Retrieved 15 August 2019.
  5. "Wilyabrup". Municipal Heritage Inventory (PDF). City of Busselton. 2013. pp. 384–385. Retrieved 9 August 2019.
  6. "A Tale of Two Schools". St Mary MacKillop College. Retrieved 7 July 2019.
  7. "History". Cornerstone Christian College. Retrieved 2 November 2019.
  8. Smith, Sean (8 March 2013). "High costs shut down Pindan College". The West Australian. Retrieved 15 July 2020.
  • Schools Online, a directory of Government schools in Western Australia. (Department of Education and Training – Government of Western Australia)
  • School Search, at Catholic Education Office of Western Australia.
  • Search for School, at Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia.


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