List of museums in Kansas

This list of museums in Kansas is a list of museums, defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Also included are non-profit and university art galleries. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.


Name Location County Region Area of study Summary
1950s All-Electric HouseShawneeJohnsonNortheastHistoric houseHouse decorated and outfitted with 1950s electrical appliances and furnishings[1]
Ag Heritage ParkAlta VistaWabaunseeTopeka metroAgriculturewebsite, information, exhibits about historic agricultural life, includes tractors, combines, threshing machines, tools, household items
Albany MuseumSabethaNemahaNortheastOpen airComplex includes a schoolhouse, railroad museum, windmill, caboose and other buildings[2][3]
Allen County MuseumIolaAllenSoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Allen County Historical Society, also the Old Jail Museum[4]
Allen-Lambe HouseWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralHistoric houseDesigned by Frank Lloyd Wright
Amelia Earhart Birthplace MuseumAtchisonAtchisonNortheastBiographicalTurn of the 20th century birth home of aviator Amelia Earhart
Anderson County MuseumGarnettAndersonEast-CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Anderson County Historical Society, also 1888 Harris House open for visitors by appointment
Atchison County Historical MuseumAtchisonAtchisonNortheastLocal historyExhibits on Lewis and Clark, Amelia Earhart, Jesse Stone, area railroad history, gun collection, located in a historic 1880 Santa Fe Freight fepot
Augusta Historical MuseumAugustaButlerSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, local history museum and C. N. James Log Cabin, operated by the Augusta Historical Society
Bancroft Depot MuseumBancroftNemahaNortheastLocal historyExhibits about Bancroft and the Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern Railroad[5]
Barton County Historical Society Museum and VillageGreat BendBartonSouth CentralOpen airwebsite
Basehor Historical MuseumBasehorLeavenworthNortheastLocal historyOperated by the Basehor Historical Society[6]
Baxter Springs Heritage Center & MuseumBaxter SpringsCherokeeSoutheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Baxter Springs Historical Society
Benson MuseumHowardElkSoutheastLocal historyinformation, open by appointment, old school building and barn with farm implements
Bethel College Luyken Fine Arts CenterNewtonHarveySouth CentralArtwebsite, includes the Robert W. Regier Gallery that features exhibits by local, regional, national and international artists, including Bethel alumni, in all types of media
Big BrutusWest MineralCherokeeSoutheastIndustry160 ft (49 m). electric shovel used in coal mining and exhibits on local coal mining
Big Well MuseumGreensburgKiowaSouth CentralHistoryWater well designed to provide water for the Santa Fe and Rock Island railroads
Birger Sandzén Memorial GalleryLindsborgMcPhersonSouth CentralArtWorks by Swedish-born artist Birger Sandzén
Booth Family Hall of AthleticsLawrenceDouglasNortheastSportswebsite, located in the University of Kansas' Allen Fieldhouse, history and tradition of Kansas Athletics
Boot Hill MuseumDodge CityFordSouthwestLocal historyIncludes Kansas Cowboy Hall of Fame, gunfighter show, weapons, saloon, cowboys, Victorian clothing
Brown County Agriculture MuseumHiawathaBrownNortheastAgriculturewebsite, includes windmills, antique cars, trucks and farm equipment, miniature farm model, operated by the Brown County Historical Society
Brown County MuseumHiawathaBrownNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Brown County Historical Society
Brown MansionCoffeyvilleMontgomerySoutheastHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Coffeyville Historical Society
Brown v. Board of Education National Historic SiteTopekaShawneeTopeka metroHistoryHistory of Brown v. Board of Education, which ended legal segregation in public schools
Bukovina Society Headquarters and MuseumEllisEllisNorthwestEthnicCollection of artifacts from Bukovina emigrants
Burns Community MuseumBurnsMarionSouth CentralLocal historyOpen by appointment
Bushton MuseumBushtonRiceSouth CentralLocal historyIncludes an old drug store with a working soda fountain and an old bank[7]
Buster Keaton MuseumShawneeJohnsonNortheastBiographicalwebsite, life of actor Buster Keaton
Butterfield Trail Historical MuseumRussell SpringsLoganNorthwestLocal historyArea pioneers, local history and natural history of the Great Plains, and the history of the Butterfield Overland Despatch stage line
Carnegie Arts CenterGoodlandShermanNorthwestArtLocated in a former Carnegie library
Carona Depot ComplexCaronaCherokeeSoutheastRailroadwebsite, includes museum building, two depots, railroad locomotives and a railroad signal display, operated by Heart of the Heartlands
Carry A. Nation Home and MuseumMedicine LodgeBarberSouth CentralHistoric houseIncluded with admission to the Medicine Lodge Stockade Museum
Carroll Mansion MuseumLeavenworthLeavenworthNortheastHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Leavenworth County Historical Society, 1890s Victorian mansion
Cassoday Historical MuseumCassodayButlerSouth CentralLocal history[8]
Cedar Vale MuseumCedar ValeChautauquaSoutheastLocal history[9]
Central States Scout MuseumLarnedPawneeSouthwestScoutingBoy and girl scout memorabilia[10]
Chanute Art GalleryChanuteNeoshoSoutheastArtwebsite, community art gallery
Chanute Historical Society MuseumChanuteNeoshoSoutheastLocal historywebsite
Chase County Historical Society MuseumCottonwood FallsChaseSoutheastLocal historywebsite
Cherokee Strip Land Rush MuseumArkansas CityCowleySouth CentralHistorywebsite, history of 1893 Cherokee Strip Land Run, early pioneer and Native American artifacts
Chetopa MuseumChetopaLabetteSoutheastLocal history[11]
Cheyenne County MuseumSt. FrancisCheyenneNorthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Cheyenne County Historical Society, local history, fossils, wildlife
Chisholm Trail MuseumWellingtonSumnerSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, artifacts of local domestic life
Clay County MuseumClay CenterClayNorth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Clay County Historical Society[12]
Clearwater Historical Society MuseumClearwaterSedgwickLocal historywebsite, period rooms including a military room, summer kitchen, laundry room, school room, doctor/dentist office, and general store
Clifton Community Historical Society MuseumCliftonClayNorth CentralLocal historyOpen by appointment[13]
Cloud County Historical MuseumConcordiaCloudNorth CentralLocal historyLocated in a former Carnegie library
Clyde Community MuseumClydeCloudNorth CentralLocal history[14]
C & R Railroad MuseumPhillipsburgPhillipsNorthwestRailroadModel railroads, C& R Railroad memorabilia and artifacts, located in the Huck Boyd Community Center[15][16]
Coffey County Historical Society MuseumBurlingtonCoffeyEast-CentralLocal historywebsite, includes large collection of antique dolls
Coffeyville Aviation Heritage MuseumCoffeyvilleMontogomerySoutheastAviationcity information, information and photos, includes memorabilia from the Coffeyville Air Base
Cole House MuseumMoundridgeMcPhersonSouth CentralHistoric housewebsite, pioneer family home, operated by the Moundridge Historical Association, grounds also house the Heritage Museum, Agriculture Museum and blacksmith shop
Columbian Theatre, Museum & Art CenterWamegoPottawatomieNortheastArtHistoric theater with murals, decorative arts museum and art gallery
Columbus MuseumColumbusCherokeeSoutheastLocal history[17]
Comanche County MuseumColdwaterComancheSouth CentralLocal history[18]
Combat Air MuseumTopekaShawneeTopeka metroAviationMilitary aircraft, uniforms, medals, photos, artifacts
Constitution Hall State Historic SiteLecomptonDouglasNortheastHistoryExhibits on Jim Lane, proslavery and free-state forces in the area, territorial Kansas
Coronado MuseumLiberalSewardSouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Seward County Historical Society, exhibits include local settlers, American West, Native American's, Dorothy's House (recreation of Dorothy's house from the Wizard of Oz movie), and animated Oz entertainment and Oz memorabilia
Coronado-Quivira MuseumLyonsRiceSouth CentralLocal history website], operated by the Rice County Historical Society[19]
CosmosphereHutchinsonRenoSouth CentralAerospaceExhibits of U.S. and Russian space artifacts and spacecraft, Justice Planetarium
Cottonwood Ranch State Historic SiteStudleySheridanNorthwestHistoric house19th century rural ranch
Coutts Memorial Museum of ArtEl DoradoButlerSouth CentralArtwebsite, over 1500 paintings, drawings, sculptures and prints from America, the American West, Russia, China, France, the Netherlands, England and South America
Cowley County Historical Society MuseumWinfieldCowleySouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Crispin's Drug Store MuseumLincolnLincolnNorth CentralMedicalwebsite, historical artifacts from the pharmaceutical field, with special emphasis in 1880-1920 period
Cunningham Depot MuseumCunninghamKingmanSouth CentralLocal historyLocated in a historic depot[20][21]
C.W. Parker Carousel MuseumLeavenworthLeavenworthNortheastAmusementCarousel memorabilia and history, includes working carousels, operated by the Leavenworth Historical Museum Association
Dane G. Hansen MuseumLoganPhillipsNorthwestArtwebsite, includes paintings by Kansas artists, early American and foreign coins, European and Western guns
Dalton Defenders MuseumCoffeyvilleMontgomerySoutheastLocal historywebsite, includes memorabilia from the 1892 Dalton Gang raid; operated by the Coffeyville Historical Society
Dalton Gang Hideout and MuseumMeadeMeadeSouthwestHistorywebsite, 1880s period home of Eva Dalton Whipple, sister to the infamous Dalton Gang
Deanna Rose Children's FarmsteadOverland ParkJohnsonNortheastOpen airIncludes 200 farm animals and birds of prey, gardens, Kanza Indian Encampment and earthen log lodge, a one-room country schoolhouse and a dairy barn with interactive displays
Decatur County Last Indian Raid MuseumOberlinDecaturNorthwestLocal historywebsite
Deines Cultural CenterRussellRussellNorthwestArtwebsite
Delphos MuseumDelphosOttawaNorth CentralLocal history[22][23]
Derby Historical MuseumDerbySedgwickSouth CentralLocal historyOperated by the Derby Historical Society[24]
Dietrich CabinOttawaFranklinEast-CentralHistoric houseOperated by the Franklin County Historical Society, located in Ottawa City Park, mid-19th century log cabin and pioneer museum
Dole Institute of PoliticsLawrenceDouglasNortheastHistoryFree exhibits of politics and history
Douglass Historical MuseumDouglassButlerSouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Edna Historical MuseumEdnaLabetteSoutheastLocal historywebsite
Edwards County Historical Society MuseumKinsleyEdwardsSouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Eisenhower Presidential Library and MuseumAbileneDickinsonNorth CentralBiographicalPresidential library, museum, and resting place of Dwight David Eisenhower, tours of his boyhood home
Ellis County Historical Society MuseumHaysEllisNorthwestOpen airwebsite, includes local history museum, stone chapel, harness shop, replica Volga German Haus
Ellis Railroad MuseumEllisEllisNorthwestRailroadwebsite, railroad memorabilia, miniature trains and dolls
El Quartelejo MuseumScott CityScottSouthwestLocal historywebsite, information, operated by the Scott County Historical Society, history of Western Kansas, fossils, local Indian and pioneer history, El Quartelejo Ruins, Western art
Emmett Kelly MuseumSedanChautauquaSoutheastBiographicalLife of famous circus clown Emmett Kelly, local history artifacts
Emporia State University GalleriesEmporiaLyonEast-CentralArtwebsite, Norman R. Eppink and Gilson Memorial Galleries
Ennis-Handy HouseGoodlandShermanNorthwestHistoric houseOperated by the Sherman County Historical Society, 1907 Victorian period house
Ensor Park and MuseumOlatheJohnsonNortheastHistoric housewebsite, information & photos, 1890s dairy farm and house
Epsten GalleryOverland ParkJohnsonNortheastArtwebsite, located in the Village Shalom continuum care facility
Erman B. White Gallery at Butler Community CollegeEl DoradoButlerSouth CentralArtwebsite, located in the Fine Arts Building
Eudora Community MuseumEudoraDouglasNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Eudora Area Historical Society
Evah C. Cray Historical Home MuseumAtchisonAtchisonNortheastHistoric housewebsite, 25 room castle-like Victorian mansion
Exploration PlaceWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralScience
Fick Fossil MuseumOakleyLoganNorthwestNatural historyFossils, folk art, Kansas Wildflower Collection, replica depot, general store display[25]
Finney County Historical MuseumGarden CityFinneySouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Finney County Historical Society
First City MuseumLeavenworthLeavenworthNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Leavenworth Historical Museum Association
First Territorial Capitol State Historic SiteFort RileyGearyNortheastHistoryHistory of the Kansas Territory, rail and river travel in the region, and the history of Pawnee
Flint Hills Discovery CenterManhattanRileyNortheastMultipleNatural history of the prairie, area history and culture
Fort Bissell MuseumPhillipsburgPhillipsNorthwestOpen airwebsite, 1870s-1880s frontier buildings, also known as Old Fort Bissell[26]
Fort Harker (Kansas)KanopolisEllsworthNorth CentralMilitaryOperated by the Ellsworth County Historical Society, mid 19th century US Army fort
Fort Hays State Historic SiteHaysEllisNorthwestMilitary1870s period fort
Fort Larned National Historic SiteLarnedPawneeSouthwestMilitaryMid 19th century Indian Wars-period forts
Fort Riley MuseumsFort RileyGearyNortheastMilitaryIncludes the U.S. Cavalry Museum, 1st Infantry Division Museum and Custer Home
Fort Scott National Historic SiteFort ScottBourbonSoutheastMilitary20 historic structures, a parade ground and 5 acres (20,000 m2) of restored tallgrass prairie
Fort Wallace MuseumWallaceWallaceNorthwestLocal historywebsite, includes exhibits of antique transportation, farm equipment and machinery, railroads, and animals and scenes made entirely out of barbwire
Fossil Station MuseumRussellRussellNorthwestHistorywebsite, operated by the Russell County Historical Society, period rooms and artifacts
Frank Walker MuseumStocktonRooksNorthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Rooks County Historical Society, large doll collection, period displays
Fromme-Birney Round BarnMullinvilleKiowaSouth CentralAgricultureOperated by the Kiowa County Historical Society, 16-sided barn with exhibits on barns and agriculture
Frontier Army MuseumFort LeavenworthLeavenworthNortheastMilitarywebsite, history of the Frontier Army from 1804 to 1916, and Fort Leavenworth from 1827 to the present
Galena Mining and Historical MuseumGalenaCherokeeSoutheastMiningIncludes mineral specimens, mining equipment and a model of the Grand Central Mine[27]
Galva MuseumGalvaMcPhersonSouth CentralLocal history[28][29]
Garden of EdenLucasRussellNorthwestArtConcrete sculpture garden and home
Gardner Historical MuseumGardnerJohnsonNortheastHistorywebsite, preservation and exhibition of the history of reverse mortgages
Geary County Museum & Historical SocietyJunction CityGearyNortheastLocal historywebsite
Geneseo City History MuseumGeneseoRiceSouth CentralLocal history
Gernon HouseRussellRussellNorthwestHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Russell County Historical Society, 1870s house and blacksmith shop
Goodnow House State Historic SiteManhattanRileyNortheastHistoric houseMid 19th century stone farmhouse
Graham County Historical Society MuseumHill CityGrahamNorthwestLocal historywebsite
Grant County Adobe MuseumUlyssesGrantSouthwestLocal historywebsite, housed in a 1938 adobe building[30]
Grassroots Art CenterLucasRussellNorthwestArtwebsite, outsider art and sculpture
Great Overland StationTopekaShawneeTopeka metroRailroadFormer railroad station, includes railroad artifacts and photographs, local history displays, Harvey House and Harvey Girls exhibit, model train layout
Great Plains Nature CenterWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralNatural historywebsite, exhibits about state ecosystems, wildlife, located in 282-acre Chisholm Creek Park
Great Plains Transportation MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralRailwayIncludes 6 locomotives and several pieces of rolling stock
Greenwood County Historical Society MuseumEurekaGreenwoodSoutheastLocal historywebsite
Grenola Elevator MuseumGrenolaElkSoutheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Grenola Historical Society in a former grain mill and elevator[31]
Greyhound Hall of FameAbileneDickinsonNorth CentralHall of famewebsite, displays of greyhounds from ancient times to the present
Grinter Place State Historic SiteKansas CityWyandotteNortheastHistoric housePioneer farm house
Gunfighters Wax MuseumDodge CityFordSouthwestWaxwebsite, wax figures of famous Old West people, located inside the Kansas Teachers' Hall of Fame
Halstead Heritage Museum & DepotHalsteadHarveySouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Halstead Historical Society
Hamilton County MuseumSyracuseHamiltonSouthwestLocal historywebsite, period displays[32]
Harold M. Freund American Museum of BakingManhattanRileyNortheastFoodBaking figurines, equipment, memorabilia, part of the American Institute of Baking
Harvey County Historical MuseumNewtonHarveySouth CentralLocal historyOperated by the Harvey County Historical Society in a former Carnegie library, also the 1883 Kellas School
Harvey House MuseumFlorenceMarionSouth CentralLocal historyOperated by the Florence Historical Society in a former Harvey House hotel
Haskell County MuseumSubletteHaskellSouthwestLocal historywebsite
Haskell Cultural Center and MuseumLawrenceDouglasNortheastNative Americanwebsite, part of Haskell Indian Nations University, history and culture of the state's Native Americans, military service, history of the University
Haun MuseumJetmoreHodgemanSouthwestLocal history[33]
Herington Historical MuseumHeringtonDickinsonNorth CentralLocal historyFacebook site, operated by the Herington Historical Society
Heritage Center of Dickinson CountyAbileneDickinsonNorth CentralOpen airwebsite, includes Historical Museum, Museum of Independent Telephony, a cabin, a grocery store built in 1932 and a C.W. Parker Carousel
Heym-Oliver HouseRussellRussellNorthwestHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Russell County Historical Society, 1870s house
Highbanks Hall of Fame National Midget Auto Racing MuseumBellevilleRepublicNorth CentralAutomotivewebsite
High Plains MuseumGoodlandShermanNorthwestLocal historywebsite, includes a full-sized, automated replica of America's first patented helicopter
Historical Museum of AnthonyAnthonyHarperSouth CentralLocal historyLocated in a Santa Fe Railroad Depot[34]
Hoisington Historical MuseumHoisingtonBartonSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Hoisington Historical Society
Hollenberg Pony Express Station State Historic SiteHanoverWashingtonNortheastHistoryBuilding used as a stop for the Pony Express
Holt-Russell Gallery at Baker UniversityBaldwin CityDouglasNortheastArtwebsite, located in Parmenter Hall, features art by students, faculty and local, national and international artists
Humboldt Historical MuseumHumboldtAllenSoutheastOpen airwebsite, five buildings with exhibits including iron toys, tools and farm implements, local history displays
Independence Historical Museum and Art CenterIndependenceMontgomerySoutheastLocal historywebsite, home of Montgomery County Historical Society, early settler' lifestyle, oil industry history, Native American culture, local historical artifacts, period room displays, furnishings and decorative items, art center, Kansas Celebrity Hall of Fame
Indian Pay Station & Museum Complex]St. MarysPottawatomieNortheastLocal history[35]
Inman MuseumInmanMcPhersonSouth CentralOpen airwebsite, includes the museum, 1906 telephone office, depot, caboose, 1875 Wilke homestead house; formerly the McCormick - Deering Days Museum
Iron Horse MuseumParsonsLabetteSoutheastRailroadOperated by the Ironhorse Historical Society, includes railroad memorabilia, a locomotive and caboose[36]
Jackson County Historical Society MuseumHoltonJacksonTopeka metroLocal historywebsite
Jeffcoat Photograph Studio MuseumAbileneDickinsonNorth CentralHistorywebsite, historic photographs of Abilene and Dickinson County
Jewell County Historical Society MuseumMankatoJewellNorth CentralLocal historywebsite
John Brown Museum State Historic SiteOsawatomieMiamiEast-CentralHistoryAbolition and Civil war displays and furnishings
Johnson County Museum of History (Kansas)ShawneeJohnsonNortheastLocal historywebsite, County history and culture
Johnston Geology MuseumEmporiaLyonEast-CentralGeologywebsite, also known as ESU Geology Museum, in ESU Cram Science Hall of Emporia State University
Kansas African American MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralAfrican Americanwebsite
Kansas Auto Racing MuseumChapmanDickinsonNorth CentralAutomotivewebsite
Kansas Aviation MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralAviation
Kansas Barbed Wire MuseumLa CrosseRushSouth CentralCommodityBarbed wire and its history
Kansas Children's Discovery CenterTopekaShawneeTopeka metroChildren's
Kansas Cowboy Hall of FameDodge CityFordSouthwestHall of famePart of Boot Hill Museum
Kansas Firefighters MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralFirefightingwebsite
Kansas Learning Center for HealthHalsteadHarveySouth CentralMedicalwebsite, human body and health displays for children and families
Kansas Motorcycle MuseumMarquetteMcPhersonSouth CentralTransportationVintage and rare motorcycles, memorabilia and artifacts
Kansas Museum of HistoryTopekaShawneeTopeka metroHistoryOperated by the Kansas Historical Society
Kansas Museum of Military HistoryAugustaButlerSouth CentralMilitaryIncludes model airplanes, military vehicles, uniforms, equipment, memorabilia; formerly the Augusta Air Museum[37][38]
Kansas Oil MuseumEl DoradoButlerSouth CentralIndustrywebsite, oil industry, farming, ranching exhibits, oil boom town complex and oil equipment; also known as Butler County History Center
Kansas Oil and Gas Hall of Fame & MuseumGreat BendBartonSouth CentralIndustryOpen by appointment[39][40]
Kansas Sports Hall of FameWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralSportsHistory of sports in Kansas
Kansas State CapitolTopekaShawneeTopeka metroHistoryTours operated by the Kansas State Historical Society
Kansas Soldiers' HomeFort DodgeFordSouthwestHistoryTours of 19th-century former fort buildings
Kansas State University Historic Costume and Textile MuseumManhattanRileyNortheastTextilewebsite, located in Justin Hall
Kansas State University Insect ZooManhattanRileyNortheastNatural historywebsite, housed in the old Dairy Barn
Kansas Teachers' Hall of FameDodge CityFordSouthwestEducationwebsite, photos and stories about Kansas' notable teaching professionals
Kauffman MuseumNorth NewtonHarveySouth CentralHistorywebsite, affiliated with Bethel College, exhibits on prairie life and natural history, area immigrant pioneers, historic farmstead house and prairie reconstruction
Kaw Mission State Historic SiteCouncil GroveMorrisSoutheastNative AmericanEarly mission for children of the Kaw tribe
Kearny County Historical MuseumLakinKearnySouthwestOpen airwebsite, complex includes museum building and annex, the White House, the schoolhouse, depot and a metal building to house farm equipment
Keystone GalleryOakleyLoganNorthwestNatural historywebsite, art gallery and fossil museum
Kingman County Historical MuseumKingmanKingmanSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Kingman County Historical Society[41]
Kiowa County Historical Museum & Soda FountainGreensburgKiowaSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, located in the Kiowa County Commons Building, operated by the Kiowa County Historical Society, features a soda fountain display
Koester House MuseumMarysvilleMarshallNortheastHistoric housewebsite, 1876 house decorated with items all belonging to the members of the family that lived there, operated by the Marshall County Historical Society
La Cygne Historical Society MuseumLa CygneLinnEast-CentralLocal historywebsite
Lawrence Arts CenterLawrenceDouglasNortheastArtVisual and performing arts center
Lane County Historical MuseumDightonLaneSouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Lane County Historical Society
Lanesfield School Historic SiteEdgertonJohnsonNortheastEducationwebsite, history of rural education in Kansas and Johnson County
Lane University & Territorial Capital MuseumLecomptonDouglasNortheastHistoryKansas history before the Civil War
Lansing Historical MuseumLansingLeavenworthNortheastLocal historywebsite, local and railroad history, history of the Lansing Correctional Facility
Legler Barn MuseumLenexaJohnsonNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Lenexa Historical Society, complex includes the Legler stone barn with local history exhibits and Lenexa historic depot with local transportation exhibits
Lincoln County, Kansas, Historical MuseumLincolnLincolnNorth CentralOpen airwebsite, operated by the Lincoln County Historical Society, includes Kyne House Museum, a one-room school and early businesses, such as a newspaper office, funeral home, general store
Linn County MuseumPleasantonLinnEast-CentralLocal historyOperated by the Linn County Historical Society[42][43]
Logan Area Historical MuseumLoganPhillipsNorthwestLocal historyOperated by the Logan Area Historical Society[44][45]
Lowell D. Holmes Museum of AnthropologyWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralAnthropologyPart of Wichita State University, cultural items from around the world and archaeological objects predominantly from the American Midwest and Southwest
Lowell Milken Center for Unsung HeroesFort ScottBourbonSoutheastUnsung Hero HistoryShowcasing Unsung Heroes discovered by students grade 6-12 - Website:
Lyon County History CenterEmporiaLyonEast-CentralLocal historywebsite
Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm Historic SiteOlatheJohnsonNortheastHistoric houseMid 19th century stage coach stop and farm
Major General Frederick Funston HomeIolaAllenSoutheastBiographicalwebsite, operated by the Allen County Historical Society, Victorian home of Frederick Funston
Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of ArtManhattanRileyNortheastArtPart of Kansas State University, emphasizes the art of Kansas and the surrounding region
Marion City MuseumMarionMarionSouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Marshall County Courthouse MuseumMarysvilleMarshallNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Marshall County Historical Society
Martin and Osa Johnson Safari MuseumChanuteNeoshoSoutheastBiographicalLife and travels of adventurers Martin and Osa Johnson
Marysville Doll MuseumMarysvilleMarshallNortheastDoll[46]
McPherson MuseumMcPhersonMcPhersonSouth CentralLocal historyHistory and cultural heritage of the McPherson community, geology, paleontology, pioneer history, fine art, Native American history
McPherson County Old Mill MuseumLindsborgMcPhersonSouth CentralOpen airIncludes 1898 Smoky Valley Roller Mill, 1904 World's Fair Swedish Pavilion and other buildings with local history exhibits
Meade County Historical MuseumMeadeMeadeSouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Meade County Historical Society
Medicine Lodge Stockade MuseumMedicine LodgeBarberSouth CentralHistorywebsite, includes reproduction frontier fort, museum, Smith Log Cabin, Old Courthouse Jail, admission to the Carrie Nation House
Mem-Erie MuseumErieNeoshoSoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Neosho County Historical Society[47]
Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural MuseumGoesselMarionSouth CentralOpen airwebsite, late 19th century Russian Mennonite pioneer buildings and history, artifacts about the progression of mechanization in farming from the 1800s to the mid 1960s
Mennonite Settlement MuseumHillsboroMarionSouth CentralHistoric housewebsite, includes 1876 Peter Paul Loewen House (a Russian Mennonite clay brick house),[48] and reproduction 1876 Friesen Dutch Windmill
Miami County Historical MuseumPaolaMiamiEast-CentralLocal historywebsite, also known as Swan River Museum, housed in three 19th century buildings
Mid-America Air MuseumLiberalSewardSouthwestAviationFeatures over 100 aircraft
Mid-America All-Indian CenterWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralNative AmericanArt and culture of American Indians of the United States
Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic SitePleasantonLinnEast-CentralMilitaryCivil War exhibits
Miners Hall MuseumFranklinCrawfordSoutheastMiningwebsite, area coal mining, located within the Franklin Community Center & Heritage Museum
Mitchell County MuseumBeloitMitchellNorth CentralLocal historyFacebook site, operated by the Mitchell County Historical Society
W.H. Morgan HousePeabodyMarionSouth CentralHistoric house1881 two-story cottage, operated by the Peabody Historical Society
Morton County Historical Society MuseumElkhartMortonSouthwestLocal historywebsite, exhibits on pioneer life on the Santa Fe Trail
Moss-Thorns Gallery of ArtHaysEllisNorthwestArtwebsite, part of Fort Hays State University in Rarick Hall
Mound City Historic ParkMound CityLinnEast-CentralOpen airwebsite, operated by the Mound City Historical Society, includes school, depot, barn, windmill, log cabin, historic house
Mound Valley Historical MuseumMound ValleyLabetteSoutheastLocal history[49]
Moundridge Depot MuseumMoundridgeMcPhersonSouth CentralRailroadwebsite, restored 1880s depot, open by appointment, operated by the Moundridge Historical Association
Mueller-Schmidt House MuseumDodge CityFordSouthwestHistoric houseOperated by the Ford County Historical Society, 1880s house[50][51]
Mulvane Art MuseumTopekaShawneeTopeka metroArtwebsite, part of Washburn University, collection features 4,000 pieces of fine art including paintings, prints, sculptures and decorative art
Mulvane Historical MuseumMulvaneSedgwickSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Mulvane Historical Society in a historic Santa Fe Railroad depot
Museum at PrairiefireOverland ParkJohnsonNortheastNatural historyNatural history of Kansas, included dinosaurs, traveling exhibitions from the American Museum of Natural History
Museum of Crawford CountyGirardCrawfordSoutheastLocal history[52][53]
Museum of the Kansas National GuardTopekaShawneeTopeka metroMilitarywebsite, history of the Kansas National Guard
Museum of World TreasuresWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralMultipleIncludes exhibits on fossils, ancient Egypt, American military history, American Presidents and European royalty, frontier and Old West history and more
Museum of the Great PlainsLeotiWichitaSouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Wichita County Historical Society
National Agricultural Center and Hall of FameBonner SpringsWyandotteNortheastAgricultureIncludes museum of farming, gallery with rural art and artifacts, National Poultry Museum, 1890s period house, recreated rural village
National Glass MuseumWellingtonSumnerSouth CentralGlasswebsite, museum of American-made glass with an emphasis on the Depression era, operated by the National Depression Glass Association
National Fred Harvey MuseumLeavenworthLeavenworthNortheastHistoric housewebsite, planned museum, operated by the Leavenworth Historical Museum Association
National Orphan Train ComplexConcordiaCloudNorth CentralHistoryStory of the Orphan Train Movement from 1854-1929
Nehama County Historical MuseumSenecaNemahaNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Nehama County Historical Society, housed in a former jail and sheriff's residence, also nearby Masonic building with military exhibits
Nerman Museum of Contemporary ArtOverland ParkJohnsonNortheastArtPart of Johnson County Community College, features works of international, national and regional artists
Ness County Historical MuseumNess CityNessSouthwestLocal historyIncludes the museum, Oil and Agriculture Museum, Ness City's first schoolhouse and local artifacts[54][55]
Nicodemus National Historic SiteNicodemusGrantSouthwestAfrican AmericanOnly remaining western town established by African Americans during the Reconstruction Period following the American Civil War
Norton County Historical MuseumNortonNortonNorthwestLocal historyOperated by the Norton County Historical Society[56][57]
Oil Patch MuseumRussellRussellNorthwestIndustrywebsite, operated by the Russell County Historical Society, local oil discovery and production
Old Castle MuseumBaldwin CityDouglasNortheastLocal historyPart of Baker University, artifacts from early Kansas, Methodist, and Baker history, Kibbee cabin
Old Cowtown MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralLiving1870s mid-western cattle town
Old Depot MuseumOttawaFranklinEast-CentralLocal historyOperated by the Franklin County Historical Society, history of local Native Americans, local industries, railroads, recreations of historical rooms
Old Prairie Town at Ward-Meade Historic SiteTopekaShawneeTopeka metroOpen airComplex with a Victorian home, log cabin, turn-of-the-20th-century town and a 2.5-acre (10,000 m2) botanical garden
Osage County MuseumLyndonOsageTopeka metroLocal historywebsite, operated by the Osage County Historical Society
Osawatomie History MuseumOsawatomieMiamiEast-CentralLocal historywebsite
Osborne County Historical MuseumOsborneOsborneNorthwestLocal historyLocal artifacts and a school[58]
Oswego Historical MuseumOswegoLabetteSoutheastLocal historywebsite, period displays, log cabin nearby, operated by the Oswego Historical Society
Ottawa County Historical MuseumMinneapolisOttawaNorth CentralLocal historywebsite[59]
Oz MuseumWamegoPottawatomieNortheastMediawebsite, Oz memorabilia
Palmer MuseumJewellJewellNorth CentralLocal historyOen by appointment, history of the community and small-town newspapers, features historic printing equipment[60]
Paradise Doll Hospital & MuseumTowandaButlerSouth CentralDoll[61]
Parker MuseumParkerLinnEast-CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Parker Community Historical Society
Parsons Historical MuseumParsonsLabetteSoutheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Parsons Historical Society[62]
Paul Boyer Museum of Animated CarvingsBellevilleRepublicNorth CentralArtAnimated folk art carvings
Pawnee Indian Museum State Historic SiteRepublicRepublicNorth CentralNative AmericanArchaeological remains and exhibits of an 1820s Pawnee village
Peabody Historical Library MuseumPeabodyMarionSouth CentralLocal historyOperated by the Peabody Historical Society
Peabody Printing MuseumPeabodyMarionSouth CentralTechnologyCollection of hot type equipment dating from 1870–1920[63]
Pioneer-Krier MuseumAshlandClarkSouthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Clark County Historical Society
Pony Express BarnMarysvilleMarshallNortheastTransportationwebsite, operated by the Marshall County Historical Society, barn used as Home Station No. 1 on the Pony Express route
Pony Express MuseumSenecaNemahaNortheastLocal historyIncludes saloon, blacksmith shop, schoolroom, stables, kitchen with many items from the historic Smith Hotel, a parlor and bedroom typical of the hotel[64]
Post Rock Scout MuseumLincolnLincolnNorth CentralScoutingwebsite, historical artifacts of scouting organizations, open by appointment
Prairie Museum of Art and HistoryColbyThomasNorthwestMultiplewebsite, operated by the Thomas County Historical Society, collections of toys & dolls, glass, ceramics, clothing, furnishings; barn with agriculture machinery & displays, sod house, church, 1930s farmstead, one room school
Pratt County Historical MuseumPrattPrattSouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Quayle Bible CollectionBaldwin CityDouglasNortheastLiterarywebsite, part of Baker University in the Collins Library
Rawlins County MuseumAtwoodRawlinsNorthwestLocal historyOperated by the Rawlins County Historical Society, includes re-creations of a beauty parlor, post office, doctor's office, dentist's office and a school room[65]
Red Barn Studio MuseumLindsborgMcPhersonSouth CentralArtwebsite, working studio of professional artist and craftsman Lester Raymer (1907-1991), operated by the Raymer Society for the Arts
Republic County Historical Society MuseumBellevilleRepublicNorth CentralLocal historywebsite
Reno County MuseumHutchinsonRenoSouth CentralLocal historywebsite
Richmond Community MuseumRichmondFranklinEast-Central KansasLocal historyFacebook site
Riley County Historical MuseumManhattanRileyNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Riley County Historical Society, includes the Hartford House
Rock Creek Valley Historical Society MuseumWestmorelandPottawatomieNortheastOpen airwebsite, includes main museum, a two-story log cabin, historic stone church, an annex for large machinery and equipment
Roebke Memorial MuseumHoltonJacksonTopeka metroLocal historywebsite, operated by the Jackson County Historical Society, 1876 house with local history and cultural displays
Roniger Memorial MuseumCottonwood FallsChaseSoutheastNative AmericanNative American artifacts and local history items[66]
Rush County Historical SocietyLaCrosseRushSouth CentralMultiplewebsite, complex includes Post Rock Museum with displays of pioneer history, Rush County Historical Museum in a former depot, and Nekoma Bank Museum with bank displays
Salina Art CenterSalinaSalineNorth CentralArtwebsite
Salter House MuseumArgoniaSumnerSouth CentralHistoric houseOpen by appointment by the Argonia and Western Sumner County Historical Society, 1880s period house[67]
Santa Fe Trail CenterLarnedPawneeSouthwestOpen airwebsite, local history and history of the Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe Trail MuseumIngallsGraySouthwestLocal history[68]
Scandia MuseumScandiaRepublicNorth CentralLocal historyinformation
Shafer GalleryGreat BendBartonSouth CentralArtwebsite, officially known as the L. E. "Gus" and Eva Shafer Memorial Art Gallery, part of Barton Community College
Shaffer House Museum and Art CenterMolineElkSoutheastLocal history
Schuyler MuseumBurlingameOsageTopeka metroLocal historyinformation, operated by the Burlingame Historical Preservation Society in the former Schuyler Grade School
Schmidt Museum of Natural HistoryEmporiaLyonEast-CentralNatural historywebsite, part of Emporia State University
Seelye MansionAbileneDickinsonNorth CentralHistoric housewebsite, 1905 25-room mansion, includes Patent Medicine Museum
Shawnee Indian Mission State Historic SiteFairwayJohnsonNortheastHistoryMission history and period rooms
Shawnee TownShawneeJohnsonNortheastOpen airwebsite, small town rural life from the 1920s
Sheridan County Historical Society & Mickey's MuseumHoxieSheridanNorthwestLocal history Facebook site][69]
Smoky Hill MuseumSalinaSalineNorth CentralLocal historywebsite
Souders Historical MuseumCheneySedgwickOpen airOpen by appointment, late 1880s and early 20th century small town buildings
Spencer Museum of ArtLawrenceDouglasNortheastArtPart of University of Kansas
Stafford County MuseumStaffordStraffordSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Stafford County Historical & Genealogical Society
Stanton County MuseumJohnsonStantonSouthwestOpen airFacebook site, includes train depot, jail, caboose, grain elevator, general store, 1935 WPA building, historic houses[70]
Stauth Memorial MuseumMontezumaGraySouthwestCulturalwebsite, handicrafts and arts from around the world, displays about history, art, science
Sternberg Museum of Natural HistoryHaysEllisNorthwestNatural historyPart of Fort Hays State University, includes dinosaurs, fossils, prehistoric animals, giant sea-swimming lizards and fish
Stevens County Gas & Historical MuseumHugotonStevensSouthwestOpen airwebsite, complex includes museum of local history artifacts, train depot, 1887 school house, 1887 home, grocery store and barber shop, jail, 1905 church, Professional Building with tribute to Hugoton's past judges and lawyers and the Agricultural Building with displays of farm equipment & implements
Strang Carriage HouseOverland ParkJohnsonNortheastLocal historyServes as home to the Overland Park Historical Society and showcases a collection of items from the early history of Overland Park and the surrounding area.[71]
StratacaHutchinsonRenoSouth CentralMiningUnderground rock salt mine and museum, also known as Kansas Underground Salt Museum
Strawberry Hill Museum and Cultural CenterKansas CityWyandotteNorthwestCulturalwebsite, permanent exhibits for the countries of Croatia, the Ukraine, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Russia
They Also Ran GalleryNortonNortonNorthwestHistorywebsite, photographs and information about defeated candidates for the U.S. Presidency
Topeka Computing MuseumTopekaShawneeTopeka metroTechnologywebsite, displays of historic personal computers and electronic game systems
Tonganoxie Community Historical Society and MuseumTonganoxieLeavenworthOpen airwebsite includes the museum of local history housed in the milk parlor, the Fairchild/Knox Dairy barn, Honey Valley School, Reno Methodist Church and fire house
Topeka & Shawnee County Public LibraryTopekaShawneeTopeka metroArtIncludes the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery
Towanda Area Historical MuseumTowandaButlerSouth CentralLocal historyOperated by the Towanda Historical Society
Trading Post MuseumPleasantonLinnEast-CentralLocal history[72][73]
Trego County MuseumWaKeeneyTregoNorthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Trego County Historical Society
Ulrich Museum of ArtWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralArtwebsite, part of Wichita State University, modern and contemporary art, features 76-piece Martin H. Bush Outdoor Sculpture Collection
University of Kansas Natural History MuseumLawrenceDouglasNortheastNatural historyPart of University of Kansas, also known as Dyche Museum of Natural History
Valley Center Historical MuseumValley CenterSedgwickSouth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Valley Center Historical and Cultural Society
Valley Falls Historical Society MuseumValley FallsJeffersonTopeka metroLocal historywebsite
Wabaunsee County Historical MuseumAlmaWabaunseeTopeka metroHistorywebsite, operated by the Wabaunsee County Historical Society
Wakefield MuseumWakefieldClayNorth CentralLocal historywebsite
Waller-Coolbaugh 20th Century HouseStocktonRooksNorthwestHistoric house1905 High Classical Revival residence[74]
Walter P. Chrysler Boyhood Home & MuseumEllisEllisNorthwestBiographicalwebsite, information
Wamego Historical MuseumWamegoPottawatomieNortheastOpen airwebsite, includes Old Dutch Mill and museum complex with a local history museum, prairie town village including a one-room school house, rock jail and log cabin; operated by the Wamego Historical Society
Warkentin HouseNewtonHarveySouth CentralHistoric house1880s Victorian mansion
Washington County MuseumWashingtonWashingtonNortheastLocal historyOperated by the Washington County Historical & Genealogical Society[75]
Watkins Community Museum of HistoryLawrenceDouglasNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Douglas County Historical Society
Wichita Art MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralArtWorks by American painters, potters, sculptors and textile weavers
Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical MuseumWichitaSedgwickSouth CentralLocal history
Wilcox Classical MuseumLawrenceDouglasNortheastArtwebsite, part of University of Kansas, plaster casts of Greek and Roman Sculpture and Greek and Roman antiquities
William Allen White House State Historic SiteEmporiaLyonEast-CentralBiographicalHome of newspaperman and author William Allen White, also known as Red Rocks State Historic Site
William F. Schaeffler HouseHillsboroMarionSouth CentralHistoric housewebsite, early 20th century Edwardian home
William J. Marra Museum of Deaf History & Deaf CultureOlatheJohnsonNortheastEducationinformation & photos, history of the Kansas State School For the Deaf and deaf culture
Wilson County Historical MuseumFredoniaWilsonSoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Wilson County Historical Society[76]
Wilson Czech Opera House & MuseumWilsonEllsworthNorth CentralLocal historyCzech immigrant heritage artifacts[77]
Wolf HouseManhattanRileyNortheastLocal historywebsite, operated by the Riley County Historical Society, 1880s period home
Woodson County Historical MuseumYates CenterWoodsonSoutheastLocal history[78][79]
World War II History CenterEl DoradoButlerSouth CentralHistorywebsite, includes information about the entire war on the European, Pacific and Home Fronts
Wyandotte County Historical MuseumBonner SpringsWyandotteNortheastLocal historywebsite, information and photos
Yesterday House MuseumSylvan GroveLincolnNorth CentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Sylvan Grove Historical Society
Yesteryear MuseumSalinaSalineNorth CentralAgriculturewebsite, agriculture, cultural displays depicting early rural life in 1900s, also known as Central Kansas Flywheels Museum
Yost Art GalleryHighlandDoniphanNortheastArtwebsite, part of Highland Community College

Defunct Museums

gollark: Well, the one player city and random houses.
gollark: Such a reset would destroy all the cities there thus no.
gollark: Incorrect. However, I do control them.
gollark: Not really.
gollark: There were plans to use it for housing.

See also


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