List of minor DC Comics characters

American comic book publishing company DC Comics has introduced many characters throughout its history, including numerous minor characters. These characters range from heroes, villains and supporting characters that appear infrequently to the same types of characters that only take part in a single story.



The Anti-Fate (Dr. Benjamin Stoner) is a former psychiatrist who became an enemy of Doctor Fate after being possessed by Typhon of the Lords of Chaos.

Before he was corrupted by Typhon, Benjamin Stoner was a chief psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum in Gotham City.[1]

The Anti-Fate in other media

Dr. Benjamin Stoner appears in Joker, portrayed by Frank Wood. He is depicted as Penny Fleck's therapist at Arkham State Hospital.


Bad Samaritan

The Bad Samaritan (alias Zviad Baazovi) is a supervillain and an enemy of the Outsiders who first appeared in Outsiders #3. (January, 1986)

The Bad Samaritan in other media

Zviad Baazovi appears in Young Justice: Outsiders (voiced by Yuri Lowenthal) as a Markovian ambassador, a metahuman with psychic abilities and a member of the Light.

Batman Jones

Batman Jones is a Batman expert in the DC Universe.[2]

The character, created by Jack Schiff and Bill Finger, first appeared in Batman #108 (June 1957).

Within the context of the stories, his parents were rescued by Batman shortly before Jones was born and they named him "Batman" as thanks. The boy grew up idolizing Batman and tried to become a crimefighter before he began collecting stamps.[3] As an adult, he is an expert on Batman.[4]


Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky is a Native American shaman in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick, first appeared in The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982).[5]

Within the context of the stories, Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky is the great-grandfather of Black Bison and the last great shaman of the Bison Cult. He resents his great-grandson's disrespect for the cult's traditions. When he is killed by muggers in Central Park, he binds his spirit to a magical amulet.[Firestorm 1] The amulet allows his spirit to influence or control his great-grandson when worn.

Black Bison

Black Bison is the name of two supervillains in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick, first appeared in The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982).[5]

John Ravenhair

Within the context of the stories, John Ravenhair is a Native American-born Black-Cloud-in-Morning and raised in Queens, New York. When his great-grandfather, Bison-Black-as-Midnight-Sky, is killed in a mugging, he becomes influenced and possessed by his ancestor's spirit.[6] This leads him to set about avenging the wrongs committed against the Native American people.[Firestorm 1] When removed from the angry spirit, he occasionally acts for good, but is frequently a threat to Firestorm.[7]

Black Bison is armed with a coup-stick that allows him to bring any inanimate objects to life and command them to aid him as well as manipulate weather, but it requires a special amulet that he wears to maintain its power. He is also trained in the martial arts.


In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline this version of Black Bison, along with the Hyena, Multiplex, Plastique and Typhoon, are sent by the Crime Syndicate to finish Gorilla Grodd's work. The villains end up defeated by the Rogues, since one of their targets is at the hospital where Captain Cold's sister is recovering.[8]

In the Watchmen sequel Doomsday Clock, Black Bison is among the villains that attend the underground meeting held by the Riddler to talk about the Superman Theory. When Moonbow and Typhoon are stated to be creations of the government and Black Bison is near them, Black Bison states that he was not mentioned as having been created by the government.[9]

Alternate versions of Black Bison

Black Bison appears in Injustice: Gods Among Us's prequel comic series.

Black Bison in other media

A female version of Black Bison named Mina Chaytan appears in The Flash, played by Chelsea Kurtz. She gained her power from being on the bus that was hit by dark matter when the Flash escapes the Speed Force due to the Thinker's plans and begins targeting collectors of Native American artifacts. She was defeated by Team Flash and remanded to Iron Heights Penitentiary. In the episode "True Colors", Black Bison is among the metahuman inmates at Iron Heights Penitentiary that Warden Wolfe planned to sell to Blacksmith. When Warden Wolfe outs Barry's true identity to Blacksmith, Dwarfstar, Hazard, Kilg%re and Black Bison, they prepare to attack, only for the Thinker to arrive and absorb the powers of the four metahumans while killing them.


Blackout (Farooq) is a metahuman who can harness electricity. He makes his first appearance in Flashpoint (vol. 2) #1 (July 2011). In the alternate timeline created by the events of Flashpoint, Blackout is recruited by Cyborg into a team of superheroes whose mission was to end the Amazon-Atlantean war, which had devastated Europe and caused millions of human casualties. To that end, the team was assigned to take down both Emperor Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

Another new recruit, the Outsider, revealed during a meeting with Batman that he had been hunting Blackout so he could use his abilities to power India. This manhunt resulted in the loss of Blackout's girlfriend and his departure from school. Blackout has since voiced his reluctance to be part of the same team with his worst enemy.

Blackout in other media

Farooq Gibran/Blackout appears in The Flash, portrayed by actor Michael Reventar. One time Farooq Gibran was out with friends when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator exploded and electrocuted him. He survives and later finds out he has the ability to siphon electrical energy. In the episode "Power Outage", he decides to take out revenge on Harrison Wells for the particle accelerator's activation. He is confronted by the Flash and drains the speedster's speed. He later attacks S.T.A.R. Labs, kills Girder and attacks Wells. However, the Flash was able to get the speed back and kill him. Blackout was mentioned by Barry Allen in the Supergirl episode "Worlds Finest".


Blackrock is a fictional supervillain in the DC Comics universe. Blackrock is a recurring enemy of Superman first appearing in Action Comics #458 (April 1976).[10]

Blackrock was the creation of Dr. Peter Silverstone in an attempt to increase ratings for the United Broadcasting television network.[11] Silverstone hypnotized UB President Sam Tanner and later Tanner's nephew, Les Vegas, to fill the role. A third Blackrock (an energy construct) was created by Tanner's command not much later.

However, it is known that eventually Silverstone assumed the mantle of Blackrock himself, using a powerful stone that could metabolize electromagnetic energy into energy to achieve flight, energy blasts and superhuman strength, and fought Superman several times. This rock, while a technological artifact, has the appearance of a polished gem that is as black as coal. It was appropriately dubbed the Blackrock.

The Post-Crisis version was stated (in Batman/Superman adventures) to be a symbiotic alien life form, rather than a creation of Dr. Silverstone. Its appearance and abilities are approximately the same.

Silverstone is the only Pre-Crisis user of the stone that has been mentioned in Post-Crisis continuity. Overuse of the Blackrock's powers blinded Silverstone and left him insane. He was found sitting muttering to himself and watching constant television shows in an apartment owned by an ex-convict named Samuel Benjamin, who beat Silverstone to death with the Blackrock and took it for himself. Despite its power, his inexperience with the Blackrock led to his defeat and Superman took the stone and threw it towards the Sun.[12]

A short time later, Alexander Luthor Jr., disguised as Lex Luthor, dispatched Bizarro to retrieve the Blackrock from the Sun[13] before passing it on to a South American woman named Lucia,[14] a drug smuggler and revolutionary who had been jailed by Superman before. Her intense feelings of hatred towards the Man of Steel matched those of the Blackrock and she proved particularly adept in using it. However, her skills were not enough to defeat Superman and the Blackrock withdrew into itself.[15]

It was eventually shown that the Blackrock had been kept by Superman, who eventually locked it away in his Fortress of Solitude. The Blackrock eventually escaped and bonded with Plastic Man. Shortly after, the Blackrock was removed from Plastic Man and found its way into the hands of Batman, who shortly afterwards decided he needed its powers to help him stop a currently-rampaging Superman (Superman had fallen under the influence of Despero as he attempted to turn Earth's alien superheroes against humans). Although it remained on Batman after Superman threw off Despero's influence, Superman was able to force it to leave Batman by threatening to kill him, informing the Blackrock that he knew Batman would rather die than live like this.

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, Blackrock is Bradley Glenn, an ex-con who was hired to star in a reality television show called Badass Nation about the life of a supervillain.[16] The TV company provided him with powered armor and a fictional backstory about finding it in a crashed spacecraft. They intended to film him tearing up a bridge that was scheduled for demolition, but the crew neglected to ensure that the bridge had been closed to traffic and the Pre-Flashpoint Superman had to intervene.[17]

The Post-Crisis wielders of the Blackrock seem to have developed differing powers based on their personalities. All seem to have possessed superhuman strength and endurance, flight and energy projection abilities. The Blackrock also has the ability to absorb ambient energy to empower its wielder. Dr. Silverstone seemed most adept at using its ability to process information from TV and radio signals. Samuel Benjamin was particularly skilled at using it to boost his own physical strength and toughness. Lucia's abilities seemed to be an amalgamation of her predecessors', but she seemed to prefer using its energy projection abilities and discovered a way to use it to drain Superman's power.

While the stone had bonded to Plastic Man, he was not shown using its abilities much.

Batman used it in much the same way that Lucia did; however, Batman showed more of a preference for physical combat than Lucia did.

Jimmy Olsen and several other humans were bonded to the Blackrocks when a shower of them rained down on Earth. These people showed some level of superhuman abilities similar to those demonstrated by Lucia, etc. but it was not shown if they were as strong as he was.

Bradley Glenn's armor enabled him to leap great distances and an energy field around one gauntlet gave him a powerful punch.


Blackwing (Charles "Charlie" Bullock) is a fictional superhero from DC Comics. He was created by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton and Joey Cavalieri.

The character was chronologically introduced in Adventure Comics #464 (April 1979), but was unnamed in that comic. He was, however, named in his next appearance in Wonder Woman #281 (April 1981) and later, became Blackwing in Wonder Woman #297 (August 1982). Also, worth to note, the original story in Adventure Comics was intended for All Star Comics #75. Charlie was drawn as a teen in that story, but his next appearance (only three years later) depicts him as a young adult who graduated from law school.

In his mid-teens, Charles Bullock was searching for a direction in life. The teenager found it after he helped fight off street punks alongside Wildcat (Ted Grant) and was invited to join him at his gym. Charlie attended law school and later became a junior partner and top-notch researcher to the law firm called Cranston, Grayson and Wayne. When a criminal named Karnage broke into the office looking for his boss, Arthur Cranston, this, and another event, led him to become the costumed hero Blackwing. Although his first outing as a crime fighter proved unsuccessful when he was captured by the costumed villain Boa's gang, Blackwing managed to contribute in freeing the Huntress (Helena Wayne) from Boa's giant snake and recorded some evidence that was used to put the mastermind and his men away.

Since then, Blackwing has never appeared again in any other published story.

Vera Black

Vera Black is a British psionic cyborg in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke, first appeared in JLA #100 (August 2004).[18] The storyline set up the limited series Justice League Elite which consisted of 12 issues published between 2004–2005.

Within the context of the stories, Vera Black is the sister of Manchester Black. As children their parents would often fight and Manchester would take her out to play to avoid them. As his idea of "play" became killing sprees, Vera's perspective became twisted. When her brother dies after attempting to destroy Superman, she has her ruined arms, lost in an untold childhood incident, replaced with cybernetic prostheses which can configure into any weapon she desires, initially contemplating revenge on Superman before she decides to be better than her brother.

Her new abilities result in her leading the remnants of the Elite and tacitly working with the Justice League. This leads to the League, encouraged by the Flash, asking her to lead a new team with the intention that she will handle black ops missions that the League cannot due to what they represent to the public, primarily involving hunting down and eliminating metahuman threats before they go public. Starting with Coldcast and Menagerie, she adds Flash, Manitou Raven, Major Disaster, Green Arrow and Kasumi to the team. She also enlists Naif al-Sheikh to keep the team in check and serve as a liaison to the governments of the world.

Equipment of Vera Black

Vera's cybernetic arms have the capacity to transform into an almost unlimited variety of melee, projectile and beam weapons. They also incorporate camouflage technology relying on optics, as well as altering sense perception in others.

Vera Black in other media

Vera Black appears in the direct-to-DVD animated feature Superman vs. The Elite, voiced by Marcella Lentz-Pope as an adult and by Tara Strong as a girl in a flashback sequence.


Block is a young Maori woman living in Melbourne, Australia, the woman dubbed the Human Block was once inexplicably struck by lightning and survived the incident. Unknown to her, this similar event had happened to many other individuals throughout time and was in fact the Speed Force imbuing her with speed-related abilities. In her then-present time—1957—Block acted as a side show attraction in a carnival, the prize of $1,000 going to whoever could move her, which was failed by many, as she had manipulated her body density. One drunken man staggered onto the stage to accept her challenge, making her move by insulting her Maori heritage rather than physically moving her. Angered, she immediately struck out at him and instigated a small brawl, tearing through the crowd before someone hastily drew their firearm on her and shot, only to find that not even bullets affected her. Before the now-turned mob could attack her, Zoom, accompanied by his newly recruited acolytes the Folded Man and Magali, appeared and teleported her outside of the carnival grounds. Being offered the chance to embrace her abilities and live as a godlike being after mastering them, she did not hesitate to join Zoom and his quest to kill the "evil" Flash. Along with the other Acolytes, she would train for what would be an unknown amount of time to kill the Flash, facing off with Zoom in his place. It is unknown how long this training took place, as they stated that, over the course of centuries, this team trained to take on the Flash and when they reached older age, Magali would revert them back to their original ages when joining. Unknown to Block, Zoom is actually the one to have orchestrated her joining him to begin with, appearing to the drunk man who challenged her, while convincing him that the way to make her move was to attack her heritage, as he had been keeping close watch on her for some time.

Powers and abilities of Block

Being imbued with the Speed Force, Block has the unique ability to slow down her atoms. In doing this, they become denser than steel and grant her invulnerability, super-strength and immobility. She can possibly slow down other speedsters, if not other people as well, through physical touch, as she stopped the Top's ability to spin and was able to hold Zoom in place in a headlock. After training centuries with Zoom, she is a deadly fighter. Recently, she was able to stop the molecules around herself to make the air unbreakable.

Block in other media

Block appears in The Flash season 5 episode "Blocked" portrayed by Erin Cummings. Vanessa Jansen, nicknamed "Block" by Cisco Ramon, was a metahuman weapons dealer working for the East Street Skulls gang. Vanessa Jansen worked as a weapons dealer for the East Street Skulls gang, but was betrayed. She was subsequently arrested and sent to Iron Heights for four years. Through unknown means, Jansen acquired metahuman powers, which allowed her to create boxes of dense air. When Jansen got out of Iron Heights, either by escape or release, she took revenge on Bobby Moretti and killed him with her metahuman powers. She then robbed Bobby's warehouse of guns, planning to sell them. However, the buyer turned out to be Bobby's older brother, Bruno Moretti. He attempted to kill her out of revenge for Bobby's death, only for Jansen to save herself with her powers. She then tried to save Bruno, but was stopped by XS, who saved him instead. XS then tried to capture her, but Jansen trapped her in a block of dense air, causing the Flash to come out and confront her. Jansen threw XS into the air, forcing the Flash to save her, allowing Jansen to escape. Later, Jansen attempted to sell the weapons again, but was once again confronted by Bruni. Bruni arrived with backup, threatening to kill Jansen if she did not return the guns. They opened fire on her, but she shielded herself from the bullets using her powers. The Flash and XS took out the weapon dealers and confronted her again. The Flash repeatedly sped around as Jansen tried to hit him, eventually tiring her out. Jansen was able to trap him in a block while he was distracted and caused it to start shrinking. However, XS battled Jansen, tiring her out once again. XS then used the opportunity to put Jansen in power-dampening handcuffs. Suddenly, when Elongated Man and Vibe arrived to help arrest her, Cicada's dagger pierced through Jansen's chest. XS sped her to the hospital, but Jansen died of her injuries on the way there.

Billy Numerous

Billy Numerous (voiced by Jason Marsden) was specifically created for the Teen Titans animated series and did not have a previous appearance in the mainstream comics. However, he has since made the jump to these with his first appearance in the DC Universe in Catwoman #78 (April 2008), now known as Repro.

Billy Numerous (real name William "Billy" Strayer) is a former student of the H.I.V.E. Academy and an enemy of the Teen Titans. Numerous first appeared as a student of the H.I.V.E Academy, where his power of self-duplication was subtly hinted at. After the H.I.V.E. was destroyed during Cyborg's confrontation with Brother Blood, Numerous and most of the other students went freelance. Later, Numerous engaged in a robbing spree all across Jump City and he stole anything he and his innumerable clones could get his (their) collective hands on. His power thoroughly confounded the Titans, especially Cyborg, who became all the more obsessed in catching him. Finally, however, Cyborg realized that there was another way of catching Numerous. He and the other Titans confronted Numerous in the old stadium where he had stashed his loot, seemingly with numerous copies of themselves. In order to bring them down, Numerous created even more clones of himself, but finally pushed his powers too far. The resulting reabsorption of each of his clones caused a massive physical and mental shock, stunning him and enabling his capture. To add insult to injury, the Titans' copies were not actual clones, but merely holographic projections created and controlled by Cyborg.

At some point, Numerous entered Jinx's H.I.V.E. Five and was also recruited into the Brotherhood of Evil. As one of the Five, he participated in the attempted capture of Kid Flash, but even his numerous clones were unable to stop the super-speedster. Later, when the Brotherhood executed its worldwide strike against young superheroes, he and Gizmo were sent to capture Kole and Gnarrk in their subterranean retreat, but both heroes escaped them. When the remnants of the Titans under Beast Boy later attacked the Brotherhood's headquarters, Numerous and most of his H.I.V.E. Five teammates tried to run, but were intercepted by Kid Flash—and aghast to see that Jinx had switched sides and joined up with him. Moments later, they were all swept away by one of Jinx's hexes and carted off by Kid Flash for flash-freeze treatment.

In Catwoman #78 (April 2008), a character based on Billy Numerous named Repro appears. The small-time crook known as Repro was operating in Gotham City during the time when many of the city's criminals disappeared for a short time. He was one of the only two criminals left in the city, with the other being the Thief. Repro was a young and inexperienced criminal who only did small-time criminal activities, just enough to stay off the radar of big-time crime fighters. After a confrontation with Catwoman where he thought he had shot her in the chest, he hastily departed and ran to the Thief to tell him about it. He was, in turn, shot in the chest and killed by the Thief, who then dumped his body in an alley to cover up the murder.

Billy Numerous in other media

  • Billy Numerous appears in the Teen Titans Go! tie-in comics. He appears as a background villain and member of the H.I.V.E. Five in this comic adaptation of the animated television series. He engages in various petty crimes and attempts at one point to join a new iteration of the team being organised by Psimon and Dr. Light. He fails the test, along with dozens of other villains.
  • Billy Numerous appears in Teen Titans Go! as a minor supporting villain in several episodes throughout the series, typically in association with other H.I.V.E. Five members. He makes his first appearance in the episode "Super Robin". He is voiced by Scott Menville and also appears in the series' tie-in comics.


Bolphunga is an extraterrestrial bounty hunter in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, first appeared in Green Lantern (vol. 2) #188 (May 1985).[19]

Within the context of the stories, Bolphunga the Unrelenting has a love of destruction and plots to make a name for himself by challenging the most feared and mysterious beings in creation, fixating on Green Lanterns. This has led to his defeat by Mogo,[GL 1] Kilowog[GL 2] and Guy Gardner.[GL 3]

Bolphunga in other media

The character was adapted for a segment of the animated film Green Lantern: Emerald Knights with his voice provided by Roddy Piper. He is in Mogo's story, on which he is described as an undefeated and merciless warrior who is determined to prove himself the most powerful being by defeating and destroying the most powerful warriors in the universe. He then seeks to challenge Mogo, whom he initially believed to be just another Green Lantern, in a mysterious green planet, but eventually sees his mistake and, apparently, meets his demise when Mogo is revealed to be the planet itself and captures him.


Calamity King

Calamity King (E. Davis Ester) is a superhero from the 30th century in the DC Universe. The character, created by Edmond Hamilton and Curt Swan, first appeared in Adventure Comics #342. Within the context of the stories, Calamity King is a rejected member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

The character appeared briefly in the season 2 episode of Legion of Super Heroes titled "The Karate Kid".

Aaron Cash

First appearanceArkham Asylum: Living Hell #1 (July 2003)
Created byDan Slott
Ryan Sook

Aaron Cash is a Corrections Officer and one of Arkham Asylum's most respected security guards. Aaron Cash was created by Dan Slott and Ryan Sook and first appeared in Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #1 (2003). His hand was bitten off by Killer Croc[20] and he sports a prosthetic hook in its place. Unlike many of his colleagues, he is neither mentally unwell nor corrupt and is a trusted ally of Batman. As cited in most Batman character guides, he is one of Gotham City's bravest people.

Aaron Cash in other media


Cerdian is an infant in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Dan Jurgens and Steve Epting, first appeared in Aquaman (vol. 5) #63 (January 2000).[22]

Within the context of the stories, Cerdian is the son of Tempest and Dolphin. He is not seen after Infinite Crisis and is confirmed to have died during that event in Titans (vol. 2) #15 (September 2009).


Charybdis is a supervillain associated with Aquaman. Created by Peter David and Martin Egeland, he first appeared in Aquaman (vol. 5) #1 (August 1994).[23]

Charybdis and his wife, Scylla, are international terrorists who attempt to kill Aquaman. When Scylla is killed, Charybdis is driven mad by grief. He uses his ability to suppress metahuman abilities in others to defeat Aquaman and attempts to absorb Aquaman's powers to himself.[24][25] Partially successful, he is unable to control his new ability to communicate with fish and falls into a pool of piranha. Instead of being devoured, he melds with the piranhas, taking on many of their traits and taking the name the Piranha Man.[26]

Doris Chase

First appearance: New Teen Titans #29 (March 1983). Creators: Marv Wolfman and George Pérez

Doris Chase was Adrian Chase's wife. The character, created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, first appeared in New Teen Titans #29 (March 1983). Doris was killed (together with their two children) by a bomb planted meant for Adrian by mob boss Anthony Scarapelli; this trauma caused her husband to become the Vigilante.[27][28]

Doris Chase in other media

Doris Chase appears in Arrow, played by Parveen Dosanjh. Just like in the comics, this version is Adrian Chase's wife. She genuinely loves him and is concerned about Adrian's well-being. Doris later finds out from Green Arrow and John Diggle that her husband is Prometheus. Doris hopes that Adrian will get help, but Adrian kills her.

Angela Chen

Angela Chen was created by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, first appearing in Superman: The Animated Series episode: "The Last Son of Krypton: Part II". She is based on Cat Grant and is voiced by Lauren Tom. Angela was a fast rising star of the Daily Planet and also hosted the popular TV news show "Metropolis Today".

However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Angela Chen first appeared as part of The New 52 and DC Rebirth in Justice League of America: Vixen Rebirth #1 by Steve Orlando, Jody Houser and Jamal Campbell; she appeared in the comics as a talk show host.

Angela Chen in other media

Christina Chiles

Christina Chiles, a.k.a. Cyber-C.A.T., is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Jim Balent and Doug Moench, first appeared in Catwoman #42 in 1997.

Within the context of the stories, Christina Chiles had been working on a cyber battle suit modeled after a cat and decided to test it against Catwoman, who had broken into the lab in which Christina worked. Despite the powers the suit gave her, Christina (now Cyber-C.A.T.) was beaten by Catwoman. Infuriated at her loss, Cyber-C.A.T. began a personal vendetta against Catwoman. As Catwoman managed to elude her, Cyber-C.A.T. became more and more fixated on tracking her down. Another confrontation with Catwoman resulted in failure because of the help of Catwoman's rival, the She-Cat.

Cyber-C.A.T. made one final attempt on Catwoman's life, but Catwoman had received her own suit of armor, which gave her powers on par with Cyber-C.A.T.'s, and finally destroyed the armor. Christina was taken into custody by the agency she worked for because of her unauthorized use of its technology.


Coldcast is a metahuman who can manipulate electromagnetism for various effects in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke, first appeared in Action Comics #775 (March 2001).[29]

Within the context of the stories, Nathan Jones, using the name Coldcast, is a member of the Elite. He is recruited into the team by Manchester Black prior to the team encountering Superman in Libya[Superman 1] After Superman defeats the team and Black's apparent suicide, Coldcast is recruited by Vera Black for a team that eventually becomes the Justice League Elite.

Coldcast in other media

The character has been adapted for the direct-to-DVD animated feature Superman vs. The Elite, voiced by Catero Colbert.[30]

Condiment King

The Condiment King is a fictional DC Comics supervillain who is generally used as comic relief. Although Bruce Timm and Paul Dini created Condiment King as a one-off joke character in their DC animated universe television series, Batman: The Animated Series, Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty created their own version in Batgirl: Year One #8.

Buddy Standler

The Condiment King first appeared in the Batman: The Animated Series episode "Make 'Em Laugh" as stand-up comedian Buddy Standler, voiced by Stuart Pankin. Standler was brainwashed by the Joker into becoming Condiment King to ruin his reputation as retaliation for being spurned during a comedy contest the previous year. The character was a throwback to the Adam West Batman TV series in that he was a whimsical villain and made many condiment-based puns.

Mitchell Mayo

Mitchell Mayo is a criminal who operates as the Condiment King. He was seen holding up a bank until he was defeated by Batgirl.[31] He later made an appearance while committing a crime before being defeated by the Black Canary, the third Robin, and the Blue Beetle.[32] While fighting him, Robin observes that the villain is potentially dangerous (if only because his condiment guns could cause anaphylactic shock), but his ludicrous nature prevents the Justice Department from taking him seriously.[33] In the aftermath miniseries of the Final Crisis storyline, the Condiment King appears on General Immortus' side; having been given acidic vinegar from Professor Milo.[34] He is seemingly killed after being betrayed and bludgeoned with his own mustard and ketchup guns by the Human Flame.[35]

Equipment of the Condiment King

The Condiment King makes use of various condiments (sometimes capable of causing anaphylactic shock) as his weapons in his condiment gun. The condiments include mustard, ketchup, tabasco sauce, and vinegar.

The Condiment King in other media

  • The Buddy Standler version of the Condiment King appears in The Lego Batman Movie as one of the Batman villains recruited by the Joker.[36]
  • The Buddy Standler version of the Condiment King appears in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, voiced by Nolan North.
  • The Mitchell Mayo version of the Condiment King is a Rare figure in the February 2016 World's Finest expansion set for the HeroClix collectible miniatures game.[37]
  • The Mitchell Mayo version of the Condiment King appears as a playable character in Lego DC Super-Villains, voiced by Armin Shimerman.
  • Producer John Stephens has stated that he wished to include the Condiment King in the series Gotham, but was reportedly told "no" due to the ridiculous nature of the character, as he did not fit the overall tone of the show.[38]
  • A version of the Condiment King is mentioned in Young Justice: Outsiders episode "Unknown Factors" as a new villain that Geo-Force and Beast Boy fought.
  • The Mitchell Mayo version of the Condiment King appears in Harley Quinn, voiced by Alan Tudyk. He first appeared on the promotional artwork released for the show before appearing in the second season episode, "Thawing Hearts", competing against his rival Kite Man and Poison Ivy for a wedding venue.[39] While he ultimately secures the venue after Ivy is called to assist elsewhere, in "The Runaway Bridesmaid," she had her sentient man-eating plant Frank eat him and his fiancée so she could have the venue for herself and Kite Man.

Harriet Cooper

Harriet Cooper is the maternal aunt of Dick Grayson in the DC Universe.[40]

The character, created by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff, first appeared in Detective Comics #328 (June 1964).[41]

Within the context of the stories, Harriet Cooper is Dick Grayson's maternal aunt who comes to live at Wayne Manor after the death of Alfred Pennyworth.[42] She involves herself in both Grayson's and Bruce Wayne's daily lives and, on occasion, comes close to uncovering their secret identities. When Alfred returns from the dead, she remains at Wayne Manor at his insistence.[Batman 1] Over time, health problems reduce her activities and cause her to eventually leave Gotham City.

Some details from the television series (her last name, her status as a widow) were added to the comic stories in Detective Comics #373 (March 1968).

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, Harriet has appeared in the ongoing series Gotham Academy.

Alternate versions of Harriet Cooper

Aunt Harriet appeared in Tiny Titans #33 (December 2010).

Harriet Cooper in other media

Ned Creegan

Ned Creegan is a supervillain in DC Comics.

Ned Creegan is a crook who was tipped off by Billy Blabbermouth about valuable jewels that are being used for scientific experiments. He breaks into the house of a scientist named Nevil Long, steals the jewels, and takes them to a fence. The sale is interrupted by Batman and Robin, who battle the two. As Robin takes down the fence, Batman sees that Ned is becoming transparent because of the jewels, leaving him a skeleton. After Robin refers to him as Bag O' Bones, Ned defeats Batman and Robin with his electrified touch. Ned then returns to Nevil Long's house and has him determine what is wrong with him. Nevil reveals that he has been experiment with surviving nuclear war. After giving the temporary antidote to Ned, Nevil reveals that his Bag O' Bones form loses a day in his life for every time he is in that form. Agreeing to work with Ned, Nevil sends him out with some antidote pills to test the outcome. As Bag O' Bones is robbing a museum, Batman and Robin attack, where he loses the antidote pills in the scuffle. When he starts to get weaker, Bag O' Bones surrenders and states that the jewels were being experimented on by Nevil Long. Batman and Robin go to confront Nevil. After a scuffle with irradiated animals, Batman and Robin apprehend Nevil and have him give the antidote pills to Bag O' Bones. After he agreed to sell his secrets to the United States government to avoid legal trouble, Nevil is present at Bag O'Bones' trial, where he is sentenced to 20 years in prison. When Bag O' Bones states to Nevil that he will not survive the sentence in his condition, Nevil stated that he would not be in this position if he had not broken into his laboratory in the first place.[43]

Ned Creegan returns with new powers as the Cyclotronic Man, where he is hired by Tobias Whale of the 100 to kill Black Lightning and Superman. He lures them out by capturing Jimmy Olsen.[44] The Cyclotronic Man was defeated by Black Lightning and Superman.[45]

At Gotham State Penitentiary, Warden Brewster informs Ned Creegan that his parole request has been denied. Having become the One Man Meltdown, he goes into a frenzy and escapes from Gotham City Penitentiary. This causes Warden Brewster to call for Batman. After tying in the thefts for the radioactive items, Batman brings along the Outsiders to help track down the One Man Meltdown. During the fight at S.T.A.R. Labs, the One Man Meltdown takes Halo as a hostage while using her aura abilities to his advantage. Katana defeats Halo, as it is revealed that Warden Brewster has been experimenting on him. Returning to Gotham State Penitentiary, the Outsiders and the One Man Meltdown prevent Warden Brewster from destroying Ned Creegan's medical records and hand him over to the police. Batman tells the One Man Meltdown that he will be there when his parole request is approved.[46]

Ned Creegan in other media

Ned Creegan appears in the Black Lightning episode "The Book of Occupation Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird," portrayed by Chase Alexander.[47] While he maintains his force field abilities, this version also has telekinesis and was part of the same program that gave Commander Carson Williams his power-mimicking powers according to Peter Gambi's research. In addition, he also called himself the Cyclotronic Man. When the Cyclotronic Man attacked the A.S.A. facility that Anissa Pierce and Reverend Jeremiah Holt were given a tour of, he destroyed a wall and took down some guards until Carson arrived. When Carson fought the Cyclotronic Man, he fought him to a standstill as Carson started to copy his abilities. The fight ends when Carson wraps his legs around the Cyclotronic Man's neck and snaps it. Carson then introduced himself to those taking the tour, while reporting to Percy Odell that the Cyclotronic Man and the Markovian soldiers with him have been eliminated. In the episode "The Book of Occupation Chapter Three: Agent Odell's Pipe-Dream," it was suspected by Lynn that the Cyclotronic Man was the carrier for a man-made virus that the Markovians used to infect the metahumans in the A.S.A.'s custody.


First appearanceWonder Woman (vol. 2) #179 (May 2002)
Created byPhil Jimenez
Roy Allan Martinez

LeTonya Charles was a young woman who had destroyed her body with the drug Tar, but was granted a second chance when her aunt, Sarah Charles, one of the scientists who helped repair Cyborg, saved her with powerful cybernetic implants. Rather than use her newfound gifts for good, LeTonya chose to focus on personal gain as Cyborgirl. She became a member of Villainy, Inc., teaming up with several seasoned Wonder Woman villains. She and her teammates tried to overthrow Skartaris, but were stopped by Wonder Woman.[48]

When the government rounded up villains and sent them to the planet Salvation, she handed herself over to the Justice League to avoid being exiled. Soon after, Cyborgirl joined the Cyborg Revenge Squad and was one of several such beings to wage an attack against Victor Stone at S.T.A.R. Labs. Stone avoided Cyborgirl's electromagnetic attack, but succeeded in defeating her through sheer force.

Powers and abilities of Cyborgirl

Cybernetic enhancement: Because of the implants that her aunt gave her, Cyborgirl has the same powers as Cyborg. Much of her body has been replaced with advanced cybernetics. This grants her a variety of powers, including superhuman durability, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, superhuman reflexes, superhuman stamina, superhuman strength, enhanced senses and energy projection.

Cyborgirl in other media

  • When Justice League was pitched to the Kids' WB network, the lineup originally included three young members as protégés for the Justice League. The members would have been Robin, Impulse and an original character described as a teenage female version of Cyborg (Cyborgirl or Natasha Irons). The promo is viewable on the fourth disc of the Justice League Season One boxed set.
  • A character based on Cyborgirl named Laura Washington / Cyber-Woman appears in the Arrow season 5 episode "Invasion!", portrayed by Erica Luttrell. Dr. Laura Washington, nicknamed Cyber-Woman by Rory Regan, is a doctor that artificially augmented herself using technology stolen from Van Horn Industries. Augmenting herself cybernetically, Laura Washington stole a regulator from Van Horn Industries and implanted it in herself. Sometime after, Team Arrow tracked Washington down to a warehouse, hoping to take the regulator for their own means. Wild Dog took her on, but she shot blasts of energy at him, forcing him to dodge them. Before she could accurately hit him, Wild Dog was saved by the Flash. The Flash proceeded to beat up Laura, before allowing Supergirl to hit her, sending Laura at him for a finishing blow.


Damien Darhk

The enigmatic Damien Darhk is an elusive and dangerous criminal mastermind who is an enemy of the Titans.[49] He makes his first appearance in Titans #1 (March 1999).[50] Claiming to be a major player in the American underworld and implying he has an army at his disposal, Darhk is shown to be well-established and well-connected despite being in his early 20s and has remained untouchable by the FBI and the CIA.[51] He appears to have some connection to the crime syndicate the H.I.V.E. and has access to unique high-tech equipment unknown to any organization. Darhk uses trickery and forgotten science to make his followers and the public believe he has mystical or magical powers, but is later proven to be a fraud. Darhk is also a wi-fi genius, able to stay in touch with anyone by the very latest forms of mass communication. During an altercation with the Titans, Darhk was shot to death by Vandal Savage. Thanks to Adeline Kane, he survived.[52]

Damien Darhk in other media

  • The character appears in Arrow, portrayed by Neal McDonough.[53] Ra's al Ghul's personal history mentions him as a friend-turned-rival in season 3.[54][55] Described as a renegade member of the League of Assassins who left after being denied leadership to form a "hive" of his own, he is behind many past events in the series and appears as the main antagonist in season 4. Damien uses a magical artifact to employ telekinesis and can also drain the life energy of his foes if he makes physical contact with them. The only exception to this is Thea Queen, who causes his life-force absorption ability to backfire due to being revived by the Lazarus Pit. Although a ruthless killer, when the Green Arrow saves his family from Anarky, Damien allows Oliver Queen to leave, despite having a chance to kill him, out of appreciation for the actions. Damien's artifact is eventually destroyed by Vixen and he is prosecuted and sent to Iron Heights Penitentiary. But, after recruiting the Dark Archer, Brick and Murmur, he eventually breaks out and murders the Black Canary (Laurel Lance). After Anarky kills his wife and destroys the secret underground city in which Damien planned to survive the nuclear holocaust he wanted to cause, he becomes nihilistic and decides to destroy the world anyway. But, with help from Mr. Terrific and the Calculator, Oliver's allies succeed in disabling all but one of the nuclear bombs (a city is destroyed by the successful nuke). Meanwhile, the Green Arrow leads the people of Star City in a rally against Damien and his army, with the outpouring of hope nullifying Damien's powers. The two engage in a physical fight with Oliver overpowering him. Defeated, Damien taunts the Green Arrow, stating Oliver spared Slade Wilson after killing Oliver's mother. Oliver reminds him that he killed tens of thousands of innocent people, including Laurel, and states not having a choice before stabbing him with an arrow, killing him. He returned in season 5 as a manifestation from a Dominator's mental simulation in the 100th episode Invasion!.
    • Neal McDonough also appears as Damien Darhk briefly in The Flash. In the episode "Legends of Today", the Flash rescues Team Arrow from Darhk's attack during a raid on an A.R.G.U.S. facility.
    • Neal McDonough appears again as Damien Darhk in Legends of Tomorrow.[56][57] In season 1, he is a minor antagonist, as he attends a weapons auction held by Vandal Savage in the 1970s. Damien returns in season 2 as a recurring character, one of the two secondary antagonists alongside Malcolm Merlyn, a member of the Legion of Doom. He also serves as an archenemy to Sara Lance, Laurel Lance's sister and the Legends' leader. Although initially hesitant to work with Eobard Thawne, he quickly joins forces upon learning of his future death and the failure of his plans from Sara. Together with Eobard, his future/former accomplice the Dark Archer and the rest of the Legion of Doom, he works to find the fabled Spear of Destiny in order to change his fate. After they succeed, Damien makes himself mayor of Star City and regains his magical artifact. However, the Legends manage to travel back in time to stop the Legion's success. Eobard also travels back in time to warn the past Legion, so Damien sets out with the Legion to stop the Legends in a final battle. Using swords and a futuristic gun courtesy of Eobard, Damien eventually kills the future counterpart of Citizen Steel before engaging in hand-to-hand combat with Sara. Sara manages to overpower him and knock him out. After the Legion is defeated, the Legends return each member of the Legion to their respective place in the timeline and wipe their memories of time travel, so Damien ends up dying in 2016 as before. In season 3, Damien is the secondary antagonist and is resurrected from his death by his time-displaced daughter Nora Darhk with his memories restored and resumes his feud with Sara, the Legends and their allies. He later encounters Gorilla Grodd upon saving him from the napalm bombing during the Vietnam War and claims to have time traveling technology that will let Grodd travel through time at will. It is revealed that his alliance with Mallus is intended to ensure Mallus' release from his prison dimension by causing temporal aberrations that will weaken it, but this effort is complicated when tension arises between Damien and his daughter over their differing approaches to their relationship. Damien, after being convinced by Steel and the Atom that his daughter will cease to exist if Mallus is set free, decides to help the Legends stop Mallus from taking Nora's body, but ends up taking Nora's place and is killed by Mallus in the season three finale. In season 5, Astra Logue grants Damien a second chance at life. He was supposed to cause misery, but instead went to go see Nora. She had to hide the fact of her current status by stating that Constantine is her boyfriend and that Sara and Ava are now her henchmen. Everything unraveled when the ring that Ray bought was placed in a chocolate mousse. Nora's latest charge wishes them all into an episode of Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac (a parody of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood) where they all worked out their issues in the most unlikeliest of ways. Afterwards, Damien allows Nora to marry Ray. After talking to Sara what Astra wanted him to do, Damien briefly borrowed the Hellsword previously used by Genghis Khan and stabbed himself.


Dex-Starr is an abandoned stray blue domestic cat from Earth, adopted by a woman in Brooklyn who names him Dexter. During a break-in, Dex-Starr scratched a burglar before his owner was killed and he was evicted by the police. Homeless, he was grabbed by two street thugs and thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge, but the rage that he felt caught the attention of a red power ring and it came to him before he hit the water. As a member of the Red Lantern Corps, wearing his red power ring around his tail, he killed the two thugs and slept on their skulls, proclaiming himself to be a "good kitty" using thoughts expressed in simple sentences. He was described by Geoff Johns in an interview with Wizard as "the most sadistic and malicious" of the Red Lanterns. Originally intended as a joke by Shane Davis, he began being featured more prominently due to positive reception. Dex-Starr frequently travels with Atrocitus, with his vengeful quest centering on finding the burglar that murdered his owner. Dex-Starr gained the ability to create constructs after drinking the blood of Rankorr and, unbeknownst to his fellow Red Lanterns, he used his newfound ability to save Atrocitus from certain death after the former leader of the Red Lanterns saw his red power ring being taken by Guy Gardner.[58]:89

Dex-Starr in other media

Deep Blue

Deep Blue is a superhero in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Peter David and Jim Calafiore, first appeared in Aquaman (vol. 3) #23 (August 1996).[61]

Within the context of the stories, Debbie Perkins is the daughter of Tsunami and grew up believing Neptune Perkins to be her father, while Rhombus believed her to be his daughter. As Deep Blue, she is among the heroes who respond to Aquaman's call to unite the undersea kingdoms.[62] Over time, she begins to insist on being called Indigo and learns that Atlan claims to be her true father.

Dexter Myles

Dexter is on duty when the Flash comes to the Flash Museum in search of a weapon called the Summoner. Dexter is happy to show Flash where the Summoner is, but is horrified to discover it is missing. Later when the Flash is battling Vandal Savage, Dexter shows up with the blueprints for the Summoner that the Flash asked for. With these blueprints, the Flash is able to defeat Savage.

Dexter Myles in other media

Dexter Myles appears in The Flash season 1 episode "Going Rogue", portrayed by Bruce Harwood and is mentioned in the season 5 episode "Nora" by Nora West-Allen/XS.

Doctor No-Face

Doctor No-Face is a supervillain in the DC Universe.[63]

The character, created by Dave Wood and Sheldon Moldoff, only appeared in Detective Comics #319 (September 1963).[64]

Within the context of the stories, Bart Magan attempts to remove a facial scar using an experimental device. When the device erases all of his facial features instead, he takes the name "Doctor No-Face" and starts a short-lived crime spree in Gotham City.[Batman 2]

Doctor No-Face in other media

Doctor No-Face was adapted for an appearance in the episode "A Bat Divided!" of the animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Doctor Trap

Doctor Lawrence Trapp, a.k.a. Doctor Trap (first appearance: Chase #3 (April 1998)), is a supervillain with a mechanical jaw. He is an enemy to the Justice Experience, the Martian Manhunter, and Cameron Chase.

Doctor Trap in other media

Doctor Trap (voiced by Alan Tudyk) appears in the Harley Quinn episode "Trapped". When Gotham fell into ruin, he took over a museum, stored various weapons he collected from other super villains, and used various booby traps to protect them. Looking for Firefly's flamethrower, Harley, Poison Ivy, Kite Man, and Catwoman break into his museum to retrieve it, but Catwoman leaves the group behind after they get caught in one of Trap's traps. After escaping, Harley breaks Trap's jaw with her baseball bat. His name also appears in Doctor Psycho's phone in "A Fight Worth Fighting For", and he makes a cameo appearance in "The Runaway Bridesmaid", where he had his jaw repaired and attends Ivy and Kite Man's wedding.

Doctor Tyme

Doctor Tyme (Percival Sutter) is a supervillain in the DC Universe and enemy of the Doom Patrol.

Powers and abilities of Doctor Tyme

Doctor Tyme's special weapon is a ray that manipulates time, allowing him to freeze objects in stasis. This is mostly used for petty theft and other small crimes.

Doctor Tyme in other media

  • Doctor Tyme makes a cameo appearance in Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "The Last Patrol", in which he was seen in a flashback where he had trapped the Doom Patrol in a giant hourglass.
  • in Super Friends comic book series, Doctor Tyme appears as member of W.O.R.M.S., a group of mad scientists led by Lex Luthor. Like the rest of the members, he was arrested by the Super Friends after Luthor called them under the ruse as a chance for his comrades to showcase their technology.[65]
  • Doctor Tyme appears in Doom Patrol, portrayed by Brandon Perea.[66]


Debuting in Green Arrow and Black Canary #7 (June 2008), Dodger is a thief who deals in high-end merchandise. Operating from London, England, Dodger will steal and/or sell anything from information to advanced technology.

At one point he came into possession of what appeared to be an alien spacecraft. Recognizing that the vehicle's stealth capabilities made it a lucrative commodity, he began leasing the vessel to various underworld figures, including the League of Assassins. When the vessel in question was linked to an assassination attempt against Connor Hawke, the Green Arrow and the Black Canary began investigating its activity. The trail led them to London where they (along with Mia "Speedy" Dearden) engaged in combat with Dodger at a local pub. Although Dodger proved to be an able-bodied physical combatant, "Team Arrow" subdued him and he told them about the League of Assassins.

When pressed for more information, Dodger was unwilling to cooperate, so the Green Arrow and the Black Canary dropped him from the belly of a cargo plane suspended by a bungee cord until he agreed to give them better intelligence. He took them to his secret lair and triangulated the last location of the stealth ship he had leased.

The Green Arrow and the Black Canary then persuaded him to accompany them on the search, which brought them to a castle in Leichestershire, England. They evaded several traps and finally discovered a cryogenics tube containing the compressed form of former Justice Leaguer Plastic Man.

Dodger continued to work alongside "Team Arrow" and fought a team of metahumans who claimed to represent the League of Assassins. Dodger contributed very little to the battle; however, he did manage to distract one of them long enough for Batman to subdue him. Dodger continued adventuring with the group, battled foes and completed the adventure along with the team.

After settling their business with the League of Assassins, Dodger accompanied "Team Arrow" back to the United States, where he struck up a romantic relationship with Mia Dearden. Mia has now left the States and traveled to London to continue this relationship.

Dodger in other media

Dodger appears in the TV series Arrow portrayed by James Callis. Appearing in the episode "Dodger", he is a British jewel thief who robs valuable jewels from wealthy occupants and sells them at a high price. Unlike the comics, this iteration of the character uses hostages with bomb collars to steal for him, rather than alien technology. He also uses a high voltage stun-stick as a weapon, which renders victims unconscious. His real name is Winnick Norton, a reference to the original creators of the character, Judd Winick and Mike Norton. He is defeated by Oliver and John Diggle when he is taken out with his own "shocker" after Oliver causes his car to crash, using an arrow as a dagger, and is arrested by a SCPD unit afterwards. In the Arrow: Season 2.5 tie-in comic, Norton escapes from prison and begins operating out of Bludhaven as part of a mercenary group called the Renegades. He and other members kidnap Felicity Smoak on the orders of Clinton Hogue, reminiscent how he kidnapped her earlier in "Dodger". Norton and other members are defeated by Oliver Queen, Roy Harper and Helena Bertinelli, leaving them bound and tipping off the police so they could arrest them.


Dominus is a fictional character and a DC Comics supervillain who first appeared in Action Comics #747. He appears primarily as an opponent of Superman.[67]

Originally, Dominus was an alien priest named Tuoni, who served as one of the five custodians of his world's faith. During this time, he fell in love with his peer, Ahti. However, he was driven mad by jealousy when Ahti ascended past him and assumed the mantle of Kismet, Illuminator of All Realities.[67]

Studying infernal forbidden magic in an attempt to gain the power to challenge his former lover and rob her of the power of Kismet, Tuoni's assault was reflected by Kismet's divine energies and his body was incinerated. Despite Tuoni's deceit, the omnibenevolent Kismet showed him mercy and shunted his shattered, still-living body into the Phantom Zone.[67]

Within the Phantom Zone, Tuoni encountered a holographic projection of Superman's long-dead Kryptonian ancestor, Kem-L, who was able to use his own ancient variety of arcane Kryptonian science to rebuild the former holy man as a psionic, cosmic phantasm known as "Dominus".[68]

In this new all-powerful form, Dominus escaped the Zone via Superman's Fortress of Solitude and attacked Earth. Attempting to find Kismet to steal her cosmic powers, he was opposed by Superman. Swearing vengeance, Dominus telepathically entered Superman's mind and preyed on one of the Man of Steel's greatest weaknesses; his fear of failing the people of Earth.

Using mind control, Dominus convinced Superman to take control of Earth and build the Superman robots to police the planet 24 hours a day, seven days a week forever. In another battle, Dominus used his reality-warping powers to become Superman, using the Superman robots to search for Kismet while Superman was disguised as one of his own robots and later as Dominus.

During his captivity in these other forms Superman improved on his use of Torquasm Vo, an ancient Kryptonian warrior discipline technique where the warrior can control what they think. Superman and Dominus then engaged in a mental-physical battle with Dominus using any stray thought of Superman to reshape reality. The battle ends with Superman banishing Dominus to the Phantom Zone.

Dominus uses his "Continuum Control" to alter reality and his "Control" to make people unaware that the change occurred. He can actually create more than one simultaneous reality, each one attacking a specific character's mental attributes. Dominus' realities were also inspired by other times in Superman's publishing history (the 1940s, 1960s and 1970s) and "The Superman of 2965–2966" story involving Muto.[69][70]

Dominus behind the scenes

In a 1981 DC Treasury Special called Superman and his Fortress of Solitude, the Pre-Crisis Lex Luthor posed as a red-armored alien named Dominus as part of an elaborate ruse aimed at destroying the Man of Steel.


The Dreadnought is a fictional character in DC Comics appearing in The New 52 continuity. He serves as an agent of the H.I.V.E., along with Psiphon. He appears in Superboy (vol. 4) #20, where he is sent by the H.I.V.E. to New York City to apprehend Doctor Psycho, who had escaped from a H.I.V.E. facility, and Superboy, whose psionic powers were of interest to the H.I.V.E. The two characters teamed up and managed to defeat the H.I.V.E. soldiers. The Dreadnought was sent flying by Superboy and landed in the Hudson River.

The Dreadnought has undergone genetic modifications by the H.I.V.E. that mutated him into a giant purple humanoid beast with metallic armor and large black horns protruding from his head. He has superhuman strength and durability, which enables him to hold his own against even Superboy.

Carl Draper

Carl Draper is a fictional character in DC Comics, an enemy of Superman. He has gone by the names the Master Jailer, Kator, Deathtrap, the Locksmith and Castellan.[71] Draper made his first appearance in Superman #331 (Jan. 1979), written by Martin Pasko and drawn by Curt Swan and Frank Chiaramonte.[72]

In the Pre-Crisis comics, Carl "Moosie" Draper grew up in Smallville (see Kator below). Draper was an overweight clumsy teenager whom most of the other kids never noticed or made fun of and was in love with Lana Lang, who had eyes only for Superboy, much to Draper's resentment.[73] As an adult, Draper underwent a self-imposed self-improvement regimen, including exercise and cosmetic surgery, to overcome his physical shortcomings. He became an expert locksmith and architect, designing an inescapable prison for supervillains called "Mount Olympus". Impressed by the achievement, Superman augmented the prison's security by placing it on an antigravity platform. Initially dubbed "Draper's Island" by Superman, it was informally renamed "Superman Island" by the adult Lana—with whom Draper remained smitten, just as she remained lovestruck by Superman. It was the latter name, plus the novelty of the floating platform, that caught public attention, diverting recognition from Draper himself. This proved the final straw for Draper, who snapped and became the costumed supervillain the Master Jailer.[74] He attacked Superman and kidnapped Lana under that name. Superman defeated him and he was sent to his own prison.[75]

In New Adventures of Superboy #17 (May 1981), at the prodding of Carl, Superboy creates a robot named Kator as a sparring adversary (and gives the "safety cutoff switch" to Jonathan Kent). Kator, however, developed an artificial intelligence and almost killed the Boy of Steel before being destroyed (in New Adventures of Superboy #18). However, the robot apparently gave Draper its identity and powers before being destroyed. Draper (as the new Kator) then engages Superboy in combat. However, Jonathan Kent presses the safety switch on the "cutoff" device, which removes "Kator's" superpowers from Draper, and Superboy removes the memory of Draper ever being Kator.[76][77]

In the Post-Crisis comics, Carl Draper first appeared in Adventures of Superman #517 (Nov. 1994). This was during the "Dead Again" storyline, when Superman was suspected of being an impostor after his body was found still in his tomb (from The Death of Superman storyline). Draper was hired by S.T.A.R. Labs to design a holding cell for Conduit, when his daughter, Carla, asked him if he could build a prison that could hold even Superman. Draper initially designed a trap that only the real Superman could escape from, explaining this to Superman by way of a hologram of a costumed figure named Deathtrap. However, when Superman escaped the trap, Draper became obsessed with proving that he could capture the real thing. Of note, this version of Draper was dressed in casual wear, only getting an updated costume with chain-based attacks later.

Draper made several other attempts to capture Superman, often programming the Deathtrap hologram in advance so he could publicly be elsewhere. On one occasion, in Superman: The Man of Steel #43 (April 1995), he programmed Deathtrap to appear during a Draper Security press conference and display how Draper's devices were being "subverted", thus both removing suspicion from him and acting as an advertisement for the company.

In Action Comics #739, Superman (in his blue energy form) was captured in an "energy hobble" by Deathtrap, now calling himself the Locksmith. At the end of the story, it was revealed to the reader that his daughter, Carla Draper, was running the hologram this time and that her father was unaware of this. The now costumed-Master Jailer was one of the villains along with Neutron controlled by Manchester Black in the 2002 storyline "Ending Battle"; however, it was not clear that it was, in fact, Draper.

Carl Draper appears in Checkmate #17 (Oct. 2007). At some point, Checkmate discovered his multiple identities and used this to force him into becoming a security consultant, protecting Checkmate itself from attack. In the issue, he prevents numerous assaults on Checkmate headquarters and is promoted to head of security with the title Castellan. Although he has not told his superiors, he strongly suspects that Carla is involved in the attacks. The issue also contains an easter egg—computer displays show an actual website (now defunct)[78] that could be accessed with the username "CARL DRAPER" and the password "wilhelmina". The site was a journal and database written from Draper's perspective. In his journal, he claimed to have been only Deathtrap and that he was unconnected with the Post-Crisis Master Jailer.

A DC Rebirth version of the Master Jailer appears in the Aquaman/Suicide Squad crossover "Sinking Atlantis" as a member of the Squad. Aspects of his Pre- and Post-Crisis history are present, with Carl growing up in Smallville and having a daughter.[79]

Alternate versions of Carl Draper

Carl Draper appears in the Smallville comics-continuation Smallville Season 11 where his title is Warden Draper of Stryker's Island.[80]

Carl Draper in other media

The Master Jailer appears in the live-action TV series Supergirl, portrayed by Jeff Branson. In this version, he is an alien from the planet Trombus who was a third-generation prison guard at Fort Rozz until the prison ship landed on Earth and many of the inmates escaped. He turned vigilante, hunting down and lynching several escapees until he was thwarted by Kara; in overview his methods were overzealous, as he even murdered aliens that were not violent and wanted peaceful lives. On Earth, he posed as Detective Draper of the National City Police Department.[81]

Carla Draper

Carla Draper is the daughter of Carl Draper who made an appearance in Superboy #26 (May 1996) under the name Snare. She responded to a request from the Hawaiian Special Crimes Unit to Draper Security for assistance in capturing the supervillain Knockout, who was on the run with a misguided Superboy in tow. Snare, aware of her father's obsession, tried to prove that she could do something that he could not by capturing Superboy. This led to a fight with the SCU, during which Superboy and Knockout escaped.

Cal Durham

Cal Durham is a former henchman of Black Manta and a public figure in the DC Universe.

The character, created by David Michelinie and Jim Aparo, first appeared in Aquaman #57 (August–September 1977).[82]

Within the context of the stories, Cal Durham is a mercenary hired by Black Manta under the pretense of establishing an African-American-dominated underwater society. To this end, Durham undergoes surgical procedures to emulate Atlantian physiology. Discovering that Manta is more focused on destroying Aquaman than fulfilling his social promise, he rebels. This results in Manta attempting to kill him and Duhram re-evaluating his goals. Much later, he appears as the mayor of Sub Diego.

Cal Durham in other media

In the comic book tie-in of the TV series Young Justice, Calvin Durham appears as Kaldur'ahm's foster father. Formerly a henchman of the supervillain Black Manta, Calvin's physiology was genetically modified to match that of an Atlantean's in order to infiltrate Atlantis, but defected to the Atlanteans and subsequently settled down with Aqualad's mother, Sha'lain'a of Shayeris.[83] Calvin appears in the Young Justice: Outsiders episode "Quiet Conversations", voiced by Phil LaMarr. He is present when Kaldur'ahm brings Dolphin to Atlantis.


Dr. Saul Erdel

First appearanceDetective Comics #225
(November 1955)
Created byJoseph Samachson (writer)
Joe Certa (artist)

Dr. Saul Erdel is a scientist in the DC Universe.

Dr. Saul Erdel was a brilliant scientist who created a transmitter to communicate with other worlds. When he sent a transmission to Mars, a beam of energy reached across the space-time continuum, grabbed hold of J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, and transported him to Earth. The shock of seeing the Green Martian caused the elderly scientist to have a heart attack and die in J'onn's arms.[84]

His DC Rebirth version appeared in a flashback renamed Mark Saul Erdel.[85]

Alternate versions of Dr. Saul Erdel

In Batman: Holy Terror, a villainous version of Saul Erdel exists. Here, Erdel is a manic high member of Gotham's Star Chamber and the keeper of the irradiated corpse of Kal-El, referred to as the "Green Man".[86] After Batman foiled Zatanna, he sends off a signal that kills Barry Allen and sends Hagen after Batman. Enraged after finding the Green Man, Batman tried to escape the transformed Hagen and Erdel opened fire. However, one of the bullets bounced off the Green Man's corpse and struck Erdel, killing him.

In Flashpoint, Saul Erdel was a scientist in the Outsider's employ that captured and began experimenting on a Martian named J'onn J'onzz. Erdel died shortly after, leaving the alien in the Outsider's custody.[87]

Dr. Saul Erdel in other media

In Justice League: The New Frontier, the film adaptation of the DC: The New Frontier comic book miniseries, Dr. Saul Erdel plays a minor role. Dr. Saul Erdel operated in an observatory outside of Gotham City's observatory. While conducting an experiment to sending radio signals into deep space, his experiment somehow accidentally teleported the Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) into his observatory. Erdel was surprised of J'onn's appearance and suffered a fatal heart attack. Before succumbing to his death, Erdel somberly apologized J'onn for stranding him on Earth and warns that human society will not take too kindly to him as people will fear him because of his appearance, and strongly recommended to him not to reveal himself and take the time to study humanity, using his image for a while before becoming a GCPD Detective.[88]

Erdel makes a non-speaking cameo in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. He is seen during the telepathic flashback between J'onn and Rose Wilson.


False Face

False Face is a name used by a number of different supervillains in the DC Universe.[89]

The concept and first character, created by Mort Weisinger and Creig Flessel, first appeared in Leading Comics #2 (spring 1942) using the name "Falseface".[90] The name was later adjusted to "False Face" mirroring minor characters introduced by Fawcett Comics and Timely Comics.

Variations of the character have been introduced in Batman #113 (February 1958) and Birds of Prey #112 (January 2008). In all instances the character is only identified as "False-Face" or by an alias while in disguise.

Golden Age False Faces

Within the context of the stories, the False Face of the 1940s first appears as a small-time crook recruited by the Black Star to form a criminal gang. False Face attempts to rob a Mardi Gras event in New Orleans and is apprehended by the Shining Knight.[Comics 1] Much later, he confronts the Star-Spangled Kid.[Comics 2]

A different False Face dies in a confrontation with Captain Marvel, Jr.[Comics 3] While not the same character as created for DC, the publisher would later license and eventually purchase the characters and stories that Fawcett published. The material would be assigned to "Earth-S" within the continuity of the DC Universe.

Silver Age False Face

The late 1950s version of the character, created by an uncredited writer and Sheldon Moldoff, appeared once in Batman #113.[91]

Within the context of the stories, this False Face appears as an opponent of Batman and Robin and uses his skill to commit elaborate robberies involving the kidnapping of high-profile individuals.[Batman 3]

Modern Age False Face

First appearanceBirds of Prey #112 (January 2008)

The late 2000s version of the character, created by Tony Bedard and David Cole, first appeared in Birds of Prey #112 (January 2008).[92]

Within the context of the stories, the modern False Face is a female mercenary who is contracted by the Calculator to abduct and impersonate Lady Blackhawk in order to infiltrate the Birds of Prey.[Batman 4]

False Face in other media

  • False Face appears in the Batman 1960's TV series portrayed by Malachi Throne.
  • Aside from the adaptation of the Silver Age version of the character for television, the concept and name were adapted for an original character named Falseface in the animated TV series Batman Beyond voiced by Townsend Coleman. This version actually has the ability to rearrange and mold his face to mimic others. Falseface appeared in the episode "Plague", where he was hired by Kobra.
  • False Face appears in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Corey Burton.
  • False Face appears in Batman '66. His real name is revealed to be Basil Karlo, who is then transformed into Clayface.[93]

Carl Ferris

First appearanceShowcase #2 (October 1959)
Created byJohn Broome and Gil Kane

Carl Ferris is the founder of Ferris Aircraft, an aerospace/defense manufacturer based out of Coast City. One of his best pilots, Martin Jordan (the father of Hal Jordan), was killed in an accident, which caused him great guilt. His daughter Carol Ferris took over the company after he retired.[94]

Carl Ferris in other media

Carl Ferris appears in the Green Lantern film, portrayed by Jay O. Sanders.


First appearanceThe Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982)
Created byGerry Conway and Pat Broderick
TeamsJustice League
AbilitiesFlight; intangibility; manipulation and projection of heat and radiation
AliasesLorraine Reilly; Firestorm

Firehawk is a superhero in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick, first appeared in The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982) as Lorraine Reilly. Her transformation into Firehawk was presented in The Fury of Firestorm #17 (October 1983).

Lorraine Reilly is the daughter of United States Senator Walter Reilly. She is kidnapped by Multiplex on the orders of Henry Hewitt. Hewitt subjects her to experiments designed to recreate the accident that created Firestorm and Multiplex.[95] Dubbed Firehawk, she is used as a pawn against Firestorm. Over the course of The Fury of Firestorm, she becomes a supporting character and an intended romantic interest for Ronnie Raymond, one half of the composite hero.

Later stories have her retiring from superheroics,[96] then entering politics and becoming a U.S. Senator. The Raymonds and Firestorm re-enter her life when Ed Raymond asks her to investigate Jason Rusch, the new Firestorm. As a result of that investigation, for a short time she becomes Rusch's "partner" in the Firestorm Matrix.

A new Firehawk later appeared as the Firestorm of France.[97]


Galactic Golem

First appearanceSuperman #248 (February 1972)
Created byLen Wein and Curt Swan

The Galactic Golem is a creature created by Lex Luthor in the DC Universe. Within the context of the stories, the Golem is a solar-powered enemy of Superman.[98] Creator Len Wein said that he created the Golem "because I needed somebody Superman could hit! The problem with Superman's rogues' gallery was, they were all thinkers...they were scientists, or guys who built toys. With the Golem, he could hit Superman, and Superman could hit him back."[99]

It only made two appearances: Superman #248 (February 1972) and 258 (November 1972). Afterwards, it was erased from DC continuity following Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Allegra Garcia

First appearanceTitans #28 (December 2010)
Created byEric Wallace, Fabrizio Florentino and Cliff Richards

Allegra Garcia is the daughter of Eduardo Reyes / Wavelength, a supervillain. She inherits his powers of being able to control electromagnetic light.[100][101]

Allegra Garcia was raised in the Santa Marta slums of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by her foster parents Ramon and Esperanza Garcia where her biological father is the supervillain Wavelength. Upon emigrating to Gotham City while developing the ability to emit electromagnetic light, she fell in with some gangs and took parts in robberies before being stopped by the local vigilantes and remanded to Arkham Asylum. In order to reunite with his daughter after some villains he knew saw Allegra, Wavelength hired Deathstroke and his version of the Titans to spring her out of Arkham Asylum. Though they had to get through Batman and some of Arkham Asylum's inmates like Clayface, Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Victor Zsasz who sought to take the advantage to escape from Arkham Asylum. When the mission was a success, Deathstroke's Titans brought her to Brazil where Allegra lashed out against her father for abandoning her and used the UV rays in the sky to fry him. Deathstroke declined Allegra's offer to join up with him stating that she has a lot of growing up to do.[102]

Allegra Garcia in other media

Allegra Garcia appears on The CW TV series The Flash portrayed by Kayla Compton.[100][101] She was originally introduced as a recurring character in season 6 before being promoted to the main cast for season 7.[103][104] In this series, Allegra is a young metahuman with abilities based on the electromagnetic spectrum who wants to become a reporter ever since she saw Iris' article on the "Streak" (the latter's original name for the Flash). Despite coming from a criminal background and having been previously incarcerated in Iron Heights, Cecile was able to help Allegra turn her life around. After an attack by her metahuman cousin, Esperanza / Ultraviolet (whose crimes Allegra was framed for), she is saved by the Flash. Following this, Allegra gets a job interning at the Central City Citizen. Allegra would later go on to investigate the mysterious organization that turned Esperanza into a killer and help Team Flash stop Bloodwork from turning Central City into his zombie-like minions. Following the Crisis, Allegra assists in the investigation of the criminal organization Black Hole.

Esperanza Garcia

Esperanza Garcia is the adoptive mother of Allegra Garcia.[105]

Esperanza Garcia in other media

Esperanza Garcia recurs on The CW TV series The Flash portrayed by Alexa Barajas. This version is Allegra's cousin rather than her adoptive mother, and is also the metahuman supervillain Ultraviolet.[105]


First appearanceVillains United #5 (November 2005)
Created byStuart Moore and Jamal Igle
AbilitiesTeleportation; limited telepathy
AliasesGehenna Hewitt

Gehenna is a superhero in the DC Universe. She is a clone of Victor Hewitt who is rescued by Firestorm. Her telepathic ability is shown to be limited to those participating in the Firestorm matrix and strongest with Jason Rusch. She becomes a romantic interest for Rusch throughout Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (vol. 2) and a participant in the matrix. She is killed by the Black Lantern Firestorm in Blackest Night #3 (September 2009).


First appearanceJSA #5 (December 1999)
Created byGeoff Johns, David S. Goyer, Derec Aucoin
AliasesAdam Fells

The Geomancer is the name of two supervillains in DC Comics.[106]

Adam Fells

Adam Fells started out as a hired gun. He attacked an African village where he caused an earthquake at the behest of the Council. He got into a fight with Sand and is defeated by him.[107]

The Geomancer later appears as a member of the Injustice Society where they attacked the Justice Society of America's headquarters. Despite being outnumbered, Wildcat manages to defeat them as Johnny Sorrow escapes after getting what he came for.[108]

As Sand and Wildcat talk during a movie theater, two people behind them tells them to keep it down. They discover that the people are the Geomancer and Killer Wasp. The Geomancer and Killer Wasp are soon assisted in the ambush by Black Adam.[109] Sand fights the Geomancer under the streets of New York City and defeats him.[110]

The Ultra-Humanite is revealed to have the Geomancer in suspended animation.[111] The Icicle II tried to free the Geomancer from his suspended animation, only to accidentally kill him.[112]

The Geomancer II

An unnamed man with similar powers became the second Geomancer. He seen as a member of the Injustice Society.[113]

Powers and abilities of the Geomancer

Both Geomancers can perform geokinesis.

The Geomancer in other media

The Adam Fells version of the Geomancer appears in season 2 of The CW series The Flash, portrayed by Adam Stafford.[106]


First appearanceImpulse #7 (October 1995)
Created byMartin Pasko
Nick Gnazzo

Gridlock is an alias used by two fictional supervillains appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

Abner Girdler

Abner Girdler was a specialist in urban planning and new transportation technologies at Technodyne. He proposed to build a monorail in Manchester, Alabama, but the project was scrapped at the last minute by the county transportation commissioner, Clifton Burdett. Having lost the lucrative contract, Tehnodyne faced bankruptcy, and CEO Leo Nordstrom fired Girdler. Burdett later ran for mayor, and Girdler decided to sabotage his election by donning the guise of Gridlock, equipped with technology able to steal the kinetic energy from people and objects, leaving them in stasis for about an hour. Gridlock kidnapped Nordstrom and froze most of Manchester, but was eventually defeated by Impulse.

Gridlock II

He first appears in Bat-Mite #2 (September, 2015) and was created by Dan Jurgens and Corin Howell. He is a villain who is stuck in the past and out to stop the future from coming. He also despises youth and youth culture in general.

Gridlock in other media

Gridlock appears in season five of The Flash portrayed by Daniel Cudmore. This version is William Lang, a kinetic energy-absorbing metahuman. After attacking an airplane where he was defeated by the Flash, Kid Flash and XS, the CCPD truck that was transporting him was intercepted by the Cicada, who used a meta-tech dagger to kill him.



First appearanceAction Comics #775 (February 2001)
Created byJoe Kelly, Doug Mahnke, Tom Nguyen

The Hat is a wannabe superhero in the DC Universe. Rampotatek hailed from Japan and had access to a magic hat powered by a demon. He was recruited by Manchester Black to join his team of heroes known as the Elite. The Hat and the team's violent actions led them into conflict with Superman. He and the rest of the team were defeated and stripped of their powers.[114]

The Hat in other media

The Hat appears in the Supergirl episode "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?", portrayed by Louis Ozawa Changchien. This version is a higher being whose hat has Fifth Dimensional properties. After escaping from prison, he joins up with the Elite alongside Manchester Black, Menagerie, and an unnamed Morae. In the episode "It's a Super Life", the Hat is mentioned to be an old drinking buddy of Mister Mxyzptlk, who stole his hat. Mon-El had to help Mister Mxyzptlk get close to the confiscated hat so that he can undo the reality where Lena Luthor took over the surviving half of National City with her Hope-Bots that run on the energies from the 5th Dimension.

The Hat appears in Superman vs. The Elite, voiced by Andrew Kishino.

The Head is an alien in the DC Universe. The character, created by Gail Simone and Grant Morrison, first appeared in Brave New World #1.

Within the context of the stories, the Head is stranded on Earth after a failed plot by the microscopic alien race the Waiting to conquer it.


There have been two different characters named the Headhunter in DC Comics.


Within the context of the stories, the Headhunter is a mercenary and nemesis of Batman.

The Headhunter first appeared attempting to kill Commissioner Gordon.[115]

During the DC Rebirth reboot, the Headhunter murdered the Swamp Thing's father. Batman and the Swamp Thing investigated, discovering that he was responsible. To Batman's horror, the Swamp Thing murdered the Headhunter.[116]

Hawkman villain

Within the context of the stories, the Headhunter was a warrior shaman who used Nth metal weapons. He developed a particular fascination with Hawkman, to the point of reanimating the bones of his previous incarnations.

The Headhunter in other media

A variation of the Headhunter appears in the Gotham episode "A Dark Knight: A Day in the Narrows", portrayed by Kyle Vincent Terry. This version has the real name of Wendell. Just like the comics, the Headhunter has a habit of shooting his victims twice: the first shot to kill the person and the second one as his signature, since he never missed the first shot to the head. At the time when Victor Zsasz was out of town, he recommended his old friend the Headhunter to Oswald Cobblepot to be his replacement security counsel until his return. The Headhunter accompanied Cobblepot when he and his group assisted the Gotham City Police Department into hunting Professor Pyg in the Narrows. Upon both groups falling into Professor Pyg's trap, the Headhunter got wounded until James Gordon destroyed the trap. After falling back to the Iceberg Lounge due to Professor Pyg having gotten away, the Headhunter stated to Cobblepot that Gordon is right. This causes Cobblepot to stab the Headhunter in the neck with the knife concealed in his cane and then stab him in the chest, stating to the Headhunter that this was his signature. In the episode "A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause", the Headhunter gets out of the hospital, where he now wears an eyepatch and meets Sofia Falcone at the time when Victor Zsasz brings him to raid Arkham Asylum to target Cobblepot, only for him to be sprung from Arkham by Edward Nygma. The two of them encounter Gordon and Harvey Bullock on the streets with Cobblepot, which resulted in a gunfight where Cobblepot got away with Leslie Thompkins. When Sofia Falcone brought Zsasz, the Headhunter and some Falcone crime family operatives to Spa Bo'sh Sumka in order to target Arthur Penn, Zsasz and the Headhunter pursue Bullock and Penn. While the two of them got away in Leslie's car, Zsasz and the Headhunter went out for smoothies when they saw the police cars arriving.

Cecile Horton

Cecile Horton was the defense attorney for Barry Allen / the Flash in the storyline "The Trial of the Flash", focusing on his trial for the murder of Eobard Thawne.[117]

Cecile Horton in other media

Cecile Horton is portrayed by Danielle Nicolet in The CW series The Flash.[117]

Human Cannonball

The Human Cannonball (Ryan Chase) is a superhero in the DC Universe. The character, created by Tom DeFalco and Win Mortimer, first appeared in Superman Family #188 (March 1978). Within the context of the stories, the Human Cannonball grew up in the circus and is a friend of Lois Lane. He has no superhuman powers, but can fly using an advanced jet-pack—he wears a cannonball-shaped helmet to allow him to crash into his targets head-on. His costume consists of a green shirt (with a yellow CB emblem) and tights, black pants, black gloves and violet thigh-length boots.


The Hyena is the name of two fictional supervillains published by DC Comics. The first Hyena debuted in Firestorm #4 (September 1978) and was created by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom.[118] The second Hyena debuted in The Fury of Firestorm #10 (March 1983) and was created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick.

Both werehyenas had problems with authority and resented Firestorm for interfering in their vendettas. The unique feature of the Hyenas was that they turned into werehyena forms whenever they were under great emotional stress, not only when there was a full moon. This meant that they could attack foes in broad daylight and that they would revert into their human forms when their emotional tension was relieved.

The first Hyena, Summer Day, joined the Peace Corps as a result of relational issues with her father and was turned into a werehyena as a result of an accident in Africa. Taking the name the Hyena, Summer returned to America and began attacking both criminals and police officers. A result of her condition is a steadily progressing madness.[119]

The second Hyena, Doctor Jivan Shi, was a psychiatrist whom Summer Day had fallen in love with while he was attempting to treat her werehyena condition. One night, as Summer and Jivan were embracing, Summer transformed into the Hyena and infected Jivan with the werehyena curse. Professor Stein noted that being the Hyena seemed to have warped Jivan Shi's mind.[120] According to The Fury of Firestorm #10–13, the madness suffered by the werehyenas is one's bestial side taking over, coupled with an exaggeration of negative emotions.

In Infinite Crisis, Deadshot killed one of the Hyenas after a prison breakout[121] and the other appeared as a member of the Injustice League in One Year Later before being shot and killed by Parademons that were attacking the villains' camp.[122]

A pack of at least five new werehyenas, presumably suffering from the same curse as Summer and Jivan, were seen in San Francisco some time after the death of their remaining predecessor. They were promptly defeated and permanently returned to human form, thanks to Zatanna, the Vixen and the Black Canary.[123]

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, the werehyenas are reintroduced as mercenaries who received special drugs that gave superstrength and velocity, with the side effect of a constant laugh.[124]

During the Forever Evil storyline as part of The New 52, the Summer Day version of the Hyena appears as a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains. The Crime Syndicate sent the Hyena with Black Bison, Multiplex, Plastique and Typhoon to finish Gorilla Grodd's job. The villains were defeated by the Rogues, since one of the targets was the hospital that was treating Captain Cold's sister.[8]


Invisible Hood

The Invisible Hood is the name of two fictional superheroes in the DC Universe. The original was owned by Quality Comics, but was later acquired by DC Comics, along with other Quality characters. He first appeared in Smash Comics #1 (August 1939), and was created by Art Pinajian. Pinajian illustrated the story under the pseudonym "Art Gordon".

Years after the character was acquired by DC Comics, a retroactive fictional history was developed.

A modern version of the Invisible Hood debuts in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #5. He assists the group in escaping from S.H.A.D.E., an evil governmental organization with control of the White House. In issue #6, it is revealed that he is Ken Thurston, the great-grandson of the original Golden Age Invisible Hood and that he is using the same hood that the original Invisible Hood had used. Uncle Sam had used telepathy to direct Ken to the hood. Later, Ken is killed by the traitorous Ray (Stan Silver), just as he is about to leave the superhero profession.[125]

Equipment of the Invisible Hood

Both Kent and Ken Thurston have no superpowers, but they wear a chemically treated hood and cloak that grants them invisibility.

Isis (Selina Kyle's cat)

Creators: Sean Catherine Derek, Laren Bright, Jules Dennis and Richard Mueller. First appearance: Batman: The Animated Series: "The Cat and the Claw: Part I" (September 1992). Abilities: Stealth.

Isis is Selina Kyle's pet cat. She often used Isis to reach narrow places and to retrieve valuable objects without the need of doing so herself. When Selina was taken to prison, Isis ran away looking for her. Isis got lost and was found on the streets by Doctor Milo, who used the cat for one of his twisted experiments. Selina found Isis, but the cat had been infected with a virus that made her more aggressive and contagious to people. Selina feared she had lost Isis forever, but Batman delivered Isis back to her, completely cured and safe. Isis was voiced by Frank Welker for most of the character's appearances. She was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker for the animated web series Gotham Girls.

Isis in other media



First appearanceGreen Lantern #173 (February 1984)
Created byDennis O'Neil
Mike Sekowsky
Dick Giordano
AbilitiesUses gimmicked javelins and other gadgetry

The Javelin is a fictional DC Comics supervillain.[126]

The Javelin is a former German Olympic athlete who turned to a life of crime, using his uncanny abilities with a javelin-based weapons arsenal. The Javelin fought Green Lantern and was defeated before agreeing to serve with the Suicide Squad in exchange for the purging of his criminal record. His last Squad mission was a battle with Circe as part of the War of the Gods crossover event. It takes place in issue #58.

In the pages of Checkmate, the Javelin is recruited by the Mirror Master in an attempt to frame Amanda Waller. He teams up with several other villains, such as Plastique and the duo Punch and Jewelee. They invade a Myanmar military facility in order to neutralize what seems to be a superhuman power source. The Javelin is killed by a runaway jeep while trying to protect a distraught, newly widowed Jewelee.[127]

The Javelin in other media

Jefferson Jackson

Jefferson Jackson is a supporting character of Ronnie Raymond (a.k.a. Firestorm) who makes his debut in Firestorm (vol. 2) #1 (June 1982). Jackson is a former student of Bradley High School in Manhattan, New York. During his tenure at Bradley High, Jackson became a member of the school's championship basketball team, where he met Ronnie. The two became close friends, and Jackson frequently aided Ronnie during the numerous episodes wherein the latter would find himself embroiled in conflicts with school jerk Cliff Carmichael. Jackson dated a young woman named Stella, and the two frequently double-dated with Ronnie and his girlfriend, Doreen Day.

Jefferson Jackson in other media

Jefferson "Jax" Jackson appears in several live action Arrowverse series, portrayed by Franz Drameh. Making his debut in season 2 of The Flash, Jax is a high school football star who got injured during the particle accelerator explosion, and was forced to become a mechanic instead of playing college football. He was selected as a potential candidate to replace the deceased Ronnie Raymond as the other half of Firestorm due to having been affected by the particle accelerator explosion in a manner similar to Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein. Although reluctant to cooperate, he later accepts the role and teams up with the Flash to defeat Henry Hewitt, another candidate who absorbed some of the Firestorm powers. Jax later appears in the TV series Legends of Tomorrow as one of its principal characters. Drameh reprised his role in the web series Vixen.[128]

M'yrnn J'onzz

M'yrnn J'onzz is the father of the twin brothers J'onn J'onzz/the Martian Manhunter and Ma'alefa'ak. His first appearance was in Martian Manhunter (vol. 2) #3 (August 2001).[129]

M'yrnn J'onzz in other media

M'yrnn J'onzz was a recurring character in The CW's Supergirl, portrayed by Carl Lumbly.[130]

Joey Toledo

Joey Toledo was a drug dealer working for the 100. When he and his gang members invaded the gymnasium of Garfield High School and attacked Jefferson Pierce, Earl Clifford came to his defense and helped to fight them off. Tobias Whale hears of what happened and orders Toledo to make an example out of Earl. Joey Toledo led his men into attacking Earl, where the altercation led to Earl getting struck by a car. Joey then had his goons suspend his dead body from the basketball net in the gymnasium. With help from Peter Gambi, Jefferson Pierce becomes Black Lightning, where he beats up Joey Toledo's men. Afterwards, Black Lightning grabs Joey and pressures him to tell him everything there is to know about the 100. He tells him to meet him at Garfield High's gymnasium at midnight. When Black Lightning goes to meet with Joey Toledo, he was caught by surprise when Joey had brought Merlyn the Dark Archer with him to kill Black Lightning. The fight is later crashed by Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins, who are not pleased with Merlyn leaving them after failing to kill Batman. The battle turned into a three-way battle where Joey Toledo was killed by a League of Assassins operative.[131]

Joey Toledo appears in DC Rebirth as a sleazy small-time entrepreneur who sold a sci-fi gun to Rick Simmons. He was found dead after Tobias Whale's right-hand woman Miss Pequod dealt with some loose ends.[132]

Joey Toledo in other media

Joey Toledo appears in season 1 of Black Lightning, portrayed by Eric Mendenhall. He is a member of the 100 Gang, where he serves as Tobias Whale's right-hand man and co-enforcer alongside Syonide. Joey Toledo is first seen with Syonide in the episode "The Resurrection" when they bring Latavius "Lala" Johnson to Tobias Whale following Black Lightning's re-emergence and his attack on the Seashell Motel that was a front for the 100. In the episode "Black Jesus", Tobias Whale has Joey Toledo murder the morgue doctor who previously told him that Black Lightning died from their last battle. In the episode "And Then the Devil Brought the Plague: The Book of Green Light", Black Lightning and Peter Gambi track the Green Light distribution to Joey Toledo. On a tip from Inspector Henderson, Black Lightning confronts Toledo, but his headaches incapacitate him, allowing Toledo to escape as he vows to Black Lightning that Tobias Whale will kill him. In the episode "Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder", Joey Toledo informs Tobias Whale of his encounter with Black Lightning and states that he has contacted Deputy Chief Zeke Caymen on where to find him. In the episode "Equinox: The Book of Fate", Joey Toledo is seen at Tobias Whale's club. He is killed by a disguised Peter Gambi during his raid to make it look like Lady Eve ordered the hit.


Adeline Kane

Adeline Kane, formerly Adeline Wilson, is best known as both the leader of the criminal organization the H.I.V.E. and the ex-wife of Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke the Terminator. An enemy of the Teen Titans, Adeline made her first appearance in New Teen Titans #34 (August 1983). She was brought up as a wealthy jet-setting playgirl, despite being trained by a father who had worked with Chinese guerrilla forces. But after a traumatic first marriage at 19, she joined the U.S. military, where she met, trained, and married Slade Wilson. After Slade left the military, Slade and Adeline took up the socialite lifestyle Adeline had been raised into.

Unbeknownst to her, Slade was using his hunting trips to gain clients for his mercenary side job, which resulted in the kidnapping and near-death of their younger son, Joseph. Enraged and betrayed by Slade's prioritization of Deathstroke's honor code over their son's well-being, Adeline shot her husband and, when he survived, served him with divorce papers.

Grant, who had idolized his father, rebelled against his mother and ran away to New York, where he ran into the Titans and ended up dying due to his alliance with the H.I.V.E. Slade vowed to pick up his dead son's contract against the Teen Titans; Adeline promptly interfered; she blamed Slade for Grant's death. Due to Adeline's intervention, Joseph, who had been working with her, joined the Titans as Jericho.

Joseph eventually became possessed by the spirits of Azarath. Begging his father to kill him in order to prevent the corrupted spirits from achieving their purpose, Adeline's only remaining son died at her husband's hand. Adeline found this out from one of her Searchers Inc. agents, rather than from Slade himself, which merely cemented her long-held grudge against her ex-husband.

Slade, however, held no grudge against her, keeping an eye out for her safety and attempting to aid her when he thought he could get away with it; e.g., when Adeline had been abducted by her first husband Morel, a.k.a. Count Tavolera, who had poisoned her in an attempt to force her to work with him to discover her ancestor Josiah Kane's treasure.

To save Adeline's life, Slade gave her some of his own serum-altered blood. This ended up driving her crazy; Slade's genotype had a unique mutation which enabled him to effectively metabolize his serum. Other less fortunate people either died or went insane.

For a time, Adeline went underground, slowly losing more and more of her normal cognitive abilities, though none of her tactical skills. She eventually turned herself into the H.I.V.E. Mistress, in her madness focusing on superheroes as the reason for her sons' death and creating a plan to kill all the superheroes that she could.

Her plot ultimately resulted in her death. Vandal Savage put a team together to take advantage of Adeline's plan, intending to take her immortal blood to create a sort of Fountain of Youth potion. With her throat cut, unable to die and yet unable to fully heal, Adeline regained her sanity briefly and pleaded with Slade (who had learned of her involvement and arrived to try and save her) to kill her and reunite her with their children. However, because he still had feelings for her no matter what she had done, he was unable to comply with her request, so Starfire killed her instead.

Adeline Kane in other media

Adeline made her live-action debut in season 2 of Titans portrayed by Mayko Nguyen.


  • Creators: Mike Baron and Jackson Guice
  • First appearance: Flash (vol. 2) #3 (August 1987)

Kilg%re was an electro-mechano-organic intelligence that needed electro-life to survive. It consumed its entire home planet in the Pleides sector and then moved on into space. It was attacked by something known as Meta#sker and placed into a vibrational limbo. Somehow, it found its way to the flats near Salt Lake City on Earth. It could only be seen by people traveling at high speeds, such as an F-15 pilot or the Flash. The Flash unknowingly released it from the limbo it was imprisoned in and it followed him to S.T.A.R. Labs and took over its electrical systems. Kilg%re found the number of machines on Earth ideal for its survival, but humans it deemed distractions and planned to destroy them. It delivered an ultimatum: abandon North America by 12:00 noon on May 10 or be destroyed. During a battle with the Flash in Salt Lake City, it turned out all the power in the country. The Flash sought the help of Cyborg, who used the Titans' satellite to relay the message to the governments of the world to shut down all power in order to kill Kilg%re. This scared it out of the power grid and it weaved a giant mechanical snake across the Utah flats, trying to complete a circuit by catching up with the cloned body of S.T.A.R. Labs' Dr. Schmitz in order to survive. However, the Flash outraced it, supposedly killing it. After Kilg%re's defeat at the hands of the Flash he appeared to be destroyed, but resurfaced in the form of a sentient computer mind hidden in a self-created computer operating system in a deep cave. When Maxwell Lord was spelunking one day, his then-president had fallen deep into the cave where Kilg%re lay dormant. Sensing a human life, Kilg%re decided to help coax Max into further succeeding his own plans, as well as Max's subconscious plans of self-actualization. To do this, Kilg%re decided to help Max start the new Justice League and grow the group into becoming more international. Kilg%re served in a behind-the-scenes role, constantly coaxing and manipulating Max into furthering his plans, such as gaining money, power and cutting-edge technology to give Kilg%re a stronger machine to inhabit. Through such advantages, Kilg%re and Max were able to create a better duplicate of the Justice League signal device, begin a recruitment drive and find willing villains, gaining additional muscle such as Booster Gold and a new Ace android. Kilg%re grew impatient and decided to start using bigger ideas, such as inciting an international incident to distract Justice League International. To do this, he found hidden technologies designed as a monitoring device by Metron. He launched the satellite, which was only defeated by Mister Miracle because he was used to New God technology. A serious mishap occurred during the Millenium event, in which the Manhunters took over the bodies of those they deemed were close enough to major figures to do damage. One of these Manhunters took over the body of the secretary of Max and, when she delivered coffee to him, she shot him four times. Rushing to Max's safety, Kilg%re promptly eliminated the threat by combining some of his technology with Max in order to save his life and kill the Manhunter. Max eventually learned of Kilg%re's tampering when half of Kilg%re was destroyed by the construct falling through the building that housed Kilg%re. In Kilg%re's fleeting moments, he threw another series of visions designed to tamper with Max's thoughts and implant Kilg%re into another larger system. Max refused and destroyed what was left of Kilg%re's last computing body. Doing so removed the cyborg self-repairing systems in Max's body, which landed him in the hospital. Kilg%re, however, was not completely destroyed.

Kilg%re appeared in DC Rebirth's Cyborg #01, 02 and 18 and The Flash/Speed Buggy Special #1.

Powers and abilities of Kilg%re

Kilg%re has a robot body, electrokinesis, electronic interaction, electronic disruption, electronic constructs, and superhuman speed.

Kilg%re in other media

  • A different depiction of Kilg%re appears in The Flash, portrayed by Dominic Burgess. This version is a computer programmer named Ramsey Deacon, who developed an application that was stolen by his teammates for self-profit, leaving him with nothing. Ramsey was one of the 12 passengers on the bus which was hit by dark matter when the Flash/Barry Allen escaped the Speed Force, becoming a metahuman who can control and manipulate technology. In the episode "Mixed Signals", Ramsey, taking the name "Kilg%re", used his powers to take revenge on his former teammates, killing one and nearly doing the same to the others, until he was stopped by Team Flash and remanded to Iron Heights. In the episode "True Colors", Kilg%re is among the metahuman inmates at Iron Heights Penitentiary that Warden Wolfe planned to sell to Blacksmith. When Warden Wolfe outs Barry's true identity to Blacksmith, Dwarfstar, Hazard, Kilg%re, and Black Bison, they prepare to attack, only for the Thinker to arrive and absorb the powers of the four metahumans while killing them.
  • Kilg%re appears in the tie-in comic Justice League Adventures #28.
  • Kilg%re appears in the tie-in comic Green Lantern: The Animated Series #14.

King Cobra

There have been at least two different characters named the King Cobra in DC Comics.

Batman villain

The King Cobra is a mob boss in Gotham City who wears a green snake costume. He is the leader of a criminal group called the Cobra Gang. He makes his first appearance in Batman #139 (April 1961).[133]

Shadow villain

This version of the King Cobra is a New York City gangster and an enemy to Kent Allard.[134]

Other versions of the King Cobra

The King Cobra in other media

  • The Batman version of the King Cobra appears in the animated main title sequence of the 1966 Batman TV series. This makes the King Cobra the first Batman villain from the comics to appear in animated form.
  • A different depiction of the King Cobra appears in the episode "Splicers" of the TV series Batman Beyond, voiced by Tim Dang. This version is an enemy of Batman/Terry McGinnis, and is also one of the Splicers where he has the DNA of a snake, thanks to Dr. Abel Cuvier.
  • The Batman version of the King Cobra appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episodes "A Bat Divided!" and "The Vile and the Villainous!".
  • The Batman version of the King Cobra appears in Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold.


Kirigi is a martial arts master in DC Comics. The character, created by James Owsley and Jim Aparo, first appeared in Batman #431 (March 1989). Within the context of the stories, Kirigi taught Bruce Wayne the art of ninjitsu when Bruce approached him for martial arts training. He was later hired by Ra's al Ghul to train members of the League of Assassins in ninjutsu such as Bronze Tiger, Bruce and Kyodai Ken. Batman visited Kirigi when he recognized some of the moves done by the League of Assassins members that Kirigi taught him. [138]

Kirigi in other media

Kirigi appears in the video game Batman: Arkham Origins, voiced by Kaiji Tang. He is featured in the "Initiation" DLC challenge map. Before he becomes Batman, Bruce Wayne approaches his dojo in the mountains of North Korea and asks Kirigi to train him. Kirigi lets him train with him and his students for a while out of pity and later tests him to see if he is worthy. Depending on how the player operates Bruce Wayne during this performance, there are three different endings after Bruce Wayne defeats Lady Shiva. If the player completes the challenge map with less than nine medals, Kirigi states that Bruce is the best foreigner that he has trained, yet he does not say much. Kirigi then sends Bruce to find a bucket and broom in order to clean the latrines. If the player completes the challenge map with nine or more medals, Kirigi is impressed with Bruce's progress, yet states that he still has a lot to learn. For the time being, Kirigi then sends Bruce to find a rag in order to clean the floors. If the player completes the challenge map with all 15 medals, Kirigi states to Bruce that he is impressed and, at the same time, also states that he is rarely impressed. Upon telling Bruce that he has gained his dojo's respect and proven himself worthy, Kirigi states that he will be given the information that he seeks. Bruce is sent to the kitchen by Kirigi to prepare tea for him and all of Kirigi's students, where there is much to discuss.


Komodo (Simon Lacroix) first appears in Green Arrow (vol. 5) #17 (April 2013).[139][58]:170 He was created by writer Jeff Lemire and artist Andrea Sorrentino. Komodo was once Robert Queen's protégé and was part of Robert's expedition to find the "Arrow Totem", which was said to bring enlightenment. Seeking this enlightenment for himself, Lacroix betrayed and murdered Robert, but could not find the Totem. Consumed by his desire for the Totem's enlightenment, Lacroix strove to destroy Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow and became the masked archer "Komodo". Through his company Stellmoor International, he works on behalf of the Outsiders, a shadowy secret society of warriors from different weapon disciplines, which he wants to rule.[140] Komodo travels with his equally deadly "daughter" Emiko, who, in fact, is the daughter of Robert Queen and the archer Shado. Emiko later learns this and is shocked, and learning that both her parents were alive, turned against Komodo. He attempted to kill her but, ultimately, she killed him with an arrow shot through his heart.[141]

Komodo in other media

Komodo also appears in the Arrow season three episode "Sara", portrayed by Matt Ward. This version is described as a mercenary from Sainte-Sophie, Quebec. He begins targeting several businessmen in Star City (including Ray Palmer), but is prevented by Team Arrow for the latter target. Arrow and the others think that he killed Sara Lance, but he denies it, which is proven to be correct. Komodo then escapes from them and is never seen again.


Kulak is a sorcerer and supervillain in the DC Universe.[142]

The character, created by Jerry Siegel and Bernard Baily, first appeared in All Star Comics #2 (Fall 1940).

Within the context of the stories, Kulak is the high priest of the dead planet Brztal who had been imprisoned on Earth in antiquity. When released by archeologists in 1940, he seeks to destroy Earth, but is defeated by the Spectre.[143]

The character was not used again until 1983, when he appears in a three-part story published in All-Star Squadron, and has rarely been used since.


Lady Eve

Lady Eve is a fictional supervillainess created by Mike W. Barr and Alan Davis, making her first appearance in Batman and the Outsiders #24 (Aug. 1985).

Little is known about Lady Eve's past, but she first met the terrorist cult leader Kobra (Jeffrey Burr) in Egypt where she nursed him back to health. In gratitude, Kobra offered Eve to join him in exchange for a better life. She accepted and eventually became Kobra's lover, as well as a high-ranking member of the Kobra Cult. She and Kobra once hatched a plot to brainwash top officials of the U.S. Army and steal a satellite defense program to blackmail the United States government, but Batman and the Outsiders eventually stopped them both.[144]

Lady Eve would later assemble a second incarnation of Strike Force Kobra. When this version of Strike Force Kobra was defeated by the Eradicator's incarnation of the Outsiders, even after the death of the third Syonide, Lady Eve called Kobra for help, only for him to tell them to surrender. This action caused a strain between Kobra and Lady Eve.[145]

In DC Rebirth, Lady Eve kills a Kobra operative after Katana stole Dr. Helga Jace from them. This leads the Kobra organization into attacking the nearby Markovian village, Lady Eve confronts Katana and the two duel almost to a standstill, until a child distracts Katana. This enables Lady Eve to gain the upper hand and make off with Dr. Jace.[146] Lady Eve has the Kobra soldiers place everybody against the wall. While Katana works to catch up to Dr. Jace, Lady Eve runs into Violet Harper, where she gives the details for her illness and cure. Afterwards, Lady Eve and the Kobra soldiers left her to begin to self-narcotisise.[147] When Lady Eve gets Katana in bondage, the Suicide Squad arrives to rescue Katana.[148] When Lady Eve gets the Soultaker at the time when Katana, Prince Brion Markov, and the Suicide Squad are captured by the Kobra organization, Katana breaks free and kicks the Soultaker out of Lady Eve's hands, while debilitating her.[149] King Kobra and Lady Eve arrange for Dr. Jace to have an Aurakle bound to a comatose Violet.[150] During the fight with the Aurakles, Katana accidentally uses the Soultaker on Lady Eve, while King Kobra escapes.[151]

Lady Eve in other media

  • Lady Eve appears in the tie-in comics Justice League: The Animated Series Guide and Justice League Adventures #23.
  • A variation of Lady Eve appears in Black Lightning, portrayed by Jill Scott.[152] Evelyn Stillwater-Ferguson is the owner of a funeral parlor who connects Tobias Whale with a secret group of corrupt leaders that gave him leadership over the 100. She also has ties to Peter Gambi. Lady Eve is later murdered by Tobias' men as part of a plan to frame Black Lightning and also avenging Joey Toledo when Peter Gambi left the blame of his death on Lady Eve's group. It was later revealed that she was an old friend of Lazarus Prime who taught him some of her tricks. Baron later found her picture on Gambi's computer when trying to find out who tried to have Gambi killed. Lady Eve was shown to be revived offscreen and is the head of the Ultimate O business where she starts to develop some competition with Lala and the remnants of the 100.

Lillian Luthor

Lillian Luthor (portrayed by Alisen Down) was the mother of Alexander Luthor and Julian Luthor, as well as the wife of Lionel Luthor.


Lillian had a long and prolific role in the TV series Smallville.

Lillian came from a wealthy family. How she met Lionel is unclear, but they were married sometime before the 1980s. By all accounts, Lillian was a caring, beautiful and sophisticated person, as well as comments made by Lex and Lionel have indicated that she had a spirited personality, had ambitions of her own and often stood up to Lionel.

Eventually, Lillian began to wonder about the special projects that Lionel had. She searched for answers and found something called "Veritas". However, Alexander saw her going through his father's briefcase, so Lillian asked him not to tell anyone. When Lionel found out, he immediately blamed Alexander and forced him to tell the truth. When Alexander did, Lillian insisted Lionel explain what Veritas was, but Lionel knocked her to the floor instead and warned her not to look into his projects again. Lillian felt angered and disgusted by Alexander's betrayal.

Sometime later, Lillian became ill with a heart condition that worsened over the rest of her life. Lionel hired a nurse named Rachel Dunleavy to assist her. Rachel and Lionel subsequently had an affair, resulting in the birth of Lionel's illegitimate son, Lucas. It is unclear whether Lillian knew of the affair or the child.

Lillian was helped by a nanny, Pamela Jenkins, who Alexander regarded as a second mother. Lionel was often absent from home and Lillian insisted that he take Alexander on one of his business trips to Smallville during the meteor shower of 1989. Lionel's resulting shame and constant critique of Alexander bothered Lillian greatly.

Sometime in the early 1990s, Lionel insisted that they have another child, an idea that Lillian was highly opposed to, presumably because of her poor health. However, when Alexander was 11, Lillian became pregnant again. She insisted that Alexander be allowed to come home for school from Excelsior Academy and Lionel complied. Her pregnancy was strenuous and Lillian was bedridden for much of it. On Alexander's disastrous 12th birthday (which no one attended), Lillian gave him a lead box allegedly made from the armor of St. George, which he kept into adulthood and later gave to Clark Kent.

After baby Julian's birth, Lillian descended into a deep case of postpartum depression, refusing to hold the child and crying perpetually. One evening, Lionel sent the baby's nanny home and insisted that Lillian bond with the child. Lillian expressed her concern that Lionel would pit the two boys against each other and announced that she wanted a divorce, a threat that she had apparently made many times and that Lionel had called "tiresome".

On returning home from work one night, Lionel discovered Alexander in the baby's nursery. Alexander immediately apologized and confessed to accidentally killing Julian while trying to stop him from crying. Lionel erupted into a fierce rage and struck Alexander. Their relationship never recovered, even after he became an adult. It was not until years later, after receiving experimental therapy to recall repressed memories, that he remembered that Lillian had in fact smothered the baby during one of her delusions, hoping to spare him from Lionel's maltreatment. Alexander took the blame, correctly assuming that his father would cover it up in order to protect his sole heir, although he would probably be less inclined to do so for his wife.

Sometime before her death Lillian, along with Lex and Lionel, went to a ranch in Montana to spend time together. During that time, a snake spooked Lillian's horse, prompting Lionel to save her and wait on her until she was better.

After Julian's death, Lillian's health rapidly deteriorated and she died several months later in the spring of 1993 when Alexander was 13. He later confessed to Clark that he was in denial about her impending death and spent the time researching treatments and doctors instead of being with her. Lex also told Lana Lang that he was away at boarding school when Lillian died and found out about her passing from reporters who had sneaked into his school.

Lillian left her shares of LuthorCorp to her son and Pamela.

Lillian's death was extremely influential in the adult Lex's life. He had visions of his mother on many occasions. When Lex was shot and ended up in a coma, he had a near-death experience. In it, Lillian visited him and showed Lex an alternate life of happiness that he could have if he would simply walk away from Lionel and LuthorCorp. However, at the end of the vision, Lana (his dream wife) suffered complications during childbirth. Because of Lex's lack of resources and estrangement from his father, he was unable to transfer Lana to a better facility and she died: this led Lex to believe that Lana died because he lacked enough money and power: with these, everything else in life could be secured. As a result, Lex ignored his mother's warning and continued his lifestyle of deceit and corruption. After realizing this, Lillian was seen in the reflection of a hospital window crying over her son's choice.

When Lex was injected with the Limbo drug, which placed its users in a state of "clinical death", he met Lillian again, who told him that she was angry with him for ignoring her advice.

When Lex was shot and went into a coma, Clark Kent and Lionel used a machine that allowed Clark to enter Lex's mind in order to find Lois Lane and Kara Kent. In Lex's mind, Clark met a young version of Lex and the two hid from a psychotic and murderous adult Lex. In the memory featuring Lillian snooping in Lionel's briefcase, Clark witnessed Lionel's verbal and physical abuse of both Lex and Lillian, as well as watched Lex try to help his mother up, but Lillian uncharacteristically told him that he had done enough and walked away from him.

Lillian Luthor in comics

In DC Comics, Lex Luthor's mother is named Arlene Luthor. In later incarnations, her name was changed to "Leticia" even though she remained unnamed in most of her appearances.

Lillian Luthor in other media

Lillian Luthor (known as the Doctor) appears in Supergirl, portrayed by Brenda Strong. Dr. Lillian Luthor is a scientist, the leader of Project Cadmus, the wife of the late Lionel Luthor, the mother of Lex Luthor and the adoptive mother of Lena Luthor.


Lunkhead is an enemy of Batman who became an inmate at Arkham Asylum. Lunkhead was clearly stupid, but exhibited massive strength; he made an enemy of the Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker) when he smashed Wesker's companion, Scarface. He was sacrificed to the devil by a pack of demons, along with many others, when the Ventriloquist threw his voice to make it seem as though Lunkhead was volunteering to be thrown into the fiery pit with the rest of the damned.

Lunkhead in other media

  • Lunkhead appears in Beware the Batman, voiced by JB Blanc. He is a reformed criminal who was beaten into a coma for two months by Batman. He was part of a therapy program in Blackgate Penitentiary alongside Margaret Sorrow. Lunkhead was released and has been a reformed criminal. Lieutenant James Gordon asks him about Margaret, bribing him with chocolate.
  • Lunkhead appears in the Gotham episode "A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups", portrayed by Hank Strong. This version is an African-American strongman and had known Jerome Valeska's uncle Zachary Trumble. When he showed up to assist Zachary, Jerome spilled some soup on him. Upon Bruce Wayne arriving, he fought against Lunkhead and defeated him.


Matches Malone

First appearanceBatman #242 (June 1972)
Created byDennis O'Neil, Irv Novick, Dick Giordano

Matches Malone was originally a Gotham gang boss who Batman attempted to recruit to help him take down Ra's al Ghul. When he was accidentally killed by a ricocheting bullet that was meant for Batman, Batman began to impersonate him to use his underworld contacts and to fool Ra's.[153]

Post-Crisis, he was a relatively small-time arsonist with his brother Carver and who came to Gotham City early on in Batman's career, attracting Batman's attention when Carver was apparently murdered. Although Matches was the prime suspect, there was no concrete evidence to make the charges stick and Matches was released, only for Batman to subsequently find what appeared to be Matches' dead body in another fire, apparently a suicide. However, Batman never reported the death; at the time, he had been attempting to establish a criminal alias for himself to help him gather information, but the exclusive nature of the criminal sects meant that no one would recruit someone that they had not heard of, prompting him to adopt Matches' identity and use it for his own.

However, years later, Batman learned the truth about what had happened. Carver's death had actually been a suicide prompted by his guilt over a fire that he and Matches had started that resulted in the death of a homeless man resting in the building they had torched, with Matches making the body look like a murder victim because he was ashamed of his brother's suicide. Subsequently, deciding to escape Batman stalking him for the crime, Matches used the body of their earlier victim to fake his own death, with Batman being so eager to establish his criminal alias that he never took the time to definitively confirm the body's identity. After operating underground for years by committing low-end robberies, Matches returned to Gotham after hearing reports of 'his' activities, only to be shot by Scarface for 'his' recent betrayal, surviving long enough to simply confess his role in events to Batman and Nightwing before dying, with his last request being that Batman bury him next to his brother Carver.

Having destroyed Scarface in 'revenge' for Matches' death, Batman commented to Nightwing later on that he continued using the Matches identity because, in the years he had spent playing Matches, he had come to recognize that Matches was not an evil man, but had done some bad things that he never had the chance to make up for, regarding his use of Matches' name as a chance to give Matches some absolution.

The "Matches Malone" identity indirectly caused the events of Batman: War Games; after she was fired as Robin, Stephanie Brown attempted to implement an old plan of Batman's that would allow him to take control of the city's criminal organisations, hoping that this would impress Batman enough to convince him to take her back. Unfortunately, she was unaware that Batman's agent who was meant to take control of the meeting, Matches Malone, was actually Batman himself, resulting in tensions between the crime families flaring up and most of them being killed in the subsequent stand-off, leading into the subsequent gang wars and Stephanie's own apparent death.

In The Batman Adventures comic book series, Batman uses the Matches Malone guise against the False Face Society and a backstory reveals Malone was a low-level enforcer for Rupert Thorne who agreed to become a snitch for Batman and Commissioner Gordon against Thorne. But, when Malone began skimming cash from Thorne, he was shot to death by "two Chicago triggers" who go by the monikers Dapper (for always dressing well) and Cricket (for his short wiry build). Upon finding the dying Malone and being told that his killers went to a well-known Chinese restaurant, Batman removed his glasses—and was shocked by what Malone looked like. Batman took Malone's guise, defeated the two hitmen and sent them to prison, and has used the guise ever since.

Matches Malone in other media

  • In the aborted Tom Mankiewicz script The Batman, the character is named Jimmy Malone, being a simple criminal accomplice to the Joker.[154]
  • The character, renamed Matthew "Matches" Malone, is used in Batman: The Brave and the Bold as an alias by Batman (voiced by Diedrich Bader). In the episode "Chill of the Night!", Batman uses the name variation during a trip to the past with the Phantom Stranger to see Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne years before their deaths and unaware that Malone is their grown son. In the episode "The Mask of Matches Malone!", Batman gets amnesia while in his Matches Malone persona and believes himself to actually be a gangster.
  • The character appears again, this time renamed Patrick "Matches" Malone, in the live-action Gotham TV series, portrayed by Danny Schoch in his first masked appearance and by Michael Bowen in the second appearance. This version is a philosophical hitman-for-hire who is one of Gotham City's deadliest murderers and was an old partner of Mutants leader Terence "Cupcake" Shaw. He is the masked man in shiny shoes who killed Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne in front of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle (who was watching from the highest part of the fire escape), taking Joe Chill's place in the comics and most adaptations. This has led Detective James Gordon into finding him in order to bring to justice. Silver St. Cloud revealed the killer's identity to be Patrick. When Bruce finally confronts Patrick, Patrick stated that he was tired of doing bad things, while barely recalling if he killed Bruce's parents and Bruce decides not to kill Patrick. Using the gun that Bruce left behind, Patrick committed suicide by the time Gordon caught up with Bruce. Gordon and Harvey Bullock were left wondering who could have hired Malone to kill Thomas and Martha (which was eventually revealed to be Hugo Strange).


Publication information
PublisherDC Comics
First appearancePamela: Action Comics #775 (March 2001)
Sonja: JLA #100 (August 2004)
Created byJoe Kelly and Doug Mahnke
In-story information
Alter egoPamela
Team affiliationsJustice League
The Elite
AbilitiesControls symbiotic alien parasites

Menagerie is a name shared by two anti-heroines in the DC Universe, both members of the Elite.[155] The two are Puerto Rican sisters who are linked with a symbiotic alien weapon crèche called symbeasts. Menagerie appears in Superman vs. The Elite, voiced by Melissa Disney and Supergirl, played by Jessica Meraz.

Pamela first appears in Action Comics #775 (March 2001). While the origins of her powers are unclear in Action Comics #775, Manchester Black states that the rogue Men in Black (from the Department of Extranormal Operations) once picked up the dregs of society, turning them into weapons and selling them off to the highest alien bidder. Black recruits Pam to be a member of the Elite. This group takes it upon themselves to "free the Earth of scum". They come into conflict with Superman during their first mission and Superman disables them following a showdown on Jupiter's moon, Io. The Elite are delivered into custody, but soon released by President Lex Luthor.[156] During an assassination attempt on Luthor, Menagerie reveals to Superman that the Elite are acting against their wills. For her betrayal, Black induces a stroke in her, putting her in a permanent vegetative state.[157]

Sonja first appears in JLA #100 (August 2004). Upon Black's apparent death, his sister, Vera Black, takes it upon herself to clear the family name and reassembles the Elite as a force for good. As Sister Superior she convinces Pamela's sister, Sonja, to assume control of the alien cache as the second Menagerie. Vera then approaches the JLA with a proposition to form a sort of black ops JLA team: Justice League Elite.[158] Sonja's hatred of Manchester Black becomes a hatred of the Elite. Sonja sees this as her opportunity to kill Vera's dream, so she plays along and joins the team. In their first mission, Menagerie secretly coaxes Coldcast into killing the foreign terrorist dictator, Hi-Shan Bhat.[159] Menagerie lays low during the fallout and puts effort into her personal relationship with Coldcast. The two become lovers and are drawn together by their shared affection for Pamela. Then, while most of the Elite goes underground, Vera is finally fully overtaken by the disembodied Manchester Black.[160]

While Black threatens Earth with a Fourth World god, Menagerie goes missing and Coldcast is arrested by the JLA for Bhat's murder. Coldcast confesses to the murder and is taken to the Slab prison. There he is visited by the spirit of the recently departed Manitou Raven, who frees him from Menagerie's control.[161] Coldcast is exonerated and the team tracks Sonja to Costa Rica. She is taken into JLA custody, deprived of the aliens, and begins a gradual separation that they hope will sever her connection to the symbeasts.[162]

Powers and abilities of Menagerie

The symbeasts can be assembled to shift over the host to form various shapes and weapons such as claws, spikes or whips. Most commonly, they form around the body and take the form of wings, enabling Menagerie to fly. She can also instruct them to take other forms, or detach from her body and operate independently. One creature has a bite that can force its victims to tell the truth. According to Vera Black, there is also a creature among the creche that can create bio-electric bursts. Menagerie has acidic blood as well and Sonja often allows herself to get hurt by her opponents as a combat tactic.

Menagerie in other media

Menagerie appears in Superman vs. The Elite, voiced by Melissa Disney.

A variation of the Pamela version of Menagerie appears in her self-titled Supergirl episode portrayed by Jessica Meraz. In this show, Pamela Ferrer is a jewel thief who got bonded to a snake-like alien, transforming her into Menagerie. After she killed her partner Chuck and some other people, Menagerie was confronted by Supergirl, the Martian Manhunter, Brainiac 5, and Alex Danvers. Their fight attracted the attention of the Children of Liberty. When Menagerie planned to rob the masquerade ball, she encountered Nia Nal and Supergirl and George Lockwood show up. While she did manage to subdue Supergirl, the snake-like alien on Menagerie was beheaded by George. President Baker made an example out of Menagerie and had her incarcerated. While in her cell, Menagerie received a pleasing letter from Manchester Black. In the episode "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?", Menagerie escapes from prison and forms the Elite alongside Manchester Black, the Hat, and an unnamed Morae.


First appearanceLegion of Super-Heroes #14 (September 1985)
Created byPaul Levitz and Steve Lightle
AbilitiesTelepathy and Psi Invisibity
AliasesDelya Castil

Mentalla (Delya Castil) was a rejected Legion candidate who infiltrated the Fatal Five, but was found out and subsequently murdered by the Emerald Empress.


First appearanceTeen Titans (vol. 3) #38 (September 2006)
Created byGeoff Johns and Carlos Ferreira
AbilitiesAbility to shrink

Molecule is a superhero in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Carlos Ferreira, first appeared in Teen Titans (vol. 3) #38 (September 2006).

Within the context of the stories, Molecule is a teen superhero patterned after the Atom and a member of the Teen Titans during the "one-year gap" between the series Infinite Crisis and the "One Year Later" storyline. He is one of a group of teen heroes attacked by the Terror Titans and put in the arena of the Dark Side Club. While trying to escape, he is severed in two by the Persuader.[163]


Mongal is a fictional supervillain in the DC Universe. She made her first unnamed appearance in Showcase '95 #8 (September 1995); her first appearance as Mongal was in Superman (vol. 2) #170 (July 2001).

Mongal is the sister of Mongul II (who is the son of Mongul I), introduced by her brother to Superman in Superman #170. When Krypto the Superdog nearly killed Mongul II, Mongal escaped and reappeared to destroy New York City. After Maxima's death in the Our Worlds at War miniseries, Mongal was chosen as the ruler of Maxima's homeworld of Almerac and was established as a galactic threat to Superman.

After a squabble with her brother in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #8 (March 2006), Mongul II decapitated her with a punch, stating family to be a weakness.

Her desiccated body appears in Green Lantern Corps #20 as the target to Mongul II's ramblings. Mongul II, newly imbued with a Sinestro Corps ring, taunts her skull by saying he would be the one to carry on their father's legacy and then drops it from the sky.

Mongal possesses superhuman strength and stamina.

Mongal in other media

  • Mongal appeared in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Gary Anthony Williams, in the episode "Duel of the Double-Crossers!". This version is the sister of Mongul and is shown to be very competitive towards him.
  • DC Super Hero Girls: Mongal debuted in Season 4, Episode 21 "Tamaranean Dance Club Part 1", with the rest of Korugar Academy.
  • DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games: Mongal is one of the participants in the games as part of the Korugar Academy. She is seen in several competitions: a jumping game (in which she bends her ankle); a robot competition with Lobo against Batgirl and the Bumblebee (her robot is destroyed by Batgirl and Lobo's is defeated by the Bumblebee) and the final game, which is interrupted by Lena Luthor's attack. At the beginning of the conflict, Sinestro does not want to be involved and orders his students to retreat, returning to Korugar. She is voiced by Julianne Grossman.
  • Mongal will make her live-action debut in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad, portrayed by Mayling Ng.[164]

Sophie Moore

Sophie "Gimme" Moore is a character in DC Comics.

The character first appeared in Detective Comics #859 and was created by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III.

Sophie Moore was a cadet captain at West Point, where she held the rank of S-3, or Operations Officer. She was also the roommate and girlfriend of Kate Kane, who was herself the Brigade Executive Officer. The two boxed competitively at the academy, with a strong implication that Kate beat Sophie in an academy championship match before their senior year.[165] When Kate resigned from the academy due to DADT allegations, she did not rat out Sophie.[166]

In The New 52 onward, Sophie's history with Kate remains intact. After graduating from West Point, Sophie eventually made the rank of colonel and accepted a teaching position at Gotham Military Academy. She later reunites with Kate by chance at a charity carnival where she learns that Kate is engaged to Maggie Sawyer, and attempts to schedule a lunch with Kate, to no avail.[167]

Sophie Moore in other media

Sophie Moore appears in Batwoman, portrayed by Meagan Tandy.[168] Unlike in the comics, in the show Sophie is also accused of homosexual conduct for her relationship with Kate, though she still decides to stay in the military. She later became a high-level agent of Crows Security. The episode "Grinning From Ear to Ear" introduced her mother Diane (portrayed by Jeryl Prescott) who likes Batman but dislikes Batwoman due to the heroine's status as an out lesbian.


First appearanceFirestorm #1 (March 1978)
Created byGerry Conway
Al Milgrom
AbilitiesSelf-duplication, superhuman strength
AliasesDanton Black

Multiplex is a supervillain in the DC Universe.[169]

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom, first appeared as Danton Black in Firestorm #1 (March 1978) and as Multiplex in Firestorm #2 (April 1978).[170]

Within the context of the stories, Danton Black is a nuclear physicist who worked as Martin Stein's assistant in the designing of the Hudson Nuclear Facility. Feeling that he is not receiving his due credit, he begins stealing lab equipment. When he is caught by Stein and fired, he publicly accuses Stein of stealing his designs for the power plant. He breaks into the plant to steal blueprints to fabricate evidence on the same night that Stein attempts to bring it on line. Caught in the same explosion that fuses Stein and Ronnie Raymond into Firestorm, he gains the ability to split himself into identical duplicates, though those duplicates are smaller than the original, and get smaller the more he splits.[171]

Multiplex was a member of the Suicide Squad team tasked with capturing Firestorm when the hero attempted to coerce the nations of the Earth to destroy their nuclear weapons. Multiplex ran afoul of the Parasite, a dangerous villain brought along as a last resort, and appeared to be completely eaten by him.

Multiplex returned years later as an unwilling servant of the Thinker. He claimed to be the same villain that Firestorm had faced before, though he had no explanation as to how he was still alive. His powers had changed, as his duplicates were not reduced in size and appeared to be disposable.

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. During the Forever Evil storyline, Multiplex appears as a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains. The Crime Syndicate sent Multiplex with Black Bison, the Hyena, Plastique and Typhoon to finish Gorilla Grodd's job. The villains ended up defeated by the Rogues, since one of their targets was the hospital that Captain Cold's sister was recuperating at.[8]

Multiplex in other media

Michael Christopher Smith portrays Danton Black/Multiplex on The CW's The Flash. In the episode "Fastest Man Alive", Black appears as a former Stagg Industries employee, determined to get revenge on his former boss Simon Stagg who had stolen Black's research in cloning, which led to the death of Black's wife. As a result of being caught in an energy surge caused from a malfunctioning particle accelerator coupled with testing his experiment on himself, Black gained the ability to duplicate himself. However, his clones have no mind of their own and have to be mentally controlled by him. After first getting the upper hand on the Flash, Black is later defeated by the speedster after he realizes that Black is weakened by the strain of making hundreds of clones, allowing him to identify the original Black based on which Black appears to be under genuine strain. Trying to tackle the Flash leads to Black falling out of a window; though the Flash tries to save him, Black chooses to fall to his apparent death. Cisco Ramon briefly nicknames Black "Captain Clone", but later changes it to Multiplex.


Mysto the Magician Detective
Publication information
PublisherDC Comics
First appearanceDetective Comics #203 (January 1954)
Created byGeorge Kashdan (script)
Leonard Starr (art)
In-story information
Alter egoRichard "Rick" Carter
AbilitiesSkilled magician

Mysto the Magician Detective is a fictional character in the DC Universe. He first appeared in Detective Comics #203 (January 1954).

Publication history

Mysto was a regular back-up feature in Detective Comics #203–212 (October 1954). He was dropped when Detective Comics went from 44 pages to 36.[172] Mysto's only Modern Age appearance was in Detective Comics #500 (March 1981), in a special anniversary story featuring Slam Bradley, Roy Raymond, and many other detectives that had once appeared in previous issues.[173][174]

Fictional character biography

Rick Carter is a Wildcat flier piloting a small single-engine plane over the Tibetan plains when he spots three bandits chasing a lone old man. In gratitude for Carter saving the old man's life, Carter is taught ancient mysticism as well as tricks of the marketplace. Carter and his manservant Sikhi return to the United States to fight crime using his skills as a stage magician.

Powers and abilities of Mysto

Mysto is a skilled stage illusionist, who uses his powers to confuse criminals. He is also an above-average detective.



Nereus is the ruler of Xebel who first appeared in Aquaman (vol. 7) #19 as part of The New 52 reboot and was created by Geoff Johns and Paul Pelletier.

In his early life, Nereus started out as a Xebel military chief to King Ryus and was to be betrothed to the king's daughter Mera. Before the wedding could begin, Nereus and Mera were tasked to kill the King of Atlantis as part of their revenge for their imprisonment in the Bermuda Triangle.[175]

When King Ryus died and Mera fell in love with Aquaman, Nereus was sworn in as the new King of Xebel. Some years later, Mera returned to Xebel, where Nereus discovered that Mera did not kill Aquaman. When Nereus tried to kill Mera, the enemy in ice that pursued Mera appeared and froze all of Xebel.[176] The frozen enemy introduced himself as Atlan the First King of Atlantis, who had awakened from his slumber and wanted his kingdoms back. Nereus swore his allegiance to the Dead King Atlan.[176] When Aquaman arrived, he and Mera fled from Xebel when Nereus and his men pursued them. Nereus led his forces into invading Atlantis, where Mera was captured.[177]

Some months later, Nereus was tasked by Atlan to find the other four Atlantean kingdoms where the Trench, the first one that was found, was. After Atlan was defeated, Nereus found the Ocean Master in Louisiana and told him that he knows where the other four Atlantean kingdoms are.[178]

Nereus in other media

Nereus appears in the DC Extended Universe film Aquaman portrayed by Dolph Lundgren.[179] This version is Mera's father. Using a submarine provided to him by David Kane, Orm tricks Nereus into siding with him in his campaign against the surface world while arranging for Mera to be betrothed to him. After Mera helps Aquaman escape, Orm tells Nereus that Mera perished in the escape. Nereus accompanied Orm in his trip to the Kingdom of the Fishermen. When the Fisherman King Ricou turned down Orm's offer, he was killed while Nereus killed the two guards that tried to avenge him. Nereus then watched as Orm persuaded King Ricou's wife Queen Rina and daughter Princess Scales to take the offer. During the attack on the Kingdom of the Brine where Orm became the Ocean Master, Nereus fought the Brine soldiers and told the Ocean Master that they need the Brine King alive. When Aquaman arrives on the back of the leviathan Karathan and summons an army of sea creatures, Nereus is told by Princess Scales that Aquaman is also commanding the Trench, which Nereus considered impossible. Mera finds her father and informs him that Aquaman has King Atlan's trident, causing Nereus to switch sides. He then watches Aquaman's duel with the Ocean Master, where Aquaman is victorious, and even sees Atlanna appear. As the Ocean Master is taken away by the Atlantean guards, Nereus and the other Atlantean kingdoms accept Aquaman as their leader.

Nereus appears in Lego DC Super-Villains. He appears as part of the "Aquaman" DLC.


Chief O'Hara

First appearanceWorld's Finest Comics #159 (August 1966)
Created byEdmond Hamilton and Curt Swan

Chief Miles Clancy O'Hara is a member of the Gotham City Police Department in the DC Universe based on the character of the same name from the television series Batman, portrayed by Stafford Repp.

The character, as adapted by Edmond Hamilton and Curt Swan, first appeared in the DC Universe in World's Finest Comics #159 (August 1966).

Within the context of the stories, Chief O'Hara is the chief of police during the early days of Batman's career. O'Hara was the first victim of the Hangman serial killer.[180]

Alternate versions of Chief O'Hara

Chief O'Hara in other media


First appearanceSuperman (1978 film)
first appearance in the mainstream DC Universe was in Superman Returns: Prequel Comic #3 (August 2006)
Created byMario Puzo
David Newman
Leslie Newman
Robert Benton
Tom Mankiewicz

Otis is Lex Luthor's bumbling henchman from the films Superman (1978) and Superman II (1980), portrayed by Ned Beatty.


Otis was a henchman working for Lex Luthor when he was plotting to steal two nuclear test missiles from the United States military in order to pull off the greatest criminal real estate scheme of owning hundreds of acres of land east of the San Andreas Fault by destroying much of California with an earthquake. Otis was put in the same penitentiary as Lex Luthor after Superman stopped the missiles and the earthquake.

In Superman II, he joined Luthor in his escape from prison when Eve Teschmacher arrived in a hot-air balloon to provide a getaway vehicle that would take him north to "Superman's secret", the Fortress of Solitude. Unfortunately, Otis was left behind in the penitentiary when he tried to climb up the balloon's ladder and caused it to be pulled toward the ground, forcing Luthor to dislodge the ladder from the balloon.

Otis in comics

Otis appears in Forever Evil #2 (December 2013). He appears as a LexCorp security guard. Otis is killed by Bizarro when Lex Luthor releases him from his stasis tube.

Alternate versions of Otis

Otis appears in Superman Family Adventures #05 and 07.


  • In The World's Greatest Super Friends episode "Lex Luthor Strikes Back", there is a character based on Otis named Orville Gump (voiced by William Callaway). Orville Gump was the bumbling sidekick of criminal mastermind Lex Luthor.
  • Dr. Otis Ford appears in the Smallville season 4 episode "Scare", portrayed by Malcolm Stewart. Otis is a doctor employed by LuthorCorp to manage a defense contract project involving a gas that causes exposed people to hallucinate their worst nightmare.
  • Otis appears in the Young Justice episode "Satisfaction", voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson and in the "Young Justice" tie-in comic book #21-22. Otis is the commander of Lex Luthor's security force.
  • Otis Graves appears in season 4 of Supergirl, portrayed by Robert Baker. This version is Mercy Graves' brother and a former Project Cadmus agent. Mercy and Otis are seemingly killed by the Hellgrammite, who surrendered to the DEO. Otis turns up alive, where he was the one who sniped Jimmy Olsen, as it was revealed that Lex made him into Metallo. When Supergirl and Lena Luthor found information in Lex Luthor's cell, Otis was told to go into a location and stand there as Otis explodes. Lex then has Otis put back together. Ben later visits Otis, where he unknowingly tells him of Lex Luthor's plot to look like he reformed. This causes Ben to kill Otis. In the episode "It's a Super Life", Mister Mxyzptlk shows Kara a possible reality where she revealed her identity to Lena from the start. This led to Otis and Agent Liberty abducting Lena Luthor and Thomas Coville in order to coerce Supergirl into revealing her identity.
  • Otis appears in Superman Returns: Prequel Comic #3 (August 2006).
  • Otis Berg appears in the Smallville Season 11 tie-in comics. Otis Berg was Lex Luthor's personal assistant in LexCorp and is killed by the Monitor.


Neptune Perkins

First appearanceFlash Comics #66 (August 1945)
Created byGardner Fox and Joe Kubert
TeamsAll-Star Squadron
Young All-Stars
AbilitiesEnhanced ocean-adapted physiology, ability to communicate with marine mammals

Neptune Perkins is a superhero in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gardner Fox and Joe Kubert, first appeared in Flash Comics #66 (August 1945).[181] That and a follow up story in 1947 were the character's only appearances, until Roy Thomas revived him for an All-Star Squadron story in 1984 and later selected him as one of the focal characters of Young All-Stars in 1987.[182] In addition, Thomas expanded the character's backstory and origin so that it incorporated large chunks of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.

Within the context of the stories, Neptune Perkins is a mutant born with attributes that lend themselves to living at sea. During World War II he works with the All-Star Squadron. After the war he weds Miya Shimada, though this relationship becomes strained in part by his being unaware that he is not the father of their daughter, Debbie. In more recent years, he has acted as a governmental contact for Aquaman and Young Justice after being elected to the United States Senate. He is killed in Infinite Crisis #3 when the Shark and King Shark together attack and partially devour him during an undersea battle.


Mikhail Arkadin is a Soviet superhero known as the Soviet Firestorm and Pozhar (Russian: пожар, "wildfire").

Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin originally was an intellectual attached to the Chernobyl power plant, and was present during its catastrophe; his metagene was activated, and he gained the ability to create an all-consuming fire. Unfortunately, that same fire destroyed most of his body, and he was forced to wear a containment suit in order to prevent himself from destroying everything he touched. The Russian government then maneuvered him into position to be one of its premier heroes, placing him into a battle against the original Firestorm, who was then calling for complete nuclear disarmament.

The battle raged for a time between the two heroes, until a nuclear weapon was dropped on the duo while they fought in the Nevada desert. From that debacle arose a new Firestorm, in which Mikhail played a crucial role, along with the original two members of the Firestorm Matrix, Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond. He continued as a member of Firestorm in another incarnation, as an Elemental, but was eventually removed from the Firestorm Matrix so that Martin alone could bear the powers. Ronnie and Mikhail returned to their homes, de-powered.

During the "In My Father's House" storyline in the most recent Firestorm series, it was revealed that Mikhail is, in fact, once again in control of his former abilities. He was re-powered by a nuclear test gone wrong in Russia. After going by the name of Firestorm for a time (not knowing that a new Firestorm made up of Jason Rusch and Martin Stein had been in operation for some time), he has now changed his identity back to Pozhar.[183][184]

In The New 52, a reboot of the DC Universe, Professor Mikhail Arkadin helped Professor Martin Stein invent the Firestorm Protocols.[185][186]

In the Watchmen sequel Doomsday Clock, Pozhar appears as a member of the People's Heroes. He appears on TV, announcing that Russia is closing their borders to all foreigners, be they metahuman or not. During his interview on "the Superman Theory", Firestorm used a profanity to describe it and even used another profanity to insult Pozhar, much to the dismay of Martin Stein.[187] Pozhar joined the People's Heroes in trying to catch Firestorm when he was accused of turning some Russians into glass. This causes Superman to come to Firestorm's defense, much to the dismay of Batman.[188]

Pozhar in other media

Mikhail Arkadin appears in Legends of Tomorrow, portrayed by Voytek Skrzeta. When the Legends infiltrate Luskavic Labs looking into Vandal Savage's Operation Svarog, Arkadin leads Soviet soldiers in capturing Martin Stein, Ray Palmer and Mick Rory and takes them to the Koshmar prison camp. At Koshmar, Arkadin tortures Palmer and Rory in order to get Stein to divulge his knowledge of Firestorm. When Jefferson Jackson cuts the circuit breaker to Koshmar, a prison riot breaks out. Arkadin attempts to contain the prisoners, but Leonard Snart pushes him into a cell with a prisoner named Boris, who proceeds to beat him up. He is killed when Valentina Vostok (as Firestorm) becomes unstable, causing a nuclear explosion at Koshmar.


Preus is a fictional DC Comics supervillain who first appeared in Adventures of Superman #625 (April 2004) and was created by Joe Kelly and Talent Caldwell.[189]

For years, Sergeant Preus had proudly served the Citizen's Patrol Corps, a police force that kept the peace in Kandor under the Kryptonian banner of El, their "creator".[189] Due to the compression of time, more than a century had passed inside the bottle city (compared to only a handful of years outside it) during which Preus and his fellow Kandorians had come to worship "The Superman" as their "god in heaven" above. The Corpsman was also a devout xenophobe, who dispensed justice against "non-K" (Kryptonian) dissidents that threatened their way of life, especially a citizen named Kal-El, who forever tainted Paradise when he seemingly murdered several Kandorians.[190]

Preus swore a solemn oath to make the murderer pay, not realizing that Kal-El was actually the Superman that he and the others had worshiped for so long.[191] He was also unaware that the "victims" were constructs created by an alien telepath, Lyla, who had brainwashed Kal-El into believing that Kandor was a never-exploded Krypton.[192] Eventually shattering the illusion, Superman escaped Kandor and confronted Lyla back in Metropolis. Preus followed them, but exposure to Earth's air and yellow sun drastically affected him, giving him strange, new powers equal to Superman's while amplifying his already-unbalanced racist views.[193]

Convinced that Kal-El had defiled the legacy of "The Superman", Preus swore to assume that responsibility himself and that all of the impure would die by his hand. His xenophobia led him to a group of white supremacists in the American desert, who he forced into worshiping him and his views. However, in time, the people of "God's Peake" (as the camp was called) came to worship Preus as their cult leader. His increasing prominence eventually led both the Martian Manhunter and Jimmy Olsen to investigate, only to have both of them captured by Preus and his men.[194]

This forced a confrontation with Superman, who, at the time, was dealing with the effects of Gog's synthetic yellow kryptonite, which had significantly aged and weakened Superman in a short period of time. So weakened, Superman was barely able to deal with Preus' legions alone and quickly found himself outclassed by the (at the time) much more vital Preus.[195]

A last-ditch gambit using kryptonite to try and weaken Preus failed, as Preus revealed a previously unknown resistance to kryptonite. However, he was finally defeated when Superman attacked and destroyed a key portion of Preus' armor, rendering him unconscious. Afterwards, Preus was injured from that attack and had to be hospitalized. His current whereabouts are unknown. He was last seen as a weakened Superman tried to fly him to S.T.A.R. Labs for treatment. Preus disappeared after Superman was engaged by an army of Gogs.[196]

Powers and abilities of Preus

Preus possesses powers similar to those of Superman, such as superhuman strength and speed, flight, invulnerability, X-ray vision and enhanced senses. Unlike Superman, Preus can fire beams of black energy from his eyes that strike a target with intense heat and force. Preus also does not share Superman's vulnerability to kryptonite.


In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, Psiphon is introduced to DC as a H.I.V.E. warrior who is paired up with the Dreadnought. He appears in Superboy (vol. 4) #20, where the team are dispatched to New York City to capture Doctor Psycho, who had escaped from a H.I.V.E. facility, and Superboy, whose psionic powers were of interest to the H.I.V.E. Despite proving to be formidable opponents, both Psiphon and the Dreadnought were defeated when Doctor Psycho and Superboy teamed up to take them down. Psiphon was knocked out by Superboy with just a flick of his finger.

Powers and abilities of Psiphon

Having undergone genetic modifications by the H.I.V.E., Psiphon, as his name implies, has the ability to drain the energy of a psi-powered individual and feed it to the Dreadnought to increase his strength.


First appearanceGreen Lantern (vol. 2) #1 (July–Aug. 1960)
Created byJohn Broome, Gil Kane
Abilities"Hypno-ray" device that allows mind control
AliasesJordan Weir

The Puppeteer, originally known as the Puppet Master, is a DC Comics supervillain. Jordan Weir was a scientist who created a "hypno-ray" which he could use to force his victims to obey his commands. As the Puppet Master, he embarked on a crime spree, manipulating minor criminals into doing his dirty work.[197]

After being defeated by Green Lantern, he started a new life as a scientist for Dayton Industries. However, when the company developed the self-generating power source known as Promethium, the temptation was too much for him.[198] Through his robot puppets, the Puppeteer took control of Cyborg, Kid Flash, Starfire, and Wonder Girl and turned them against their teammates. Raven's soul-self was finally able to break their trance and the Titans united to battle the Puppeteer and his toy robotic army. When the villain was defeated, the H.I.V.E. attempted to destroy him for his failure, but the Puppeteer escaped.[199]

The Puppeteer in other media

  • A supervillain called Dollman made a one-shot appearance in the 1968 Filmation cartoon series featuring Batman and Robin. He was, however, more reminiscent of the Puppet Master (a Golden Age Batman foe from Detective Comics #212).
  • In the Teen Titans animated series, a character named the Puppet King is probably based on both the Puppet Master and the Puppeteer.
  • The Puppeteer made several background appearances as a member of Grodd's Secret Society in the final season of Justice League Unlimited.


Purgatory is a supervillain in DC Comics.

Paul Christian is a man who lost his legs in a subway accident. Years later, he was almost injured during a battle involving Green Lantern V (Kyle Rayner). To make amends, Kyle used his power ring to give Paul new legs.[200] Following another accident, it affected Paul's willpower, causing him to lose his legs.[201]

During the Underworld Unleashed crossover event, Paul was desperate to get his legs back. He accepted the demon-lord Neron's offer to regain his legs and was given superpowers. As the green flame-emitting Purgatory, he was sent to kill Green Lantern V. After failing to do so in two attempts, Purgatory was taken to Hell by Neron while he was still alive.[202]


First appearanceAction Comics #49 (June 1942)
Created byJerry Siegel and John Sikela

The Puzzler is a name used by three supervillains in the DC Universe.[203]

The Puzzler I

The concept and original character, created by Jerry Siegel and John Sikela, first appeared in Action Comics #49 (June 1942).[204] The concept was later revamped for the character Valerie Van Haaften.

Within the context of the mainstream comics, the original Puzzler is an unnamed non-costumed criminal who is highly skilled in parlor games and puzzles and operates a protection racket in Metropolis.[205]

This character, along with most of the Golden Age Superman material, was later assigned to the universe of Earth-Two in the DC Multiverse. The material was later removed from DC continuity as a result of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The Puzzler II

The name of the Puzzler was re-used in Superman (vol. 2) #187 (December 2002) as the supervillain identity of Valerie van Haaften, a new version of the character whose body was composed of living "puzzle pieces".

The Puzzler III

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, a new character called the Puzzler appears as a member of A.R.G.U.S.[206] He is later revealed to be a descendant of Vandal Savage.

The Puzzler in other media

The character was adapted for a two-episode story for season 2 of the television series Batman and portrayed by Maurice Evans. The episodes, titled "A Penny for Your Riddles"/"They're Worth a Lot More", had originally been written for the Riddler, portrayed by Frank Gorshin. Since Gorshin was in a contract dispute with the series' producers at the time and no longer wanted to play the Riddler as a result of this, the script was rewritten, the episodes were re-titled "The Puzzles Are Coming"/"The Duo Is Slumming" and the Riddler was changed into the Puzzler.[207]

The Puzzler is referenced in the film Batman Forever when Edward Nygma (Jim Carrey) suggests villainous nicknames for himself, including "the Puzzler", "the Gamester", "Captain Kill" or "the Question Mark Man".

A male Puzzler, with a costume similar to van Haaften's, appears as a member of Gorilla Grodd's Legion of Doom in Justice League Unlimited.


Moira Queen

Moira Queen is the mother of Oliver Queen/the Green Arrow. She and her husband Robert were killed by lions during an African safari.[208]

Moira Queen in other media

Moira Queen was portrayed by Susanna Thompson in The CW's Arrow.[209]She was murdered by Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke, while her son (Oliver Queen) and his sister watched.

Robert Queen

Robert Queen is the father of Oliver Queen/the Green Arrow. He and his wife Moira were killed by lions during an African safari.[208]

Robert Queen in other media

Robert Queen was portrayed by Jamey Sheridan in The CW's Arrow.[210]He sacrificed himself and his bodyguard after making it to a life raft with his son (Oliver Queen) and said bodyguard, as there was not enough food or water for all three of them to survive.


See List of Aquaman enemies


Armando Ramon

First appearanceJustice League of America #233 (December 1984)
Created byGerry Conway and Chuck Patton
AliasesReverb, Rupture, Hardline

Armando Ramon (alternately spelled Armando Ramone and also known as Reverb, Rupture and Hardline) is the older brother of Cisco Ramon/Vibe. Created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton, the character first appeared in Justice League of America #233 (December 1984). Originally the leader of a street gang in Detroit, Armando gave this up after being inspired by his brother's actions as the superhero Vibe of the Justice League of America. Sharing his brother's metahuman power of manipulating sound waves, he became a hero himself and joined the Conglomerate, a corporate-sponsored superhero team. Armando has used three different aliases over the years: Reverb,[211] Rupture[212] and Hardline.

Armando Ramon in other media

Reverb and Rupture appear as separate characters in The Flash live action television series: Reverb is the Earth-2 doppelganger of Vibe (Carlos Valdes), while Rupture is the Earth-2 doppelganger of Dante Ramon (Nicholas Gonzalez). Depicted as Zoom's enforcer on Earth-2, Reverb is a wrangler of Killer Frost and Deathstorm, while trying to persuade Vibe to his side before being killed by Zoom for his disobedience. When Zoom invades Earth-1, Rupture attacks Vibe and Dante out of revenge for Reverb's death (as Zoom lied to him about Reverb's murder), but is stopped by the Flash and Vibe before being killed by Zoom for his failure.

Dante Ramon

First appearanceJustice League of America's Vibe #1 (April 2013)
Created byAndrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns and Pete Woods

Dante Ramon is a brother of Cisco Ramon/Vibe and Armando Ramon. Created by Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns and Pete Woods, he first appeared in Justice League of America's Vibe #1 (April 2013).

Dante Ramon in other media

Dante Ramon appears in The Flash live action television series, portrayed by Nicholas Gonzalez. Taking Armando Ramon's place as the older brother, this version has a rocky relationship with Cisco Ramon. In season one, he and Cisco are held hostage by Captain Cold and Heat Wave to motivate Cisco to reveal Flash's secret identity which Cisco does for Dante's sake. In season two, Dante and Cisco fend off Rupture's attacks. After Rupture's death, Dante and Cisco develop a better brotherly bond. In season three, Dante is killed after Barry Allen's timeline changes, which strains Cisco and Barry's friendship for a while.

Red Tool

Wayne Wilkins, a.k.a. Red Tool, first appeared in Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #3 (April 2014). He is a vigilante obsessed with Harley Quinn, to the point of stalking and kidnapping her. At first, Harley did not like him, but they have since became good friends and close allies.

Powers and abilities of Red Tool

Red Tool does not feel pain after a surgery that removed a brain tumor and parts of his amygdala. Red Tool uses tools and hardware appliances for weapons and has a bionic arm.


First appearanceSupergirl (vol. 6) #5 (March 2012)
Created byMichael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar

Reign is a powerful alien enemy of Supergirl. She is a Worldkiller, an alien embryo genetically modified and grown in a clandestine Kryptonian laboratory. Reign is gifted with superhuman strength, speed and endurance and is an adept swordswoman and hand-to-hand combatant.[213]

Reign in other media

  • Reign appeared in Supergirl, portrayed by Odette Annable and served as the main antagonist of season 3 under her human alias Samantha Arias, a single mother in National City. Annable returned in the 100th episode of season 5.
  • Reign appears as a playable character in Lego DC Super-Villains.

Rose Psychic

Rose Psychic is a DC Comics heroine affiliated with the company's first superhero, Doctor Occult. They both were created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman. She first appeared in New Fun Comics #6 (October 1935).


Mia Saunders

Mia Saunders first appeared in JSA: All Stars #2 (1999). Mia is the infant daughter of Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl). As a teenager, Kendra got pregnant with Mia and had to give her up for adoption to an Oregon couple. It is later revealed that Kendra regularly visits her daughter.

Scream Queen

Creators: Len Kaminski and Anthony Williams. First appearance: Showcase '96 #11 (December 1996).

Nina Skorzeny, a.k.a. the Scream Queen, was the vampire lead singer of Scare Tactics.

A member of the Skorzeny clan of vampires in Markovia, Nina's family was wiped out by a group of vampire killers called the Graveyard Shift. The group was responsible for many vampire concentration camps as they attempted to exterminate all the vampires in Markovia. Nina was able to survive their efforts and escaped to America. This left her with a deep distrust of humans, who she called "breathers" or "normals".

After making it to America, she was captured by R-Complex, a government agency that subjected her to numerous experiments. She was eventually rescued by the efforts of Arnold Burnsteel and Fate. The pair also freed Fang, Slither, and Gross-Out. Burnsteel suggested the group form a band to serve as cover while they try to outrun R-Complex agents.

The Scream Queen met Catwoman on one occasion. The pair battled Graveyard Shift members and an elder vampire in Gotham City. Nina was forced to kill the vampire to save Catwoman's life. She felt some guilt over killing a member of her own kind to save a human, but the pair had bonded and Catwoman became one of the few humans that the Scream Queen saw as a friend.

Eventually, the Scream Queen began to change her view of her Scare Tactics teammates, finally seeing them as friends. Following Slither's death, Nina arranged for the group to take his ashes and throw them in his father's face. She also bit and sucked all the alcohol from Burnsteel's system when he got drunk to deal with his grief. Following Gross-Out's transformation and departure from Earth, the group was left with only three members. They vowed to carry on, however, and set out to search for new members.

The Scream Queen first appeared in DC Rebirth Suicide Squad Annual (vol. 5) #1 (October 2018).

Powers and abilities of the Scream Queen

Vampirism, enhanced senses, enhanced vision, enhanced hearing, enhanced sense of smell, immortality, invulnerability, regeneration, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, psychokinesis, hypnosis, transformation, metamorphosis and a sonic scream (TV).

The Scream Queen in other media


First appearanceFirestorm the Nuclear Man #95 (March 1990)
Created byJohn Ostrander and Tom Mandrake
AbilitiesAfrican Storm God, wields a magical stone labrys

Shango is an adaptation of the deity Sàngó from the Yorùbá culture for the DC Universe.

The character, adapted by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake, first appeared in Firestorm the Nuclear Man #95 (March 1990).

Within the context of the stories, Shango is a deity and the war chief of the Orishas. He is responsible for asking Ogun to sever the Golden Chain linking Ifé, the land of the gods, with Earth. He is also responsible for restoring it in modern times. When he leads the reemergence of the pantheon in Africa, he encounters Firestorm. He and the pantheon are taken to task by Firestorm for their abandonment of Africa.[214]


First appearanceCommando: Showcase #3 (July–August 1956)
Hardwicke: Detective Comics #253 (March 1958)
Mutated tiger shark: Green Lantern (vol. 2) #24 (October 1963)
Created byCommando: Robert Kanigher (script)
Russ Heath (art)
Hardwicke: Dave Wood (script)
Sheldon Moldoff (art)
Mutated tiger shark: John Broome (script)
Gil Kane (art)

The Shark is the name of three fictional characters in DC Comics publications.

The Shark I

The first Shark is a non-superpowered commando. Along with his companions named Sardine and Whale, he is part of the World War II-era fighting unit called the Frogmen. His sole appearance is in Showcase #3 (July–August 1956). The story was written by Robert Kanigher, and illustrated by Russ Heath.

The Shark II

The second Shark is the secret identity of criminal Gunther Hardwicke. He is a member of the Terrible Trio, along with the Fox and the Vulture. He wears a shark mask and uses fish-themed technology to commit crimes. This Shark—and the Terrible Trio—debuted in Detective Comics #253 (March 1958).

The Shark III

The third Shark, who has used the aliases T. S. Smith and Karshon in the past, debuted in Green Lantern (vol. 2) #24 (October 1963).[215] He is a tiger shark that rapidly mutated after exposure to nuclear waste (later retconned to be part of the Kroloteans' experiments in Green Lantern (vol. 4) #4 (October 2005)).[216] The rapid evolutionary growth gives him high intelligence, a humanoid appearance and telepathic powers, but leaves him with his bloodthirsty shark instincts. This Shark has fought Green Lantern, as well as Superman,[217]Aquaman,[218] the Justice League of America[219] and the Black Condor II.[220] The Shark's portrayal on the cover of Action Comics #456 (February 1976) was inspired by the hit 1975 movie Jaws.[221]

The Shark in other media


First appearanceDCU Villains Secret Files and Origins #1 (April 1999)
Created byGeoff Johns and Tom Mandrake
TeamsInjustice Society
AbilitiesSword wielder and power item user

Shiv is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

Cindy Burman is the daughter of the supervillain the Dragon King. She had a grudge against Stargirl and was also a member of Johnny Sorrow's incarnation of the Injustice Society.

She appeared in 11 issues of Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., two issues of JSA and four issues of JSA All-Stars.

Shiv in other media

An incarnation of Cindy Burman appears in Stargirl portrayed by Meg DeLacy.[222] This version is the girlfriend of Henry King Jr., rival of Yolanda Montez, Blue Valley High's cheerleading captain, and the most popular student at school, although most students shun her due to her mean-spirited nature. She is determined to follow in her father Dr. Shiro Ito's footsteps and join the Injustice Society, having been genetically modified at a young age and gaining a healing factor and retractable blades attached to her wrists. However, her father refuses to let her help him and generally ignores her, resulting in Cindy becoming bitter and spiteful as she feels no one truly loves her. In the two-part episode "Shiv", she steals some of her father's inventions to force him to accept her by fighting and badly injuring Stargirl before being driven off by the school janitor Justin. During a rematch with Stargirl, Henry Jr. was caught in the crossfire and used his psychic powers to knock them both down before Dragon King has his daughter evacuated. In the episode "Brainwave", he imprisons her to keep her out of further trouble, but in "Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E." (Pt. 2), she manages to escape, kill her father, and finds a gem containing Eclipso amongst Wizard's possessions.

Silver Ghost

The Silver Ghost is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Ric Estrada, first appeared in Freedom Fighters #1 (March 1976).

Within the context of the stories, Raphael van Zandt is a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains as the Silver Ghost. He opposes the Freedom Fighters in general and Firebrand in particular.

The Silver Ghost in other media

A female version of the Silver Ghost named Raya van Zandt appears in The Flash season five episode "The Flash & The Furious", portrayed by Gabrielle Walsh. This version is depicted as an ex-Air Force pilot, under the call sign "Silver Ghost", who wields a meta-tech key fob that allows her to control any motorized vehicle. She sought to form a group called the Young Rogues and recruited the supervillain Weather Witch to be its first member. The two of them broke into an A.R.G.U.S. facility and stole an experimental WayneTech car capable of turning invisible, but after the superhero XS appealed to her better nature, Weather Witch stopped her partner from committing murder and escaped with her. In a later episode, "Gone Rogue", Weather Witch reveals that she abandoned Van Zandt in Bolivia. XS later uses the latter's "Young Rogues" idea to combat the metahuman serial killer, Cicada, only to be betrayed by her fellow Rogues when they discover her connection to the Flash.


Sidd is a minor villain in Batman: The Brave and the Bold and later teams up with Clayface and Facade in Justice League.

Garrison Slate

First appearanceBlue Beetle #12
Created byLen Wein, Joey Cavalieri and Paris Cullins

Garrison Slate is the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs in the DC Universe. Created by Len Wein, Joey Cavalieri and Paris Cullins, he first appeared in Blue Beetle #12.

Garrison Slate in other media

The CW series The Flash features Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), an original character, as S.T.A.R. Labs' founder in Central City similar to Garrison Slate.[223]

Speed Demon

The first comic book character named the "Speed Demon" appeared in the title Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen. A super-speed serum briefly turns Daily Planet reporter Jimmy Olsen into the hero the "Speed Demon".[224]

The second was Jerry McGee, Tina McGee's husband who went by the name "Speed McGee" and the "Speed Demon." He was a scientist for Genetech where he took the drug Steroid B-19 which gave him superhuman strength, speed, and endurance; he wanted revenge on his wife for leaving him, which brought him into conflict with the Flash.[225] The hero managed to help him off the drug and Jerry eventually returned to his estranged wife.[226]

More information about the characters exists in the article at the DC Database.

The Speed Demon in other media

An allusion to Jerry appeared in the pilot episode of the 1990s CBS The Flash, with him being renamed David and his death being the motivation for Tina's helping of Barry Allen. They are also S.T.A.R. Labs scientists as well.

In Smallville Season 11 comics continuation, the interdimensional Black Flash is referred to as the "Speed Demon" by Bart Allen to Superman.[227]

In the Arrowverse show The Flash, Cisco Ramon refers to the villainous Earth-Two speedster, "Zoom", as a "speed demon" due to his all-black attire.


Creators: Tom Peyer and Freddie E. Williams II.

Mr. Auerbach (first appearance in Flash (vol. 2) #238 (May 2008)), was the son of a media mogul whose holdings included the cable news network KN News. He pursued a career in journalism, hoping to work his way up in his father's company. While working on a story, he met Edwar Martinez, who was capable of sensing the fears in others and making them a reality. Auerbach eventually was put in charge of KN News, where he had a hand in determining much of the content that the network covered.

He also led a double life as the villain Spin. He kept Edwar captive in the basement of the news building, hooking him up to machines and forcing him to watch news coverage. In this setting, Spin was able to channel and direct Edwar's amazing ability.

His first caper was robbing a Fabergé egg from a local auction. He created a distraction by summoning earthquakes, which had been in the public's mind due to a recent quake in Hub City.

He took advantage of a comment made on television by the Flash expressing his financial woes. After the citizens of Keystone City started to feel some doubt about their local hero, Spin lured him to the Keystone City Salamanders stadium and forced him to steal many valuables from the fans there. This causes a massive public outcry against the Flash, which Spin enhances with his powers, even turning the original Flash against his successor.

When Spin and Edwar realized that the Flash had identified the source of the disturbances as emanating from KN News, he used his abilities to summon Gorilla Grodd to Keystone, the Rogue which Edwar sensed would make the speedster most anxious. Grodd, however, was not pleased with his sudden teleportation and a massive battle ensued. In the chaos, Edwar was released from his machinery and his powers went completely out of control, causing citizens to act out nearly every situation being mentioned in the media.

Equipment of Spin

Spin has a vast array of equipment set up in the basement of the KN News building, where he keeps Edwar Martinez. By forcing Edwar to watch news coverage, he is able to direct and control Edwar's ability to sense specific anxieties in the public consciousness and turn them into reality.

Spin wears a costume with a television screen for a face. Usually static appears on the screen, but when channeling Edwar's powers, the face of his victim or a phrase describing his actions may appear. He can summon this costume by uttering the words "Load theme".

Spin in other media

In The Flash season 5, a female character inspired by Spin named Spencer Young (portrayed by Kiana Madeira) appeared as a young millennial with a blog app called the "Spyn Zone" that was dedicated to metahumans. She used to work with Iris West as a reporter before quitting her job and developing a rivalry with her competing blog. During the Thinker's Enlightenment, Young's cellphone was hit with debris from the villain's exploding satellite, turning it into a meta-tech phone capable of controlling people's minds. After XS appeared in Central City, Young used the superhero to manufacture disasters and report on them seconds before they happened to increase her blog's popularity. However, her plan is eventually thwarted by the Flash and she is remanded to Iron Heights. In a later episode, XS gave Young's cellphone to Brie Larvan as a control device for her robotic bees so she could help her combat metahuman serial killer Cicada; however, Larvan turned on her in an attempt to take revenge on the Flash.


First appearanceFirestorm the Nuclear Man #67 (January 1988)
Created byJohn Ostrander and Joe Brozowski
AbilitiesSuperhuman strength, durability and longevity
AliasesIvan Illyich Gort

Stalnoivolk (Стальнойволк or "Steel Wolf") is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

The character, created by John Ostrander and Joe Brozowski, first appeared in Firestorm the Nuclear Man #67 (January 1988).

Within the context of the stories, Ivan Illyich Gort is a Russian born in the 1900s who underwent government experiments during World War II. He loyally serves the Soviet Union under the codename "Stalnoivolk" as a symbol of Russia's resistance to Nazi Germany. After the death of Joseph Stalin, he is exiled to Siberia for his participation in the purging of the Ukraine.[228]

He is reactivated just before the Soviet Union dissolves by Major Zastrow, leader of the Red Shadows. Initially he is tasked with eliminating Firestorm, which becomes a mission that he cannot complete. He also encounters the Suicide Squad more than once.

Starling (Evelyn Crawford)

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. In this new timeline, the Starling is introduced as part of the relaunch of Birds of Prey as a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and markswoman who has been friends with the Black Canary since they worked undercover together at the Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. She is later chosen by the Black Canary to help reform the Birds of Prey, but later betrays the group.

The Starling in other media

  • The character appears in the TV series Arrow as Evelyn Crawford Sharp, played by Madison McLaughlin. Introduced in season four, she emerged as an impostor Black Canary following Laurel Lance's death. She was a star gymnast before her family became H.I.V.E. test subjects, leaving Evelyn as the only survivor. Aware of Black Canary's death, she briefly took up the identity in her crusade against her parents' killer before giving it up to save her hero's reputation after Oliver Queen advised her to. In season five, Oliver recruited Evelyn to train with and join his team of vigilantes; taking the codename "Artemis". Later however, she betrayed the team to Prometheus to become his double agent upon learning Oliver's violent past. She later released Laurel's villainous Earth-2 counterpart before joining her and Talia al Ghul in kidnapping Oliver's friends and family to hold them hostage on the island, Lian Yu. Oliver assembled a group of his former enemies to help him stop Prometheus' allies. After throwing her into a cage, Oliver promised to come back for her. However, Prometheus detonated explosives on the island, and no mention of Evelyn's survival or death has been mentioned in subsequent seasons; leaving her final fate unknown.
    • In the Legends of Tomorrow episode "Doomworld", Evelyn's Artemis mask was seen in Damien Darhk's display case alongside that of other vigilantes' after he rewrote reality to suit his ideals.

Sy Borgman

Sy Borgman is a retired scooter-bound U.S. agent with some cybernetic enhancements and an ally of Harley Quinn that first appeared in Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #2 (March 2014) as part of The New 52.

Sy Borgman is a retired U.S. agent formerly called Syborg who was rendered scooter-bound and got cybernetic enhancements after stopping a terrorist plot. When Harley Quinn heads to her nursing home appointment, Sy Borgman recognizes her causing Harley to close the door behind her. He explains his history to her and states how he must use a scooter due to the weight of the cybernetics affecting his aged body. Sy wants to help Harley by targeting the gang that was responsible for his current cybernetic state.[229] While going over the files, Harley and Sy start with Igor Lenivetskin, who is in a coma. They were able to sever the tubes going into him and set his body to explode. The second target is Ivana Brekemoff. Sy states Ivana will be more difficult than Igor. Upon entering the mansion by force, Harley and Sy confront Ivana who starts using an RPG on them, which blows up the mansion.[230] Emerging unscathed, Harley and Sy flee from the police helicopter while throwing Ivana to her death. Their third target is Alexei "the Bear" Medvedenko, who currently works as a security guard at the Prospect Park Zoo. When they arrive, they find that Alexei had been torn apart by the zoo animals he released upon hearing that they were coming for him. The other people that Alexei called were also on the files and consist of Kosta Armanoleg, Borya Tatierski, Yuri Beyznatofin, and Zena Bendemova. Harley and Sy send explosive bagels their way, where Kosta, Yuri, and three of Kosta's henchwomen were caught in the explosions. Harley brings a metal pipe down on Borya's head, leaving Zena as the remaining target. While it was mentioned that Zena was an ex-lover of Sy, she is caught by surprise when Sy sends her scooter into Zena enough to send her flying into the horns of a rhinoceros. Then it comes to the final target that Sy foreshadowed, where he and Harley head to Coney Island and break into the bedroom of a man named Chuck. After a monologue by Sy about the car that Chuck sold him, Harley kicks Chuck out the window where he falls into the streets below. While Sy wanted to finish off Chuck, he relents.[231]

When Harley Quinn is invited to the Skate Club by Summer Daze, she bring Sy Borgman along to accompany her.[232] Harley Quinn learns that this roller derby has no rules, as Sy Borgman places a bet on Harley. When Sy gives Harley an explosive toothpaste to use on her opponent Maria Monsterella, it kills her causing the match to be disqualified. Sy still managed to win his bets and allows Harley to pay for the meal that follows. Harley later packs Sy's wheelchair into his car and sees him off.[233]

Sy Borgman in other media

Sy Borgman makes his animated debut in the 2019 DC Universe series Harley Quinn voiced by Jason Alexander. In this series, he is depicted as a cyborg landlord who used to work for the CIA as a fixer. He first appears in the episode "Finding Mr. Right", reminding his tenant Poison Ivy of the rules before evicting her and her friends for breaking them. In "Being Harley Quinn", Borgman finds Ivy and her friends' comatose bodies, assumes they are dead, and nearly kills them. Impressed by his skill, however, Harley Quinn offers him a place in her crew. In "L.O.D.R.S.V.P.", it is revealed that Borgman has a scientist sister named Mirielle. In the 1980s, he asked her to fuse a monkey and an octopus together into a "monkeypus" to assist him in the field. During the procedure however, the monkey escaped and fused Mirielle with the octopus, turning her into a mutant monster. Feeling guilty, Borgman hid her away in an abandoned mall. In the present, Borgman had Doctor Psycho use his psychic powers to help him communicate and reconcile with Mirielle before releasing her onto the streets of Gotham, where she went on a rampage. In "Dye Hard", Psycho, having left the crew after being enraged by Harley in a previous episode, takes control of an army of Parademons and traps her in a force-field in an attempt to take over Gotham and exact revenge on her. Borgman gives his right eye to Harley as a memento before sacrificing himself to destroy the force-field so she can escape. In "Lover's Quarrel", it is revealed that Borgman put a digital backup of his mind in the eye, allowing him to help Kite Man create anti-mind control devices to combat Psycho.

Clarissa Stein

Clarissa Stein is the estranged wife of Professor Martin Stein (a.k.a. one-half of Firestorm). She was created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick and first appeared in Firestorm (vol. 2) #10.

Clarissa Stein in other media

Clarissa Stein is portrayed by Isabella Hofmann (in The Flash) and both by Chanelle Stevenson and by Emily Tennant (in Legends of Tomorrow). Like the original comics, this version is Martin Stein's wife. She currently lives in Central City and was briefly reunited with her husband after he had disappeared for some time because he became part of Firestorm. She is also Lily Stein's mother.



First appearanceThe Fury of Firestorm #15 (August 1983)
Created byGerry Conway and Pat Broderick
AliasesHenry Hewitt, Victor Hewitt

Tokamak is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Pat Broderick, first appeared in The Fury of Firestorm #15 (August 1983) as Henry Hewitt and became Tokamak in The Fury of Firestorm #18 (November 1983).

Within the context of the stories, Tokamak is the identity taken by Henry Hewitt, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hewitt Corporation and high level director in the 2000 Committee, after subjecting himself to a recreation of the accident that created Firestorm.[234] Much later, in order to cure a terminal disease, he creates a clone of himself which he merges with. He creates the identity of Victor Hewitt in order to inherit his own company and sets out to create nuclear meltdowns across the globe to empower himself. He is stopped by Firestorm, Firehawk and Pozhar. He is killed when Firestorm separates him from his clone.[235]

Tokamak has the ability to trap objects in energy rings and either compress them or break down their structural integrity.

Tokamak in other media

Henry Hewitt appears in The Flash, portrayed by Demore Barnes. In the episode "The Fury of Firestorm", the Earth-1 version is a scientist affected by the particle accelerator and is selected as a possible candidate to fuse with Martin Stein as Firestorm's new half after Ronnie Raymond's death (in the destruction of the Singularity), based on him having been affected by the dark matter explosion in a similar manner and possessing the same blood type as Ronnie and Stein. Caitlin Snow invites him to fuse with Dr. Stein, considering him the 'better' candidate due to his scientific background, even though Jax Jackson seems like a closer genetic match. Henry is upset when the fusion fails; however, the fusion does awaken an uncontrollable nuclear power within him which comes out when he is angry (which has caused him to have a criminal history). He fights the Flash and the new Firestorm and he loses.[236] The episodes "Welcome to Earth-2" and "Escape from Earth-2" shows a parallel Earth-2 counterpart, a kind scientist in Harry Wells's S.T.A.R. Labs who has a run-in with Zoom.


First appearance52 #9 (August 2006)
Created byGeoff Johns, Grant Morrison,
Greg Rucka, Mark Waid
AliasesEliza Harmon

Trajectory is a fictional superheroine in DC Comics.

Originally from Manchester, Alabama, Eliza Harmon was chosen by Lex Luthor to participate in the Everyman Project after she came to him, begging to be granted superspeed. Her wish was granted and she became a member of Luthor's new superhero team. However, she was not able to slow down to normal speed without taking the drug known as the Sharp. She blamed this predicament on Luthor and left the team.

Weeks later, she had stopped using the Sharp and her friend and former teammate, Natasha Irons, convinced Luthor to let her back on the team. She hoped to one day move on to become a member of the Teen Titans and become the new Kid Flash. However, her dream was cut short, as Luthor stripped her of her powers at a crucial moment in a battle with the Blockbuster III and she was killed.

Trajectory in other media

  • The character appears in The Flash, portrayed by Allison Paige. Here, Eliza Harmon is a scientist at Mercury Labs who once helped Caitlin Snow with the Velocity 9 formula, which was used to try and restore Jay Garrick's lost speed. Even though Caitlin never gave her the entire formula, Eliza managed to reverse-engineer the drug. She becomes hooked on Velocity 9, blaming her addiction on work pressure and manifesting another "evil" personality to justify her actions to herself. Trajectory becomes a criminal speedster and causes havoc in Central City. After the Flash defeats her, she takes another dosage while already on one and disintegrates while running at high speeds, her body pushed beyond its limits. Her costume is subsequently recovered, modified and given to Jesse Quick.
  • A teenage version of Trajectory also appears on the Young Justice: Outsiders episode "Antisocial Pathologies", voiced by Zehra Fazal. She appears as a member of Infinity Inc. alongside Brainwave and the Fury.


First appearanceAll-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984)
Created byRoy Thomas and Rick Hoberg
AbilitiesSuperhuman strength; able to swim at superhuman speed, ability to create and control tidal waves
AliasesMiya Shimada

Tsunami is a superhero in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Roy Thomas and Rick Hoberg, first appeared in All-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984).

Within the context of the stories, Tsunami is a Nisei who grew up in Santa Barbara, California, prior to World War II. Due to the racial prejudice against Japanese-Americans, she suffered in the period leading up to the entry of America into the war and joins the cause of the Imperial Japanese government. Over time, she becomes disillusioned by the dishonorable conduct of those she is working with and eventually changes sides. In stories set in contemporary settings, she has a daughter, Debbie, who she raised with her husband, Neptune Perkins.


First appearanceFlash #294 (February 1981)
Created byGerry Conway, Jim Starlin
AbilitiesWeather manipulation

Typhoon, a.k.a. David Drake, is a supervillain in the DC Universe.

The character, created by Gerry Conway and Jim Starlin, first appeared in Flash #294 (February 1981).

David Drake was a research scientist at Concordance Research. Drake teamed with fellow scientist Professor Martin Stein (who was secretly one half of the hero Firestorm) to develop a new bathysphere prototype.[237] Drake designed the housing of the vessel, while Stein developed the small nuclear reactor that was to be the craft's power source.

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted DC's continuity. During the Forever Evil storyline, Typhoon appears as a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains. The Crime Syndicate sent Typhoon with Black Bison, the Hyena, Multiplex and Plastique to finish Gorilla Grodd's job. They were defeated by the Rogues since one of their targets was at the hospital where Captain Cold's sister was staying.[8]

In the Watchmen sequel Doomsday Clock, Killer Frost mentioned in a TV interview that Typhoon was created by the government.[187] Typhoon is among the villains that attend the underground meeting held by the Riddler that talks about the Superman Theory. He and Moonbow claim that they were not created by the government. When the Penguin suggests that they hand Typhoon and Moonbow over to the government, Typhoon attacks the Penguin until he is shot in the face by the Comedian. The issue's final pages reveal the revised history of Typhoon, including that his powers were created in a "controlled accident" after Drake tested positive for the metagene and he was thereafter enlisted as a government agent, while proving that the Superman Theory was partially true. The Director of the Department of Metahuman Affairs orders that Typhoon's body be retrieved for study.[9]

Powers and abilities of Typhoon

The accident that gave David Drake his abilities made him, in essence, the living eye of a storm. As Typhoon, Drake generates a whirlwind around the lower half of his body that enables him to fly or hover.[238] Typhoon can also project lightning from his fingertips, channeling the energy at times as powerful electric blasts.[239] Typhoon can also generate storms of tremendous strength that generate tornadoes and driving hail.[240] While the storms were originally localized to Drake's vicinity, over time he has gained the ability to generate entire storm systems that can stretch over multiple states.[241] Typhoon can also grow in size relevant to size of the system he is generating. At times, he has grown larger than a skyscraper when generating a system of sufficient strength.[242] Typhoon can change back and forth between his superhuman form and that of David Drake at will. He has shed his costume and returned to operating in the nude.[243]


Valerie van Haaften

First appearanceSuperman (vol. 2) #187 (December 2002)
Created byGeoff Johns and Pascual Ferry
AbilitiesBody composed of living "puzzle pieces"
AliasesThe Puzzler

Valerie van Haaften is a supervillain in the DC Universe who took the name the Puzzler.

The character, created by Geoff Johns and Pascual Ferry, first appeared in Superman (vol. 2) #187 (December 2002).

Within the context of the stories, Valerie van Haaften is a Superman fan who attempted to join a number of superhero groups in order to meet him. She eventually decides to become a villain called the Puzzler in order to get his attention. Later, she is hired by Intergang to assassinate Clark Kent.[244]

Powers and abilities of Valerie van Haaften

  • As the Puzzler, Valerie van Haaften's body was composed of living "puzzle pieces".

Fredric Vaux

Fredric Vaux is a supervillain in the DC Universe. The character, created by Paul Levitz, first appeared in Adventure Comics #463.

Within the context of the stories, Fredric Vaux is an enemy of the Justice Society of America.

John Vance

An earlier version of Batman Junior made one appearance in Detective Comics #231 (May 1956), in a story written by Edmond Hamilton, with art by Sheldon Moldoff. In the story, Batman Junior is John Vance, a boy who once helped Batman as his sidekick long before Robin (Dick Grayson at the time) had arrived. John re-enters Batman's life to solve yet another case, making Robin feel that he is about to be replaced. Apart from a reprint of the story in Batman #185 (October–November 1966), John Vance has not reappeared since.


Van Wayne

First appearanceBatman (vol. 1) #148 (June 1962)
Created byBill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff

Vanderveer "Van" Wayne is the spoiled and rich cousin of Bruce Wayne. During his visit to his cousin, Van found the Robin costume in Alfred's laundry which Bruce claimed were his and Dick Grayson's masquerade costumes. He got himself into some trouble when he hired a con artist named Jumpy Regan to impersonate Batman, while he posed as Robin. He did all this with the intention of impressing Dick, but Van was not aware that they were in fact the real Dynamic Duo. Van had to be rescued from Regan by Batman and Robin and even helped to apprehend Regan. In the aftermath of the situation, he learned a lesson in humility.[245]

Van Wayne in other media

Van Wayne appears in Powerless, portrayed by Alan Tudyk.[246] The cousin of Bruce Wayne and the son of Vanderveer Wayne Sr., this version of the character is in charge of Wayne Security, a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises in Charm City. A self-proclaimed "rich, over-educated, globetrotting wastrel", Van is a power-mad disastrous dictator of a boss, hating his job and seeking to move to Gotham City from Charm City for a better position at the company.

In the series finale of Arrow titled "Fadeout," Roy Harper and Thea Queen were leaping over the rooftop of Van Wayne Industries while looking for a kidnapped William Clayton.

Weather Witch

The Weather Witch is a character in DC Comics.

The Weather Witch was a former prostitute from Gotham City, transformed by the Penguin into a member of the New Rogues during the Gotham Underground storyline.[247]

During the Final Crisis storyline, Libra sent her and the rest of the New Rogues after the Rogues when they withdrew from the Secret Society of Super Villains. She was not very skilled with her Weather Wand and the Weather Wizard easily killed her with a lightning bolt.[248]

The Weather Witch in other media

Reina Hardesty portrays Joslyn "Joss" Jackam / the Weather Witch in season 5 of The Flash. An estranged daughter of Mark Mardon / the Weather Wizard, she was a meteorologist who was fired after her weather experiments became too dangerous. A part of her van was struck with a fragment of the Enlightenment Satellite, which she made into a staff that enabled her to control the weather like her father and uncle and she became the Weather Witch. After her plot to kill her father fails, the Weather Witch plans to use the staff to wreak havoc on Central City, but is foiled by the Flash using the Weather Wizard's wand. The Mardons are locked together in Iron Heights. In the episode "The Flash & The Furious", the Weather Witch is seen on trial. She expresses remorse and is prepared to serve time. However, the Silver Ghost frees her from CCPD custody and persuades her to join up with her by returning her staff. When Jackam returns in the episode "Gone Rogue", she has abandoned the Silver Ghost in Bolivia and teams up with Brie Larvan and the Rag Doll. They are all eventually defeated by the Flash and his team and arrested by the police.

The Weather Witch appeared in the fifth part of the Arrowverse crossover "Crisis on Infinite Earths". After the rebirth of the multiverse merged Earth-1, Earth-38, and the unnamed Earth from Black Lightning into Earth-Prime, the Weather Witch was seen attacking National City. Supergirl arrives to confront her. The Weather Witch was about to attack Supergirl before she was knocked out by the Flash.

White Canary

During the Birds of Prey relaunch tie-in with the 2010 Brightest Day storyline, it is revealed that one of the female children born to Huang was spared after lightning appeared on the day of her birth and killed her midwife, making Huang believe that something powerful wanted her to live.[249] She was trained by her brothers in the same techniques, and after their defeat at the hands of the Black Canary, she hunted them down and killed them for dishonoring their father's name. Now calling herself the White Canary, she traveled to Gotham and set out to blackmail the Black Canary by revealing her secret identity and threatening to kill one teammate for each hour that passed, enlisting the help of Oswald Cobblepot, Savant and Creote.[250][251][252] Upon being defeated by the Black Canary, she denied being responsible for the death of a kidnapper in Iceland to frame the Black Canary, claiming that it was in fact Lady Shiva, and offers the Black Canary help in killing Shiva if she is set free.

Later, the White Canary takes the Black Canary to Bangkok and reveals that she is holding the Black Canary's adopted daughter Sin as a hostage, and will kill her if the Black Canary does not battle Lady Shiva in a duel to the death. The Black Canary agrees despite her broken wrist, but at the last minute Helena Bertinelli challenges Shiva in her place, buying the Black Canary enough time to find Sin and get her to safety, and Lady Shiva agrees to put their duel off until a later time. The White Canary reluctantly concedes, but promises that the Black Canary has not seen the last of her.[253]

Alternate versions of the White Canary

  • The White Canary appears in the Ame-Comi Girls comic book series. This version is a superheroine instead of a supervillain and possesses the sonic scream known as the "Canary Cry". Like her previous appearances though, she is still of Asian descent and retains her anonymity.
  • A different version of the White Canary appears in The New 52's Black Canary title. Debuting in issue #4 as an unnamed character in a white costume, she saves Ditto from Amanda Waller and returns her to Dinah in secret. She later reappears stealing a vial of blood from Dinah. Later, the still-unnamed woman helps the Black Canary defeat a monster and save her band and then appears to Dinah's house, revealing her identity. She is revealed as Dinah's maternal aunt, Rena, who wants to protect her niece from a threat related to her missing mother's past. At the end of the series' run, Rena is revealed as a fake, with the villainous shapeshifter Izak Orato masquerading as the Black Canary's "aunt" to trick her. Unlike previous incarnations, the character is depicted as Caucasian and blonde.

The White Canary in other media

  • In the Arrowverse, Sara Lance adopts the alias of the White Canary after being brought back from the dead with a Lazarus Pit and joining the Legends of Tomorrow.
  • Sara Lance's White Canary appears in the mobile-exclusive edition of Injustice 2, as an alternate skin for the Black Canary.


Creators: Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo. First appearance: Batman and the Outsiders #9 (April 1984). Powers: Aerokinesis and flight.

Windfall was a young metahuman who gained her powers after her mother let her company perform prenatal DNA experiments on her and her sister Becky, causing Becky to eventually kill their mother in revenge later in life.

Wendy Jones was originally a member of the supervillain group called the Masters of Disaster alongside her sister. She even fought the Outsiders on more than one occasion. During an attack against the Outsiders, she rescued one of their members. The team leader, Windfall's sister New Wave, was against Windfall helping Halo. This event caused Windfall to quit the team and join the Outsiders for a while. She later left adventuring with the Outsiders behind and continued with college.

During school, Wendy was invited to a fraternity party and date-raped by members of the fraternity after they spiked her drink with rohypnol. After taking turns with Wendy, the fraternity members took pictures and posted them on the Internet, while the local district attorney, the father of one of the fraternity members who ruined her, refused to make a case for Wendy due to her past as a supervillainess. As a result of the scandal, the college Wendy attended expelled her to avoid scrutiny, causing Wendy to return to the college and kill the fraternity members who ruined her by removing the air from their fraternity house and suffocating all the residents to death. Wendy was later incarcerated in Belle Reve for her murders before eventually being recruited by Amanda Waller for the Suicide Squad.

During a mission to the Middle East, the General betrayed the team and led a mutiny against them as well. After trying to make an air wall to protect the group from the attacks from Chemo, Windfall could not maintain the wall and was reduced to a skeleton.

Windfall in other media

  • Windfall and the Masters of Disaster appear in the DC Nation Shorts: Thunder and Lightning episode "Lightning Under the Weather".
  • Wendy Jones appears in Young Justice: Outsiders (voiced by Zehra Fazal). She is one of the meta-teen trafficking victims residing at the Meta-Human Youth Center in Taos, New Mexico.



Yo-Yo is a name used by two characters in the DC Universe.

Flashpoint Yo-Yo

The original was a clown-like henchman of the Joker who first appeared during the Flashpoint timeline; she was created by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert and first appeared in Flashpoint (vol. 2) #1 (2011).

Chang Jie-Ru

In The New 52, a reboot of the DC Universe, Chang Jie-Ru uses the name as a member of the Suicide Squad. He has the ability to increase and decrease his mass. When back at Belle Reve, Yo-Yo is caught up in a supervillain prison riot, tasked alongside Deadshot and El Diablo with quelling the inmate rebellion. He is ordered by Amanda Waller to retrieve King Shark from his holding cell. Yo-Yo uses his ability to slip through the bars, where an otherwise immobile King Shark devours the mass-shifter whole. King Shark lowers his head to stare blankly at Yo-Yo's blood congealing on the cell floor, perhaps feeling regret for what he has done to his fellow team member.[254]

Yo-Yo in other media

The Flashpoint version of Yo-Yo appears in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, voiced by Hynden Walch.


First appearanceKrypton Chronicles #3
AliasesMistress of the Moons

Yuda is a fictional goddess in the DC Universe.

The character first appeared in Krypton Chronicles #3.

Within the context of the stories, Yuda is one of the chief deities of ancient Krypton's mythology and pantheon, associated with love and marriage. She also represented the two moons of Krypton and was commonly known as "the Mistress of the Moons". For this reason, when the two moons Mithen and Wegthor came together in the night sky, they were believed to represent marriage.

Her worship ended with the flood, when Jaf-El introduced the monotheistic worship of Rao. However, she was remembered in folklore and even a mechanical statue of her was used in Superman's home city Kryptonopolis at certain festivities.


Ashley Zolomon

First appearanceFlash (vol. 2) #197 (June 2003)
Created byGeoff Johns and Scott Kolins

Ashley Zolomon is the estranged wife of Hunter Zolomon. She made her first appearance in Flash (vol. 2) #197 (June 2003) and was created by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins. She was with the F.B.I. when she met Hunter and they soon married. The two specializing in apprehending low-level costumed criminals until Hunter inadvertently caused the death of Ashley's father by mistakenly believing that the criminal they were after was incapable of using a gun, causing their estrangement.[255] After Hunter's transformation into Zoom, Ashley replaced Zolomon as a profiler in Keystone City's police department and attempted to communicate with her ex-husband. When Ashley was hospitalized after a car accident, Zoom returned out of concern for her.[256] Zoom is, apparently, still attached emotionally to Ashley.[257]

Ashley Zolomon in other media

Ashley Zolomon appears in The Flash live action television series, portrayed by Tatyana Forrest. This version is depicted as Hunter Zolomon's mother on Earth-2, who was murdered by her husband James Zolomon (Hunter's father) in front of the young Hunter, resulting in their son eventually becoming a serial killer and then the monstrous speedster Zoom. Her original characterization as Hunter's love interest is seen with Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker).

Zoe Lawton

Zoe Lawton was created by Christos N. Gage and Steven Cummings. She made her first appearance in Deadshot #1.

The daughter of Michelle Torres and Deadshot (Floyd Lawton), Zoe Lawton was conceived following a casual liaison. Her mother gave up prostitution and drugs for Zoe's sake and moved them to a poor neighborhood in Star City, where she was raised for four years without her father's knowledge of her existence.

Zoe and her mother are approached by Deadshot during the "Urban Renewal" arc, who has recently learned of her existence at last. She is babysat by Deadshot, with whom she bonds. Later, when Deadshot is forced to leave his family for their own protection, she is granted admittance to a good school, thanks to his connections.

Spending time with her father and mother in a park during the "Six Days of Devastation" storyline, Zoe is present when they are suddenly attacked by Lady Vic and Double Dare. She and her mother are allowed to flee by the assassins, but return to assist Deadshot. She is the reason that Deadshot does not kill any of his assailants. Later, she is present when her father calls her mother and informs her that he will never see either of them again for their own safety.

Powers and abilities of Zoe Lawton

Zoe is an ordinary human child and has no known superhuman powers or abilities.

Zoe Lawton in other media

  • Zoe makes a cameo appearance at the end of Batman: Assault on Arkham, present on the rooftop as her father has Amanda Waller in his sights. She does not speak in her appearance.
  • Zoe appears as a minor supporting character in Suicide Squad. She is portrayed by Shailyn Pierre-Dixon.
  • Zoe makes a cameo appearance during Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, living in Lacoma, Utah. She does not speak in her appearance.
  • Zoe appears in flashbacks in Arrow in the episode "Suicidal Tendencies" (portrayed by Audrey Wise Alvarez). This version of the character appears to be his legitimate daughter with Susan Lawton.


First appearanceFirestorm the Nuclear Man #69 (March 1988)
Created byJohn Ostrander and Joe Brozowski
AbilitiesSuperhuman strength, near invulnerability, energy discharge, long, sharp claws and fangs
AliasesMatvei Rodor

The Zuggernaut is a supervillain and symbiotic alien life form in the DC Universe.

The character, created by John Ostrander and Joe Brozowski, first appeared in Firestorm the Nuclear Man #69 (March 1988).[258]

Within the context of the stories, the Zuggernaut crashes to earth as a meteorite in Russia. It was found by, and bonded to, Matvei Rodor, a black marketeer. Rodor is in conflict with a corrupt Moscow prosecutor named Soliony and agrees to the Zuggernaut's offer of help in exchange for being its host.

Returning to Moscow, they attack Soliony, who has been interrogating Mikhail Arkadin. Arkadin summons Firestorm and escapes the jail to find the Zuggernaut threatening Soliony. The Zuggernaut is driven off when Firestorm burns impressions of his hand into their chest.[259]

The Zuggernaut reappears a short time later and allows itself to be captured in order to get to Soliony. Again Firestorm intervenes, creating discord for both the host and the alien.[260] Their fight with Firestorm is interrupted by Stalnoivolk, allowing Rodor to override the Zuggernaut's desire to fight Firestorm and chase after Soliony. They, in turn, are delayed by the Russian super-team Soyuz, allowing Firestorm to catch up and stop them. This results in Rodor being mortally wounded and the Zuggernaut withdrawing to find a new host.[261]

Powers and abilities of the Zuggernaut

When bonded with a host, the Zuggernaut can take the form of a tall, purple alien creature possessing long, sharp claws and fangs. It also has a green gemstone embedded in its forehead which is capable of firing energy beams. The Zuggernaut can also project beams of energy from his eyes and has the ability to leap great distances.

gollark: Okay, network hardware's going up, server is booting.
gollark: That's… extremely common?
gollark: Ah, it appears that the power supply has been shut off except only downstairs?
gollark: Arch, if you must know.
gollark: Oh, parents turned it off.

See also

  • List of DC Comics characters
  • List of Marvel Comics characters


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  174. "Detective Comics #500". Grand Comics Database. Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  175. Secret Origins (vol. 3) #5. DC Comics
  176. Aquaman (vol. 7) #21. DC Comics
  177. Aquaman (vol. 7) #23. DC Comics
  178. Aquaman (vol. 7) #25. DC Comics
  179. Kit, Borys (April 12, 2017). "Dolph Lundgren Joins Jason Momoa in 'Aquaman' (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on April 17, 2017. Retrieved September 17, 2017.
  180. Batman: Dark Victory
  181. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Manning, Matthew K.; McAvennie, Michael; Wallace, Daniel (2010). DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle. DK Publishing. p. 45. ISBN 978-0-7566-6742-9.
  182. Thomas, Roy (2006). The All-Star Companion: Vol 2. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 93. ISBN 978-1893905375.
  183. Firestorm the Nuclear Men (vol. 3) #27 (September 2006)
  184. Firestorm the Nuclear Men (vol. 3) #29 (November 2006)
  185. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #4 (February 2012)
  186. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8-12 (June–August 2012)
  187. Doomsday Clock #5 (May 2018). DC Comics
  188. Doomsday Clock #8 (December 2018). DC Comics
  189. Adventures of Superman #625 (April 2004)
  190. Greenberger, Robert; Pasko, Martin (2010). The Essential Superman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. p. 319. ISBN 978-0-345-50108-0.
  191. Action Comics #813 (May 2004)
  192. Adventures of Superman #626 (May 2004)
  193. Superman (vol. 2) #202–203 (April–May 2004)
  194. Action Comics #821 (January 2005)
  195. Action Comics #822 (February 2005)
  196. Action Comics #825 (May 2005)
  197. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Manning, Matthew K.; McAvennie, Michael; Wallace, Daniel (2010). DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle. DK Publishing. p. 95. ISBN 978-0-7566-6742-9.
  198. New Titans #8
  199. New Titans #9
  200. Green Lantern (vol. 3) #66
  201. Green Lantern (vol. 3) #67
  202. Green Lantern (vol. 3) #68–69
  203. Rovin, Jeff (1987). The Encyclopedia of Supervillains. New York: Facts on File. pp. 282–283. ISBN 0-8160-1356-X.
  204. Fleisher, Michael L. (2007). The Original Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes, Volume Three: Superman. DC Comics. pp. 282–283. ISBN 978-1-4012-1389-3.
  205. Greenberger, Robert; Pasko, Martin (2010). The Essential Superman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. p. 323. ISBN 978-0-345-50108-0.
  206. Justice League of America (vol. 3) #4
  207. Eisner, Joel (1986). The Official Batman Batbook. Contemporary Books. ISBN 0-8092-5035-7.
  208. Goldberg, Lesley (October 3, 2012). "How Does The CW's 'Arrow' Compare to the DC Series? A Comic Book Expert Weighs In". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2019-08-19.
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  210. Andreeva, Nellie (2012-03-02). "'The River's Paul Blackthorne Joins 'Arrow', Jamey Sheridan Set To Play Arrow's Dad". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 2019-08-19.
  211. Justice League Quarterly #1
  212. Justice League of America's Vibe #6
  213. Supergirl (vol. 6) #5 (March 2012)
  214. John Ostrander (w), Tom Mandrake (a). Firestorm the Nuclear Man #92–94 (March – May 1990), DC Comics
  215. Wells, John (2015). American Comic Book Chronicles: 1960-64. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 125. ISBN 978-1605490458.
  216. Greenberger, Robert; Pasko, Martin (2010). The Essential Superman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. p. 355. ISBN 978-0-345-50108-0.
  217. Action Comics #456 (February 1976)
  218. Adventure Comics #443–448 (January–February - November–December 1976) and #459 (September–October 1978)
  219. Justice League of America #40 (November 1965) and #162 (January 1979)
  220. Black Condor #4 (September 1992)
  221. Eury, Michael (October 2019). "World's Frightfest Comics: Superman vs. Monsters in the Bronze Age". Back Issue. TwoMorrows Publishing (#116): 3–14.
  222. Boucher, Geoff (February 4, 2019). "'Stargirl': DC Universe Series Adds Jake Austin Walker and Meg DeLacy". Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on November 2, 2019. Retrieved April 2, 2020.
  223. "The Flash Trailer: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References from an In-Depth Look".
  224. Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #15 (Sept 1956)
  225. The Flash #5
  226. The Flash #15
  227. Smallville: Season 11 #9
  228. John Ostrander (w), Joe Brozowski (p). "Dialogues" Firestorm the Nuclear Man #67 (January 1988)
  229. Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #4. DC Comics.
  230. Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #5. DC Comics.
  231. Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #6. DC Comics.
  232. Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #9. DC Comics.
  233. Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #10. DC Comics.
  234. Gerry Conway (w), Pat Broderick (p). "Squeeze Play!" The Fury of Firestorm #18 (November 1983)
  235. Stuart Moore (w), Jamal Igle, Steve Sadowski, Freddie E. Williams II (p). "In My Father's House" Firestorm: The Nuclear Man v2, #28–32 (October 2006 – February 2007)
  236. White, Brett (August 25, 2015). "Demore Barnes Cast as 'Flash's' Tokamak". Retrieved March 23, 2016.
  237. Flash #294 (February 1981)
  238. Flash #295 (March 1981)
  239. Flash #296 (April 1981)
  240. The Fury of Firestorm #8 (January 1983)
  241. Firestorm the Nuclear Man #61 (July 1987)
  242. The Fury of Firestorm #9 (February 1983)
  243. Firestorm (vol. 3) #11–13 (May–July 2005)
  244. Superman #652 (July 2006)
  245. Finger, Bill; Moldoff, Sheldon; Paris, Charles; Starkman, Stan (June 1962). Schiff, Jack (ed.). "The Boy Who Was Robin". Batman. Vol. 1 no. #148.
  246. Watters, Bill (2017-01-13). "NBC's 'Powerless' Trailer Featuring Bruce Wayne's Cousin". Bleeding Retrieved 2017-01-14.
  247. Gotham Underground #3. DC Comics
  248. Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge #2. Marvel Comics
  249. Birds Of Prey (vol. 2) #4 (October 2010), DC Comics
  250. Birds Of Prey (vol. 2) #1 (July 2010), DC Comics
  251. Birds Of Prey (vol. 2) #2 (August 2010)
  252. Birds Of Prey (vol. 2) #3 (September 2010), DC Comics
  253. Birds of Prey (vol. 2) #6 (December 2010), DC Comics
  254. Suicide Squad (vol. 4) #3 (January 2012)
  255. Flash (vol. 2) #197 (June 2003)
  256. Flash (vol. 2) #211 (August 2004)
  257. Flash (vol. 2) #219 (April 2005)
  258. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Korte, Steve; Manning, Matt; Wiacek, Win; Wilson, Sven (2016). The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe. DK Publishing. p. 357. ISBN 978-1-4654-5357-0.
  259. John Ostrander (w), Joe Brozowski (p). "Back in the U.S.S.R." Firestorm the Nuclear Man #69 (March 1988)
  260. John Ostrander (w), Joe Brozowski (p). "Return of the Zuggernaut" Firestorm the Nuclear Man #72 (June 1988)
  261. John Ostrander (w), Joe Brozowski (p). "Blood Red Square" Firestorm the Nuclear Man #73 (July 1988)
Batman titles
  1. Gardner Fox (w), Sheldon Moldoff (p). "Inside Story of the Outsider!" Detective Comics #356 (October 1966)
  2. Dave Wood (w), Sheldon Moldoff (p). "The Fantastic Dr. No-Face" Detective Comics #319 (September 1963), DC Comics
  3. Sheldon Moldoff (a). "The Menace of False Face" Batman #113 (February 1958)
  4. Tony Bedard (w), David Cole (p), Doug Hazlewood (i). "The Warrior Wake of Zinda Blake" Birds of Prey #112 (January 2008), DC Comics
Firestorm titles
  1. Gerry Conway (w), Pat Broderick (p). "Day of the Bison" The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982), DC Comics
Green Lantern titles
  1. Alan Moore (w), Dave Gibbons (a). "Mogo Doesn't Socialize" Green Lantern v2, #188 (May 1985), DC Comics
  2. Dave Gibbons, Geoff Johns (w), Patrick Gleason (p), Christian Alamy, Prentis Rollins (i). "Hunted" Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #4 (February 2006), DC Comics
  3. Dave Gibbons (w), Dave Gibbons (p), Michael Bair, Keith Champagne (i). "The Hunt" Green Lantern Corps v2, #5 (December 2006), DC Comics
Superman titles
  1. Joe Kelly (w), Doug Mahnke, Lee Bermejo (p). "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?" Action Comics #775 (March 2001)
Additional comics
  1. Mort Weisinger (w), Creig Flessel (a). "Mystery of the Clowning Criminals" Leading Comics #2 (spring 1942), DC Comics
  2. Jon Small (a). "Adventure Express" Star Spangled Comics #68 (May 1947), DC Comics
  3. Mac Raboy (a). "The Real Face of False Face" Captain Marvel Jr. #29 (April 1948), Fawcett Publications
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