2004 in comics

Notable events of 2004 in comics. See also List of years in comics.



  • February 6: Marvel Enterprises and Electronic Arts announce a multi-year agreement in which EA will develop a new generation of fighting video games pitting Marvel superheroes against a new, original set of EA heroes.
  • February 20: Erik Larsen becomes the new publisher of Image Comics, replacing Jim Valentino, who stepped down.




  • May 9: Sam Linthout, son of Belgian cartoonist Willy Linthout, commits suicide at age 21. This will motivate Linthout to draw a graphic novel about his grief: Years of the Elephant. [6] [7]
  • May 19: At the instigation of Kees Kousemaker, owner of the Amsterdam comics store Lambiek, the first buildings of the Stripheldenbuurt in the Dutch city Almere are inaugurated. This is a district where all street names are named after famous comics characters and cartoonists. [8]


  • With issue #1595, Comics Buyer's Guide changes its format from a weekly tabloid to a monthly squarebound magazine. In addition, in hopes of enhancing newsstand sales, CBG adds a price guide for contemporary comics as well as other new features intended to make the magazine more appealing to those with an avid interest in comic books as an investment.
  • June 3: Marvel Comics announces the creation of its first prose imprint Marvel Press. Three novels were scheduled for 2004: the young adult novel Mary Jane II would land on bookstore shelves in June, followed by an adult fantasy Wolverine title in October and a middle grade Spider-Man title in November.
  • June 18: CrossGen Entertainment files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the US Bankruptcy Court in Tampa, Florida. ("Copy of filing" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2005-08-17. Retrieved 2005-08-11. (220 KiB)
  • Daniel Clowes' The Death-Ray is prepublished in Eightball.



  • September 29: Mark Retera wins the Stripschapprijs. [10] Normally he would be awarded the prize during the Stripdagen in Alphen aan de Rijn a month later, but since he planned a holiday then he is given it during a broadcast of the TV show Vara Laat. [11]


  • October 6: Marvel Enterprises announces an agreement with Antefilms Production to produce a new animated television series based on The Fantastic Four.
  • 23-24 October: During the Stripdagen in Alphen aan de Rijn Jan Joosse of the organisation Biblion wins the P. Hans Frankfurther Prize. [12] Nico van Dam, Bert Bus en Harry Balm receive the Bulletje en Boonestaakschaal. [13]


  • November 30: Artist Michael Ryan (New X-Men: Academy X, Mystique) signs an exclusive 3-year contract with Marvel Comics.




  • January 7: Jerzy Skarzynski, Polish theatre artist and comics artist (Janosik Sans Titre), dies at age 79. [14]
  • January 8: Eddy Ryssack, Belgian comics artist (Brammetje Bram, Opa), dies at age 75 from a heart attack. [15]
  • January 20: George Woodbridge, American comics artist (Mad Magazine), dies at age 73 from emphysema. [16]
  • January 31: Giorgio Cambiotti, Italian comics artist (Jacula, worked on Kriminal, Messalina and Reno Kid, continued Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom), passes away at age 72. [17]



  • March 8: Mario Uggeri, Italian painter, sculptor and comics artist, dies at age 70. [24]
  • March 11: Gilles Nicoulaud, French comics artist, dies at age 57 or 58. [25]
  • March 30: Doug Tainsh, Australian cartoonist, gag writer, screenwriter and comics artist (Speewah Jack, Cedric), dies at age 82. [26]


  • April 5: Gébé, French comics artist (L'An 01), passes away from a tumor at age 74. [27]
  • April 10: Chester Commodore, American comics artist (The Sparks, continued Bungleton Green, The Ravings of Professor Doodle, So What?), passes away at age 89. [28]
  • April 11: Irv Novick, American comics artist (DC Comics) artist, passes away at age 93. [29]
  • April 14: Pepe Huinca, Chilean comics artist (Artemio), dies at age 61 in a car accident. [30]
  • April 15: Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Japanese manga artist (Tetsujin 28-go, Giant Robo, Sangokushi), passes away at age 69 in a home fire.[31] [32]


  • May 1: Jørgen Mogensen, Danish comics artist (Alfredo, Poeten og Lillemor, Roselil og hendes mor), passes away at age 82. [33]
  • May 10: Henry Kiefer, American comics artist and illustrator (various realistically drawn comics, among them for Classics Illustrated), passes away at age 67. [34]
  • May 12: Syd Hoff, American cartoonist and comics artist (Tuffy, Laugh It Off), dies at age 91. [35]
  • May 15:
  • May 16: Remus Dimitrie Sbiera, aka Sool Sbiera, Romanian comics artist (Les Braconniers), dies at age 67. [38]


  • June 6: Kate Worley, American comics writer (Omaha the Cat Dancer), dies of cancer at age 46.
  • June 7: Karel Biddeloo, Belgian comics artist (continued De Rode Ridder), passes away from cancer at age 60. [39]
  • June 17: Todor Dinov, Bulgarian animator and comics artist (Malkoto Anche), dies at age 84. [40]
  • June 24: Heinz Rammelt, German comics artist (Der Insel der Ferianer, Chi-Chi), passes away at age 92. [41]


  • July 2: John Cullen Murphy, American comics artist (Big Ben Bolt, worked on Prince Valiant), dies at age 85. [42]
  • July 25: Joe Buresch, American comics artist (Dinah Mite), dies at age 87. [43]
  • July 26: Oğuz Aral, Turkish comics artist (Hafiyesi Mahmut, Hayk Mammer, Utanmaz Adam, Avanak Avni), dies at age 68. [44]
  • Specific date in July unknown: Mario Capaldi, British comics artist and illustrator, dies at age 69. [45]


  • August 2: François Craenhals, Belgian comics artist (Pom et Teddy, Primus et Musette, Les 4 As, Le Chevalier Ardent), passes away at age 77. [46]
  • August 11: George Breisacher, American comics artist (Knobs, continued Mutt and Jeff), dies at age 64. [47]
  • August 26: Enzo Baldoni, Italian journalist and translator of Doonesbury in the Italian magazine Linus, is kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Iraq at age 55. [9]
  • August 30: Bart Huges, Dutch activist and comics writer (Arnold Slak & de Slow Sisters op weg, Licht uit de put, Een wetenschappelijke sekte...? en Gnōthi seauton/Ken uzelf: erken uw oude engrammen [48]), passes away at age 70.


  • September 5: Carlos Leopardi, Argentine comics artist (Atila, worked on Nippur de Lagash), dies at age 57. [49]



  • December 3: Hans Nordenström, aka Brul, Swedish cartoonist, illustrator and comics artist, dies at age 77. [55]
  • December 22: Loek van Delden, Dutch comics artist (Smidje Verholen, Brigadier Piet), passes away at age 86. [56]
  • December 22: Ben van Voorn, Dutch comics artist and animator (worked for Marten Toonder), dies at age 67. [57]
  • December 26: Pierre Dupuis, French comics artist (Les Grands Capitaines, La Seconde Guerre Mondiale, worked on L'oncle Paul series, continued Mam'zelle Minouche), dies at age 75. [58]

Specific date unknown

  • Dimitris Antonopoulos, Greek architect, painter, illustrator and comics artist (Ta Koróida oi Archaíoi, aka The Ancient Losers), passes away at age 71 or 72. [59]
  • Lucien Meys, Belgian comics artist (Le Beau Pays d'Onironie, Chroniques de l'Heureux Zélu) and comics writer (Signor Spaghetti, Modeste et Pompon, Mongwy), dies at age 67 or 68. [60]


  • September 15–December 10: "Gillray's Legacy," curated by Lucy Shelton Caswell (8th Festival of Cartoon Art, Philip Sills Gallery, William Oxley Thompson Library, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio)[61]


First issues by title

DC Comics

JSA Strange Adventures
Release: October.

Marvel Comics

Release: July 14. Writer: Marc Sumerak. Artist: Casey Jones.
Release: July 7. Writer: Robert Rodi. Artist: Esad Ribić.
Release: July 21. Writer: Hans Rodionoff. Artist: Kyle Hotz.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2004
Release: July 7. Cover by: Salvador Larroca.
Release: July 7.Writer: Kevin J. Anderson. Artist: Francisco Ruiz Velasco.
Release: June. Writer: Brian Walsh. Artist: Will Conrad.

Other publishers

Capitão Brasil
Osiedle Swoboda
Release: June by Niezależna Prasa. Writer & Artist: Michał Śledziński

Initial appearances by character name


  1. Hoffman, Eric; Grace, Dominick (18 March 2013). "Dave Sim: Conversations". Univ. Press of Mississippi. Retrieved 7 April 2018 via Google Books.
  2. (in Dutch) Beleidsplan van het Nederlands Stripmuseum Archived 2014-03-18 at the Wayback Machine, Nederlands Stripmuseum. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
  3. https://www.lambiek.net/artists/l/leroux_f.htm
  4. Mertes, Micah (October 14, 2008). "Rest up now to take part in 24 Hour Comics Day Saturday". Lincoln Journal Star. Lincoln, Nebraska. Archived from the original on September 23, 2018. Retrieved August 16, 2012.
  5. "Frank O. King". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  6. "Inmemoriam". Inmemoriam. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  7. "Willy Linthout". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  8. "The History of Lambiek (2003-2005)".
  9. "Profile: Enzo Baldoni". BBC News. 2004-08-27. Retrieved 2012-09-06.
  10. Adformatie, Redactie (Sep 29, 2004). "Retera wint Stripschapprijs". Adformatie. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  11. "WE HAVE A WINNER!". www.silvesterstrips.nl. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  12. https://www.stripschap.nl/pages/stripschapprijzen/p.-hans-frankfurtherprijs/complete-lijst.php
  13. "Makers stripbladen geëerd met prijzen". Gazet van Antwerpen. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  14. https://www.lambiek.net/artists/s/skarzynski_jerzy.htm
  15. "Eddy Ryssack". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  16. "George Woodbridge". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  17. "Giorgio Cambiotti". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  18. "Josep Maria Madorell". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
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  23. https://www.lambiek.net/artists/c/chartier_albert.htm
  24. "Mario Uggeri". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  25. "Gilles Nicoulaud". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  26. "Doug Tainsh". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  27. "Gébé". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  28. "Chester Commodore". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  29. "Irv Novick". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  30. "Pepe Huinca". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  31. "Mitsuteru Yokoyama dies". Anime News Network. 2004-04-15. Retrieved 2012-12-10.
  32. "Mitsuteru Yokoyama". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  33. "Jørgen Mogensen". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  34. "Henry Kiefer". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  35. "Sydney Hoff". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  36. "Jack Bradbury". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  37. "Gill Fox". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  38. "Sool Sbiera". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  39. "Karel Biddeloo". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  40. "Todor Dinov". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  41. "Heinz Rammelt". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
  42. "John Cullen Murphy". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
  43. "Joe Buresch". lambiek.net. Retrieved 7 April 2018.
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  45. "Mario Capaldi". lambiek.net. Retrieved May 11, 2020.
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  51. "Controversial filmmaker shot dead". The Independent. London. 2 November 2004. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 29 April 2010.
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  62. Press release. "Wizard Announces Successful Debut for Wizard World Los Angeles," Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. website (2004). Accessed Jan. 30, 2016.
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gollark: Anyway, while I don't agree with your views at all, it is interesting to discuss things with someone who thinks very differently, so thanks.
gollark: It is probably an improvement on average, at least.
gollark: The current system, whatever you label it, works fairly well. There are definitely problems. So many problems. Also lots of room for significant improvements without getting rid of it all. But it works decently well without requiring everyone to magically get along fine and the world is steadily increasing in prosperity.
gollark: If your thing only works for self-selected small groups, then it's hardly a good way to organize... our whole global societies comprising 7 billion people, quite a lot of whom don't like each other.
gollark: I just don't think it would actually work at current global scales or for probably most people.
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