List of mango cultivars

Worldwide, hundreds of mango cultivars exist. In mango orchards, multiple cultivars are often grown together to improve cross-pollination.

Mangos of the Kensington Pride cultivar

Table of mangoes

Reportedly, in India alone, there are around 283 types of mangoes, out of which only 30 are well-known.[1][2] The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) facility on Old Cutler Road in Coral Gables, Florida, has about 400 varieties of mangoes and is one of the largest depositories of mango plant cultures in the world. The USDA collection was originally believed to have over 500 varieties of mango germplasm, but genetic testing showed several duplicates. In the United States, South Florida is one of the meccas for mangoes due to year-round temperate climate and culture fascinated by mangoes and several nurseries dedicated to bringing new varieties of mangoes into the US by either import or selective breeding. Reviews of older varieties of mangoes were based upon the competition available at the time. Most of the varieties of mangoes available in grocery stores in the United States can trace their lineage to the Haden mango tree, a tree planted by Jack Haden in 1902 in Coral Gables, Florida (Haden itself can be traced back to Malgova which is misspelled Malgoba in US and has its origin in Tamil Nadu, India). The Zills family has created a number of new varieties of mango, most recently, Gary Zill with Zill's High Performance a selective breeding program of new varieties. The following are among the more widely grown mango cultivars, listed by the country in which they were selected or are most extensively cultivated:

Image Origin/
Alampur Baneshan India
Alice United States
Almaas Pakistan
Alphonso India, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates "King of mangoes", very sweet with fibreless pulp, rich in vitamin A and C, founded mainly in Devgad & Ratnagiri Districts of Maharashtra, India. This cultivar is available in February till end of May. The dates of availability of mangoes vary by geography, climate, and weather. The "King of Mangoes" is a marketing term.
Amrapali India
Anderson United States Anderson is a seedling of Sandersha that was planted at the residence of Mrs. L.F. Anderson in Miami, Florida. Anderson is a large mango, growing in length from 26–34 cm. [Mangoes: A Guide To Mangoes In Florida, p. 30] The eating quality was listed as "fair."
Angie Florida, United States Angie mango is a dwarfing mango tree from Florida with excellent eating quality. Angie has a resinous taste, similar to the Carrie mango. Angie is considered to be a disease-resistant mango, but in high humidity environments, Angie's new leaf growth is susceptible to mango scab.
Anwar Ratol (Multan, Punjab Pakistan) (Uttar Pardesh India) Anwar Ratol is a small sized yellow in color mango sometimes known as mini-sized power house available in Punjab and Sindh regions of Pakistan. It is also available near Rataul village in Uttar Pardesh India. It is insanely sweet in taste with less of fiber.
Ataulfo Ecuador, Mexico
Badami Karnataka, India Badami mangoes are also known as the Alphonso of Karnataka state.
Bailey's Marvel United States
Banganapalli India The largest volume mango cultivar in the world, this medium-large fruit ripens to a golden-yellow exterior and a straw-yellow to golden-yellow interior. Very juicy, slightly tangy with little or no fibre and a creamy texture. It originates from the erstwhile princely state of Banganapalle, in present-day Andhra Pradesh, India.
Bangalora[3] India It is also known as Kilimooku mangoes
Bennet Alphonso United States
Beverly United States Beverly is an almost fiber-less late season mango. In South Florida, fruiting as late as August or October.
Black and Rose India Kerala Black and Rose
Bombay India, United States Bombay is a vigorous mango tree that bears fruit in June–July in South Florida. It is susceptible to anthracnose. Bombay is the parent of the White Perie mango of Hawaii.
Brahm Kai Meu United States
Brooks Australia, United States
Carabao (Philippine Mango) Philippines The Ataulfo (mango) and Manilita mango cultivars originated from the Philippine Mango variety. It can be traced back in the Manila-Mexico galleon trade in the years 1600-1800s.[4]
Carrie United States Carrie is a seedling of a Sophie Fry from the residence of Mr. Lawrence H. Zill of Boynton Beach, Florida. It was named in honor of Mr. Zill's mother, Carrie. The Carrie mango turns slight yellow when ripe, but what it lacks in color, it makes up in taste. The Carrie mango has a strong resinous flavor that is desired by some, and despised by others. A Carrie mango must be allowed to ripen on the tree and develops a strong "musky" flavor when over-ripe.
Chaunsa India, Multan (Punjab), Pakistan Chaunsa (also referred to as 'Chausa') is a pale yellow, slightly green succulent variety of mango when ripe. Closer to its ripening, the mango skin will be soft to touch and will appear wrinkly. Chaunsa is harvested in the summer months (June–September).
Chinnarasamu Nuzvid in Andhra Pradesh of India
Cherukurasamu Nuzvid in Andhra Pradesh of India
Coconut Cream United States Coconut Cream is part of the selective breeding program by Zills High Performance and is patented. The fruit tastes like coconut cream pie. The branches of the tree grow in arcs and curve around, making a complex tree canopy.
Chok Anan Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Thailand Choc Anan is known as the ever-bearing mango tree because of its potential to have a mango crop during the summer and winter. Some speculate that removing the summer crop may increase the chances of a winter crop by allowing the tree to save the energy that would have been used for fruit production in the summer.
Cogshall United States Cogshall is from Pine Island, Florida. It is an excellent eating quality, but is not commercially available because of a very short shelf-life and thin skin that would bruise easily.
Cushman United States
Dasheri India, Nepal, Pakistan, stories about its origin but the owners say it is a "chance" seedling.
Dot United States Dot is an exceptional tasting mango. Dot is a seedling of the Carrie Mango planted at Lawrence Zill's Boynton Beach, Florida home. The dot mango is highly susceptible to anthracnose, so it should not be planted in high humidity locations.
Dudhiya Malda India, Nepal Grown in Digha, Patna, Bihar, and Siraha. Known for its distinctively sweet, yellowish pulp and thin skin.[5][6][7][8]
Duncan United States Duncan mango was patented by David Sturrock of West Palm Beach, Florida. The patent has long since expired. Duncan fruits in clusters and has excellent disease resistance. It is a mid-late season mango.
Earlygold United States
Edward United States Edward is an excellent eating quality mango, but is considered to be a shy bearer (little fruit).
Eldon United States
Emerald United States
Fazli (mango) Bangladesh
Fajri Kalan Pakistan
Fairchild United States
Fascell United States
Florigon United States Florigon is a seedling of a Saigon planted on the property of Mr. John C. Kaiser, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Florigon tree is vigorous. Florigon is considered to be one of the most disease resistant varieties of mangoes in high humid climates, although the flavor is not on par with many of the newer varieties.
Ford United States
Gary United States The Gary mango is considered delicious by many with a hint of coconut flavor. Gary is considered very susceptible to anthracnose.
Gir Kesar

India, United Arab Emirates The Gir Keshar mango is famous for its colour and smell. Ripe fruit gives a world's best smell and taste. The taste and smell makes them expensive.
Glenn Italy, United States Glenn is a sweet, mild mango. The tree is vigorous, to a medium size. The canopy is rounded. The ripe fruit has a very pleasant sweet smell.
Golapkhas/Gulabkhas India
Gold Nugget United States
Golden Lippens United States
Graham Trinidad Graham is from Trinidad. Compared with many modern mangoes, Graham seems bland.
Green Willard Sri Lanka, India
Haden India, Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, United States Haden is the "parent" of many, many other varieties of mangoes in the United States. Haden was a Mulgoba seedling. The original Haden tree still stands in Coral Gables, Florida.
Hatcher United States
Heidi South Africa
Himayat / Imam Pasand India
Himsagar Bangladesh, India, Nepal
Ice Cream United States
Irwin Australia, Costa Rica, United States, Taiwan, Japan (Okinawa) In Japan this variety is marketed as Apple Mango, and in the case of imports from Japan one needs to take care not to confuse it with the Apple Mango grown in the Philippines.
China Also known as the Jingu Ivory mango, or Ivory mango, this long, thin mango is named for its resemblance to a young elephant's tusk. It has thin, smooth skin. The flesh contains very few fibres, and constitutes approximately 82 percent of the fruit. It was first introduced into Yunnan, China from Thailand in 1914. The actual tree that was the first to be imported still grows, and during one year produced almost 500 kg of fruit.[9]
Jacquelin United States
Jakarta United States
Jean Ellen United States
Julie Caribbean A colourful,oval shaped mango with almost flat sides. Has a sweet-tart flavour and a dwarf growth habit. Originated in the Caribbean and is still very popular throughout the region. Julie is a high fiber mango.
Kalepad Andhra Pradesh, India
Katchamitha India, Philippines Katchamitha originated from India, but has become one of the most common cultivars in the Philippines where it is commonly called the "Indian mango". It is commonly eaten while still green and crispy and has a mildly sweet taste. The flesh is fibrous when ripe compared to the native carabao mango.[10][11]
Keitt Australia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Italy, South Africa, United States Keitt (pronounced "kit") is one of the latest season mangoes in South Florida (United States), with fruit into October. Backyard Keitt's in South Florida regularly get to 2 pounds, and occasionally as large as 5 pounds.
Kensington Pride Australia, Italy, United States
Kent Australia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, United States The original Kent tree still stands in Coral Gables, Florida (United States)
Kohu Amba Sri Lanka
Kothapalli Kobbari Pithapuram, Andhra Pradesh of India Also known as Kobbari Mamidi.
Lakshmanbhog India
Lancetilla Honduras, United States Lancetilla can bear 5 pound fruit, but the eating quality is considered subpar among mango connoisseurs. The fruit is prone to splitting on the tree.
Langra India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
Lemon Meringue Myanmar
Lippens United States
Madame Francis Haiti Large kidney shaped mango that ripens to a golden yellow colour with piquant flesh Commonly exported to the United States in spring; often a feature of NYC fruit stands. Madame Francis is a high fiber mango.
Mahachanok Asia, United States Mahachanok is an oblong commercial mango from Asia, with yellow to orange color exterior when ripe. Described as a fiberless, sweet, and pleasant mango. The leaves of the tree are dark green and slimmer than many other mango trees.
Mallika India, Nepal, United States
Malwana (mango) Sri Lanka
Manilita United States
Manohar Punjab, India Large mango grows in clusters, seedling of Chaunsa. Exceptional complex flavor good sweetness. Very vigorous.
Momi K[12] Hawaii, United States Teardrop shaped with a narrow point. Ripens to a reddish orange blush. Flesh has creamy consistency.
Muhammad Wala Pakistan
Mulgoba India, United States Small mango with a comparatively big seed. Parent of the Haden mango.
Nam Doc Mai Thailand, United Arab Emirates Fruit is elongated, with a prominent beak, and is normally yellow with green spots.
Neelam India, Pakistan Fruit weigh 9 to 12 oz, with the general shape of a fat cashew nut. They are smooth-skinned and bright yellow upon ripening and have no blush. The flesh is deep yellow or orange. There is no fiber and a rich, aromatic flavor that is over-powering to the unaccustomed palate. They have a late ripening season and can be stored for an extended time. Fruit should be harvested when mature green and ripened at room temperature off the tree.
Osteen Italy, Spain, United States
Palmer Australia, Brazil, United States
Panakalu Andhra Pradesh of India
Panchadharakalasa Andhra Pradesh of India
Parvin United States
Pina Colada United States Pina Colada is part of the selective breeding program by Zills High Performance. Pina Colada is a small fruit that packs a lot of flavor. The tree is unproductive and susceptible to anthracnose.
Peddarasamu Nuzvid in Andhra Pradesh of India
Philippine See Carabao (mango).
Pim Seng Mun
Pineapple Pleasure
Po Pyu Kalay Myanmar
Pram Kai Mea See Brahm Kai Meu.
Raspuri Karnataka, India An extremely popular variety in South India, a fully ripe Raspuri (Rasa in Kannada means Juice) mango harvested at the right time and ripened naturally can beat them all, including the Alphonso, in taste as well as amount of juice per mango. Many people, especially Kannadigas, do not even ask for any another variety except Raspuri in Bengaluru.
Red Willard Sri Lanka
Rosigold United States Rosigold is considered one of the earliest season mangos in South Florida. The quality is considered average, but at a time of year when there are no fresh mangoes, it is in its own class. Rosigold is susceptible to anthracnose.
Ruby United States
Saigon United States
San Felipe Cuba Fruit is large at 20 ounces with a striking oxblood color; the flesh is yellow.
Saharni Pakistan
Sammar Bahisht Pakistan, India (in Urdu Sammar means fruit and Bahisht means Paradise)
Sensation South Africa, United States
Shan-e-Khuda Pakistan
Sindhri Mirpur Khas district, Sindh province of Pakistan Sindhi mango cultivated in Sindhri town Mirpur Khas district, Sindh province of Pakistan
Sophie Fry United States
Southern Blush United States
Spirit of '76 United States Spirit of 76 is a seedling from Lawrence Zill's residence. The mango is fiberless and has a very pleasant sweet flavor.
Springfels United States One of the older cultivars from Florida, but still good tasting. It is a large mango, but Due to its size, it has uneven ripening. The uneven ripening is known as "jelly seed," where the flesh around the seed is overripe and soft.
Sunset United States
Swarnarekha Andhra Pradesh of India
Sweet Tart
Tess Pollack
Tommy Atkins Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela One of the most commonly sold mangoes in the world. has extremely long shelf life. Hard and oblong exterior.
Torbert United States
Totapuri India
Turpentine United States Turpentine is a small, high fiber mango that is poly embryonic mango. Turpentine is used as a rootstock in Florida for grafting other mango varieties.
Ugly Betty
Valencia Pride South Africa, United States Large, oblong mango. Sweet, mild flavor, but the fruit is prone to splitting on the tree. The tree is a vigorous grower.
Van Dyke Italy, United States
Vellai Kolomban Sri Lanka
Young United States Young mango was renamed the "Tebow" (after the American football player) for marketing purposes.
Zill South Africa, United States Zill is a seedling of Haden planted in 1922 by Carl King of Lake Worth, Florida (US). Vigorous tree, fruit is good eating quality.

List of cultivars by nation


  • Bangladesh: Amrapali, Ashini, Fazli, Himsagar, Khirshapat, Langra, Lokhon-bhog, Raj-bhog
  • Cambodia: Cambodiana
  • China: Baiyu, Guixiang, Huangpi, Huangyu, Macheco, Sannian, Yuexi
  • India: priyoor mango Alphonso,[13] Amrapali, Alampur Baneshan, Badshahpasand, Bangalora, Banganapalli,[13] Black and Rose, Bombay, Bombay Green, Badami, Cheruku Rasalu, Chinna Rasalu, Thalimango, Chitoor, Rumani, Maharaja Pasand, Chinnarasam, Unda manfa, Dusehri, Ela Manga, Gaddamar, Gadam Mary, Fajri Kalan, Fernandian, Fajli, HusanNara, Gulabkhas, Himayath, Himsagar, Imam Pasand,[13] Imam Hussain Mango, Jehangir, Ottu Mangai, Langra Benarsi, Pedda Rasalu, Surkha, Totapuri, Kalepad, Kishen Bhog, Komanga, Kothapalli Kobbari, Kuttiyattor, Kalami, Gir Kesar, Lalbaug, Langra, Maldah, Malgis, Mallika, Malgoa,[13] Mankur (Goa), Mankurad, Moovandan, Nagulapalli Rasalu, Nattuma, Nannari, Neelum, Neeleshan, Panchadara Kalasa, Puliyan, Panduri Mamidi, Payri, Priyor, Rani, Rajapuri, Raspuri, Ratna, Rayal Special, Sindoori, Safeda, Sammar Bahisht, Suvarnarekha, Totapuri Vanraj, Yahya Mariam Mango, Zardalu.
  • Indonesia: Arumanis/Harumanis, Gadung/Gedong, Manalagi, Cengkir/Indramayu, Gajah, Bapang, Lalijiwo, Kueni, Golek, Kemiri, Boled, Bengkulu, Situbondo, Kelapa, Alor, Selaputih, Kedundang, Wani
  • Japan (Okinawa): Irwin
  • Malaysia: Apple Mango, Apple Rumani, Arumanis, Golek, Kuala Selangor, Malgoa, Maha-65, Tok Boon
  • Myanmar: Aung Din (အောင်ဒင်), Ma Chit Su (မချစ်စု), Po Pyu Kalay, Sein Ta Lone (စိန်တစ်လုံး), Shwe Hin Tha (ရွှေဟင်္သာ)
  • Nepal: Alphonso, Amrapali, Dusehri, Bombay, Mallika, Pharsi aamp, Supadi aamp, Sindure aamp and other local cultivars.
  • Pakistan: Almaas, Alphonso, Anmol, Anwar Rataul, BaganPali, Chaunsa, Chok anan, Collector, Dusehri, Desi Ada Pamato, Desi Badam, Desi Gola, Desi Badshah, Dilkash, Fajri, Gulab Janhu, Gulab Khas, Lahoti, Lal Badshah, Langra, Malda, Muhammad Wole, Nawab Puri, Neelum, Rani Phool, Sindhri, Saroli, Sawarnarika, Saleh Bhai, Saib, Shan-e-Khuda, Taimuria, Toofan, Wanghi, Zafran
  • Philippines: Apple Mango, Carabao or Kinalabaw, Indian, Piko, Paho, Pahohutan
  • Singapore: Apple Mango, Arumanis, Golek, Kaem Yao, Mangga Dadol
  • Sri Lanka: Dampara, Hingurakgoda, Karutha Kolomban, Malwana[under-ground] amba, Parrot Mango and Peterpasand, Petti amba, Rata amba, Vellai Kolomban, Wild Mango, Willard, Mee Amba, Kohu Amba, Pol Amba, Giraa amba, Red Willard, Green Willard, Mallika, TJC Mango.
  • Taiwan: JinHwang, Red JinHwang, TaiNong No. 1, Irwin
  • Thailand: Selected Mango varieties in Thai alphabet order.
    • : แก้ว 007 Kaeo 007, กระแตลืมรัง Kratae Luemrang, กระสวย Krasuay, กล้วย Kluay, กะล่อนทอง Kalonthong, การะเกด Karaket, กาละแม Kalamae, กำปั่น Kampan, แก้มแดง Kaemdaeng, แก้วขาว Kaeo Khao, แก้วเขียว Kaeo Khieo, แก้วทวาย Kaeo Tawai, แก้วลืมคอน Kaeo Luemkon, แก้วลืมรัง Kaeo Luemrang, แก้วสามปี Kaeo Sampi, แก้วหอม Kaeo Hom.
    • : ขอช้าง Khochang, ขายตึก Khaituek, ขี้ใต้ Khitai, ขี้ทุบ Khithup, ขุนทิพย์ Khunthip, เขียวไข่กา Khiaokhaika, เขียวภูเก็ต Khiaopuket, เขียวเสวย Khiaosawoey, เขียวเสวยรจนา Khiaosawoey Rotchana, ไขตึก Khaituek.
    • : คล้ายเขียวเสวย Khlay Khiaosawoey, คอนกแก้ว Khonokkaeo, ค้างคาวลืมรัง Khangkao Luemrang, คำ Kham, คุ Ku.
    • : งาขาวหรืองาหม่นยาว Nga Khaomonyao, งาเขียว Nga Khiao, งาช้าง Nga Chang, งาดาบ Nga Dap, งาแดง Nga Daeng, งาท้องเรือ Nga Thongruae, งาหม่น Nga Mon, เงาะ Ngo.
    • : จันทร์เจ้าขา Chanchaokha, จำปา Champa, เจ้าคุณทิพย์ Chaokhunthip, เจ้าพระยา Chaopraya, เจ้าเสวย Chaosawoey.
    • : ช้างตกตึก Changtoktuek, โชคโสภณ Chok Sopon, โชคอนันต์ Chok anan, โชคอนันต์ก้านชมพู Chok Anankanchompu.
    • : ตลับนาค Talapnak, ตะเพียนทอง Tapianthong, ตับเป็ด Tuppet, ตาเตะหลาน Ta Te-Lan, แตงกวา Thaeng Kwao.
    • : ทวายเดือนเก้า Thawai Dueankao, ทองขาว Thongkhao, ทองขาวกลม Thongkhaoklom, ทองขาวยาว Thongkhaoyao, ทองเจ้าพัฒน์ Thongchaopat, ทองดำ Thongdam, ทองดำกลายพันธุ์ Thongdam Klaipan, ทองดำมีร่อง Thongdam Mirong, ทองแดง Thongdaeng, ทองทวาย Thongthawai, ทองประกายแสด Thongprakaisat, ทองปลายแขน Thongplaikhean, ทองไม่รู้วาย Thongmairuwai, ทุเรียน Thurian, ทูลถวาย Thunthawai, เทพนิมิตร Thepnimit, เทพรส Thepparot.
    • : นวลจันทร์ Nuanchan, นวลแตง Nuanthaeng, นาทับ Nathap, น้ำดอกไม้ Nam Doc Mai, น้ำดอกไม้ทวาย Namdokmai Thawai, น้ำดอกไม้เบอร์ 4 Namdokmai No.4, น้ำดอกไม้เบอร์ 5 Namdokmai No.5, น้ำดอกไม้พระประแดง Namdokmai Phrapradaeng, น้ำดอกไม้สีทอง Namdokmai Sithong, น้ำดอกไม้สุพรรณ Namdokmai Suphan, น้ำตาลจีน Namtan Chin, น้ำตาลเตา Namtan Tao, น้ำตาลปากกระบอก Namtan Pakkrabok, น้ำตาลทรายหนัก Namtansainak, น้ำผึ้ง Nampueng.
    • : บานเย็น Banyen, บุญบันดาล Bunbandan, เบา Bao.
    • : ผ้าขี้ริ้วห่อทอง Pakhirio Hothong.
    • : พญาลืมเฝ้า Payaluemfao, พญาเสวย Payasawoey, พรวนขอ Phruankho, พราหมณ์ก้นขอ Phram Konkho, พราหมณ์เนื้อแดง Phram Nueadaeng, พราหมณ์เนื้อเหลือง Phram Nuealueang, พัดน้ำผึ้ง Phatnampueng, พิมเสนกลายพันธุ์ Phimsen Klaipan, พิมเสนแดง Phimsen Daeng, พิมเสนเปรี้ยว Phimsen Preow, พิมเสนมัน Phimsen Man, เพชรบ้านลาด Phetbanlat.
    • : ฟ้าลั่น Falan, ฟ้าแอปเปิล Fa-apple, แฟบ Faep.
    • : มนโฑ Monto, มะปราง Maprang, มะลิลา Malila, มันบางขุนศรี Manbangkhunsi, มันค่อม Mankom, มันทวาย Manthawai, มันทวายนักรบ Manthawai Nakrop, มันทองเอก Manthong Aek, มันทะลุฟ้า Manthalufa, มันบ้านลาด Manbanlat, มหาชนก Mahachanok, มันพิเศษ Manpiset, มันสะเด็ด Mansadet, มันสายฟ้า Mansaifa, มันหมู Manmu, มันหยด Manyot, มันหวาน Manwan, มันแห้ว Manhaeo, มันอยุธยา Man Ayuthaya, เมล็ดนิ่ม Maletnim, แม่ลูกดก Maelukdok, แมวเซา Maeosao.
    • : ยายกล่ำ Yaiglam.
    • : รจนา Rotchana, ระเด่นขาว Radenkhao, ระเด่นเขียว Radenkhiao, แรด Raet.
    • : ล่า La, ลิ้นงูเห่า Lin Nguhao, ลูกกลม Lukklom, ลูกแดง Lukdaeng, ลูกโยนพระอินทร์ Lukyon Phra-in, เล็บมือนาง Lepmuenang.
    • : ศาลายา Salaya.
    • : สังขยา Sangkhaya, สามปี Sampi, สามฤดู Samruedu, สายทิพย์ Saithip, สายน้ำค้าง Sainamkang, สายฝน Saifon, สาวน้อยกระทืบหอ Saonoi Kratuepho, สำปั่น Sampan, สีส้ม Sisom, แสงทอง Saengthong.
    • : หงษ์ทอง Hongthong, หงษ์สา Hongsa, หงสาวดี Hongsawadi, หนองแซง Nongsaeng, หนังกลางวัน Nangklangwan, หมอนทอง Monthong, หวานน้ำผึ้ง Wannampueng, หอยแครง Hoikrang, หอระฆัง Horakang, หินทอง Hinthong, แห้ว Haeo, แห้วหลวงอิงค์ Haeo Luanging.
    • : อกร่อง Okrong, อกร่องกะทิ Okrong Kati, อกร่องขาว Okrong Khao, อกร่องเขียว Okrong Khiao, อกร่องทอง Okrong Thong, อกร่องทองดำกลายพันธุ์ Okrong Thongdamklaiphan, อกร่องไทรโยก Okrong Saiyok, อกร่องพิกุลทอง Okrong Phikunthong, อกร่องภรณ์ทิพย์ Okrong Phonthip, อกร่องมัน Okrong Man, อกร่องหอมทอง Okrong Homthong, อ่อนมัน Onman, อินทรชิต Inthorachit, ไอ้ฮวบ Ai-Huap
  • Vietnam: Cao Lãnh Cát Chu mango, Bình Định Elephant mango, Hoà Lộc Sand mango



  • Cameroon: Améliorée du Cameroun
  • Egypt: Alphonso, Hindi, Hindi Besennara, Beid El Agl, Oweisi, Fuss Oweis, Taymoor, Zebdiah, Mesk
  • Kenya: Apple Mango,[15] Batwi, Boubo, Ngowe
Apple mango
  • Mali: Amelie, Kent
  • Réunion island: Carotte, Jose, Lucie, Auguste
  • South Africa: Fascell, Haden, Keitt, Kent, Sensation, Tommy Atkins, Zill
  • Sudan: Alfonso, Bez el-Anza, Oweisi, Taymoor
  • Tanzania: Boribo Muyini, Dodo, Mawazo, Sindano
  • Zambia: Heidi, Kent, Sensation, Tommy



Middle East

gollark: d6
gollark: I conjure better footwear, in case I trip again.
gollark: Or other medium of exchange.
gollark: Do we have money?
gollark: Maybe we should buy some apioforms before entering.

See also


  1. "Treat yourself to mangoes on Jayamahal Road".
  2. "Top 10 Different Types Of Mangoes Grown In India".
  3. "Buy Organic fresh Bangalora/KiliMooku/Totapuri Mangoes online direct from farms - Salem Mango". Retrieved 2018-04-17.
  4. "Manila Super Mango (Philippine Mango), the world's sweetest mango". Retrieved May 7, 2015.
  5. "Digha Ghat's Dudhiya Malda considered 'King of Mangoes' in Bihar". dna. 2015-05-26. Retrieved 2016-06-20.
  6. "All that you wanted to know about mangoes". The Telegraph. Retrieved 2016-06-20.
  7. "Dudhiya Malda – FoodsOnStreet". Retrieved 2016-06-20.
  8. "Agriculture Market News Information from APEDA AgriExchange". Retrieved 2016-06-20.
  9. "Jinggu "Ivory" Mango-Yunnan Tourism Website". Archived from the original on 2014-04-21. Retrieved 2014-03-21.
  10. Mango Varieties (PDF). Agricultural Training Institute, Department of Agriculture, Republic of the Philippines. 2005.
  11. "Katchamitha Mango". Research Development Extension. University of the Philippines Los Baños. Retrieved 13 January 2019.
  13. "Mango varieties". The Hindu. p. 15. Retrieved 2016-04-13.
  14. "Australian Mangoes - Australian Varieties". Retrieved 2014-03-21.
  15. "Mukuyu farm, 20ha of commercial land in Ukambani| Kibwezi river". Better Globe Forestry. Archived from the original on 2015-08-10. Retrieved 2014-03-21.

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