List of filename extensions (A–E)

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains standard extensions associated with computer files.


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
A ADA source code file ADA source code
A Library Unix
A## ALZip Compressed Files' pieces ALZip
A11 Graphics AIIM image file
A2W World file for Alice programming language, version 2 Alice 2
A3P Project file for Alice programming language, version 3 Alice 3
A80 Assembler language source for 8080 8080
AA, AB, ... Split parts of a single whole file split (Unix)
AAC Advanced Audio Coding, a standardized, lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio Nintendo DSi
AAF AutoPatcher file
AAF Advanced Authoring Format, an advanced media wrapper file for professional applications
AAS Animation Play Script AAPlay
AB Android adb Backup adb
AB6 Datafile ABStat
AB8 Datafile ABStat
ABC Alembic - 3D geometry / models Many Computer Graphics tools, see Alembic (Computer Graphics) for a list.
ABC Document ABC FlowCharter 1.0
ABC Music in ABC format Many music notation editors, some video games.
ABP Data ABComp compressed
ABP AVS Barcode Profile AVS Barcode Source
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font Adobe Systems Software
ABK Automatic backup file CorelDRAW
ABM Image PALS album file
ABM Album file (various programs)
ABR Adobe Brush file for PhotoShop PhotoShop
ABS Abstracts (info file)
ABS Data file Abscissa
AC Project backup Audit Command Language (ACL)
ACA Project Project Manager Workbench
ACB Archive ACB
ACC Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) GEM / resident
ACCDA Microsoft Access Add-in Microsoft Access
ACCDB Microsoft Access Database Microsoft Access Database (Open XML)
ACCDC Microsoft Access Signed Package Microsoft Access
ACCDE Microsoft Access ACCDE Database Microsoft Access
ACCDR Microsoft Access Runtime Application Microsoft Access
ACCDT Microsoft Access Template Microsoft Access Database Template (Open XML)
ACCDU Microsoft Access Add-in Data Microsoft Access
ACCDW Microsoft Access Web Application Microsoft Access
ACCFT Microsoft Access Data Type Template[1] Microsoft Access
ACDC layered graphics file ACDSee
ACDAPK ACDSee Actions Pack ACDSee
ACE Archive ACE
ACF Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop PhotoShop
ACL Project Audit Command Language (ACL)
ACL AutoCorrect List Microsoft Office
ACM Audio Compression Module add-on Win
ACMB Graphics file
ACO Adobe Color Palette Adobe
ACT ACTOR source code file ACTOR
ACT Animations Works Actor (Graphics cell) Animation Works
ACT FoxDoc Action Diagrams FoxPro
ACT Presentation Action!
AfterDark screensaver module AfterDark
AD2 ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file ZFAX
AD3 ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file ZFAX
ADA Ada source code file
ADB Ada Package Body
ADC Bitmap graphics (16 colors) Scanstudio
ADC Dictionary Lingvo
ADD OS/2 adapter device driver
ADE Microsoft Access Project Extension Microsoft Access
ADEF Legato Application Definition build tools mkapp and mksys
ADF Amiga Disk File unADF, UAE, WinUAE etc...
ADG Data ADG 3D Scene
ADI Graphics file AutoCAD
ADI Database Index File Advantage Database Server
ADICHT LabChart data acquisition file ADInstruments
ADL MCA adapter description library QEMM
ADL ADONIS Definition Language file for exporting models and model groups ADONIS
ADM After Dark support file AfterDark
ADM ADEM file format ADEM
ADI Database Memo File Advantage Database Server
ADN Add-in Lotus 1-2-3
ADN Microsoft Access Blank Project Template Microsoft Access
ADP Microsoft Access Project Microsoft Access
ADR After Dark support file AfterDark
ADR Toolbox address book file (legacy format) Crestron Toolbox
ADS Ada Package Specification
ADSON Adsonica sound and image file Adsonica
ADT WoW geographical map location file Blizzard Entertainment games (various)
ADT Datafile for cardfile application HP NewWave
ADT Abrechnungsdatentransfer, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
ADT Dictionary Lingvo
ADT Fax AdTech
ADI Database Table Advantage Database Server
ADV GUS device driver
ADX Document Archetype Designer
ADZ Amiga Disk Zipped (See Amiga Disk File) GZip
AEP After Effects Project File Adobe After Effects
AES File encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) AES Crypt (Windows, Mac, Linux, Java) and Crypt4All (Android)
AF2 Flowchart ABC FlowCharter 2.0
AF3 Flowchart ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFI Truevision bitmap graphics
AFL Font file (for Always) Lotus 1-2-3
AFM Datafile for cardfile application HP NewWave
AFM Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer ATM - many
AFP Shape palette ABC FlowCharter
AFT Template ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AFW Workplace ABC FlowCharter 3.0
AGR ArcView ASCII grid
AHK AutoHotkey script file AutoHotkey
AI Adobe Illustrator Artwork Adobe Illustrator
AIFC Audio Interchange File Format with Compression
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format Convert (c) Villena
AiM Asm Text Mode Image File The Ultimate Draw
AIN Archive AIN
AIN Job schedule AutoIntern
AIO APL programming language file transfer format file
AIR Adobe AIR installation package The Adobe AIR runtime environment
AIS Array of Intensity Samples graphics file Xerox
AIX Datafile for cardfile application HP NewWave
AKM "Akai Multitimbral" sample information file Akai S5000 and S6000 hardware samplers (MS-DOS-based) and compatible software samplers
AKP "Akai Program" sample information file Akai S5000 and S6000 hardware samplers (MS-DOS-based) and compatible software samplers
ALC Molecular coordinates Alchemy, RasMol
ALG Activity Log ARCSOLO
ALG ER Mapper Algorithm ERViewer
ALE Avid Log Exchange (used in film & video editing) Avid
ALL Arts & Letters symbol and font files Arts & Letters
ALL Filelist w/ all files FRQView
ALL Format file for working pages Always
ALL General printer information WordPerfect for Win
ALN CLUSTALW format[2]
ALO Almanac support file
ALT Menu file WordPerfect Library
ALZ AlZip Compressed Files
AMD Maxum chromatograph offline database Siemens Maxum Chromatograph
AMF Music (Advanced Module Format) DMP
AMF Additive Manufacturing File Format Computer Aided Design Software
AMG Archive AMGC
AMG System image file ACTOR
AML AutomationML AutomationML Group
AMLX Compressed and packed AutomationML file AutomationML Group
AMPL AMPL source code file AMPL
AMR Audio format for mobile phones (Nokia, SonyEricsson)
AMS Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file PhotoShop
AMS Music format
ANI Animation cursors for Win Win95 - WinNT
ANI Animation IconAuthor
ANM Animation Deluxe Paint Animator
ANIM Trainz Animation specification file, for example a steam locomotive's connecting rod movements, or water movement on a river or lake motion. (Obsolescent) Trainz/Auran JET files
ANN Annotations of old Windows Help file Windows 3.0 - XP
Ann Multi volume ARJ archive ARJ
ANS ANSI character graphics (animation) file ANSView
ANS ASCII text ANSI character set NewWave Write
AOL America On-line for Windows DLL Win
AOS Add-On Software Nokia 9000
AP Archive WHAP
AP Datafile Datalex EntryPoint 90
APC Printer driver Lotus 1-2-3
APD Printer driver Lotus 1-2-3
APE Monkey's Audio (Lossless) audio media players
APF Printer driver Lotus 1-2-3
API Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop PhotoShop
API Passed parameter file 1st Reader
API Printer driver Lotus 1-2-3
APK Android Application Android
APL APL work space format file
APL Support module used by Manugraphics APL products
APL EV-Dos Application File
APL ACDSee plugin ACDSee
APM Authorware Macintosh Authorware
APP Add-in application file Symphony
APP Application object file dBASE Application Generator
APP Application FoxPro
APP Application and Application Bundle Mac OS X
APP Executable workflow / macro file Automator
APP Executable application file DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari
APP Generated application FoxPro
APPLICATION ClickOnce Application Deployment Manifest Microsoft Windows
APR Employee performance review Employee Appraiser
APW Authorware Windows Authorware
APX Appexpert database file Borland C++ 4.5
AQF Analyzer Queries and Filters Actix
AR Argon - for 3D Modeling Ashlar-Vellum
AR7 Archive AR7
ARC Nintendo proprietary archive format Various Nintendo games
architect Soundweb DSP project HiQnet London Architect
ARD Map Holux - Alan
ARF Automatic Response File
ARFF Weka data file Weka
ARH Archivers definitions file DN
ARI Archive ARI
ARJ Archive ARJ - ARJZ
ARK ARC archive CP/M port of ARC file archiver
ARK Managing your Money Archive File
ARR Arrangement Atari Cubase
ART Gerber artwork Cadence Allegro
ART First Publisher, Designworks, Greenstreet Draw graphic file All GST/Greenstreet Draw products
ART Graphics (scrapbook) Art Import
ART Graphics format (Another Ray Tracer) PFS:1st publisher - Art Import
ARTX file format Artisteer
ARTX file format belightsoft Text Art
ARX Archive ARX
AS Adaptive Script File Adaptive Framework
ASAX ASP.NET global application file[3]
ASC ASCII text file
ASC Transport armor file PGP
ASCX ASP.NET User Control[3]
ASD Autosave file Microsoft Word
ASD Presentation Astound
ASD Screen driver Lotus 1-2-3
ASD Spectral Data Set ASD Inc. RS3 spectral acquisition program
ASE Velvet Studio Sample AWAVE
ASE ASCII Scene Export 3D Studio
ASF Datafile (APL Shared File) STATGRAPHICS (APL*Plus/PC)
ASF Screen font Lotus 1-2-3
ASF Advanced Streaming Format (Compressed Windows audio/video) Microsoft Corporation
ASK SYSGEN answer file RT-11
ASH Assembly language header file TASM 3.0
ASHX ASP.NET handler file[3]
ASI ASIC language source ASIC
ASI Assembler include file Turbo C - Borland C++
ASM Assembler language source TASM, MASM, NASM, Yasm, FASM
ASMX ASP.NET Web Service[3] Microsoft Corporation
ASO Assembler object (object-oriented) file Turbo Assembler
ASP ASPECT source code file Procomm Plus
ASP Association of Shareware Professionals OMBUDSMN.ASP notice
ASP Active Server Pages of Microsoft.Net Microsoft Corporation
ASPX ActiveX Server Pages of Microsoft.Net Microsoft Corporation
ASS Amalgam Scene Specification Halo 2 Map Editor
ASS Advanced SubStation Alpha (Subtitles)
AST Adobe Color Separation table for PhotoShop PhotoShop
AST Nintendo proprietary music streaming format Various Nintendo games
ASV Autosave File MATLAB
ASW Authorware Star Authorware
ASX Advanced Stream Redirector file, redirects to an ASF file (see ASF) Microsoft Corporation
ASZ Skin AltDesk
AT2 Auto template Aldus Persuasion 2.0
AT3 Atrac 3 Sound/music file All Sony devices and programs with the Atrac 3+ specification
ATM Adobe Type Manager data/info
ATML Awhcp HTML file
ATN Adobe Photoshop action Adobe Photoshop
ATTF AramOS TypeAtor Text File AramOS TypeAtor 1.0 (Development State)
ATY Produced when an association type is exported by 3D Topicscape 3D Topicscape
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio file AWAVE, GoldWave
AU Sound (audio) file Sun Microsystems - Convert (c) Villena
AUD Audio file AudioRack
AUP Audacity project file Audacity
AUS Kedit AutoSave file Kedit
AUX Auxiliary dictionary ChiWriter
AUX Auxiliary references TeX/LaTeX
AUZ Ableton Live File Authorization File for Ableton Live
AVA Publication Avagio
AVB AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases
AVI Audio Video Interleaved animation file Video for Windows
AVR Audio Visual Research AWAVE
AVS Audio Video Software AVS Video Editor (video editing software)
AVT AVATAR-coding files A3E
AW Text file HP AdvanceWrite
AW Office Answer Wizard file Microsoft Office
AW Proprietry Nintendo wave format Various home console Nintendo games
AWA Animations Works Accelerated Movie Animation Works
AWD Microsoft Fax At Work Document Microsoft Fax At Work
AWK AWK script/program awk, GNU Awk, mawk, nawk, MKS AWK, Awka (compiler)
AWM Animations Works Movie (as .AVI) Animation Works
Ax Directshow filter file format
AXD ASP.NET handler file[3]
AXF ARM Executable Image generated by the ARM tools
AXF "lightweight geodatabase" ESRI ArcPad
AXM Axmedis object Axmedis Tools
AZD Amazon Software Download Amazon Software Download
AZW DRM enabled eBook All models of Amazon Kindle
AZW1 DRM enabled eBook with embedded fonts All models Amazon Kindle
AZW2 Program file All models of Amazon Kindle excluding Kindle 1
AZZ Data file AZZ Cardfile
ATSOFTS Encrypted File [4]


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
B1 Archive file format B1 Free Archiver
B&W Black and white graphics file atari - mac
B&W Mono binary screen image 1st Reader
B Batch list APPLAUSE
B Grand Theft Auto saved game Any of the 3D Grand Theft Auto games in either III or IV era.
B_W Black and white graphics file Atari - mac
B1N Both mono and color binary screen image 1st Reader
B30 Printer font (JLaser - Cordata) Corel Ventura Publisher
B3D Blitz3D files Blitz3D
B8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane two PicLab
BA Binary Archive Scifer Archiver and Compression [External Header Mode]
BAC Compiled BASIC RT-11 BASIC-11
BAD Bad file Oracle Corporation - many
BAD Animation file Novalogic
BAD File which covers bad blocks on disk volume (not to be moved) RT-11
BAK Backup file
BAL Music score Ballade
BALANCE Balance accounting sheet file Balance
BAP Blaze Audio Wave Information File BlazeAudio MadCap Software
BAR Horizontal bar menu object file dBASE Application Generator
BAR Broker Archive. Compressed file containing number of other files for deployment.[5] IBM WebSphere Message Broker
BAS BASIC language source QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC - FreeBASIC
BAT Batch file MS-DOS, RT-11
BB Database backup Papyrus Design Group
BBL Bibliographic reference file TeX/BibTeX
BBM Brush Deluxe Paint
BBP Playlist BassBox
BBQ BitBeamer Transfer Queue file BitBeamer
BBS Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
BBS Hudson-style messagebase FTN software
BC! Unfinished download Unfinished BitComet download (a BitTorrent client)
BCD Boot Configuration Data Windows Vista and later, Registry Editor
BCF Card data Bingo Card Creator
BCH Batch process object file dBASE Application Generator
BCH Datafile Datalex EntryPoint 90
BCO Outline font description Bitstream Inc.
BCP Borland C++ makefile
BCT Backup dictionary Clarion
BCW Environment settings Borland C++ 4.5
BDB Bookends database Bookends
BDC Dictionary Lingvo
BDEF Builder Definition Websphere Portlet Factory
BDF Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format Adobe Software
BDF Binary update file BUPDATE.EXE (c) TNT Techn.
BDF Bitmap Distribution Format font file X11
BDF Datafile Egret
BDIC Google Chrome Dictionary Google Chrome
BDM Videoclip AVCHD
BDMV Blu-ray Video Data Content file Media players / software that supports Blu-ray structure
BDR Border Microsoft Publisher
BDT Dictionary Lingvo
BDT Behandlungsdatentransfer, an xDT application Healthcare providers in Germany
BEAM Executable bytecode file in fat binary format BEAM (Erlang virtual machine)[6]
BEF Bleck Encrypted File
BEM BIM Cost estimating file BIMestiMate
BEZ Outline font description Bitstream
BF Brainfuck sourcefile
BF2 Bradford 2 font
BFC Briefcase Win95 Win95
BFM Font metrics unix/Frame
BFS Binary File Storage
BFX Fax BitFax
BG3D Brian Greenstone 3D File Format Otto Matic
BGA Bitmap graphics
BGI Borland Graphics Interface device driver Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
BGS Minecraft JSON Book Generator file Minecraft JSON Book Generator
BH Blackhole data compression format
BI BASIC include file Visual Basic - FreeBASIC
BIB Bibliography (ASCII)
BIB Database - not compatible with TeX format Papyrus
BIB Literature database TeX/BibTeX
BIF Binary Image Format b&w graphics file Image Capture board
BIK Bink Video file (RAD Video)
BIM Building Information Modeling ArchiCAD / Autodesk Revit
BIN Binary file, usually zero-start (.com analog)
BIN SGI Powerflip
BIN Text mode memory dump The Draw - TUD - ACiDDraw - etc.
BIO BioniX Wallpaper playlist file BioniX Wallpaper Changer
BIT Bitmap X11
BIT Encrypted file FinalCrypt
BK! Document backup WordPerfect for Win
BK Faxbook JetFax
BK? Backup file
BKC Backup catalog Backup4all
BKF Backup archive Windows NTBackup Utility
BKn Timed backup file for document window n WordPerfect for Win
BKP Backup file Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner
BKW Mirror image of font set FontEdit
BLC BLC format[2]
BLD BLoaDable picture BASIC
BLD SYSGEN Build procedure file RT-11
BLEND Blender3D Project File Blender
BLK Temporary file WordPerfect for Win
BLOB Unknown Steam (software) for Win
BLP Blizzard Game Picture Blizzard Entertainment games (various)
BM BitMap graphics file
BM3 UIQ3 Phone backup
BMD Nintendo proprietary 3D model file Various Nintendo games
BMK Bookmark of old Windows Help file Windows 3.0 - XP
BMP OS/2 or Win graphics format (BitMap Picture) QPeg - CorelDraw - PC Paintbrush - many
BMPW bitmap world-file - geo-references info
BMS Nintendo proprietary MIDI tracker format Various Nintendo games
BMT Ami Pro Button Ami Pro
BNA Data Atlas Boundary
BNK Adlib instrument bank file
BNR Graphics Banner Banner - Poster
BOB File archive for Lego Island 2 Lego Island 2
BOD Stores paths to game files in a BOB archive Lego Island 2
BOK Shamela Library book Shamela Library Program
BOO Book-format READIBM
BOO Compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc) msbooasm.arc
BOO Boo programming language source file Boo Programming Language
BOT Bot files, these go with JKB files Quake 3 Engine
BPC Chart Business Plan Toolkit
BPOLY Data Prisms binary 3D object
BPP Backup application Clarion
BPS Used for game patches FLIPS and other patch implementers
BPS WPS backup file[7] Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works
BPS Binary file commonly used in computer malware Certain antivirus programs and computer malware
BPT Bitmap fills file CorelDRAW
BPW Bitser proprietary encrypted password file Bitser password manager
BR Script Bridge
BRD EAGLE board file EAGLE
BRD Tanzzle board file Tanzzle
BRD Cadence Allegro board file Cadence
BRF Braille Braille embossers and refreshable displays
BRK Fax Brooktrout Fax-Mail
BRK The Brake! Mailer REXX script The Brake!
BRL CAD Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD
BROWSER ASP.NET browser definition file[3]
BS Boot sector file SYSLINUX
BS2 Archive BS2.EXE
BSA Archive BSArc
BSC Compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII BINSCII
BSC Database Source Browser
BSC Pwbrmake object file Microsoft Fortran
BSP GoldSource/Source engine map files Valve
BSP id Tech map files id Software
BSS boot sector (DOS) file SYSLINUX
BSS Casio Phone base PC-LINK
BST BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file) TeX
BSY Busy flag FTN soft
BTM Batch-to-memory (quick batch) 4dos -ndos
BTN Makeover Button file
BTX backup of 4DOS batch files (_4INST.BTM) 4DOS
BUFR Binary Universal Form for the Representation of Meteorological Data
BUG Bugs and Problems
BUN LucasArts Bundle File
BUP Backup file
BUT Button definitions Buttons!
BUY Datafile format movie
BVF BIM model file format BIM Vision
BVn Overflow file below insert point in Doc n WordPerfect for Win
BWB Spreadsheet application Visual Baler
BWR Beware (buglist) Kermit
BYK BYK Compressed File BYK
BZ2 Archive bzip2
BZM Map Blitzkrieg
BZN Map file Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations map file


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
C-- C-- language source Sphinx C--
C C language source

Note that on case-sensitive platforms like Unix and with the gcc compiler the uppercase .C extension indicates a C++ source file.[8]

Watcom C/C++, Borland C/C++, gcc and other C compilers
C Unix file archive COMPACT
C++ C++ language source
C00 Print file Ventura Publisher
C01 Typhoon wave files AWAVE
C32 COMBOOT Executable (32-bit) SYSLINUX
C86 C source code file Computer Innovation C86
CA Initial cache data for root domain servers Telnet
CA? Borland packed and split file Borland Installer
CAB Cabinet archive Windows 95 and later, many file archivers
CAC dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)
CAD Drawing BobCAD-CAM
CAD Document Drafix Windows CAD
CAD Document Drafix Windows CAD
CAF Core Audio Format container Apple
CAL Spreadsheet format SuperCalc
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics
CALS Support Raster Format
CAM Casio Camera
CAN Fax Navigator Fax
CAP Caption Ventura Publisher
CAP Capture file ProComm - Telix
CAS C + ASM language source Turbo C
CAT Catalog CP Backup - dBASE IV
CAT Device driver digital signature Microsoft Windows
CAT Stellarium Star Catalogue Stellarium
CATDrawing Drawing file of CATIA V5 CATIA V5
CATPart Part file of CATIA V5 CATIA V5
CATProduct Assembly file of CATIA V5 CATIA V5
CATS Combined source ATS
CBA Source code Creative BASIC
CBC Fuzzy logic system CubiCalc
CBL COBOL source code file
CBM Compiled bitmap graphics XLib
CBR Comic Book Reader (RAR file) CDisplay and similar
CBS MasterWord button bar configuration file
CBT COMBOOT Executable (incompatible with DOS COM files) SYSLINUX
CBT Computer Based Training many
CBZ Comic Book Reader (ZIP file) CDisplay and similar
CC C++ source code file
CC CC language source CC
CCC Bitmap graphics (native format) Curtain Call
CCD text metadata for CD/DVD images CloneCD Control File
CCF Communications configuration file Symphony
CCF Color Chat file Color Chat File
CCH Chart CorelChart
CCITT CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCL Communication Command Language file Intalk
CCO BTX Graphics file XBTX
CCT Print Template BobCAD-CAM
CD CD description DN
CD ASP.NET class diagram file[3]
CDA CD-Audio Win95
CDB Card database CardScan
CDB Main database TCU Turbo C Utilities
CDF Common Data Format
CDF Company Data File Nominal Small Business Accounting software
CDF Computable Document Format Mathematica
CDF Cyberspace Description Format
CDF Graphics netcdf
CDK Document Atari Calamus
CDM Disk Drivers NPA Novell NetWare
CDM Music format (compressed)
CDO Music notation Crescendo Music Notation Editor
CDR Vector graphics format (drawing) CorelDraw!
CDR Disk Image File Apple
CDT Corel Draw Template File CorelDraw!
CDW User interface project Cue System Director
CDX Compound index file Visual FoxPro, Advantage Database Server
CE Computer Eyes Conversion Artist
CE Main.ce The FarSide Computer Calendar
CEB Cont. Edge Bitmap Conversion Artist
CEF CA-Clipper Workbench Application CA Clipper
CEF Export File
CEF Compact Embedded Font Adobe Illustrator
CEG Bitmap graphics Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics
CEL Animation CEL 3D Studio
CEL Graphics Autodesk Animator - Lumena
CEL Celestia Script Celestia
CELX Celestia Script Celestia
CER Security certificate Microsoft Windows
CF Configuration file imake
CFA Audio file Adobe Premiere Pro
CFC ColdFusion Component Adobe ColdFusion
CFG Configuration file
CFL Chart CorelFLOW
CFM ColdFusion Markup Language Adobe ColdFusion
CFN Font data Atari Calamus
CFO C Form Object internal format object file TCU Turbo C Utilities
CFP Fax The Complete Fax Portable
CFT CFast graphics file Disney Animation Studio
CGA CGA display font Ventura Publisher
CGI Common Gateway Interface script
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics A&L - HG - many
CH Clipper language header CA Clipper
CH3 Chart Harvard Graphics 3.0
CH4 Presentation Charisma 4.0
CHD Font descriptor FontChameleon
CHI ChiWriter Document ChiWriter - Chiview
CHK Recovered data DOS CHKDSK
CHK Temporary file WordPerfect for Win
CHL Configuration History Log
CHM Compiled Help File Microsoft Windows, Help Explorer Viewer
CHML Encrypted Data File Krasbit Technologies, Chameleon Imaging Workflow Software
CHN Data Ethnograph 3
CHO ChordPro lead sheet (lyrics and chords) ChordPro and similar tools
CHP Chapter file Ventura Publisher
CHR Character set Turbo C - Turbo Pascal
CHT Chart Harvard Graphics 2.0 - SoftCraft Presenter
CHT CHeaT in any program/game many
CHT Interface file for ChartMaster dBASE
CIA Nintendo 3DS importable archive Nintendo 3DS
CIF Caltech Intermediate Format graphics file
CIF Chapter information Ventura Publisher
CIF Crystallographic Information File RasMol, Jmol
CiM C Text Mode Image File The Ultimate Draw
CIX Database index TCU Turbo C Utilities
CKB Borland C++ 4.x editor keystroke mapping BCW.EXE
CL OpenCL kernel code
CL COMMON LISP source code file
CLA Source Clarion
CLASS Java class file Java
CLB Device driver library Cue System Director
CLD Clipper debugger configuration file CA Clipper
CLJ Clojure source code Clojure
CLP Clip art graphics file Quattro Pro
CLP Clipboard file Windows 3.x
CLP Compiler response file CA Clipper
CLP Graphics format PCPAINT/Pictor
CLPI ClipAV Clip Information file for Blu-ray Media hardware / software with Blu-ray structure support
CLPRJ ClassicLadder project file ClassicLadder
CLR Color binary screen image 1st Reader
CLR Color definitions Photostyler
CLR Color scheme Boxer/2
CLR Palette file for GIS format
CLS C++ class definition file
CLW MFC Class Wizard information Microsoft VC++
CM Data file CraftMan
CMB Xtree for Windows Button Bar file
CMC CorioGrapher project TV-One CorioGrapher
CMD Command dBASE - Waffle
CMD Command Prompt batch file Microsoft Windows NT based operating systems
CMD executable programs CP/M-86 operating system
CMD External command menu 1st Reader
CMD OS/2 batch/REXX file OS/2
CMF FM-music file (Creative Music File)
CMK Card Card Shop Plus
CMM CMM script (batch) file CEnvi
CMOD Celestia Model Celestia
CMP Bitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression)
CMP Compressed data PKWare Inc. data compression library
CMP Header file for PostScript printer files CorelDRAW
CMP Photofinish Calibration Map Photofinish
CMP User dictionary Microsoft Word for DOS
CMR Coach 7 project file Coach 7
CMRL Concise message routing language DOTGO
CMS Content Management System Any Web Browser
CMU Carnegie Mellon University Formats
CMV Animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0) CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0
CNC CNC general program data
CND System generation conditional file RT-11
CNF Configuration (program - printer setup) program - printer setup
CNF Configuration file
CNT contents table of old Windows Help file Windows 3.0 - XP
CNV Temporary file WordPerfect for Win
CNV Winword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=converter) Microsoft Word
CO Cobalt - parametric drafting and 3D modeling Ashlar-Vellum
COB Calgari trueSpace2 File Format
COB COBOL source code file
COD Code definition table UUPC
COD Datafile Forecast Plus - Microsoft Multiplan - StatPac Gold
COD file including CODES for any program/game many
COD Printer code definition file Boxer/2
COD Program compiled code FORTRAN
COD Template source file dBASE Application Generator
COD Videotext file
COE Coefficient file Xilinx ISE
COF Animation Control File Diablo II
COFFEE CoffeeScript source code file
COL Color palette Autodesk Animator - many
COL Spreadsheet Microsoft Multiplan
COL DIMACS graph data stores a single undirected graph (text and binary variants)
COM Command (memory image of executable program) DOS
COM Indirect command file (sequence of commands to be executed) RT-11
CON Configuration file Simdir
CON MSTS Consist file MSTS
COMPILE ASP.NET precompiled stub file[3]
CONTACT Contact file Windows
CPC Compressed image Cartesian Perceptual Compression
CPD Script Complaints Desk
CPF Fax The Complete Fax
CPI ColorLab Processed Image bitmapped graphics file
CPI MS-DOS codepage file MODE.EXE
CPI Video clip information file The AVCHD format
CPL Control panel file Windows 3.x
CPL copley file COPLEY.EXE (Copley Scientific Ltd)
CPL Presentation Compel
CPMZ ConPro/Miradi Zipfile Miradi and ConPro
CPP C++ language source Watcom C/C++
CPP Presentation CA-Cricket Presents
CPR Knowledge Access GCGW
CPR Cubase Project File Steinberg Cubase
CPS backup of startup files by QEMM (?) autoexec.cps
CPT Encrypted memo file dBASE
CPT Mac file archive COMPACT PRO
CPT Template CA-Cricket Presents
CPZ Music text file COMPOZ
CR2 Raw image format Canon digital cameras
CRA Advanced crack file (usually text)
CRD Cardfile Windows 3.x - YourWay
CRD Map Holux - Alan
CRD Molecular coordinates CHARMM, RasMol
CRDOWNLOAD Google Chrome download in progress Google Chrome
CRF Cross-reference Microsoft MASM - Zortech C++, RT-11 CREF
CRK Crack file (usually text)
CRP Encrypted database dBASE IV
CRP Game asset texture Cities: Skylines
CRS File Conversion Resource WordPerfect 5.1
CRT Security certificate Microsoft Windows
CRT Terminal settings information Oracle
CRTX Microsoft Office Chart Template Microsoft Office
CRU Compressed file archive created by CRUSH
CRW CrossWords document file
CRX Google Chrome Extension Google Chrome
CS C# source file C#
CSD Compact Shared Document Dream To Reality
CSE Device driver source Cue System Director
CSG Batch file (Submit) ISIS/w
CSG Graph Statistica/w
CSHTML Razor page/view
CSM Borland C++ 4.x precompiled header file BCW.EXE
CSO ACDSee edit tool ACDSee
CSP PC Emcee Screen Image file Computer Support Corporation
CSPROJ C# project file Microsoft Visual Studio
CSS Datafile CSS - Stats+
CSS Datasheet Statistica/w
CSS cascading style sheet
CSV Adjusted EGA/VGA palette CompuShow
CSV Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII)
CSW Cue System Director project Cue System Director
CTC Control file PC Installer
CTF Character code translation file Symphony
CTK CommonTime Key file CommonTime software applications
CTL Control file dBASE IV - Aldus Setup
CTL BATCH control file (generated by BATCH from .BAT file) RT-11
CTT BATCH Temporary file RT-11
CTX Ciphertext file Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
CTX Course TeXt file some Microsoft online guides
CTX document Creativyst Table eXchange
CUE Cue sheet
CUF C Utilities Form definition TCU Turbo C Utilities
CUR Windows resource (cursor image file) Resource Workshop - WRT - Watcom Resource Editor
CUT Graphics format (bitmapped graphics) dr. Halo
CV4 Color file CodeView
CVCA Cue Visual Composer Application Cue Visual Composer
CVCD Cue Visual Composer Device Cue Visual Composer
CVCF Cue Systems device firmware Cue Visual Composer
CVCM Cue Visual Composer Module Cue Visual Composer
CVCP Cue Visual Composer Project Cue Visual Composer
CVCW Cue Visual Composer Window Cue Visual Composer
CVP Cover page WinFax
CVS Graphics Canvas
CVT Backup file for CONVERTed database file dBASE IV
CVW Color file CodeView
CW Circuit Wizard Document Circuit Wizard
CWK Datafile ClarisWorks, Appleworks
CXX C++ source code file Zortech C++
CYS Cytoscape session file Cytoscape


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
D D Programming Language source file DMD
D Directory containing configuration files (informal standard) Unix
D3V Video file Nintendo DS (with ARME, MMCF etc.)
D4D Data Draw 4D object
D4P Data Draw 4D Pro object
D64 Commodore 64 disk image
D88 Toshiba Pasopeia D88 disk image format A series of emulators of Japanese computers
DAA Direct Access Archive
DAF Data file Digital Anchor
DAL Digidim system Helvar Digidim Toolbox
DAT AMPL data file AMPL
DAT Maxum chromatograph chromatogram Siemens Maxum Chromatograph
DAT LDraw (Sub)Part File, 3D Model LDraw
DAT Document Microsoft Word Format (old)
DAT data RSNetWorx Project
DAT Data file in special format or ASCII
DAT Database file Clarion (programming language)
DAT Norton Utilities disc image data. It saves Boot sector, part of FAT and root directory in image.DAT on same drive. Norton Utilities
DAT Optical disc image (can be ISO9660, but not restricted to) cdrdao, burnatonce
DAT Video CD MPEG stream
DAT Windows registry hive (REG.DAT Windows 3.11; USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT Windows 95, 98, and ME; NTUSER.DAT Windows NT/2000/XP/7) Microsoft Windows
DAT Minecraft game data Minecraft
DATS Dynamic source ATS
DAV Proprietary DVR format Recorded encrypted video from digital video recorders DVR365 or AlienDVR series[9]
DB$ Temperature debug info Clarion Modula-2
DB$ Temporary file dBASE
DB Database file Paradox - XTreeGold - dbvista - Oracle - XoftSpySE - Windows thumbnail cache[10][11]
DB Configuration dBASE IV - dBFast
DB Multi Edit config ME
DB2 Database dBASE II
DB3 Database dBASE III
DBA Database file Turbo Prolog - DataEase
DBA DarkBasic source code
DBC DataBaseContainer Visual FoxPro
DBD Business data Business Insight
DBD Debug info Clarion Modula-2
DBF Database file dBASE III/IV - Visual FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss - DBVista - CA-Clipper - Visual Objects - Alaska Xbase++ -

Advantage Database Server

DBFX DevBox Database File Pudince Devbox
DBG Debugger script DOS debug - Watcom debugger
DBG Symbolic debugging information Microsoft C/C++
DBK Database backup dBASE IV
DBL DIBOL source file
DBL Design Block file EAGLE
DBM Datafile DataEase
DBM Menu template DataBoss
DBO Compiled program dBASE IV
DBPro DarkBasicPro Project
DBS Data file used by Managing Your Money
DBS Database in SQL Windows format
DBS Printer description file Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works
DBT FoxBASE+ style memo FoxPro 2.x
DBT Memo file for database w/same name dBASE IV - dBFast
DBW Windows file DataBoss
DBX AutoCAD Database AutoCAD
DBX Archive File Outlook Express
DC CAD drawing file DesignCAD 3000 for Windows
DC6 Image file Diablo II
DCA Document Content Architecture text file IBM DisplayWrite
DCC Animation Diablo II
DCD CAD Drawing File DesignCAD 3DMax for Windows
DCF floppy disk image Disk Copy Fast
DCH Schematic Drawing file DipTrace Schematic Capture
DCI Dreamcast Save File Dreamcast
DCL Delphi Control Library Borland Delphi
DCM DCM music module AWAVE
DCP OS/2 device code page OS/2
DCS Bitmap graphics (CYMK format) QuarkXPress
DCS Datafile ACT! Activity Files
DCT Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format Clarion
DCT Spell checking dictionary Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCT DataBaseContainer Extension Visual FoxPro
DCU Delphi unit (compiled) Borland Delphi
DCW Walter Machine Programing Walter Profile Editor
DCX Multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format) Intel - SpectraFAX
DCX DataBaseContainer Index Visual FoxPro
DD Macintosh file archive DiskDoubler
DDA Data GLBasic ASCII 3D object
DDB Bitmap graphics
DDB Digidesign Database File Digidesign Pro Tools
DDD Building Diagram Diagramming software
DDI Disk image DiskDupe
DDP Device Driver Profile file OS/2
DDS DirectDraw Surface file Microsoft Flight Simulator, other Microsoft programs
DEB Unix archive file (software package format) Unix
DEB DEBUG script DOS Debug
DEF Assembly header file Geoworks
DEF Defaults - definitions
DEF Linker definition file TLink - WLink...
DEM Demonstration
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DEM Graphics file VistaPro
DEM Vista DEM file Meta.exe VP3
DER Security certificate Microsoft Windows
DES Ascii text parameter description AWAVE
DESKLINK Windows Explorer Desktop Control (commonly "Desktop (create shortcut).DESKLINK", 0 bytes). Uses a 'special' hidden file extension (NeverShowExt flag inside the Registry), overriding the Windows Explorer option of showing/hiding file extensions.
desktop Desktop Entry
DEV Device driver
DEV SYSGEN handler build procedure RT-11
DEV Dev-C++ project file Dev-C++
DEX Dalvik executable Android
DFD Data Flow Diagram graphic file Prosa
DFF RenderWare model data (e.g. Grand Theft Auto III and later)
DFI Outline font description Digifont
DFL Default program settings Signature
DFM Data Flow Diagram model file Prosa
DFM Delphi form module Borland Delphi
DFS Delight Sound File
DFTI Dynamic Formatted Text and Images (Word Processing) FlexiWrite
DFV Printing form (Word) Microsoft Word
DFX Micrografx Effects DLL
DGN Graphics file MicroStation
DGS Diagnostics
DH Dependency information for .ph Geoworks
DHP Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics file Dr. Halo II - III
DHT Datafile Gauss
DI D Programming Language interface file DMD
DIA Diagraph graphics file Computer Support Corporation
DIB Device Independent Bitmap rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap; Win - OS/2
DIC Dictionary (e.g. from WinWord)
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) bitmap DICOM Software (XnView)
DIF Borland patch data file Borland patch
DIF Data Interchange Format Visicalc
DIF OS/2 V2.2 Display Information File OS/2
DIF Output from Diff command - script for Patch command
DIF SRCCOM, BINCOM output file RT-11
DIG Digilink AWAVE
DIG Sound Designer 1 audio file AWAVE
DIP Graphics
DIP Watcom debug info processor WatcomDebugger
DIP PCB Drawing file DipTrace PCB Layout
DIR Dialing directory file Procomm Plus
DIR Directory file VAX - CPS Backup
DIR Movie MacroMind Director 4.x
DIR Directory listing file RT-11
DIRED Directory listing (ls format) Dired
DIS Distribution file VAX Mail
DIS Thesaurus CorelDraw
DIZ Description file (Description In Zip)
DJVU DJVU Document Format, a format similar to PDF but with higher compression rates at the same quality. DJVU
DKB Raytraced graphics DKBTrace
DL Animation format (Italian origin) Display - DL Viewer
DLC JDownloader Link Container JDownloader
DLD Lotus 1-2-3
DLF Dialogue Live Format Produced by Exstream Dialogue and edited by Dialogue Live Editor
DLG Dialog resource script file Microsoft Windows SDK
DLG Dialog resources DN
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file
DLL Dynamic-link library Windows 3.x - OS/2
DLL Export/import filter CorelDRAW
DLM Microsoft File Transfer Manager Microsoft File Transfer Manager
DLS Setup Norton Disklock
DMF Music format (Delusion Digital Music File) Delusion
DMF DeleD files
DMG Apple Disk Image Mac OS X (Disk Utility),
DMO Demo Derive
DMP Dump file (e.g. screen or memory)
DMP DUMP utility output file RT-11
DMS Amiga file archive DISKMASHER
DN 3D file Adobe Dimension
DNG Digital Negative (DNG), a publicly available archival format for the raw files generated by digital cameras At least 30 camera models from at least 10 manufacturers, and at least 200 software products
DNT data RSNetWorx Project
DO Java servlet file Web browser (Various)
DOC A Document, or an ASCII text file with text formatting codes in with the text; used by many word processors Microsoft Word and others
DOCM Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document Microsoft Word
DOCX Microsoft Word Document Microsoft Word
DOCHTML Microsoft Word HTML Document Microsoft Word
DOCMHTML Microsoft Word MIME HTML Document Microsoft Word
DOT Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Template Microsoft Word
DOTM Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Template Microsoft Word
DOTX Microsoft Word Template Microsoft Word
DOTHTML Microsoft Word HTML Template Microsoft Word
DOF Delphi project options file Borland Delphi
DOG Screen file Laughing Dog Screen Maker
DOH Dependency information for .poh Geoworks
DOL Nintendo Wii and GameCube proprietary executable format Nintendo Wii and GameCube games and software
DOR Roland Digital audio file Roland
DOS External command file 1st Reader
DOS Network driver (e.g. pkt_dis.dos)
DOS OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File Svga.exe
DOS renamed system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS,DBLSPACE.BIN, DRVSPACE.BIN, IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS) of previous MS-DOS version Windows 95, 98, ME (dual-boot feature)
DOS Text file containing DOS specific info
DOT Line-type definition file CorelDRAW
DOT Microsoft Word document template Microsoft Word
DOTX Office Open XML Text document template Microsoft Word
DOX Text file MultiMate 4.0
DOZ Description Out of Zip VENDINFO
DP Calendar file Daily Planner
DP Data file DataPhile
DPR Default project- and state-related information Borland C++ - Delphi - C
DPF Bareboard PCB CAD/CAM format Ucamco
DPF Debrief Plot File Debrief
DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange
DR Medical Data [Ref][12]
DRP Web3D File Web3D
DRS Data Resource File Age of Empires (video game)
DRS Display Resource WordPerfect for Win
DRU Design Rules EAGLE
DRV Driver
DRW Designer vector graphics file Designer - MicroGraphix
DS TWAIN Data Source Any twain-source must supply one xxx.ds file
DS1 Map file Diablo II
DS4 Vector graphics Micrografx Designer 4.x
DSC Celestia Deep Space Catalog file Celestia
DSC Description file
DSC Discard file Oracle
DSD Database DataShaper
DSF Data Storage Format Golden Helix
DSF Delusion Digital Sound File Delusion
DSK Desktop configuration BP - DN - BC++ - TP
DSK Disk Drivers Novell NetWare
DSK Logical disk file RT-11
DSM Digital Sound Module DSI
DSN Design Object System Designer
DSP Display parameters Signature
DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module Dynamic Studio
DSP Graphics display driver Dr. Halo
DSP Norton viewer DLL Win
DSP Visual Studio 6 project file Microsoft Visual Studio
DSR Driver Resource WordPerfect for Win
DSS Screensaver file DCC
DSS Digital Speech Standard (Sound) Digital Soup
DSS DraStic Save File (Emulation) DraStic
DSS SQL Script for .Time Framework Exaktime
DST Tajima Embroidery Format Embroidermodder
DST WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL Win
DSV Nintendo DS battery save DeSmuME, DraStic
DSW Borland C++ 4.x desktop layout file BCW.EXE
DSY DAISY container file ADAKTA.EXE
DT1 Tile file Diablo II
DT2 msn-emoticon paint
DT_ Data fork of a Macintosh file Mac-ette
DTA Data file Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata
DTB Database Backup for .Time Framework Exaktime
DTD Document Type Definition
DTF Database file PFS - Q&A
DTL Django template language djangoproject
DTM DigiTrekker music module AWAVE
DTO data Directory Toolkit output
DTP Desk Top Publishing Document Timeworks / greenstreet Publisher3/ Greenstreet Publisher 4.5
DTP Page Magic 2.0 publication Page Magic 2.0 upgrades to Greenstreet Publisher
DTP Publication Publish-It! upgrades to Greenstreet Publisher
DTS Torque Game Engine model format
DTS Device tree source file Linux kernel project
DTSI Device tree include file Linux kernel project
DVC Data Lotus 1-2-3
DVDPROJ iDVD project file iDVD (Apple iLife '08)
DVI DeVice Independent document TeX
DVP DESQView run-file DESQView
DVP Device parameter file AutoCAD
DW2 Drawing DesignCAD for DOS, & DesignCAD for Windows
DWB Coryphaeus Software Designers Workbench CSD
DWC Archive DWC
DWD DiamondWare Digitized file AWAVE
DWF Autodesk Design Web Format Design Review
DWG Drawing AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, Drafix, DraftSight etc.
DWZ DVD MovieFactory for TOSHIBA Project File, Designer vector graphics file Designer - MicroGraphix or TOSHIBA
DX Text file DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXF Dialogue Exchange Format Exstream Dialogue
DXF Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics AutoCAD, IntelliCAD, PowerCAD, etc.
DXN Fax Fujitsu dexNET
DXP SpotFire data TIBCO Spotfire
DXP ISO creation project file CD Burner XP Pro
DYLIB Dynamic Library Mac OS-X
DYN Data Lotus 1-2-3


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
E E language source code E
E## EnCase Evidence File chunk EnCase Forensic Analysis Suite entity
E00 ArcInfo interchange file GIS software
E2D 2-dimensional vector graphics file Editor included in JFire
EAS Extended file attributes OS/2
EAR Enterprise archive archive
EBA Source code Emergence BASIC
EBD versions of DOS system files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, CONFIG.SYS, WINBOOT.SYS, etc. ) for an emergency boot disk Windows 98, ME
EBJ Error-checking object file Geoworks
EBQ CITE standard electronic BQ exchange file
EC Error checking preprosessed Goc source code Geoworks
EC Source code eC
ECC Error-checking file dvdisaster
ECE Escenic Contenting Engine dynamic page Escenic
ECMS Status document ECMerge
ECMT Template document / Session ECMerge
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image AWAVE
EDC Extron DSP Configurator project Extron DSP Configurator
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image AWAVE
EDF European data format Medical timeseries storage files
EDF Exchequer Document Format IRIS Software
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image AWAVE
EDL EDL Premiere
EDQ Ensoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk image AWAVE
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image AWAVE
EDT Default settings VAX Edt editor
EDT Ensoniq TS disk image AWAVE
EDT External editors definitions DN
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image AWAVE
EEB Button bar for Equation Editor WordPerfect for Win
EFA Ensoniq ASR file AWAVE
EFA Encrypted File Archive
EFE Ensoniq EPS file AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS instrument file AWAVE
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface
EFK Ensoniq KT file AWAVE
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file AWAVE
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file AWAVE
EFT Ensoniq TS file AWAVE
EFT High resolution screen font ChiWriter
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file AWAVE
EFX Fax Everex EFax
EGA EGA display font Ventura Publisher
EGR Engraver project Crestron Engraver
EIR IR Learner Pro Device (infrared remote control codes) Extron IR Learner Pro
EIS EIS Spectrum Analyser Project EIS Spectrum Analyser
EKA Internal data files Borland's Eureka
EL Emacs Lisp source code file Emacs
ELB Synergy/DE library
ELC Byte-compiled Emacs Lisp code Emacs
ELFO ElsterFormular
ELI Archive ELI
ELT Event list text file Prosa
EMAIL Outlook Express Email Message Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, Microsoft Notepad
EMAKER E language source code (maker) E
EMC Striata Reader Encrypted Document Format
EMD ABT Extended MoDule AWAVE
EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile
EML Stationery Template Outlook Express
EMU Terminal emulation data BITCOM
EMZ Microsoft Enhanced Metafile compressed with ZIP Microsoft Office suite
ENC Encoded file - UUENCODEd file Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENC Music Encore
END Arrow-head definition file CorelDRAW
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format
ENG Dictionary engine Sprint
ENG English documentation
ENG Graphics file (charting) EnerGraphics
ENV Envelope or Environments
ENV Enveloper macro WOPR
ENV Environment file WordPerfect for Win
EOSSA Electro-Optic Space Situational Awareness file format
EOT Embedded OpenType
EP GUI wireframe/prototype project Prikhi Pencil, Evolus Pencil
EPA Award BIOS splash screen Award BIOS, XnView
EPD Publication Express Publisher
EPI Document Express Publisher
EPI Encapsulated PostScript graphic file
EPS Encapsulated PostScript (Graphics format) CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher
EPUB Electronic Publication - (e-Reader format) Okular (Linux) - Apple iBooks - Sony Reader - Adobe Digital Editions - Calibre (LMW)
EQN Equation filE WordPerfect for Win
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file Prosa
ERL Erlang source code file
ERM Entity Relationship Diagram model file Prosa
ERR Compiler/linker error report
ES6 ECMAScript 6 file Generated and Used by IntelliJ IDEA
ESCPCB Data file of "esCAD pcb", PCB Pattern Layout Design Software esCAD pcb provided by Electro-System
ESCSCH Data file of "esCAD sch", Drawing Schematics Diagram Software esCAD sch provided by Electro-System
ESD Windows Imaging Format ImageX, DISM, 7-Zip, wimlib
ESH Extended Shell batch file
ETH Document Ethnograph 3
ETF Encrypted Text File. Used in some security programs.
ETL event trace log file Microsoft[13][14]
ETW Proprietary format from EnterTech for the MagicSing/Mic Karaoke product line. Enter-Tech
ETX Structure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers
EU4 Save file Europa Universalis IV
EUI Ensoniq EPS family CD image AWAVE
EVT Events descriptions
EVT Windows Event log file Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 - XP; Microsoft Event Viewer
EVTX Windows Event log file XML structured Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8; Microsoft Event Viewer
EVY Document WordPerfect Envoy
EWD Document Express Publisher for Windows
EX Elixir source code file Elixir programming language running on BEAM (Erlang virtual machine)[15]
EX3 Device driveR Harvard Graphics 3.0
EXB Audio File E-MU Systems Emulator X Sampler File
EXC Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM) QEMM
EXC REXX source code file VM/CMS
EXE Directly executable program DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian or OS/2
EXF Exactal Exchange File CostX
EXF Excute file OnHand PC
EXM MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator) HP calculator
EXO YouTube executable file YouTube
EXP Drawing File format Drawing Express
EXP Melco Embroidery Format Embroidermodder
EXP Protected mode EXE by PharLap Software PharLap
EXP Exports Library File VisualStudio
EXS Audio File Apple Logic Pro EXS instrument
EXS Elixir script file Interactive Elixir (IEx) shell[16]
EXT Extensions descriptions file
EXX Intermediate file by MsgPut IBM LinkWay
EZW easyOFFER document file[17] easyOFFER by Reagency Systems Corp.
EZF Fax Calculus EZ-Fax
gollark: You can also see giant CPU spikes from GCing.
gollark: https://stats.osmarks.tkI now have a nice monitoring dashboard up for the server so you can see just how awfully inefficient Minecraft is.
gollark: Isentropic with water doubles it!
gollark: I want a mod where you can actually do this, somehow.
gollark: It's technically better than Minecraft itself (apart from the limited world size, I guess), but somehow lacking.

See also


  1. "Save and reuse database design elements". Retrieved 29 October 2015.
  2. "Alignment Fileformats". 22 May 2019. Retrieved 22 May 2019.
  3. ASP.NET Web Project File Types
  4. Article in by atSofts
  5. "WebSphere Message broker Help". Retrieved 2012-06-19.
  6. "The Erlang Runtime System". Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  7. "BPS File Extension - What is a .bps file and how do I open it?". Retrieved 2018-10-12.
  8. "Overall Options - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)". Retrieved 2020-06-27.
  9. "DVR-1600HP video format".
  10. - db
  11. - db file extension
  13. "Windows Event Trace Log Sink". Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. 2005-06-20. Retrieved 2017-02-08. The Event Trace Sink provided with the Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) produces event trace log (.etl) files [...].
  14. Compare: Rea, Sara Morgan (2005). Building Intelligent .NET Applications: Agents, Data Mining, Rule-based Systems, and Speech Processing. Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series. Addison Wesley. p. 41. ISBN 9780321246264. Retrieved 2017-02-08. Each call is logged to the Windows Event Trace Log and stored in a log file with an .etl (event log tracing) extension.
  15. "Modules and functions". Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  16. "Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course". Retrieved 2018-05-07.
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