List of alpine clubs

The first alpine club, the Alpine Club, based in the United Kingdom, was founded in London in 1857 as a gentlemen's club. It was once described as:

"a club of English gentlemen devoted to mountaineering, first of all in the Alps, members of which have successfully addressed themselves to attempts of the kind on loftier mountains" (Nuttall Encyclopaedia, 1907).

Alpine clubs are typically large social clubs that revolve around climbing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Many alpine clubs also take on aspects normally reserved for local sport associations, providing education and training courses, services for outdoorsmen, and de facto regulation of local mountaineering resources and behavior of mountaineers. Most clubs organize social events, schedule outings, stage climbing competitions, operate alpine huts and paths, and are active in protecting the alpine environment.

With around 1,000,000 members the German Alpine Club is usually reckoned as the largest alpine club in the world.

List of Alpine clubs

Alpine Club of Pakistan ACP Pakistan 1974
Alpine Club PrishtinaKAPKosovo2013[2]
Clube Alpino PaulistaCAPBrazil1959[3]
Academic Alpine Club of InnsbruckAAKIAustria1893[4]
Academic Alpine Association of InnsbruckAAVIAustria1900[5]
Academic Alpine Club of MunichAAVMGermany1892
South Tyrol Alpine ClubAVSItaly1946 (1869-1923: part of OeAV, banned after 1923)
Alpine ClubACGreat Britain1857/58
Alpine Club of CanadaACCCanada1906
Alpine Club of HallerAGHAustria1905
Alpine Club of KrummholzAGKAustria1879
Alpine Club of PeilsteinerAG?Austria1894
Alpine Club of PreintalerAGPAustria1885
Alpine Club of Reißtaler[6]AGRAustria1881
Alpine Association of Berne[7]AVBSwitzerland1909
American Alpine ClubAACUSA1902
Alpine Club at CUCUACUSA2001
Andean German ClubDAVChile1924
Appalachian Mountain ClubAMCUSA1876
Associazione Sentieri Alpini CalancaASACSwitzerland1978
Australian Alpine ClubAACAustralia1950[8]
Barts and the London Alpine Club[9]BLACUnited Kingdom1941
Belgian Alpine ClubBAC CABBelgium1883
California Alpine ClubCACUSA1913
Club Alpin MonégasqueCAMMonaco1911
Club Alpin FrançaisCAFFrance1874
Club Alpino ItalianoCAIItaly1863
Clubul Alpin RomânCARRomania1934
Colorado Mountain ClubCMCUSA1912
Crimean-Caucasian Mountaineering ClubCCMCRussia1890[10]
Delftsche Studenten Alpen ClubDSCNetherland1922
Den Norske TuristforeningDNTNorway1886
Excelsior Alpine Club Excelsior Hungary 1966
German Alpine Club (Deutscher Alpenverein)DAVGermany1869
Kiama Alpine ClubKACAustralia1957[11]
Kiandra Pioneer Ski Club KPSC Australia 1861[12]
Kosciusko Alpine ClubKACAustralia1909[13]
Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y EscaladaFEDMESpain1922
Fédération des Clubs Alpins Académiques de Suisse
Association of Academic Alpine Clubs of Switzerland
  • Academic Alpine Club of Basle AACBS 1918[14]
  • Academic Alpine Club of Berne AACB 1905[15]
  • Academic Alpine Club of Zürich AACZ 1896[16]
  • Club Alpin Académique Genève CAAG 1927[17]
Fédération française de la montagne et de l’escaladeFFMEFrance1942
Federazione alpinistica ticineseFATSwitzerland1965
Groupe Alpin LuxembourgeoisGALLuxembourg1955
Groupe de Haute MontagneGHMFrance1919
Climbing Interest Group (Interessengemeinschaft Klettern)IG KletternGermany1989
Icelandic Alpine Club[18]ÍSALPIceland1977
Japanese Alpine ClubJACJapan1905
Ladies' Alpine ClubLACGreat Britain1907 to 1975 Merged with AC
Liechtenstein Alpine ClubLAVLiechtenstein1946 (1909 DuÖAV branch)
Austrian Friends of Nature (Naturfreunde Österreich)NFÖ, TVNAustria1895
Nederlandse Klim- en Bergsport VerenigingNKBVNetherlands1902/1998
Österreichische BergsteigervereinigungÖBVAustria1907
Austrian Alpine Club (Österreichischer Alpenklub)ÖAKAustria1878
Austrian Alpine Club (Österreichischer Alpenverein)OeAVAustria1862
Austrian Tourist Club (Österreichischer Touristenklub)ÖTKAustria1869
Austrian Tourist Association (Österreichischer Touristenverein)ÖTVAustria1908
Alpine Association of Slovenia (Planinska zveza Slovenije) PZSSlovenia1893
Ljubljana Matica Alpine Club (Planinsko društvo Ljubljana-Matica)PD LMSlovenia1945
Polski Związek AlpinizmuPZAPoland1974
Swiss Alpine ClubSAC CASSwitzerland1863
Skagit Alpine ClubSACUSA1960
Swiss Ladies' Alpine ClubSFACSwitzerland1918 to 1979 Merged mit SAC
Società Alpinistica TicineseSATSwitzerland1937
Società Escursionistica VerzascheseSEVSwitzerland1983
Société des Touristes du DauphinéSTDFrance1875
Southern Alps Ski ClubSASCAustralia1935[19]
Svenska TuristföreningenSTFSweden1885
Türkiye Dağcılık FederasyonuTDFTurkey1936 (predecessor 1928)[20]
Unione Ticinese Operai EsccursionistiUTOESwitzerland1919
Israel Climbers ClubICCIsrael1939
Damavand mountaineering and ski club DMSC Iran 1953
The Mountaineers USA 1906
Washington Alpine Club WAC USA 1916
gollark: Individual jobs are.
gollark: You can generally just find another job which doesn't "exploit" you if you dislike it.
gollark: The workers could subcontract.
gollark: That would be fine.
gollark: What are we all defining as communism?


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