List of Mapudungun placenames

The following is a listing of placenames from the Mapudungun language, generally from Chile and southwestern Argentina.

Note: this list includes only currently used placenames that have a Mapudungun etymology for at least part of their name


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Abtaoend/limit of the territoryLos Lagoschannel, island
Achaosandy and protected harbourLos Lagosbeach, channel, city/town
Aconcaguaplace of heathersMendoza, Valparaísomountain, river
AllipénAraucanía, Bío-Bíoriver
Ancudto dryLos Lagoscity/town, gulf
Anticurasun stoneLos Lagosriver, village
Antihuesunny place[1]Los Lagoshamlet
Antillancasun/light green quartz[1]Los Lagosvolcano
Antimahuidasun/light mountain[1]Los Lagosvillage
Antucosun and waterBío-Bíovolcano


Type Comments
BuchupureoBig WaveLimit between VII & VIII Regions, Chile
Barilochefrom Furiloche: people from the other side of the mountainLos Lagos, Río Negrocity/town, mountain pass
Bío-BíoAraucanía, Bío-Bíoriver
Boldofrom folo, a shrub (Peumus boldus)La Araucanía
Bucalemubig forestValparaíso
Butacurabig stoneLos Lagoshamlet


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Caburguadug with a spoonAraucaníalake, waterfall
Calafquénlake like a seaAraucanía, Los Ríoslake
Calbucoblue waters[1]Los Lagoschannel, city/town, peninsula, volcano
Calle-Callelot of IridaceaesLos Ríosriveronce called Guadalfquén
Carahuethe city that wasAraucaníacity/town
Carelmapugreen territory[1]Los Lagosheadland
Carirriñegreen chusquea coleou caneLos Ríos, Neuquénmountain pass, river
Catiraicallyíi, to cut, and raigheii, the flower of the trees, meaning short flowers[2]Bío-Bíovalley
Cau-Caukawkaw 'seagull'Los Ríosriver
ChacayDiscaria serratifolia[3]Atacamavalley
Chacaoprotected harbourLos Lagosbay, channel, village
Chapelcochapel (a local bush) waterNeuquénmountain, river
Chiguayante"chiguay" fog "antu" sunBío-Bíocity-
Chiloéchille 'small seagull' and -we 'place'Los Lagosarchipelago, island
Chimbarongocrooked head or place between fogsO'Higginscity/town
Choshuencoyellow waterLos Ríoscity/town, volcano
Cochamóconfluence/estuary[1]Los Lagosbay, river, village
Conguillíowater with Araucaria araucana pine nutsAraucaníalake
Colhué Huapired islandChubutlake
Concónplace of owlsValparaísocity/town
Coñaripeway of the warriorLos Ríoscity/town
CucaoPteroptochus[1]Los Lagosbay, lake, river
Curicókurü 'black' and ko 'water'Maulecity/town
Curiñancokurü 'black' and ñamko 'red-backed hawk'Los Ríosbeach, village


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Dalcahueplace of canoesLos Lagoscity/town
Dollincomussel waterLos Lagosriver


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Futalafquénbig lakeChubutlake
Futaleufúbig riverChubut, Los Lagosriver
Futronofrom Futronhue: place of smokeLos Ríostown/city


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Guafofrom Wafün: tuskLos Lagosisland


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Hornopirénsnow ovenLos Lagosvillage, volcanoonce called Quechucaví; five districts
HuahumLos Ríos, Neuquénmountain pass, river
HuapiislandLos Ríosisland
Huechurabaclay birthplaceSantiagocommune/city
Huerquehueplace of messengersAraucaníamountains
Huilo-HuiloLos Ríoswaterfall


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Lácarplace of landslidesNeuquénlake
Licán Rayrock flowerAraucaníacity/town
Limayclear/cleanNeuquén, Río Negroriver
LiquiñeLos Ríostown, river, hot springs
Llaimablood veinsAraucaníavolcano
Llanquihuehidden placeLos Lagos, Los Ríoscity/town, lake, river
Lololland of crabs and holesO'Higginscommune/town
Loncochehead of an important personAraucaníacity/town
Loncomillagold of the loncoMauleriver
LonquimaysummitAraucaníacity/town, volcano


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Máfilhugged between riversLos Ríostown
Maihuewooden glassLos Ríoslake
MaipoMendoza, Santiagoriver, valley, volcano
MalalcahuelloAraucaníahot springs
Mamuil Malalcorral of wooden sticksAraucanía, Neuquénmountain pass, village
Mapochoriver of the MapucheSantiagoriver
Melipullifour hillsLos Lagoscity/town
Mulchénpeople of the westBío-Bíocity/town, river


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Nahuelbutabig pumaAraucanía, Bío-Bíomountain range
Nahuelhuapiisland of the pumaNeuquén, Río Negrolake
Nahuel Rucáhouse of the pumaBuenos Airescity/town
Neuquénsweep awayNeuquén, Río Negrocity/town, river


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Panguipullihill of the pumaLos Ríoscity/town, lake
PellaifaLos Ríoslake
Peñalolénfraternal meeting placeSantiagocity/town
Pichilemulittle forestO'Higginscity/town
Pillanleufúriver of the devil/spiritLos Ríosriver
Pilolcurahollow stoneLos Ríosbeach, bay
Pirihueicosnowy curvy waterLos Ríoslake
Puduhuapiisland of the pudu[1]Los Lagosisland
Pueloeast[1]Chubut, Los Lagoslake, river
PullinqueLos Ríoslake, river
Puyehueplace of sweet water fishesLos Lagos, Los Ríos, Neuquénlake, mountain pass, volcano
Punucapablack/fertile earth for legumesLos Ríosvillage


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Quellónfrom Queldon; Aristotelia chilensisLos Lagoscity/town
Quemchired/pottery earthLos Lagoscity/town
Quetrupillánsleeping pillánAraucanía, Los Ríosvolcano
Quiapooriginally Cuyapu or Cuyamapu, meaning cuya, weasel and mapu land [4]Bio-Biohill/river
Quilicurathree stonesSantiagocommune/city


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Rahueplace of gray clay[1]Los Lagos, Neuquéncity/town, river, village
Rancaguaplace of canesO'Higginscity/town
RancoLos Ríoscity/town, lake
Reloncavívalley districtLos Lagosestuary, sound
Riñihueplace of Chusquea coleouLos Ríoscity/town, lake
Rupancoshaked watersLos Lagoslake


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
TalcathunderMaule city/town
Talcahuanofrom tralcam wenu; thundering skyBío-Bíocity
Temucofrom "Temu" (Blepharocalyx cruckshanksii)and "Co" waterAraucaníacity/town
Tinguiriricaround/shining quartzO'Higginscity/town, river, volcano
TralcanthunderLos Ríosmountain
TroménNeuquénlake, volcano
Tucapeltake by forceBío-Bíotown


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Vitacurabig stoneSantiagocity/town


Placename Meaning Region (Chile)
or Province (Argentina)
Type Comments
Yelchocarry foamLos Lagoslake, river
gollark: Oh, well, if you want a direct link to somewhere without intermediate routing stuff you can use microwave links or whatever.
gollark: What?
gollark: Are you unaware of "all mesh networking ever"?
gollark: The internet does routing, as far as I know, in a mostly noncentralized way through something something BGP. IP addresses are centrally allocated, but they don't *have* to be done that way (although the design of the routing stuff requires it I think?).
gollark: If they know other people on the network you can connect through them.

See also



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