Chromosome 22

Chromosome 22 is one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in human cells. Humans normally have two copies of chromosome 22 in each cell. Chromosome 22 is the second smallest human chromosome, spanning about 49 million DNA base pairs and representing between 1.5 and 2% of the total DNA in cells.

Chromosome 22
Human chromosome 22 pair after G-banding.
One is from mother, one is from father.
Chromosome 22 pair
in human male karyogram.
Length (bp)50,818,468 bp
No. of genes417 (CCDS)[2]
Centromere positionAcrocentric[3]
(15.0 Mbp[4])
Complete gene lists
CCDSGene list
HGNCGene list
UniProtGene list
NCBIGene list
External map viewers
EnsemblChromosome 22
EntrezChromosome 22
NCBIChromosome 22
UCSCChromosome 22
Full DNA sequences
RefSeqNC_000022 (FASTA)
GenBankCM000684 (FASTA)

In 1999, researchers working on the Human Genome Project announced they had determined the sequence of base pairs that make up this chromosome. Chromosome 22 was the first human chromosome to be fully sequenced.[5]

Human chromosomes are numbered by their apparent size in the karyotype, with Chromosome 1 being the largest and Chromosome 22 having originally been identified as the smallest. However, genome sequencing has revealed that Chromosome 21 is actually smaller than Chromosome 22.


Number of genes

The following are some of the gene count estimates of human chromosome 22. Because researchers use different approaches to genome annotation their predictions of the number of genes on each chromosome varies (for technical details, see gene prediction). Among various projects, the collaborative consensus coding sequence project (CCDS) takes an extremely conservative strategy. So CCDS's gene number prediction represents a lower bound on the total number of human protein-coding genes.[6]

Estimated by Protein-coding genes Non-coding RNA genes Pseudogenes Source Release date
CCDS417 [2] 2016-09-08
HGNC424161295 [7] 2019-07-08
Ensembl489515325 [8] 2017-03-29
UniProt496 [9] 2018-02-28
NCBI474392379 [10][11][12] 2017-05-19

Gene list

The following is a partial list of genes on human chromosome 22. For complete list, see the link in the infobox on the right.

22q11.1-q11.2IGL@Asymmetric crying facies (Cayler cardiofacial syndrome)
22q11.21TBX1T-box 1
22q11RTN4RReticulon 4 receptorSchizophrenia
22q11.21-q11.23COMTcatechol-O-methyltransferase gene
22q12.1-q13.1NEFHneurofilament, heavy polypeptide 200kDa
22q12.1[13]CHEK2CHK2 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe)
22q12.2NF2neurofibromin 2bilateral acoustic neuroma
22q13SOX10SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10
22q13.1APOL1Apolipoprotein L1
22q13.2EP300E1A binding protein p300
22q13.3WNT7BWingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 7B22q13 deletion syndrome
22q13.3SHANK3SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 322q13 deletion syndrome
22q13.3SULT4A1sulfotransferase family 4A, member 122q13 deletion syndrome
22q13.3PARVBparvin beta (cytoskeleton organization and cell adhesion)22q13 deletion syndrome

Diseases and disorders

The following diseases are some of those related to genes on chromosome 22:

Chromosomal conditions

The following conditions are caused by changes in the structure or number of copies of chromosome 22:

  • 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: Most people with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome are missing about 3 million base pairs on one copy of chromosome 22 in each cell. The deletion occurs near the middle of the chromosome at a location designated as q11.2. This region contains about 30 genes, but many of these genes have not been well characterized. A small percentage of affected individuals have shorter deletions in the same region.
    The loss of one particular gene, TBX1, is thought to be responsible for many of the characteristic features of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, such as heart defects, an opening in the roof of the mouth (a cleft palate), distinctive facial features, and low calcium levels. A loss of this gene does not appear to cause learning disabilities, however. Other genes in the deleted region are also likely to contribute to the signs and symptoms of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
  • 22q11.2 distal deletion syndrome
  • 22q13 deletion syndrome
  • Other chromosomal conditions: Other changes in the number or structure of chromosome 22 can have a variety of effects, including mental retardation, delayed development, physical abnormalities, and other medical problems. These changes include an extra piece of chromosome 22 in each cell (partial trisomy), a missing segment of the chromosome in each cell (partial monosomy), and a circular structure called ring chromosome 22 that is caused by the breakage and reattachment of both ends of the chromosome.
  • Cat-eye syndrome is a rare disorder most often caused by a chromosomal change called an inverted duplicated 22. A small extra chromosome is made up of genetic material from chromosome 22 that has been abnormally duplicated (copied). The extra genetic material causes the characteristic signs and symptoms of cat-eye syndrome, including an eye abnormality called ocular iris coloboma (a gap or split in the colored part of the eye), small skin tags or pits in front of the ear, heart defects, kidney problems, and, in some cases, delayed development.
  • A rearrangement (translocation) of genetic material between chromosomes 9 and 22 is associated with several types of blood cancer (leukemia). This chromosomal abnormality, which is commonly called the Philadelphia chromosome, is found only in cancer cells. The Philadelphia chromosome has been identified in most cases of a slowly progressing form of blood cancer called chronic myeloid leukemia, or CML. It also has been found in some cases of more rapidly progressing blood cancers (acute leukemias). The presence of the Philadelphia chromosome can help predict how the cancer will progress and provides a target for molecular therapies.
  • Emanuel Syndrome is a translocation of chromosomes 11 and 22. Originally known as Supernumerary der (22) Syndrome, it occurs when an individual has an extra chromosome composed of pieces of the 11th and 22nd chromosomes.

Cytogenetic band

G-banding ideograms of human chromosome 22
G-banding ideogram of human chromosome 22 in resolution 850 bphs. Band length in this diagram is proportional to base-pair length. This type of ideogram is generally used in genome browsers (e.g. Ensembl, UCSC Genome Browser).
G-banding patterns of human chromosome 22 in three different resolutions (400,[15] 550[16] and 850[4]). Band length in this diagram is based on the ideograms from ISCN (2013).[17] This type of ideogram represents actual relative band length observed under a microscope at the different moments during the mitotic process.[18]
G-bands of human chromosome 22 in resolution 850 bphs[19]
Chr. Arm[20] Band[21] ISCN
Stain[23] Density
22p 13026014,300,000 gvar
22p 122605764,300,0019,400,000 stalk
22p 11.25768369,400,00113,700,000 gvar
22p 11.1836101513,700,00115,000,000 acen
22q 11.11015123415,000,00117,400,000 acen
22q 11.211234156317,400,00121,700,000 gneg
22q 11.221563170021,700,00123,100,000 gpos25
22q 11.231700187823,100,00125,500,000 gneg
22q 12.11878202925,500,00129,200,000 gpos50
22q 12.22029219429,200,00131,800,000 gneg
22q 12.32194241331,800,00137,200,000 gpos50
22q 13.12413268737,200,00140,600,000 gneg
22q 13.22687285240,600,00143,800,000 gpos50
22q 13.312852318143,800,00148,100,000 gneg
22q 13.323181329048,100,00149,100,000 gpos50
22q 13.333290340049,100,00150,818,468 gneg
gollark: I feel like we should standardize either on the "memetic project 3432-ζ"-style names or "PRIVATION CATACLYSMS"-y ones, having different names for the same project is confusing.
gollark: All according to plan.
gollark: Yes.
gollark: I don't think LyricLy understands anywhere *near* the full extent of what we're doing here.


  1. "Human Genome AssemblGenome Reference Consortium". National Center for Biotechnology Information. 24 December 2013. Retrieved 4 March 2017.
  2. "Search results - 22[CHR] AND "Homo sapiens"[Organism] AND ("has ccds"[Properties] AND alive[prop]) - Gene". NCBI. CCDS Release 20 for Homo sapiens. 8 September 2016. Retrieved 28 May 2017.
  3. Tom Strachan; Andrew Read (2 April 2010). Human Molecular Genetics. Garland Science. p. 45. ISBN 978-1-136-84407-2.
  4. Genome Decoration Page, NCBI. Ideogram data for Homo sapience (850 bphs, Assembly GRCh38.p3). Last update 2014-06-03. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
  5. Mayor, Susan (1999). "First human chromosome is sequenced". BMJ. BMJ Group. 319 (7223): 1453. doi:10.1136/bmj.319.7223.1453a. PMC 1117192. PMID 10582915.
  6. Pertea M, Salzberg SL (2010). "Between a chicken and a grape: estimating the number of human genes". Genome Biol. 11 (5): 206. doi:10.1186/gb-2010-11-5-206. PMC 2898077. PMID 20441615.
  7. "Statistics & Downloads for chromosome 22". HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee. 8 July 2019. Retrieved 7 August 2019.
  8. "Chromosome 22: Chromosome summary - Homo sapiens". Ensembl Release 88. 29 March 2017. Retrieved 19 May 2017.
  9. "Human chromosome 22: entries, gene names and cross-references to MIM". UniProt. 28 February 2018. Retrieved 16 March 2018.
  10. "Search results - 22[CHR] AND "Homo sapiens"[Organism] AND ("genetype protein coding"[Properties] AND alive[prop]) - Gene". NCBI. 19 May 2017. Retrieved 20 May 2017.
  11. "Search results - 22[CHR] AND "Homo sapiens"[Organism] AND ( ("genetype miscrna"[Properties] OR "genetype ncrna"[Properties] OR "genetype rrna"[Properties] OR "genetype trna"[Properties] OR "genetype scrna"[Properties] OR "genetype snrna"[Properties] OR "genetype snorna"[Properties]) NOT "genetype protein coding"[Properties] AND alive[prop]) - Gene". NCBI. 19 May 2017. Retrieved 20 May 2017.
  12. "Search results - 22[CHR] AND "Homo sapiens"[Organism] AND ("genetype pseudo"[Properties] AND alive[prop]) - Gene". NCBI. 19 May 2017. Retrieved 20 May 2017.
  13. Beck, Megan; Peterson, Jess F.; McConnell, Juliann; McGuire, Marianne; Asato, Miya; Losee, Joseph E.; Surti, Urvashi; Madan-Khetarpal, Suneeta; Rajkovic, Aleksandar; Yatsenko, Svetlana A. (May 2015). "Craniofacial abnormalities and developmental delay in two families with overlapping 22q12.1 microdeletions involving the gene". American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 167 (5): 1047–1053. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.36839. PMID 25810350.
  14. Liu H, Abecasis GR, Heath SC, Knowles A, Demars S, Chen YJ, Roos JL, Rapoport JL, Gogos JA, Karayiorgou M (December 2002). "Genetic variation in the 22q11 locus and susceptibility to schizophrenia". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 (26): 16859–64. doi:10.1073/pnas.232186099. PMC 139234. PMID 12477929.
  15. Genome Decoration Page, NCBI. Ideogram data for Homo sapience (400 bphs, Assembly GRCh38.p3). Last update 2014-03-04. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
  16. Genome Decoration Page, NCBI. Ideogram data for Homo sapience (550 bphs, Assembly GRCh38.p3). Last update 2015-08-11. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
  17. International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (2013). ISCN 2013: An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (2013). Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers. ISBN 978-3-318-02253-7.
  18. Sethakulvichai, W.; Manitpornsut, S.; Wiboonrat, M.; Lilakiatsakun, W.; Assawamakin, A.; Tongsima, S. (2012). "Estimation of band level resolutions of human chromosome images". In Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE), 2012 International Joint Conference on: 276–282. doi:10.1109/JCSSE.2012.6261965. ISBN 978-1-4673-1921-8.
  19. Genome Decoration Page, NCBI. Ideogram data for Homo sapience (850 bphs, Assembly GRCh38.p3). Last update 2014-06-03. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
  20. "p": Short arm; "q": Long arm.
  21. For cytogenetic banding nomenclature, see article locus.
  22. These values (ISCN start/stop) are based on the length of bands/ideograms from the ISCN book, An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (2013). Arbitrary unit.
  23. gpos: Region which is positively stained by G banding, generally AT-rich and gene poor; gneg: Region which is negatively stained by G banding, generally CG-rich and gene rich; acen Centromere. var: Variable region; stalk: Stalk.

Further reading

  • National Institutes of Health. "Chromosome 22". Genetics Home Reference. Retrieved 6 May 2017.
  • "Chromosome 22". Human Genome Project Information Archive 1990–2003. Retrieved 6 May 2017.
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