2011 Intercontinental Rally Challenge

The 2011 Intercontinental Rally Challenge was the sixth season of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge. The season consisted of twelve rounds and started on 19 January with the Monte Carlo Rally. The season ended on 5 November, at the Cyprus Rally.

2011 Intercontinental Rally Challenge
Previous: 2010 Next: 2012

The series introduced a new points system for the 2011 season, applying the FIA points system – 25–18–15–12–10–8–6–4–2–1[1] – which had been introduced to other championships within the last twelve months. Within the new system, the final two events in Scotland and Cyprus offered more points via a scoring coefficient.[1] Scotland offered crews points on a 1.5 coefficient, meaning that the winner earned 37.5 points, second place 27 points, third place 22.5 points and so on. In Cyprus, double points were offered, meaning the winner received 50 points, second place 36, third place 30 and so forth.


The calendar had consisted of twelve events run on two continents. The schedule will include two new countries, France (Tour de Corse, former WRC event) and Hungary (Asphalt/Gravel Mecsek Rallye), plus a return to Argentina for the new gravel-based Rally de los Alerces.[2] The final calendar was released on 10 December 2010, with the Prime Yalta Rally in Ukraine added, and the Rally Islas Canarias listed without a confirmed date.[3] Rally Islas Canarias was reinstated to the calendar on 19 January 2011 at the expense of Rally de los Alerces, which was cancelled.[4] Rali Vinho da Madeira was later dropped in June 2011.[5]

Round Dates Event title Rally HQ Surface
1 19–22 JanuaryMonte Carlo Rally ValenceAsphalt
2 14–16 AprilRally Islas Canarias Las PalmasAsphalt
3 12–14 MayTour de Corse AjaccioAsphalt
4 2–4 JunePrime Yalta Rally YaltaAsphalt
5 23–25 JuneYpres Rally YpresAsphalt
6 14–16 JulyRallye Açores Ponta DelgadaGravel
7 26–28 AugustBarum Czech Rally Zlín ZlínAsphalt
8 9–11 SeptemberMecsek Rallye PécsAsphalt
9 22–24 SeptemberRallye Sanremo SanremoAsphalt
10 7–9 October[6]Rally Scotland PerthGravel
11 3–5 NovemberCyprus Rally LimassolAsphalt/Gravel

Selected entries

Peugeot UK had already confirmed their entry for the 2011 season with Guy Wilks[7] who previously raced for Škoda UK instead of 2009 champion Kris Meeke who made the switch to World Rally Championship (WRC) driving for MINI.[8] 2003 World Rally champion Petter Solberg made a one-off appearance at the Monte Carlo Rally for Peugeot. Škoda UK, had also announced their plan to compete in IRC in 2011.[9] The team's single car was occupied by Andreas Mikkelsen, who competed in the Skoda Italia-run car, alongside the works cars of the top two drivers in 2010, Juho Hänninen and Jan Kopecký.[10]

Entrant/Team Manufacturer[11] Car Driver Co-driver Tyres Rounds
Škoda Motorsport Škoda Škoda Fabia S2000 Juho Hänninen Mikko Markkula M 1–2, 4, 6–7, 10–11
Jan Kopecký Petr Starý M All
Nicolas Vouilloz Benjamin Veillas M 1
Freddy Loix Frédéric Miclotte M 1
BFO-Škoda Rally Team 2–3, 5, 7–11
Škoda UK Andreas Mikkelsen Ola Fløene M All
Škoda Auto Deutschland Mark Wallenwein Stefan Kopczyk M 1, 7–8, 11
Matthias Kahle Peter Göbel M 7–8, 10–11
TGS Worldwide OÜ Toni Gardemeister Tapio Suominen H 2–5, 7–10
Škoda Sweden Patrik Sandell Staffan Parmander M 3–4
P 6–7, 10–11
ME3 Rally Team Karl Kruuda Martin Järveoja M 4–5, 7–11
Autostal Duindistel Bernd Casier Francis Caesemaeker M 5
Wevers Sport Hans Weijs Bjorn Degandt BF 5
Mark van Eldik Robin Buysmans BF 5
Edwin Schilt Lisette Bakker BF 5
Simpsons Škoda Jonathan Greer Dai Roberts P 5, 10
Škoda Ireland Robert Barrable Damien Connolly P 5
M 7, 10
Adell Mogul Racing Team Roman Kresta Petr Gross M 7
Škoda Rally Team Hungaria Norbert Herczig Kálmán Benics M 8
Red Bull Škoda Hermann Gassner Timo Gottschalk M 8
René Georges Motorsport Burcu Çetinkaya Çiçek Güney Y 10–11
Peugeot France Peugeot Peugeot 207 S2000 Petter Solberg Chris Patterson M 1
Bryan Bouffier Xavier Panseri M 1–10
Stéphane Sarrazin Jacques-Julien Renucci M 1
Robert Bútor Igor Bacigál M 8
Enjolras Sport François Delecour Dominique Savignoni M 1, 3
Peugeot UK Guy Wilks Phil Pugh M 1–10
Astra Racing Toni Gardemeister Tomi Tuominen M 1
Peugeot Sport Portugal Bruno Magalhães Paulo Grave M 1–3, 5–6, 8–9
Friulmotor Giandomenico Basso Mitia Dotta M 1
Peugeot Team Belux Thierry Neuville Nicolas Klinger M 1
Nicolas Gilsoul 2–5, 7–11
Kimera Motorsport Luca Betti Alessandro Mattioda M 1
Maurizio Barone 5, 7
Munaretto Sport Max Settembrini Corrado Bonato M 1–3
David Boselli 9
Marco Tempestini Dorin Pulpea M 1, 4, 8
Pierre Campana Sabrina De Castelli M 3, 5, 9
Doros Loucaides Costas Laos M 11
AMP Classic Team Jonathan Pérez Enrique Velasco M 2
Yazeed Al Rajhi Team Yazeed Al Rajhi Mathieu Baumel M 3
Kronos Racing Pieter Tsjoen Lara Vanneste M 5
Peugeot Delimax Czech National Team Pavel Valoušek Zdeněk Hrůza M 7
Peugeot Total Hungária Rallye Team János Tóth Róbert Tagai M 8
National Proklama Alessandro Perico Fabrizio Carrara P 9
Petter Solberg World Rally Team M-Sport Ford Fiesta S2000 Henning Solberg Ilka Minor M 1
Team Emap Yacco Julien Maurin Olivier Ural M 1, 3, 5–6
AT Rally Team Oleksiy Tamrazov Ivan German M 3–4, 7
Cersanit Rally Team Michał Sołowow Maciek Baran P 5, 7
Keltech Motorsport Craig Breen Gareth Roberts P 7, 10
Synergon Turán Motorsport Frigyes Turán Gábor Zsiros M 8
Car Racing Umberto Scandola Guido D'Amore M 9
M-Sport Alastair Fisher Daniel Barritt P 10
Barwa World Rally Team Nasser Al-Attiyah Giovanni Bernacchini P 11
Proton Motorsport Proton Proton Satria Neo S2000 Per-Gunnar Andersson Emil Axelsson M 1–2, 4–5, 7–8, 10
Chris Atkinson Stéphane Prévot M 1, 9
Giandomenico Basso Mitia Dotta M 2, 4–5, 7–9
Oleksandr Saliuk Evgen Chervonenko M 4
Alister McRae Bill Hayes M 10
Dytko Sport Ralliart Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X Andreas Aigner Daniela Ertl M 1
Amarante Rally Team Vítor Pascoal Luis Ramalho M 6
Team Além Mar Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX Ricardo Moura Sancho Eiró M 6
David Bogie Rallying David Bogie Kevin Rae P 10
Sonax Racing Jarkko Nikara Petri Nikara Y 10
Nicos Thomas Racing Nicos Thomas Angelos Loizides M 11
Heuvel Motorsport Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X R4 Jasper van den Heuvel Martine Kolman P 5
EuroOil Čepro Czech National Team Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX R4 Václav Pech Petr Uhel M 7
Martevo Kft. György Aschenbrenner Zsuzsa Pikó Y 8
Team Arai Subaru Subaru Impreza R4 Toshihiro Arai Dale Moscatt Y 3, 6, 8, 10–11
Advan Team Nutahara Fumio Nutahara Hakaru Ichino Y 6–7, 10
National Proklama Abarth Abarth Grande Punto S2000 Luca Rossetti Matteo Chiarcossi M 5


Round Rally name Podium finishers
Rank Driver Car Time
1 / Monte Carlo Rally
(19–22 January) — Results and report
1 Bryan Bouffier Peugeot 207 S2000 3:32:55.6
2 Freddy Loix Škoda Fabia S2000 3:33:28.1
3 Guy Wilks Peugeot 207 S2000 3:34:15.3
2 Rally Islas Canarias
(14–16 April) — Results and report
1 Juho Hänninen Škoda Fabia S2000 1:40:38.1
2 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 1:40:39.6
3 Thierry Neuville Peugeot 207 S2000 1:40:46.3
3 Tour de Corse
(12–14 May) — Results and report
1 Thierry Neuville Peugeot 207 S2000 3:20:51.0
2 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 3:21:06.5
3 Freddy Loix Škoda Fabia S2000 3:21:53.6
4 Prime Yalta Rally
(2–4 June) — Results and report
1 Juho Hänninen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:54:14.0
2 Bryan Bouffier Peugeot 207 S2000 2:54:25.7
3 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 2:54:52.7
5 Ypres Rally
(23–25 June) — Results and report
1 Freddy Loix Škoda Fabia S2000 2:40:03.9
2 Hans Weijs Škoda Fabia S2000 2:44:00.8
3 Michał Sołowow Ford Fiesta S2000 2:46:10.7
6 Rallye Açores
(14–16 July) — Results and report
1 Juho Hänninen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:19:03.8
2 Andreas Mikkelsen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:19:46.1
3 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 2:20:49.8
7 Barum Rally Zlín
(26–28 August) — Results and report
1 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 2:15:51.7
2 Freddy Loix Škoda Fabia S2000 2:15:52.9
3 Juho Hänninen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:16:29.1
8 Mecsek Rallye
(9–11 September) — Results and report
1 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 2:00:06.7
2 Thierry Neuville Peugeot 207 S2000 2:00:07.5
3 Freddy Loix Škoda Fabia S2000 2:01:06.7
9 Rallye Sanremo
(22–24 September) — Results and report
1 Thierry Neuville Peugeot 207 S2000 2:19:57.8
2 Andreas Mikkelsen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:19:59.3
3 Bryan Bouffier Peugeot 207 S2000 2:20:13.8
10 Rally Scotland
(7–9 October) — Results and report
1 Andreas Mikkelsen Škoda Fabia S2000 1:55:17.2
2 Juho Hänninen Škoda Fabia S2000 1:55:43.6
3 Bryan Bouffier Peugeot 207 S2000 1:56:52.5
11 Cyprus Rally
(3–5 November) — Results and report
1 Andreas Mikkelsen Škoda Fabia S2000 2:25:18.5
2 Jan Kopecký Škoda Fabia S2000 2:26:59.0
3 Patrik Sandell Škoda Fabia S2000 2:28:13.3



  • Only the best seven scores from each driver count towards the championship.
Pos Driver MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 
1 Andreas Mikkelsen Ret 6 6 4 Ret 2 5 Ret 2 1 1 161.5 8 153.5
2 Jan Kopecký 8 2 2 3 DNS 3 1 1 4 5 2 183 31 152
3 Juho Hänninen 6 1 1 1 3 2 16 125 125
4 Freddy Loix 2 4 3 1 2 3 Ret 5 123 123
5 Thierry Neuville Ret 3 1 6 Ret 4 2 1 6 Ret 115 115
6 Bryan Bouffier 1 8 Ret 2 DSQ 4 Ret 4 3 3 110.5 110.5
7 Guy Wilks 3 5 Ret 5 5 Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret 47 47
8 Patrik Sandell 9 9 5 12 Ret 3 44 44
9 Toni Gardemeister 10 12 8 7 7 6 7 9 7 45 2 43
10 Karl Kruuda 8 5 10 11 Ret 13 4 39 39
11 Bruno Magalhães Ret 9 5 Ret Ret 9 5 26 26
12 Craig Breen 7 4 24 24
13 Hans Weijs 2 18 18
14 Matthias Kahle 19 19 10 6 17.5 17.5
15 Pierre Campana 14 4 8 16 16
16 Michał Sołowow 3 11 15 15
17 Toshi Arai 13 Ret 18 9 7 15 15
18 Stéphane Sarrazin 4 12 12
19 François Delecour 5 10 10
Hermann Gassner 5 10 10
21 Ricardo Moura 6 8 8
György Aschenbrenner 6 8 8
Alessandro Perico 6 8 8
24 Mark Wallenwein 21 18 14 8 8 8
25 Julien Maurin 12 7 11 Ret 7 7
26 Nicolas Vouilloz 7 6 6
Vítor Lopes 7 6 6
Umberto Scandola 7 6 6
29 Luca Rossetti 8 6 6
Alastair Fisher 8 6 6
31 Giandomenico Basso 9 11 Ret Ret 13 Ret 10 5 5
32 Vítor Pascoal 8 4 4
Roman Kresta 8 4 4
Róbert Bútor 8 4 4
35 Bernhard ten Brinke 9 4 4
36 Doros Loucaides 10 4 4
37 Per-Gunnar Andersson Ret 24 Ret 19 9 Ret Ret 2 2
38 Sérgio Silva 9 2 2
39 Robert Barrable 10 DSQ 16 2 2
40 Charalambos Timotheou 11 2 2
41 Jean-Mathieu Leandri 10 1 1
Beppo Harrach 10 1 1
43 Fumio Nutahara 11 Ret 15 1 1
44 János Puskádi 23 12 Ret 28 20 24 1 1
Pos Driver MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 
Colour Result
Gold Winner
Silver 2nd place
Bronze 3rd place
Green Points finish
Blue Non-points finish
Non-classified finish (NC)
Purple Did not finish (Ret)
Black Excluded (EX)
Disqualified (DSQ)
White Did not start (DNS)
Cancelled (C)
Blank Withdrew entry from
the event (WD)


  • Only the best seven scores from each manufacturer count towards the championship.
Pos Manufacturer MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 
1 Škoda 30 43 33 40 43 43 43 40 30 64.5 86 495.5 133 362.5
2 Peugeot 40 27 37 30 16 19 15 30 40 37.5 24 315.5 74 241.5
3 Subaru 14 4 14 1 0 16 2 10 6 15 42 124 7 117
4 M-Sport 10 3 10 4 23 0 20 0 10 30 0 110 3 107
5 Ralliart 6 0 0 10 8 20 5 18 6 1.5 36 110.5 6.5 104
6 Honda 0 8 4 16 0 0 0 3 0 3 12 46 46
7 Proton 0 16 0 0 1 0 16 0 8 0 0 41 41
8 Abarth 1 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 15 15
Pos Manufacturer MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 

2WD Cup drivers' standings

  • Only the best seven scores from each driver count towards the championship.
Pos Driver MON
1 Jean-Michel Raoux 7 Ret 1 2 3 7 14 Ret 1 120
2 Stefano Albertini 3 Ret 1 1 2 2 119
3 János Puskádi 9 3 Ret 6 3 4 71.5
4 Martin Kangur Ret 6 11 6 Ret Ret 1 53.5
5 Pierre-Antoine Guglielmi 1 3 40
6 Andreas Charalambous 3 30
7 John MacCrone 2 27
8 Kris Princen Ret 1 25
9 Pierre Campana 1 25
Joan Vinyes 1 25
Paulo Maciel 1 25
Davide Medici 1 25
13 Eric Mauffrey 4 Ret 5 Ret 22
14 Doros Constantinou 5 20
15 Vlad Cosma 2 18 18
16 Michaël Burri 2 18
Gorka Antxustegi 2 18
Guy Fiori 2 18
Tommy Doyle 2 18
Václav Dunovský 2 18
Menyhért Krózser 2 18
22 Ruary MacLeod 4 18
23 Harry Hunt 20 6 6 Ret Ret 9 Ret Ret 18
24 Renaud Poutout 3 15
Angel Marrero 3 15
Kevin Demaerschalk 3 15
Carlos Costa 3 15
Sasa Ollé 3 15
29 Tony Jardine Ret 5 15
30 Raul Quesada 4 12
Jean-Paul Villa 4 12
Archil Bidzinashvili 4 12
Kevin Abbring 4 12
Tiago Mota 4 12
Petr Zedník 4 12
Zsolt Szíjj 4 12
Roberto Vescovi 4 12
38 Ekaterina Stratieva 5 Ret 10
39 Adrien Tambay 5 10
Enrique Cruz 5 10
Pierre Quilici 5 10
Xavier Baugnet 5 10
Olavo Esteves 5 10
Szabolcs Várkonyi 5 10
Cedric Cherain 5 10
46 Andrea Crugnola 6 8
Claudie Tanghe 6 8
Joaquim Pacheco 6 8
Andrea Cortinovis 6 8
50 Petr Brynda 7 10 Ret Ret 7
51 Enrique García Ojeda 7 6
Giedrius Kriptavičius 7 6
Nicolas Damsin 7 6
João Faria 7 6
Zsolt Pénzes 7 6
Alex Vittalini 7 6
57 Renaud Bronkart 8 27 4
58 Dimitrios Amaxopoulos 8 4
Alessandro Barchiesi 8 4
Stéphane Rovina 8 4
Vadim Trutnyev 8 4
Davy Vanneste 8 4
Lubomír Minařík 8 4
Matteo Brunello 8 4
65 Lilian Vialle 9 2
Miguel Arias 9 2
Vincent Verschueren 9 2
Jarosław Kołtun 9 2
69 Christophe Fontaine 10 1
Rubén Gracia 10 1
Franck Amaudru 10 1
Milan Kneifel 10 1
Elwis Chentre 10 1
Pos Driver MON

2WD Cup manufacturers' standings

  • Only the best seven scores from each manufacturer count towards the championship.
Pos Manufacturer MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 
1 Honda 12 37 18 43 15 0 33 43 0 60 86 347 27 320
2 M-Sport 0 33 0 15 43 0 25 0 0 45 0 161 161
3 Peugeot 35 18 37 12 10 25 12 0 0 0 0 149 149
4 Abarth 33 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 85 85
5 Škoda 0 0 0 0 12 0 18 0 43 0 0 73 73
Pos Manufacturer MON
 Total   Drop   Pts 

Production Cup drivers' standings

  • Only the best seven scores from each driver count towards the championship.
Pos Driver MON
1 Toshi Arai 2 Ret 7 1 1 111.5
2 Florian Gonon 1 1 Ret 1 75
3 Marco Caviglioli 15 10 2 4 Ret 37
4 Charalambos Timotheou 2 36
5 Fumio Nutahara 5 Ret 3 32.5
6 Savvas Savva 3 30
7 Volodymyr Pechenyk 1 10 27
8 Jason Pritchard 2 27
9 Jose Barrios 1 25
Jonas Langenakens 1 25
Ricardo Moura 1 25
Jaroslav Orsák 1 25
György Aschenbrenner 1 25
14 Vojtěch Štajf 2 7 24
15 Constantinos Tingirides 4 24
16 Eamonn Boland 6 Ret 3 23
17 Panayiotis Yiangou 5 20
18 Yuriy Shapovalov 2 18
Anthony Martin 2 18
Vítor Lopes 2 18
Daniel Běhálek 2 18
Beppo Harrach 2 18
23 Michalis Posedias 6 16
24 Giacomo Ogliari 3 15
Anton Kuzmenko 3 15
Jasper van den Heuvel 3 15
Vítor Pascoal 3 15
Martin Bujáček 3 15
Dávid Botka 3 15
30 Arman Smailov 5 15
31 Maurizio Verini 4 12
Yukhym Vazheyevskyy 4 12
Andy Lefevere 4 12
Sérgio Silva 4 12
Václav Arazim 4 12
László Ranga 4 12
Corrado Perino 4 12
38 Mihály Matics 8 6 12
39 Costas Zenonos 7 12
40 Claude Carret 5 10
Yevgen Konopellkin 5 10
Philip Barbier 5 10
Jaromír Tarabus 5 10
István Pethő 5 10
45 Alexander Lomadze 6 8
Kris Cools 6 8
José Paula 6 8
Milan Pantálek 6 8
49 Phivos Nicolaou 8 8
50 Herve Knapick 7 6
Neil McCance 7 6
52 László Vizin 9 9 6
53 Miguel Baudoin 8 4
Bruno Parmentier 8 4
András Hadik 8 4
56 Rémi Tosello 9 2
Michael Eckhaus 9 2
Richard Kirnig 9 2
59 Pierre Bos 10 1
Roy Clijnk 10 1
Petr Trnovec 10 1
Pos Driver MON
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  1. "2011 IRC Sporting Regulations" (PDF). ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. pp. 2–3. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-11-22. Retrieved 20 January 2011.
  2. "Exciting developments for 2011 IRC season". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 29 September 2010. Archived from the original on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 2 October 2010.
  3. "Revised IRC calendar for 2011". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 10 December 2010. Archived from the original on 23 December 2010. Retrieved 23 December 2010.
  4. "2011 IRC calendar updated". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 19 January 2011. Archived from the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2011.
  5. "IRC to drop Rali Vinho Madeira from calendar". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 25 June 2011. Retrieved 26 June 2011.
  6. "Rally of Scotland to run from 7–9 October". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 31 March 2011. Archived from the original on 2011-08-18. Retrieved 31 March 2011.
  7. Harrold, Chris (29 October 2010). "Wilks set for 2011 IRC Peugeot drive". RallyBuzz.com. Rally Buzz. Retrieved 29 October 2010.
  8. "Peugeot UK to continue in IRC in 2011". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. 2 October 2010. Archived from the original on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 2 October 2010.
  9. Harrold, Chris (28 October 2010). "Škoda UK continues in IRC series for 2011". RallyBuzz.com. Rally Buzz. Retrieved 28 October 2010.
  10. Evans, David (11 November 2010). "Mikkelsen eyes title with Skoda UK". autosport.com. Haymarket Publications. Archived from the original on 13 November 2010. Retrieved 11 November 2010.
  11. "Manufacturers". ircseries.com. Intercontinental Rally Challenge. Archived from the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 23 December 2010.
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