Sky wrecks

Sky wrecks were sky ships that had been wrecked and abandoned by their crew and left hovering in Open Sky.


The ship's flight rock often continued to grow, breaching the cage[1]. Mire-clams warmed the flight-rock, ensuring that the skip remained at an even altitude, only being carried by the winds. Sky wrecks were covered in colourful fungal growth and vegetation and provided a habitat for all sorts of creatures.[2]

Because they were believed to be bad luck, sky wrecks were often destroyed from a safe distance[3]. If the wreck was set ablaze with a harpoon, at first the sinking sky rock would counteract the lift of the buoyant wood. As the mire clams would fall off, the flight rock would crumble and the ship eventually shot up into the sky[4].

Sometimes, sky pirates our leaguesmen would board the sky wrecks to extract mire-pearls from the giant clams. The ship's decay and the abundance of dangerous creatures made such ventures very dangerous. [3]


Role in the Edge Chronicles

Main article: Skirmish on the sky wreck
Quint watches a sky wreck implode.

In Clash of the Sky Galleons, a sky wreck was hovering above the Edgelands, it's two masts snapped off. Thaw Daggerslash lured Orlis Verginix and Quint on it and, disguised as Turbot Smeal, he killed Wind Jackal. Quint had to fight of a wreck-demon and other creatures before making his way back to the Galerider[2]. Daggerslash then ordered Tem Barkwater to fire a harpoon on the skywreck and it imploded[4].

Behind the scenes

In a post on Facebook, Paul Stewart explained the inspiration behind sky wrecks and shared a page from 'The Black Books':

"One of the most perilous phenomenons in the skies above the Edgelands, the skywreck is approached only by the extremely brave or the plain foolhardy. Usually sky ships that have been wrecked in storms or abandoned by their crew [the Sky Whale], the sky wreck provides a unique habitat to a variety of sky creatures from ratbirds and razorflits to stange mutated rockghouls and rogue glisters that nest in the flight rock. Although incredibly dangerous, the skywreck may be visited by salvage-minded skypirates or league ships but many who sail the skies believe that sky wrecks are extremely bad luck and best destroyed from a distance when encountered." [3]


  1. This may be a contradiction with the black notebook, where it says that the flight rocks of dormant sky ships eventually crumble to dust. However, Clash of the Sky Galleons is tier 1 canon and the black notebook only tier 3 canon.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 17: The Sky Wreck
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  4. 1 2 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 18: Shryke Teeth
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