How to restore the folder option in windows XP (which has been deleted by VIRUS !?)



Because of a Brontok virus .. my explorer is not showing FOLDER OPTION in TOOLS menu .. Is there any Registry edition to fix this ?

By the way I tried GPEDIT (gpedit.msc using run) There also (as it is simple UI for average users) I couldn't fix the issue ..


Posted 2010-01-14T07:17:56.980

Reputation: 1 114

Best option will be to format your PC cause as far as I have seen, Brontok does a lot of damage to the Operating System. – Ganesh R. – 2010-01-14T07:24:21.087

oops .. ohk .. I will see .. – InfantPro'Aravind' – 2010-01-14T08:36:35.900



Its done anyway ..

Go to Start, Run then type in regedit and click Ok.
Browse to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Create a REGISTRY KEY with the name : NoFolderOptions
assign the vaule to 0.
Restart your computer.


Posted 2010-01-14T07:17:56.980

Reputation: 1 114