Tag: permissions

7 Linux permissions for services 2012-09-10T07:33:44.123

7 Group Policy: Block access to \\localhost\C$ 2012-12-10T22:58:23.107

7 Grant permission to manage another users processes 2013-01-15T04:18:06.027

7 discover the directory that prevents a file from being read in linux 2013-04-24T17:59:28.623

7 Debian - Apache - User - Which chown? 2013-09-27T04:45:15.533

7 Samba: Read only for guests with a write list 2013-10-31T17:28:36.613

7 permission denied on authorized_key file 2013-11-19T17:27:20.600

7 Windows 8.1: administrator account has access denied to other partitions 2013-12-26T20:53:06.430

7 How to chown directory for multiple users? 2013-12-31T05:06:29.660

7 How to use git to commit read-only file? 2015-08-26T04:36:43.023

7 Samba execute permission is always set 2015-12-02T19:05:57.867

7 Advanced Permissions not editable in Windows 10 2016-04-06T23:33:03.593

7 How was I able to remove a root owned file without sudo 2017-10-03T12:13:57.813

7 rsyslog changing file owner 2017-11-08T16:49:08.140

7 Reset default ACLs for C:\Program Files\WindowsApps 2018-01-23T01:14:24.243

7 Sudoers NOPASSWD for single executable but allowing others 2018-06-04T09:39:22.337

6 Is there a way to add a column with file permissions (rwx) in Mac OS X's Finder? 2009-08-23T21:05:11.553

6 How to change permissions on all files in a directory, and when new files are added, to default values? 2009-09-27T11:07:02.990

6 Is it possible to stop Windows from changing permissions on a Linux SMB share? 2010-01-05T08:58:07.673

6 What are the minimum user permissions required to install a Windows service? 2010-01-06T00:07:48.730

6 Windows 7 indicates "you need permission to perform this action" (deleting file) 2010-01-12T06:33:33.397

6 setting chmod 700 with Windows 7 permission 2010-03-05T06:33:19.627

6 Code signing issues 2010-04-27T14:32:04.443

6 Windows 7 - ignore security when reading external drive 2010-05-22T16:42:06.233

6 Setting permissions for specific user and groups in Linux 2010-05-25T08:43:12.683

6 How to get full permissions on non-install NTFS drive? 2010-06-26T13:07:44.193

6 rsync permissioning? 2010-07-15T14:28:56.037

6 Windows 7 permission denied error 2010-07-18T15:54:45.720

6 How do you change permissions on a registry key in Windows 7? 2010-08-28T21:22:00.437

6 File permission. Write and execute only? 2011-01-11T14:30:08.963

6 Use symlink to provide access to a specific file under a restricted directory 2011-01-24T15:40:40.750

6 How can I prevent data theft from a company? 2011-01-26T13:25:04.317

6 Use one home directory for more than one operating system 2011-03-05T22:30:20.513

6 How can I block access to local files from Internet Explorer? 2011-03-09T14:39:35.623

6 What are the risk associated while setting file/directory permission to 0777? 2011-04-19T12:33:23.053

6 chmod if I am not root/file owner 2011-04-24T09:20:33.190

6 I've set up Apache, but I can't write to the '/var/www' folder 2011-05-03T10:55:20.557

6 How do disk permissions fall into a state of disrepair? 2011-05-26T08:02:18.373

6 Can I have an "execute only" batch file under Windows XP? 2011-05-27T19:13:38.570

6 Troubles using apt-get install with home on NFS share 2012-01-01T13:01:32.270

6 How to set permissions for specific remote user in Windows 7? 2012-01-23T23:49:41.257

6 Why does 7-zip.exe return "Access is denied" with these arguments/parameters? 2012-02-07T19:16:39.380

6 Permissions corrupted on temp folder? 2012-05-28T17:53:12.853

6 Default permissions with setfacl 2012-06-11T14:08:10.420

6 Automatically enable Xcode "Developer Mode" on computer lab workstations 2012-06-20T21:04:13.413

6 Unable to use NTFS partition for Dropbox in Linux 2012-09-04T01:20:07.127

6 Permissions issue when trying to execute command in post-commit hook in SVN 2012-09-26T12:14:26.410

6 Windows 8 Security shows all "permissions incorrectly ordered" 2013-05-08T02:04:01.770

6 Change owncloud data directory to an external drive 2013-07-29T09:17:01.913

6 How to set umask globally? 2013-11-09T10:29:55.193

6 What SharePoint permission governs whether you can make list a template? 2013-12-12T21:21:42.570

6 In Windows 8.1, how to force prompt for credentials when accessing a shared folder? 2014-02-27T00:38:56.657

6 Can I allow open access, for all users, to all files on my PC? 2014-07-27T20:10:33.997

6 How to disable "Installer Detection" feature of UAC in Windows 7 Home Premium? 2014-12-28T03:52:27.117

6 usermod returns "group 'thegroupname' does not exist" for known group 2015-06-07T04:41:49.463

6 Why can't I delete this directory? 2015-06-14T05:19:48.847

6 How can I reset permissions in system folders to the correct settings? 2015-08-08T09:12:53.963

6 /etc/shadow - how could it be edited when it is read only 2015-08-19T08:38:50.097

6 Translate permissions with as sshfs remote mount? 2015-08-30T09:16:06.450

6 Git clone: error: chmod on <ntfs mount> failed: Operation not permitted 2015-10-26T04:30:59.473

6 Is there a way I can give Read & Write permissions to myself for System files on Mac OSX 10.11.2 2015-12-16T21:58:11.557

6 Recursive chmod only on {directories|files} 2015-12-19T23:00:29.617

6 How do I remove permission to specific user using setfacl 2016-09-06T06:54:09.197

6 How to provide sufficient permissions to the context menu entries of nVidia Control Panel in Win10? 2016-11-15T15:06:46.120

6 Linux file permission "/rwx------". What does the slash mean and how can I access my files? 2017-03-01T11:33:23.740

5 Is there a way to run a scheduled task on Windows XP without having to enter the username and password? 2009-08-05T12:12:36.727

5 Deleting "undeletable" files in Vista 2009-08-07T07:09:02.203

5 Get full control over every file/dir in a drive? 2009-09-23T02:04:51.503

5 Linux: Can't change file permissions being in the same group as the file 2009-11-04T17:09:51.480

5 file permissions and group ownership using sftp 2010-01-14T20:23:46.870

5 Multiple Users with owner rights? 2010-01-17T15:00:57.240

5 greyed out folder in OS X 2010-03-02T15:38:40.450

5 Setting filesystem mounting umask on OS X 2010-04-07T20:38:04.003

5 Is it possible to shutdown a remote computer running Windows 7 via Telnet? 2010-04-20T03:34:33.453

5 What causes Mac OS X Permission errors? 2010-04-29T12:32:14.770

5 This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer 2010-05-12T00:48:17.437

5 How to copy files to /var/www on Linux? 2010-08-24T12:47:23.530

5 Backup file attributes / restore them later 2011-02-18T23:57:49.347

5 NTFS "Restore previous versions" 2011-03-18T15:50:32.757

5 Administrator not an Administrator? 2011-04-07T22:32:33.890

5 Allowing apache access to a subdirectory in a home directory without access to the home directory 2011-04-23T00:22:37.397

5 How can I change ACLs recursively using cacls.exe? 2011-05-04T18:41:24.270

5 Apache directory permissions for a company intranet 2011-05-09T15:18:38.353

5 copied user profile, now get "cannot access device...appropriate permissions" on system files 2011-05-14T12:05:52.617

5 Whats easy way to change file permission in Linux 2011-05-27T07:18:36.753

5 Secured bash history usage 2011-07-10T20:31:06.800

5 How to assign permissions to manage windows service when UAC is enabled? 2011-07-27T11:16:21.097

5 How can I create a folder in Program Files with UAC on from the command line? 2011-09-01T11:13:42.103

5 Making SELinux play nice with OpenVPN (in NetworkManager) 2011-09-24T13:21:23.780

5 Error- D:\ is not accessible. Access is denied 2011-10-01T01:58:25.140

5 NTFS Permissions for parent folder to make subfolders accessible 2011-10-07T01:28:40.810

5 CMD does and doesn't see this file? 2012-01-18T23:58:38.737

5 Howto access folders in a Macrium Reflect Image that belong to another user? 2012-02-06T18:20:14.330

5 Windows 7 Unable To Delete Folder in "Programs Files" 2012-03-01T15:42:37.680

5 Can't run "git" without sudo on OS X 2012-03-20T13:00:16.687

5 Linux permissions and owner being preserved with cp 2012-04-06T08:20:27.593

5 Is there a way to allow standard users to restart (stop/start) the Print Spooler? 2012-05-01T15:35:55.487

5 Configure permissions for /dev/ttyUSB0 2012-06-02T16:55:02.787

5 Deleting folders give access denied error message on Windows 7, although I am administrator 2012-06-23T16:04:54.357