Tag: osx-lion

119 How do you re-install a package with Homebrew (Mac)? 2011-08-18T20:29:54.647

90 Where to find the .bashrc file on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Lion? 2010-05-30T21:03:42.050

64 Setting iTerm2 as the default terminal (OSX Lion) 2012-01-17T11:16:44.387

56 Apache Bench test error on OS X: "apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (54)" 2011-08-16T11:14:46.743

51 How to automount SMB shared network drives in Mac OS X Lion 2011-09-16T13:05:55.587

50 Start configured VPN from command line (OSX) 2011-11-17T15:00:58.400

48 Don't exit full screen when pressing escape in apps like Safari on Lion 2011-07-27T20:40:23.700

44 How do you disable the window switch animation when switching spaces with Mission Control? 2011-07-27T02:12:59.893

43 How to add a line to .bash_profile 2013-11-19T22:53:31.377

40 Mac Lion: fstab is deprecated. so what replaces it to prevent a partition from mounting? 2011-09-16T17:22:35.787

39 OS X Lion desktop switching speed 2011-07-22T04:07:32.403

38 What does Terminal app's "Show Alternate Screen" do? (OS X) 2011-08-10T03:03:38.667

37 How can I merge two terminal windows in OS X lion? 2011-10-16T09:32:40.827

37 Error adding cronjobs in Mac OS X Lion 2011-11-20T22:41:28.153

37 Mac OS X (Lion) Chrome: shortcut for "Search With Google" 2011-12-20T18:35:37.513

33 Did Mac OS Lion switch to using line feeds (LF '\n') for line breaks instead of carriage returns (CR '\r')? 2012-06-20T19:16:24.097

31 Mac - Convert from Case-Sensitive to Case-Insensitive File System 2012-01-19T19:08:53.940

30 How to stop Mail.app in Lion creating an Archive folder for archiving in Gmail? 2011-07-26T09:07:01.863

30 How do I hide files from "All My Files" in Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion) 2011-08-12T01:42:48.350

28 How do I uninstall Google Chrome *completely* from my Mac? 2011-08-02T17:26:55.463

28 Option key does not work as Meta in Tmux 2013-09-25T05:07:59.937

26 How to make Mission Control keyboard friendly? 2011-07-21T02:20:10.487

23 Changing name of Space in Mac OS X Lion 2011-07-21T18:01:19.787

23 What are invalid characters for a file name under OS X? 2011-08-21T19:32:12.500

23 opendirectoryd consumes 40% of CPU 2011-10-26T18:17:24.450

22 /etc/hosts getting reset in Lion 2011-11-07T21:26:24.570

21 How can I remap the Caps Lock key in Mac OS X Lion? 2011-07-13T09:48:30.323

21 How do I make the Spotlight menu hint bubble go away in OS X Lion? 2011-08-05T22:33:12.123

21 PostgreSQL homebrew installation lacks config files 2012-06-28T10:28:08.103

21 How can I assign the F5 key to be refresh in Chrome on Mac OS X? 2012-09-11T10:59:04.103

20 Where is the log file generated by a verbose start-up in OS X Lion? 2011-09-21T18:58:12.797

20 How to remove permanent map of a network drive on OS X Lion? 2011-10-28T15:05:18.650

19 Forcing Lion Finder to open in List View? 2011-08-09T16:27:19.980

19 Where can I get a "black screen" screensaver for OS X Lion? 2011-08-27T09:04:50.217

18 Why does OS X Lion ask for my password whenever I delete a file in my home directory? 2011-07-22T16:41:07.733

18 Is Bluetooth tethering slower than WiFi? 2012-02-07T05:55:08.120

18 Errors in Homebrew on OS X Lion 2012-06-10T21:36:50.870

17 Resume Zsh-Terminal (OS X Lion) 2011-07-22T09:21:07.073

17 How do I resize a FileVault 2 encrypted partition? 2011-07-27T15:09:57.243

17 Hostname issue in Mac OS X Lion 2011-08-03T13:17:00.977

17 OS X Lion new Finder view that doesn't allow sorting 2011-09-25T02:15:29.760

16 Merge AVI-files without recoding in Mac OS X Lion 2011-08-03T19:15:59.163

16 osx change printer ip address without adding new printer 2011-08-26T14:18:45.293

16 How can I have multiple browsing sessions in Google Chrome? 2012-04-23T04:48:12.857

15 Why is Mac OS X Lion Apache DocumentRoot /usr/htdocs? 2011-11-18T16:21:59.913

15 How to check whether there is bad sector on an external USB hard disk on OS X? 2012-02-27T09:40:14.273

15 How do I uninstall Afloat in Mac OS X Lion? 2012-03-02T02:55:51.047

15 Can't find the Google Chrome User Data Directory in Mac OSX Lion 2012-12-21T19:42:08.827

14 Where are the "inner workings" of Exposé in OSX? 2011-10-11T18:24:01.423

14 Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 update breaks SSL 2011-10-23T22:19:23.573

14 How do I change my resolution on my Mac to a custom size? 2011-12-15T23:11:17.483

14 GCC on OS X Lion with Xcode 4.3.1 2012-03-13T12:42:00.687

14 How do I convert webm to mp4 for MacOSX? 2012-12-23T05:14:42.593

14 Forgot password to id_rsa 2014-05-31T01:29:16.600

13 OS X >10.6.5 DNS Lookup Order with VPN 2010-11-18T22:33:31.260

13 Ctrl + A doesn't work in Bash Terminal on OS X Lion 2011-07-29T14:29:38.487

13 How to Set a Default Arrange Type in OS X Lion? 2011-09-12T20:52:33.833

13 com.apple.launchd: com.apple.launchd.peruser error 2011-11-25T20:44:27.347

13 10 second delay for .local TLD in Mac OS X Lion 2011-12-22T08:22:00.650

13 How to kill a zombie process on a mac 2012-02-16T08:06:51.290

13 How to send a magic packet from OS X in order to wake a PC on the LAN? (WOL) 2012-04-11T15:11:24.683

13 Internet Sharing on Lion breaks my routing table 2012-11-20T11:05:35.963

12 Why can't I add my home folder to the Mac OS X Lion Finder Sidebar? 2011-07-21T03:48:27.013

12 Disable smooth scrolling in Preview in Lion 2011-07-28T19:43:01.923

12 Enabling SSH Daemon from Terminal (OS X Lion) 2012-04-24T11:02:03.977

12 Turn off USB power when closing MacBook lid 2012-06-29T21:27:47.813

12 Can I end all httpd processes? (OSX, 10.7.4, Lion) 2012-10-12T18:11:43.777

11 Where do mounted volumes and thumb drives show up in OSX Lion? 2011-07-24T22:58:23.223

11 Removing Java from OS X Lion 2011-07-27T17:01:28.777

11 OS X Lion launches iTunes when connecting a Bluetooth Headset 2011-07-28T19:07:04.093

11 OS X Lion Inverted Scrolling Automation Shortcut 2011-08-09T17:58:06.663

11 Is it possible to query the launch services database for applications that will open an arbitrary file or UTI type? 2011-08-15T21:02:41.283

11 How do I disable the Command-Control-D word definition keyboard shortcut in OS X Lion? 2011-08-22T05:06:14.963

11 OSX Lion: Can I use "classic" mousewheel scrolling but keep "natural" trackpad scrolling? 2011-09-01T00:26:25.800

11 Enable/disable startup programs/script/services on a Mac 2011-09-12T09:27:50.280

11 Prevent Mac From Reloading Apps After Restart 2011-09-21T01:31:45.473

11 How do I change the default screenshot name in OS X Lion? 2011-09-25T18:29:42.393

11 How to open a new window from dock if it's already running in OSX 2011-11-22T04:09:09.210

11 .profile not loaded (osx lion) 2011-12-10T18:25:32.563

11 How to install Uniconvertor (command-line app) on Mac OS 10.7.2 (Lion)? 2012-01-05T03:14:07.323

11 How does a trial version know it has been installed before? 2012-01-31T15:38:27.763

11 How to kextunload in OS X Lion 2012-02-13T09:26:39.070

10 How to open a clean terminal in Mac OS X Lion? 2011-07-26T09:11:32.093

10 Exposé in 10.7: When exposing “Application Windows”, how do you show only the windows in the current space? 2011-07-27T19:00:09.120

10 How do I disable animations in Preview in Lion? 2011-09-24T02:22:25.483

10 MacVim is not found by Spotlight 2011-10-13T20:54:23.797

10 Homebrew keeps saying XCode is not installed 2011-11-03T19:41:22.317

10 Clicking on Dock icon does not bring window on top (OS X Lion) 2011-11-22T05:31:16.813

10 How do I make Vim beautiful (read: Textmate font/color ) on Mac OS X Lion? 2011-12-23T15:34:52.987

10 Mac OS X "hosts" file, can I include other files with it? 2012-01-22T13:07:34.790

10 How do I setup a local DNS server on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)? 2012-04-03T16:17:06.063

9 Lion / name resolution order 2011-07-21T07:21:01.310

9 How to move through browser tabs using gestures in Mac OSX Lion? 2011-07-21T21:10:34.780

9 Create new partition on encrypted volume in OS X Lion 2011-07-25T07:59:57.823

9 Spaces Over Multiple Monitors on OSX? 2011-09-16T22:53:05.103

9 Apple Magic Trackpad 3-Finger drop lag 2012-02-12T11:47:16.257

9 How do I set up SSH into my Mac with Lion? 2012-02-27T17:39:02.413

9 Global keyboard shortcut to eject external hard drive on Mac OSX Lion? 2012-03-27T14:40:04.747

9 Isn't localhost simply on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)? 2012-03-28T23:39:40.313