OS X Lion launches iTunes when connecting a Bluetooth Headset



Is there any way to prevent this? I've disabled the iTunes Helper Login Item but iTunes will still start automatically when I connect my Bluetooth Headphones.


Posted 2011-07-28T19:07:04.093

Reputation: 1 560

Couple of related forum entries. Haven't seen a fix yet -- weird issue. – slhck – 2011-07-28T19:37:59.433

You may need to uninstall iTunes. Many other people have had this problem for years, and none have found solutions. very sorry. – wizlog – 2011-07-28T20:20:59.337

For me it just started happening in Lion. I've been using BT headphones since Leopard. – matpie – 2011-07-28T22:48:02.297



It is completely stupid and seemingly unrelated but it works:

In the CDs and DVDs preference pane disable iTunes to launch inserted for Audio CDs

your headset is an audio cd you know ;-)


Posted 2011-07-28T19:07:04.093

Reputation: 94

Definitely stupid, but works! Thanks – matpie – 2012-09-04T20:47:20.847

3Can't do this in Mavericks. :( – Noldorin – 2014-01-21T21:14:40.783


What I did is renaming itunes using

sudo mv /Applications/iTunes.app /Applications/iTunesBACK.app

But It does ask where is iTunes when you connect the headset. At least after moving the window around, it doesn't nag me anymore.


Posted 2011-07-28T19:07:04.093

Reputation: 11

Probably the only around this for now... – matpie – 2011-08-31T23:43:22.617

In addition to renaming itunes, you can create a "do nothing app" in its place called iTunes.app. On AskDifferent, here are complete steps to solve this annoying issue.

– Joe Fletcher – 2013-08-09T18:44:33.307


I figured this out on Mavericks. I did five steps:

Rename the iTunes.app to iTunesclosed.app

Open a blank AppleScript Editor and save a blank window in the Applications folder as an application type (not the default script type) as DoNothing.app

Remove the iTunesHelper from system preferences > users > login items

Connect to the bluetooth speaker it will ask you where is iTunes located? Click browse and point it to the DoNothing.app

(iTunes will still launch when you connect to a bluetooth speaker)

In Finder go to Applications and show package contents on iTunesclosed.app. Inside the MacOS folder there is a unix script called iTunes, i right clicked get info and changed the name to iTunesclosed.

With the first three steps, iTunes still opened whenever I connect to my bluetooth speaker. This last step prevented iTunes from opening.


Posted 2011-07-28T19:07:04.093

Reputation: 11