Tag: networking

43 Tablet and Wi-Fi AP can't agree on a channel. Which device is violating the 802.11n standard? 2019-11-28T10:42:47.083

42 Is there a good DNS server I can install on Windows 7 for a LAN? 2011-09-20T13:02:02.533

42 Pinging a machine on my local network gets an 'unreachable' response from my own IP address? 2012-07-26T14:42:57.073

42 how to make tcpdump to display ip and port number but not hostname and protocol 2013-04-24T22:11:42.190

41 What's 24 in ""? 2010-10-06T10:39:08.620

40 What is the Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface? 2009-08-13T14:06:53.857

40 What is a subnet mask, and the difference between a subnet mask of and 2009-10-13T13:39:41.810

40 Windows 7 intermittently drops wired Internet/LAN connection 2010-01-17T20:35:22.747

40 How to detect the speed (fast or gigabit ethernet) of a network connection over Windows command line 2012-04-16T07:57:40.093

39 How can I ping a range of IP addresses simultaneously 2009-09-23T15:50:09.817

39 Disable WLan if Wired/Cable Network is available 2011-01-14T22:27:00.950

39 What is ::: in the Local Address of netstat output? 2013-10-17T13:33:57.370

39 What keeps you from changing your public IP address and wreaking havok? 2013-10-21T02:20:17.430

38 Are there netcat-like tools for Windows which are not quarantined as malware? 2009-07-28T15:33:36.233

38 Merging two incoming broadband lines for faster Internet 2013-10-16T18:13:21.150

38 Why can't I use the first or last address in a subnet? 2016-08-09T07:45:24.993

38 How should I connect 7 devices to a switch module with four ethernet interfaces? Is there a preferred topology? 2017-11-14T11:34:20.927

37 Why is it bad to have open ports? 2009-12-13T00:12:33.927

37 Are MAC addresses unique when coming out of the factory? 2011-04-07T19:32:29.717

37 How do CDN (Content Distribution Networks) work? 2012-05-05T15:25:12.147

37 Can admins monitor my activity locally even when I use a VPN? 2012-09-09T22:28:41.293

37 How to fix extremely slow Virtualbox network download speed? 2014-12-09T10:59:44.523

37 Can Internet speed decrease the further away a certain (server in a) country is from you? 2017-10-06T08:21:27.320

37 Can you plug the computer directly into the wall to access the Internet? 2019-01-02T09:20:17.677

36 Does All LAN Traffic Travel Through A Router 2011-06-10T17:23:25.927

36 How do I physically find a wifi device using a laptop or mobile phone 2013-05-28T20:08:02.437

36 Why does just splitting an Ethernet cable not work? 2014-06-06T17:40:13.097

36 Will an Ethernet splitter work? 2015-12-27T00:13:14.703

36 How smart is my network? 2016-04-24T21:12:27.983

36 How can every single device on a network have a different public IP? 2016-08-01T01:52:58.410

35 Microsoft Remote Desktop Bandwidth Usage 2009-09-19T03:50:30.273

35 What is the relevance of "fe80::1%lo0 localhost" in /etc/hosts? 2010-12-14T01:13:59.357

35 How to block all traffic but one IP in Windows Firewall? 2011-04-10T02:09:06.800

35 65536 +1 Connection on a system 2015-07-23T21:01:55.960

35 Why is ping faster through VPN than without a VPN? 2016-05-16T18:35:09.900

35 How to build a fast local area network 2017-03-08T01:52:04.717

34 How to find the MAC address of a remote computer? 2010-09-15T08:09:13.583

34 No idea what is listening on port 80 in OS X 2013-05-19T17:45:44.840

34 Do different positions of the antenna on a wireless router make any difference? 2013-07-10T18:39:21.600

34 What stops an internet router from sniffing my traffic? 2013-11-26T12:43:43.107

34 Are routers limited to number of devices? 2014-02-25T12:13:33.810

33 Mac Wireshark alternatives 2010-01-24T10:10:01.460

33 How to route only specific subnet (source ip) to a particular interface? 2012-01-10T02:07:55.943

33 IPv4 vs IPv6 priority in Windows 7 2012-06-13T23:34:40.933

33 How can I monitor my ISP's connection quality over time? 2012-10-23T13:10:03.813

33 Connect using anyconnect from command line 2013-09-24T11:35:48.713

32 How do I tell Windows to use 802.11 in preference to 3G? 2009-07-15T08:45:16.597

32 Can I make two wireless routers communicate using the wireless? 2009-08-06T18:38:52.830

32 Find an unknown static IP + subnet mask of device? 2011-06-25T12:04:00.727

32 CIFS share mount errors 2012-05-29T16:50:55.370

32 Windows command to display all IP addresses 2012-12-20T17:26:41.133

32 I have a domain, static IP address and many devices I'd like to access outside my house. How do I route them? 2019-07-21T21:42:20.333

31 How do I tell Windows 7 to trust a particular network location? 2009-09-21T12:05:12.753

31 Application for monitoring all applications that are using the internet in Mac OS X 2009-10-03T20:15:54.647

31 How can I monitor internet usage in my network? 2009-10-12T22:28:48.737

31 Permanently map a network drive on Mac OS X Leopard 2010-04-14T08:50:53.247

31 Is it possible to boot from an ISO over the network, and how? 2011-06-30T22:05:57.207

31 Parallelizing rsync 2011-11-02T23:47:42.553

31 Change VirtualBox DHCP to issue 192.168.x.x adresses instead of 10.0.x.x adresses? 2012-03-08T13:37:56.353

31 How to set friendly network name of android computer? 2012-04-04T15:03:32.867

31 How does bridged networking work in Virtualbox? 2013-05-12T07:01:16.357

31 How do I connect two computers using USB 3.0? 2014-08-10T16:54:57.750

31 How do I force Windows 10 to see a network as private? 2016-12-26T19:27:28.583

31 Why does the registered domain name “localtest.me” resolve to 2017-12-29T02:38:23.743

30 How can I make VNC faster? 2009-07-29T23:36:11.947

30 Difference between Ethernet splitter and switch 2010-02-03T03:10:46.997

30 Finding other computers on network over command line 2010-04-29T19:41:50.207

30 How can I monitor network usage by process on Mac OS X? 2011-11-05T12:02:12.407

30 Can I connect a PC to a PoE switch? 2012-02-28T11:23:24.863

30 Why should I use DNS 2012-05-14T13:30:14.713

30 How to bypass web URL filtering service to access blocked websites (proxy) 2012-07-26T11:48:27.563

30 How does port-forwarding help in torrents? 2016-03-16T01:11:55.897

30 Why do similar devices use a cross-over cable instead of a straight-through cable? 2016-04-04T11:44:26.800

29 sshfs mount without compression or encryption 2009-08-31T12:44:29.847

29 How can I see traffic on Windows using Wireshark? 2012-11-21T01:32:29.817

28 What happens when two computers on the same network have the same MAC address? 2009-08-03T16:55:05.457

28 How to take advantage of two Internet connections (WiFi / Wired)? 2010-12-22T07:06:06.527

28 How do I unmap a disconnected network drive in Windows 7? 2011-12-01T18:39:53.050

28 How do I set the Windows network timeout for physically disconnected mapped drive? 2012-07-26T07:50:54.727

28 Maximum length of Ethernet over CAT5 2014-10-07T14:41:48.863

28 Two Routers are fighting each other on LAN 2014-11-28T18:49:25.837

28 In Windows 10 how do you ensure all traffic goes through VPN? 2016-01-04T03:30:46.710

28 How are source ports determined and how can I force it to use a specific port 2016-08-29T10:01:37.133

28 Can't connect to VPN on Windows 10 2017-02-20T20:28:43.297

28 How can Internet speed be 10 times slower without a router than when using the same connection with a router? 2019-05-02T01:29:23.923

28 Why can I ping addresses from a subnet? 2019-09-30T04:51:19.113

27 How to track LAN usage? (AKA 'top for LAN') 2009-08-26T00:57:42.637

27 How can I join two simple home networks together using an ethernet cable? 2009-09-04T13:29:45.443

27 IP Address vs MAC addresses 2010-04-14T18:08:02.637

27 Is there a PC equivalent for the Android 'Wifi Analyzer' App? 2011-01-29T12:24:59.377

27 SSH Reverse socks tunnel 2011-12-23T09:56:18.713

27 iptables vs route 2012-05-02T15:00:55.077

27 How to use netstat to show what process is listening on a port 2013-08-03T01:40:35.777

27 Why is Chrome ignoring /etc/hosts on OS X? 2013-09-20T17:09:42.553

27 Why can't Chrome load a web page? ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 2014-02-20T19:45:55.097

27 Looking for a fiber optic "switch" or "router" for home use 2014-03-01T15:29:12.397

27 Howto setup a `veth` virtual network 2014-06-07T20:18:05.147

27 Does speed enhancement software actually work? 2014-06-18T09:33:09.870

27 Do text based browsers reduce network traffic? 2014-09-20T10:25:49.800