I have a device set with a static IP and subnet mask. I do not know the IP or subnet mask. How can I find the devices IP and subnet mask?
It is a piece of hardware, not a PC. It will not take an IP from DHCP. I have also tried directly plugging in a LAN cable from my PC to the device with Wireshark running to see if I could capture any packets from the device when it starts or has an Ethernet cable plugged in to it – but there appears to be nothing.
The device appears to be working as it flashes on the Ethernet ports.
Is there any software to do pingsweeps across IPs and networks?
If you tell us what the device is, people might know how to find out without connecting it to the network, or what they are usually set to. – EightBitTony – 2011-06-25T12:28:32.773
1the device is a proprietary industrial device that was custom made by a europian company. nobody should know what it is. it is the weekend though and cannot get ahold of the company. – gpresland – 2011-06-25T12:35:59.587
The Wireshark should have done it. I would reset the device and just give it the IP you want again. – KCotreau – 2011-06-25T12:37:13.833
Wireshark will capture all packets even on different networks and without proper default gateways correct? straight Ethernet from PC to device on different networks. – gpresland – 2011-06-25T12:41:24.483
Is it even possible to comunicate with the device if e.g. device ip = while router's ip = ? – bbaja42 – 2011-06-25T15:55:56.857
@bbaja42 I believe a packet Sniffer or ARP scanner can detect it. – gpresland – 2011-06-25T16:33:53.360
@Fase How did you solve this issue? I am having the same problem and don't see any packets from the device using Wireshark. (Humorously it is also a proprietary industrial device made by a European company.) – Michael Koval – 2012-02-25T02:00:31.647
@Mike Koval If I recall correctly, I was able to communicate with it by plugging the WAN port directly into a laptop. I used WireShark to sniff all traffic, and once I found an IP address it was trying to communicate with (it was a public IP) I set the IP of my computer as the public IP. I then continued to sniff with WireShark and got a whole lot more information including private IPs from it now via the WAN port since it trusted me as I had a public IP it was supposed to talk to. I then set my IP to a private IP in its range and plugged in to a LAN port. – gpresland – 2012-02-29T14:17:25.387
@Fase The device I am using is not generating any traffic in Wireshark, so I guess I am having a different issue. Thanks anyway for your help! – Michael Koval – 2012-03-03T02:47:46.293
@MichaelKoval: Does the port light come on when connected directly to your laptop? You might need a crossover cable. – David Schwartz – 2013-01-26T17:42:56.483