Tag: date

71 How to set current time on Linux? 2011-06-26T13:23:39.717

46 Unable to get Excel to recognise date in column 2014-09-26T10:46:13.467

29 Windows 7 - display date using small icons 2009-12-31T01:39:49.307

29 How to display Unix time in the timestamp format? 2010-07-20T12:20:33.173

27 Why are Excel weekdays wrong for 1900? 2012-09-30T14:43:12.290

24 how to add a day to date in bash? 2009-09-23T13:46:48.453

24 Store the output of date and watch command to a file 2011-06-15T00:14:16.547

24 How do I parse a nonstandard date format in Excel? 2011-09-13T17:59:29.417

24 How to add month to date in LibreOffice calc 2013-07-09T17:34:57.257

23 How to insert the date into vim 2012-07-20T07:50:50.143

20 Timezone conversion by command line 2010-07-16T09:29:49.547

19 Windows 7 system tray date display not appearing 2009-08-18T15:11:31.650

18 Excel week number inconsistent results 2018-09-09T12:30:24.573

17 How to get the Date in a batch file in a predictable format? 2011-07-27T22:38:53.980

16 Adding Weeks to Current Date in Excel 2007 2010-12-06T15:32:42.870

16 Is it possible to determine when a NTFS partition was created? 2012-01-11T17:54:50.973

13 In Windows 7, how to show day name in system tray clock? 2009-11-03T18:28:07.020

12 How do I pipe output to date -d "value"? 2014-02-04T01:23:44.220

12 Linux date command not working 2015-10-08T13:49:11.490

11 Is there any software or hardware which lets you stop, slow down, speed up or even reverse time? 2009-10-04T18:24:44.693

11 Put date into backup .tar.gz filename 2011-03-11T18:38:13.567

11 Open Office Calc: Convert a date to timestamp 2012-08-08T14:41:39.850

10 How to convert from day of year and year to a date YYYYMMDD? 2011-01-11T09:17:52.683

9 Put a text in front of every new line that a program prints to stdout 2012-07-26T14:30:27.237

9 Wrong date created for files in Windows when copying files, if the file has already existed 2014-02-11T20:21:35.127

9 Calculating the number of days between two dates in Excel 2019-03-25T12:12:38.563

8 How to get the dates of the current monday, wednesday and friday of the current week in excel? 2012-01-10T04:49:59.407

7 How to search in windows according to access date 2011-07-05T13:56:37.520

7 Formula to add X months to a date? 2013-02-20T21:37:10.187

7 Pull a user-defined season from a date? 2016-01-04T20:56:59.883

7 Using 'date' in bash shell to add 5 minutes to a defined time with high precision 2019-05-10T19:46:41.700

6 How do I get the current date according to an NTP server without setting it locally? 2012-12-04T15:35:16.970

5 How can I fix a date that changes by 4 years and 1 day when pasted between Excel workbooks 2010-06-16T23:51:17.377

5 Formatting Dates 2011-05-05T17:52:04.860

5 How to change the date of Linux to UTC/GMT +1? 2011-10-06T11:44:47.657

5 Set relative time using command line 2012-04-16T01:30:18.303

5 Manipulating datestamp string consistently with date format %Y%m%d 2015-09-22T16:17:28.810

5 Historical reason why date's %h and %b format codes produce the same output? 2016-03-08T15:53:43.040

5 Add date watermark to jpg images 2016-03-11T10:36:03.363

4 Setting file creation date in Mac OS X 2009-11-12T21:57:17.797

4 Is it possible to know when was the last update of a dynamic (PHP/ASP) web page content? 2010-03-06T01:22:56.217

4 Grouping dates by week in a Pivot Table 2010-08-12T02:53:44.683

4 Word mixing up dates (1923 becomes 2023) 2011-10-14T08:33:25.727

4 linux "date -s" command not working to change date on a server 2012-11-26T10:27:23.807

4 What other archive formats save Date Created and Date Accessed? 2013-10-08T02:10:24.680

4 Timezone setting in Linux 2014-01-22T12:01:14.593

4 How to use "date" to print tomorrow's day of the week 2014-08-01T15:55:38.627

4 MP4 video - Editing Creation Date and Other Metadata 2015-10-08T09:50:45.020

4 Wrong installation date and size in Programs and Features 2016-02-26T11:36:17.890

4 Convert date from YYYYJJJ in OS X? 2017-03-09T22:49:10.627

4 Convert three letter month abbreviation to number? 2017-05-08T19:48:11.380

4 Taskbar/system tray suddenly changed to 3 rows. How do I get my one row taskbar back in Windows 7? 2017-11-03T08:32:41.847

4 Excel - forecast future date based on average number of days between a variable number of dates in the past 2018-12-06T21:38:35.807

3 Is there a way to find out when some web page was made? 2010-01-27T04:04:49.890

3 Auto include save date in filename? 2011-03-21T16:30:19.767

3 How to make an application detect if system time has changed in Linux 2011-06-09T12:05:13.843

3 Importing specific date format to Excel from Microsoft SQL Server 2012-08-08T12:00:22.030

3 Change All User short date format in Windows 2008R2 using script 2014-03-17T03:07:52.867

3 Display day of week in Taskbar without impacting Excel 2014-04-24T23:48:27.797

3 Date types management mismatch (2-digits year) - on copy/paste user action 2014-12-17T10:48:16.467

3 Get DayName from Date in OpenOffice Calc? 2015-03-11T15:00:21.127

3 Batch script (cmd) resulting in DD-MM-YYYY_weekday format 2016-06-06T18:35:35.133

3 Formula to set date to nearest previous (most recent) 25th of the month 2016-12-21T00:27:57.143

3 Remove 3rd row with day of week from Windows 10 taskbar 2017-10-23T18:54:56.463

3 How can I get the date in a locale independent format in a batch file? 2018-01-22T09:06:04.297

3 How do I manually set the time to a UTC timestamp in Linux? 2018-01-26T16:19:07.643

3 Excel formula to work out time elapsed between dates based on very specific criteria 2018-04-09T11:23:03.770

3 Excel: Keep cell containing date the same after being set, without macros 2018-11-24T14:26:12.383

2 Vista: change clock tooltip to short date? 2009-07-19T08:49:30.167

2 How to fix iCal wrong date after snow leopard upgrade? 2009-11-22T00:22:02.897

2 Why does Windows date jump a month ahead 2010-08-20T10:53:57.777

2 How to get date value in commandline 2010-12-07T10:03:07.197

2 Difference in command line date format between XP & Windows 7 2010-12-11T23:19:05.820

2 why do some emails have impossible (past) dates? 2011-02-22T10:40:29.997

2 How to cd to a newly created dir? 2011-08-04T08:02:40.067

2 Creating a column of working days in LibreOffice Calc 2012-01-24T06:40:56.567

2 How to tell when RedHat was last updated 2012-01-25T10:33:03.583

2 How to set-up date for cron weekly backup? 2012-04-12T17:03:00.543

2 In zsh the date format for names isn't displayed properly 2012-06-04T21:08:02.817

2 Unable to use datediff function in Apache OpenOffice Calc 2012-06-19T05:18:41.560

2 How do I copy recent folder/files from a network drive using a batch file? 2012-09-14T16:01:01.250

2 How do I write a batch script to generate folders for each month, day and year? 2012-10-03T17:35:04.880

2 PowerShell touch all files newer than 2013-05-21T15:53:34.147

2 Convert Month Number to Month Name 2013-10-31T09:58:01.293

2 Script to copy text including today's date into clipboard 2013-12-21T19:14:33.243

2 Batch adjust / increment file date by an offset? 2014-03-30T06:32:52.240

2 Make folders' last modified date correspond to last modified date of its child folders/files 2014-11-23T15:39:49.707

2 How to change date format in multiple text files in powershell? 2015-02-05T16:41:44.563

2 LibreOffice: Autocomplete dates with month and year, no day 2015-05-28T06:52:07.157

2 How to insert the date as quarter in Word 2010? 2015-09-01T06:40:39.913

2 How can I validate or format dates in excel 2016-10-20T21:20:52.507

2 Excel: overlapping date intervals into months 2016-11-29T11:20:42.113

2 Libreoffice Base: Need today's date as default value in a form field 2017-02-01T22:16:36.367

2 Mac OSX Excel 2016 2017-02-03T11:44:38.123

2 Excel: flaw in date calculation - hashed when formula is examined (corrected by backfill)? 2017-03-02T02:33:16.457

2 Windows-10 batchfiles are based on DATE command, how to use on lower Windows versions 2017-03-22T12:16:35.370

2 How to set date format in Google Chrome 60 in Windows 10 2017-08-09T07:33:05.247

2 Wrong week number in Outlook 2017-08-31T12:29:50.473

2 Formatting date in csv for conversion to QIF 2017-11-18T23:59:47.947