I've already asked the question at: StackOverFlow and got sent to this place here.
I'm importing dates from a German SQL Server table into a German Excel file via the built-in Excel connection tool.
However the date format is just like in the SQL Server: 2012-08-08 but I want to display: 08.08.2012. When I double-click inside a cell it will recognize the German date formatting but of course I would like to have that format for the entire column in the beginning without having to manually change it.
I also need to be able to use these dates for calculations.
I know there is a text box where you can enter a SQL "Definition" in the Excel Connection tool but it doesn't really work with "normal" SQL-statements.
Do I need to change something in SQL Server or how do I make this work?
As a standard practice it is ussually easier/faster to change how something is being done in the database rather than trying to mess around with it after it has been extracted. I would try to research changing how the date is stored in SQL Server, which shouldn't be that hard to do. Also, welcome to SuperUser! – Jared – 2012-08-08T12:41:51.150
I've already tried my luck there. When I set-up a test table and insert values like this:
insert into [dbo].[DateTest] Values ('2011-12-01', '01.12.2011')
. The output is always the first format. With DBCC USEROPTIONS I can see the dateformat is set to dmy. What do I need to modify? A little example would be really nice. Thank you. – TonyC – 2012-08-08T13:16:44.557For future reference, please don't cross-post. You should instead flag your question for migration. – Iszi – 2012-08-08T13:56:22.993
apparently SQL server has built in styles for this. Here is how to select a date and convert it to german. SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 4) – Jared – 2012-08-08T14:22:16.147
and where exactly do I use this statement in the excel connection tool? If yes, what is the right syntax for it? – TonyC – 2012-08-09T04:45:22.790