Questions tagged [worker-process]

36 questions
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aws beanstalk php worker scaling

I have a very lightweight PHP script running in my worker environment. CPU utilization is next to nothing. To get my SQS queue under control I have to keep manually launching new workers to bring the number down. How can I get my workers to…
1 answer

How to prevent IIS from recycling Application Pool when a worker process is unresponsive

We have a WCF service which handles great amount of requests. As I discovered, when the number of cuncurrent requests exceed the limit of max cuncurrent connections, the consequent requests will be queued up to be executed later. if time-out happens…
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IIS CPU Limit not taking effect on Azure VM

we've got some old legacy web apps that we host on an azure VM. In some circumstances they get stuck in a situation that spins the W3WP process into 99%> and causes grief for the server. They're not mission critical so it's safer for us to auto kill…
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How to proceed in analyzing IIS 7.5 Debug Diagnostic Tool dump from w3wp.exe thread crash from Windows Process Activation Service

I am using the Debug Diagnostic Tool (DebugDiag v1.2) on a few production Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard servers running a custom web application built in-house on IIS 7.5 to create crash dump files. The issue is that Windows Process Activation…
2 answers

How many worker processes are assigned to an application pool?

Can I configure the number of worker process, that I need an application pool should use?
Vaibhav Jain
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CPU being pushed to 100% by a process, trying to track and eliminate the problem

I am having trouble with the web servers CPU getting stuck at 25%, then 50%, then 75% until finally maxing out at 100%. Which we are guessing may be some slightly slower SQL queries stacking up, but cannot replicate the problem Trying to get to the…
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iis6 which app pool does each w3wp belong to?

I have a run away worker process. Which of the 10ish sites on this box is it thats going nuts? How can I determine from the pid of the worker process which site he is?
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automatic IIS worker process recycle fails

The server is set to its default configuration to recycle the app pool every 1740 minutes. When this happens the following message is logged: A worker process with process id of '1234' serving application pool 'XX' has requested a recycle because…
Sander Rijken
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worker_processes value for Nginx/Openresty running on Kubernetes

Based on the documentation here, The worker_processes is defined as the number of worker processes. The optimal value depends on many factors including (but not limited to) the number…
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IIS 8.5 - What is the criteria used by IIS to launch the worker processes?

We have a certain application running in IIS 8.5 implemented as a "web garden", with say, Max Worker Processes = 10. The reason for this is long-running requests, DB and network/async intensive, to avoid filling up the queue of the worker process,…
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Remove consumer before start deployment from RabbitMQ queue

We have setup of Celery worker with 8 node setup. It create 8 queues in RabbitMQ. When we start deploying new changes, last step in ansible playbook is Celery restart. Celery restart has to down each node and start that node. But, there are continue…
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the file is open in IIS Worker Process

I have a WCF service hosted on IIS7. I am using source control tool (IBM RTC) to manage code base and continuous deployment on our testing server. but my deployment is failing because IIS has acquired lock on log file. Error message: The command…
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Task Manager shows more worker processes than the max set

I am doing application pooling for a web application used by huge number of users and set web garden with a max of 20 worker processes. But in task manager, I see more processes than the w3wp processes than what I set. The web application uses…
1 answer

Servers vs. Worker Processes

Just wanted to get some other opinions. I am currently having a discussion on how to go on a web environment. We want to virtualize our web layer for a very active site. However, there is a debate going on as to which is better. More servers or…
0 answers

Only one of the sites in an application pool has queued requests - why?

I have a server that has several application pools (basically one per CPU core). Each application pool: 1) has several sites, 2) runs .NET Framework v4.0.30319, and 3) is running in Managed pipeline mode: 'Integrated'. All the sites in each of…
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