Questions tagged [hanging]

27 questions
1 answer

Netstat hangs: why?

Sometimes (not too often at all) when I type "netstat", it takes over 5 seconds to return. While other times is instantaneous. I have been observing this for weeks on my server (CentOS 6.4), but I don't understand why!? Can anyone give an…
Daniele B
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1 answer

What would be causing "PowerShell.exe" to hang upon opening on multiple systems and/or how can I troubleshoot it?

What would be causing "PowerShell.exe" to hang upon opening on multiple systems? I've waited for over 60 minutes, but it never fully starts. All it does is show the blue shell window with the typical PowerShell startup output of: Windows…
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3 answers

Apache hanging with MaxClients is reached

My Apache 2.2 (preform MPM) is hanging when MaxClients is reached, rather than queueing up requests and serving them when child processes become free. When this happens, the web server is totally unresponsive until it is manually restarted. The…
Ash White
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2 answers

Apache processes at 100% with no traffic - how can I see what's going on?

I've got a server running apache, and have been seeing occasional apache processes go to 100% and stay there. Today, with two processes at 100%, I turned off external access to the server (to prevent further requests to apache). Five minutes later,…
Dave Child
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8 answers

Hanging page loads every n loads

I recently moved my site to a new server (Apache 2, PHP5, MySQL5). The site is an Invision based forum. Every few posts / topics it just hangs. The data has been written because if you stop and reload, the post / thread is there. I thought it was a…
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0 answers

VPS keeps hanging but I can't tell how

I have a VPS in a data center which hosts my websites, emails and software projects. The issue is, it keeps hanging and I don't know how to debug as I'm not skilled enough in server management. The data center provide an interface where I can…
0 answers

Server Hangup messges

First question on Server Fault! (If I have done anything wrong let me know) I manage a server and also the 3 large perl based web applications, which run on this server. The server is running CentOS 7.2 SELinux with Apache running on top of it. (For…
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2 answers

apache2 hanging on "Sending Reply"/"Gracefully Finishing"

On my Ubuntu 10.04.4 server, apache2 2.2.14 eats up all the memory until there is no more left because it isn't shutting down old instances. The server serves a small webpage which gets about one request each 3 seconds or so (from clients, google…
Stefan Profanter
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0 answers

nfs: kernel server not accepting mount (rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out)

I have an nfs-server that halfway hangs now and then. On server l this works: # uname -a Linux l 3.2.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat Feb 11 08:41:32 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux # showmount -e l Export list for l: /disk/l # mount l:/disk/l…
Ole Tange
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2 answers

puppet hanging or long time on rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) = 0

In our setup, we manage our servers using puppet. Since a few days I saw the puppet client running very slow. When stracing the puppet process I get loads of rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) = 0 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) =…
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1 answer

DoS - Apache threads hanging when not receiving TCP ACKs after sending HTTP response

In summary, I had a case where all Apache threads were hung because all of them were waiting for a TCP ACK from clients after having sent the HTTP page, and because of that, the Apache threads were waiting 300s (Timeout value of conf) before going…
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2 answers

Apache Processes Hanging and Hitting MaxClients

I run a decently high-trafficked webserver (dedicated Apache/PHP), and while it works fine most of time, about once a day it dead-locks and refuses any new connections. Restarting Apache fixes the problem. I have caught it a few times right before…
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7 answers

Slow IE8 Startup

Has anyone else had issues with IE8 taking it's own sweet time starting up and/or hanging? I have a couple of machines on my network that won't start up quickly (like over a minute to load). I've disabled the 'Accelerators' included, but it still…
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2 answers

QEMU KVM hangs "Booting from Hard Disk... "

Ubuntu 20.04 server (no GUI) as host several guests working perfectly, each with its own LV I created an LV for a VM called "test", similar to working guests Partitioned the LV: one ext4 bootable partition, one swap root system rsync-d onto…
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1 answer

Cifs mount hanging

I have a problem with a mount between a windows server and a linux machine. The share is on the windows machine. From time to time, the windows machine goes nuts and some services fail on it. After a few seconds everything is back to normal. The…