Questions tagged [wcf]

96 questions
2 answers

Will a change to the Web.Config file require that I restart IIS?

I've got a WCF component that I wrote in VS 2008 (using .NET framework 3.5) installed on a Windows 2003 Server. I've been having some problems using one of the methods, and in an effort to try and debug the problem I've been advised to add some…
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Certificate stops working after computer reboot

Got a strange issue that I just can't find any clues. We have a program (Qlikview) which talks to a remote admin service via SSL (Qlikview Server) but it uses the certificate to validate the client. The issue is happening on any client computer…
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4 answers

Howto WCF Service HTTPS Binding and Endpoint Configuration in IIS with Load Balancer?

We have a WCF service that is being hosted on a set of 12 machines. There is a load balancer that is a gateway to these machines. Now the site is setup as SSL; as in a user accesses it through using an URL with https. I know this much, the URL…
Mike G
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1 answer

IIS 7 WCF Webservices giving 404 error over HTTPS

I have some WCF webservices running under IIS 7.5 which are responding correctly to http requests but respond with 404 (Not Found) errors when methods are called using SSL. The binds for the site are as below: When calling…
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How to prevent browser from prompting for a client certificate and allow the IIS to accept it (not require it)?

In a web application, I have a WCF service uses Client Certificate authentication. I checked "Accept Client Certificate" in IIS - SSL Settings and it works fine. But some times, in some browsers, if a certificate is installed on the client machine,…
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IIS get full error message for failed requests

I have IIS set-up and serving my webservice. Unfortunately if the webservice throws an exception, all I get is a blue box with the title failed request. What options do I have to actually see what went wrong? I'd prefer to get the exception message…
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IIS on localhost is very slow

I am using IIS7 on Windows Vista dual core cpu. The first time hit on a WCF service or an ASP.NET webform sometimes takes way longer than a minute which is not really acceptable for me. I configured the application to use the Classic .NET…
Nyla Pareska
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5 answers

IIS7 folder permissions

I build a basic WCF service that I now want to host in IIS7 under Windows Server 2008 R2. I added the service as an application under the default web site but whenever i try to run the application I get the following error: HTTP Error 500.19 -…
1 answer

Setup IIS to require client certificate and to use anonymous authentication

Setup IIS to require client certificate and to use anonymous authentication I have a WCF web service for our customers to use. I want to protect this using client certificates. I will also use the client certificate to identify the customer. I've…
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How to add a privilege to an account in Windows?

Given: A VM running Windows 2008 I am logged on there using my domain account (SHUNRANET\markk) I have added the "Create global objects" privilege to my domain account: The VM is restarted (I know logout/logon is enough, but I had to restart) I…
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windows QUEUE MESSAGES error on open - The list of messages cannot be retrieved. Error: Access is denied

Problem: When opening windows "QUEUE MESSAGES" on windows server 2003 I received the error message "The list of messages cannot be retrieved. Error: Access is denied" Why? Recreated following these steps: Windows Server 2003 standard 64-bit Right…
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Getting Authentication Negotiate instead of NTLM while consuming SOAP WCF Service in Net.Core 2.1

I was trying to connect to a WCF SOAP service using NTLM Authentication Scheme, I succeeded at it when using .Net Framework 4.x but when I try to consume the same service in .NET Core 2.1 it fails (because the Authentication scheme is sent as…
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4 answers

Can I find out what certificate revocation server an application is contacting?

I'm trying to install an application on a machine running Windows XP Pro. There are two different servers being contacted, both using the same wildcard certificate (GoDaddy). One via https, one via net.tcp with ssl. Both are WCF services. The…
Joshua Evensen
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1 answer

Getting error when deploying webservice to iis 7.5

I've been ask by the programming department to test deploying one of their app. For all I know about the app, is that it's a webservice wcf code c# for a wpf app. They did tell me that they did try to put the certificate directly in the webservice…
1 answer

iis memory limit app pool recycle kills executing requests

I have a WCF service that might grow in memory. I put a memory limit on the private bytes to recycle the app pool after 500m of memory usage. I noticed that my w3wp.exe process can get to 600megs when it decides to recycle and any currently…
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