Questions tagged [worker-process]

36 questions
5 answers

Optimal value for Nginx worker_connections

Nginx worker_connections "sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a worker process. This number includes all connections (e.g. connections with proxied servers, among others), not only connections with clients.…
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IIS 7.x Application Pool Best Practices

We are about to deploy a bunch of sites to some new servers. I have the following questions about application pools: It seems advisable to have one application pool per website. Are there any caveats to this approach? Will one application pool…
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How to start a program when CPU percent reaches X

I have been having very intermittent problems with an ASP.NET v 4.0 application happens maybe ever 4 days, what happens is the CPU will spike to 75% and sometimes is will run fine until the end of the day sometimes it will steadily grow to 100%…
Anthony Fornito
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Do unused application pools in IIS affect performance?

Due to a major update in our architecture, we now have a few unused application pools under IIS (there are no web sites mapped to them). I understand how it can a good idea to remove them just to improve readibility, but my question is more about…
3 answers

How can I configure supervisord managed program to wait X secs before attemting to restart?

I've got a worker process which processes 1 RabbitMq message at a time. Right now, as soon as the worker exits, supervisord is restarting it (which will process the next message). I'd like to set an interval X seconds, so that supervisord does not…
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How to make laravel queue work in aws beanstalk?

I made an AWS Beanstalk and RDS instances. I'm testing out a project which syncs FTP and S3 files. How do I make the typical php artisan queue:work or php artisan queue:listen work in AWS Beanstalk? I am aware of Redis, ElastiCache, etc. I haven't…
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what does apache (busy workers , idle workers) means?

what is the meaning of Apache busy workers and idle workers? how the statistic of them help me to figure out performance problem with my server?
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Requests getting queued in IIS worker process at ExecuteRequestHandler

For some reason, the requests in one of our app pools started "hanging up" today. The CPU usage is low, as is memory consumption, but requests in a worker are coming in and just getting queued; they are all stuck at state…
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The relationship between IIS Application Pool Maximum Worker Processes and Component Services Application Pooling

We're in the process of deploying a new app into it's live environment. The app servers are running an IIS hosted .NET application that uses EntityFramework and makes numerous calls to a non .NET COM+ application. We have been able to affect the…
0 answers

Obtaining a Crash Dump from a dying IIS ASP.NET Worker Process

(Not sure if this is an IIS problem or not, so if this is better suited for SO I'll happily move it...) We have an IIS-hosted application that is sporadically dying, and the event logs claim that the application pool is reporting itself as unhealthy…
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IIS 7 - worker processes more than one

if i set worker process as 1, my application pool hangs. if i set it at least 6, everything works fine. but every article i read says "don't set it more than 1" so, in this practice, am i wrong? or who is wrong? of course i would like to use less…
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Does recycling an application pool clear the request queue?

I am a IIS nube. I have been reading about the benefits of recycling your application pool to free up memory caused by problematic applications that may have leaks. I understand that by recycling the app pool I am in essence restarting the…
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Apache 2.4: Differences between prefork, event and worker modes

Apache 2.4.x allows 3 different modes: prefork event worker What are the conceptual differences between these three? What are the types of applications or each or situations in which each MPM is useful?
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3 answers

Assign more memory to w3wp worker processes

My workers processes cap out at 70mB. How do I raise this limit? I have 4Gb on Windows 2003 IIS6. Thanks!
1 answer

track iis work process resets

Is there any way to know if IIS resets the app pool/worker process, in IIS 6? We're seeing funny results in our web application, and I think it has to do with sessions being cleared because the work precess is being recycled, but I don't know how to…
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