Questions tagged [wmi]

Windows Management Instrumentation

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can write WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remote computers but WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

396 questions
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WMI \root\microsoft\windows\dhcp not returning any data

I use WBEMTEST.exe to test WMI on Windows Server 2012 R2. DHCP feature on this windows is installed and DHCP Server have a scope. Step 1 : Open WBEMTEST.exe and connected to "root\microsoft\windows\dhcp" namespace. Step 2 : Sended this "SELECT *…
M. Rostami
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WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory class doesn't exist

The Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory WMI class (and many others) don't seem to exist. From a scripting perspective I asked this question when I couldn't get Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory to return…
1 answer

Grant Remote Launch and Remote Activation privilege with powershell script

I'm trying to grant full WMI remote access to a domain user, just like this one It works but I need to automate this process with powershell scripts, any ideas? I can't find anything relevant on MSDN.
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Powershell Script output blank on second function

Im writing a big script that scans WMI info from computers in AD. I have functions for diskinfo, raminfo and videocardinfo where disk and videocard have similar output styles. Problem is that depending on the order which the script runs them either…
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Powershell Disk Info

Im writing a powershell script which prints disk information from computers from AD OU. My function looks like this: function Get-DiskInfo { $disk = Get-WMIObject Win32_Logicaldisk -ComputerName $computer | Select DeviceID, …
1 answer

WMI win32_product installState property

Doing a wmi query on a few systems on my network returns installState=1 for a given software. However, it doesnt appear in add remove programs or HKLM\software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\uninstall or even the same key under wow6432node How do…
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Send WMI-Command to Hyper-V virtual Machine

i am looking for a method to send a wmi command (to be specific "wmic process") to a virtual machine (hosted with Hyper-V 2016) and get its output. I am watching the windows deployment installation status of the virtual machine with powershell and…
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sql server 2012 service not running

When starting my VM with windows server 2012 R2 which is my SQL-server, I get the following error: My SQL-server service won't run if I start it or if it gets started automaticly. What I have done so far: Ran C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL…
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WARNING: WMI ProgID registrations missing

I started one of my windows server 2012 R2 virtual machines today and got the following warning: WARNING: WMI ProgID registrations missing At first I only saw a vague error in the server manager: After running the WMI Diagnosis Utility I got more…
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GWMI - Find out if Domain Controllers are physical or virtual via script

I have tried to create a script for extracting but the output is not quite I desired. $Servers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select-Object Name foreach($server in $servers) { $compsystem = gwmi -q "Select * from win32_computersystem" |…
Cranta Ionut
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Using WMI to query entire network for LoginDateTime, UserName, MachineName, IP Address, MAC Address, Operating System?

This is somewhat related to this question: Batch file to MASS ping group of computers on network by name, check reply, and resolve hostname Long story short...I am working on a Vista upgrade project...we essentially have no reliable set of data…
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How to map logical disks to physical disks and partitions in SCCM?

I need to query System Center Configuration Manager (current branch, version 1606) for information about the disks, partitions and volumes of client computers. However, there doesn't seem to be any way to correlate logical disks to physical disks…
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Install SCCM application to client via powershell, comand line or WMI

I am trying to create a script in powershell that request and install an available application for a user or computer in the sccm application catalog. I know that there is a way to force sccm client actions using wmi methods. Example WMIC…
kimo pryvt
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View disk activity (IO/s, MB/s) of a Windows server remotely

Our company does a lot of very network- and disk-intensive processing. We would benefit greatly from being able to glance at which of the five drives on the server are currently being "hit" or have a lot of read and write activity. All the…
2 answers

SMS_ReplicationLinkSummary Server WMI Class - Status values

I'm trying to monitor a SCCM environment via a non-SCOM system that primarily uses WMI as a management interface. I've found the following class: SMS_ReplicationLinkSummary Server WMI Class There are numerous 'status' fields in this class that seem…
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