Questions tagged [wmi]

Windows Management Instrumentation

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can write WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remote computers but WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Windows Remote Management (WinRM).

396 questions
1 answer

Have issue with monitoring 32bit app pools running on 64bit IIS

I am performing a monitoring task on my 64bit web server which has couple of applications pools running in 32bit mode. I am using .Net CLR Memory object in perfmon to monitor them. However, my performance monitor shows 0 for everything except GC…
2 answers

identify / fingerprint a Windows Server core installation versus full

Seems like this should be easy, but I am not finding any information on how to remotely identify a Windows Server "core" installation as such, via WMI, Powershell or other method that can query lots of machines relatively quickly. I am trying to…
3 answers

Is there a way to set access to WMI using GroupPolicy?

From various documentation it appears that to change WMI access you need to use WMI to access the running service and modify specific parts of the tree. Its kind of annoying changing 150,000 hosts using the UI. And then having to include such…
Greg Domjan
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Powershell Remoting not working

I have PSRemoting working on 90% of my servers. But there are a handful that I'm not sure what's going on with them. Server 2016. Most of them are Hyper-V hosts, but not all. Enable-PSRemoting -Force works. The Windows Firewall is set…
2 answers

How to map which volume resides on which partition in Windows?

Problem: I need to figure out which volume corresponds to what partition(s) which corresponds to what disk in an extremely efficient script able manor. I know how to correspond which partition corresponds to what disk because the disk id is directly…
Rusty Weber
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1 answer

Bug in WMI namespace for MicrosoftDNS Statistics class?

I'm trying to query DNS statistics from Windows Server 2012 via WMI. If I run the following command in Powershell: Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\MicrosoftDNS -Class MicrosoftDNS_Statistic | ?{ $_.Name.Contains("UDP messages allocated") } | ft…
Mark Henderson
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2 answers

Can I find the path to a DCOM application executable with WMI or Powershell?

I have installed (and registered) a DCOM application on a W2K8R2 machine, and its GUID can be found in the DCOM list shown by dcomcnfg. I can also use Powershell to find a Win32_DCOMApplication or Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting object for its GUID: PS…
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1 answer

Win32_OperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory and $_.TotalVisibleMemory giving output in wrong units

I've been putting together a pretty simple script to monitor some aspects of our Terminal Server farm usage and am implementing a section where I check the memory usage on the servers at a given point in time. Here is the particular section that I…
3 answers

How do I launch a command on a remote computer with an invalid domain trust? (using local creds)

I intend to use WMIC to reset the trust of a machine that is remote, and off the network. All of the following variations result in an "access denied": The following works fine: net use \\patterson-e10 /user:patterson-e10\wks.admin xxx All the…
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3 answers

checking for missing values in WQL or (WQL/WMI filter to return `true` for desktops/servers, but `false` on laptops)

I have a challenge where I want to use a GPO to set a Power Plan. Working on constructing a WMI Filter (using WQL), I ran into a problem of determining a set of WQL statements that would always return true for desktops/servers and false for…
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3 answers

WMI: wmic linux agent query error: NTSTATUS: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

Myself new to wmic and keep trying for a long time with default agent query approach. wmic is linux based WMI tool to talk to windows WMI agent. While trying to fetch data with wmic from nt(win7 with WMI service running), it's showing access denied…
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1 answer

WMI filter for Internet Explorer 10+

I need to apply a GPO on all machines with IE 10+ but the setting does not need to be and shouldn't be applied to ie 9. All the machines are Windows Vista, 7, and 8 (some 32 bit and others 64). I found two ways to do it Check the iexplorer.exe…
Justin Garrison
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4 answers

Does WMI cause CPU Creep?

I have a few servers, running Server 2003 Std/Ent and SQL 2000/2005, that I've noticed will start showing higher CPU usages over time. Stopping the WMI service and restarting it will always bring it back down. It's not a huge creep, but after a…
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3 answers

How to detect current media type in CLI under Windows? (DVD-RW, BD-R, etc)

How to detect current media type in CLI under Windows? (DVD-RW, BD-R, etc) I've tried with wmic cdrom get /format:list but no info about the current media type. I want to detect if the disc is a CD, DVD, BD, RW, DL... etc. In Windows GUI under…
Jeremy Dicaire
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1 answer

WMI Impersonation levels within vbscript / ASP code

I have an IIS 7.5 web site running "classic" ASP code (not ASP.NET) where the site is running under the normal service context, and only "Windows Authentication" is enabled. Users and navigate the site without any problem, regardless of having…
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