Doing a wmi query on a few systems on my network returns installState=1 for a given software. However, it doesnt appear in add remove programs or HKLM\software\microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\uninstall or even the same key under wow6432node How do I go about removing it?

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    Was it already uninstalled? Not all software enters a key under uninstall - check the local software folder for an uninstall executable. – spacenomyous Nov 06 '17 at 14:00
  • Wasn't uninstalled. This is what happened- Task sequence failed to install the software due to wrongly created package settings and installer program. Now it shows installState=1. Nothing relevant to it on local filesystem either. – aJ-47 Nov 06 '17 at 21:57
  • Check these 2 reg paths: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\ – spacenomyous Nov 06 '17 at 22:11
  • nothing in both reg paths, however following cmdlet- get-wmiobject -class win32_product -computername . | select-object -property name,identifyingnumber,installstate | where-object {$_.name -match "xyz app*"} | format-list shows installState=1 in the output – aJ-47 Nov 07 '17 at 22:27
  • Are you sure the program isn't listed in Add Remove Programs? That's the wmi class for it – spacenomyous Nov 07 '17 at 22:30
  • Definitely not listed, checked on 3 systems. This is verified by the fact, installLocaiton and installDate properties are blank – aJ-47 Nov 07 '17 at 22:41

1 Answers1


Return the object in WMI from Win32_Product and use its Uninstall method:

$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "xyz app"}
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