Questions tagged [packaging]

Packaging relates to creating packages for the operating systems' package managers.

46 questions
10 answers

Why can't Linux developers create a universal packaging format?

Vendor binary package format selections appear to be determined by a form of Murphy's Law: all the distros you don't use have packages. (Corralary: there exists no distribution that satisfies your software stack's distribution dependencies). Is…
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5 answers

Incremental RPM package version "numbers" for x.y.z > x.y.z-beta (or alpha, rc, etc)

In order to publish RPM packages of several different versions of some software, I'm looking for a way to specify version "numbers" that are considered "upgrades", and include the differentiation of several pre-release versions, such as (in order):…
Jonathan Clarke
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3 answers

What is the best source for Solaris packages?

There are multiple sources for add on packages for Solaris, blastwave, openCSW, Sunfreeware, and pkgsrc. Ideally, I'd like to stick as close as possible to a single packaging system, so which of these would you recommend I use? Or, should I ignore…
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1 answer

How to use dpkg-divert to temporarily remove/replace symlink when package is installed?

The default nginx package creates a symlink named default in the sites-enabled dir, which points to a default config file in sites-available. I'm currently creating a package for an app that sits on top of Nginx, and I want to remove or move away…
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2 answers

How do people package internal software to their production servers?

We build .deb packages and host them in a local Debian APT Repository, which we then use Puppet to manage installs from. However, there is surprisingly little written about building or managing an apt repository, so I fear we're overlooking some…
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7 answers

What have been the most useful resources for you when learning to make RPM's?

I'm in the position of needing to make a few RPMs at work, which is something fairly new to me. I'd really love to hear which docs, tutorials. or presos have been useful for you for understanding: a) how to make them well without making noobish…
Chris Adams
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2 answers

init script is not getting installed to /etc/init.d

I have a source package where I want to add a simple init.d script. I know dh_installinit should help : when I run it, it creates examples of postrm, prerm, postinstall to perform an update-rc.d after install (which is OK to me by the way) But I…
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1 answer

How to install Oracle Java on Debian Wheezy with make-jpkg and fakeroot without errors?

How to install Oracle Java on Debian Wheezy with make-jpkg and fakeroot? the manual for installing oracle java on debian wheezy is quite clear and…
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1 answer

Debian package creation: binary-arch and binary-indep targets

I'm trying to create my first deb so I don't know much about it yet. This is my 'rules' file at the moment: #!/usr/bin/make -f # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. export DH_VERBOSE=1 # This has to be exported to make some magic below…
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3 answers

How do I build debian packages of kernel modules?

Specifically, I want to build a package for debian/lenny using the latest uvc drivers. I can compile and install them, but I want them packaged in the normal debian fashion. I imagine I want to use make-kpkg somehow, but I don't know how. …
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1 answer

RPM Package a ruby project

I want to package a ruby program that I get from git into a RPM package. I have at my disposition a build server and a production server (Same OS / Same Arch). As most ruby project, mine does have gem dependencies. I found two ways of doing what I…
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1 answer

Is it possible to include temporary script files to be run by postinst in a Debian package?

I want to create a Debian package that runs a few scripts in postinst. These scripts are only needed in postinst (they're just too unwieldy to include in postinst itself). Is there a standard way to have them included and accessible in the…
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2 answers

Managing local Debian packages in source control

I'm starting to manage more custom-packaged applications for our Ubuntu Hardy systems. Some are of apps not available in Ubuntu but most are much newer versions than are available via the standard "-backports" process. I'm trying to settle on the…
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1 answer

How to remove deprecated files from new version of package?

I'm building a new version of my own debian package, there is something was changed and some files now should be removed (for example old upstart scripts which shouldn't be executed more). I just removed those files from debian package and looks…
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1 answer

Modify foreign files by a debian package

I am creating a debian package. This will have to alter /etc/inittab to switch tty1 from /sbin/getty to /sbin/rungetty. Of course I can alter the line with an sed in the postinst. Is this the best way to do it or is there any debianish way to do…
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