Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
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How to solve ID1059 Cannot authenticate the user error?

I am not really experienced regarding a server/IIS issue. So I will try my best to explain the problem. I have two same web applications on two different servers (Test and Live Server). Both servers are running Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS 8.5.…
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Mirror Linux Systems Running Game Servers And Payment Managing servers

I am building a sort of professional hosting service and want to be able to just switch machines if something goes down on one I use AMP which is a web server along with a game hosting server platform as well as whmcs which is kind of a payment…
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How ready is ARM OS for production?

ARM is gaining traction... As you may know, for a lot of technical and commercial reasons, ARM is gaining a lot of market-share. AWS now provides ARM servers, HP started shipping ARM servers, and others are expected to follow. I work in a company…
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Azure - Allow incoming traffic on specific port

I am running a NodeJS app on port 5000 on an Ubuntu 18.04 VM on Azure and I need external access to that app. I created the inbound and outbound rules and double checked the settings based on this guide…
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Is there a way I can let users access my WebApp using a CNAMErecord on their primary domain?

I want a way of allowing users to access a whit-label version of my WebApp using a CNAME record allowing them to login to their app from a subdomain or domain they setup. e.g. would be where I host the app. User will access app via…
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Website not available after publishing

We use Windows 10 with IIS10 for developing my webapps in Visual Studio 2019. Now I've published my working dev site to the production server running IIS 6.2 on Windows Server 2012. However, when started, the site isn't available, not even if I…
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Azure App Service Plan - Specify App Size with PowerShell

I'm trying to deploy an app service plan (ASP) in the premium tier using powershell. I can deploy the ASP successfully but the ASP defaults to P2v1 which is not what I want. I need the ASP to be set to P2V2 in the premium tier. I can't figure out or…
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Cannot read configuration file \\?\D:\home\site\.well-known\web.config

I have a strange situation where a single ASP.NET Core Web App I am running on Azure is having issues serving files from a particular directory. Specifically I am trying to serve a file from the path…
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Deploying React + Spring boot Rest + mysql on one cloud – is it possible?

I have finished by project coding, and now I want to launch it online. I need some consulting about my deployment process. At first I though that I will use the “free using” first year of AWS, but very soon I have understand that each little service…
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Azure Application Gateway for hosting an e-commerce website on Azure

Actually I have two questions about Azure Application Gateway: 1. If I want to host a website on Azure, is it necessary to get an SSL certificate ? or does Azure provide it ? 2. If not necessary, Can I use the Application Gateway only as a Web…
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IIS8 - websites start automatically on Windows Server 2012 r2

several websites running on 2 different servers with win server 2012 r2 and iis8 keep starting by themselves after being stopped by me from IIS manager. They keep starting after about 20 minutes from being stopped. even if I stop their applicatioin…
2 answers

Network Exception thrown after session timeout

My site will run fine and I can go through the entire site, but after my session times out, when I make another request to a page I get this exception: Server Error in '/' Application. The system cannot find the file specified Description: An…
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How to view a log file realtime (similar to "tail -f") via web

I have a server that runs a number of tasks. Each task has a log file. I have a webserver that lets you see these log files, but it just copies the contents of the file to the browser and the user has to press F5 over & over... Is there a way to…
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Azure Web App Internal/External Access - Split DNS

I recently deployed an Azure Web App and assigned custom domain and ssl cert. I added a CNAME DNS records to the external DNS registrar so now I can access the web app over the internet - The issue I noticed now is that I am…
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Tomcat running on 8080 port but Fails to redirect to 8443 HTTPS port .. The 8443 port is running but cant access in web

I have deployed webapps with apache-tomcat-8.5.37. It had ssl and was working fine but when I tried to renew the ssl and installed JKS file it started to show different problems. I have resolved various cases but could not resolve the port…