Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
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Does tomcat kills unHandled ThreadPools on undeployment of application war

Say i have an Application deployed in tomcat. And i'm initializing a threadPool there,which i forgot to shutdown in my application. When i undeploy the application war or i restart the tomcat. will tomcat kill that threadPool? I mean will this cause…
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piwik not in webapp

I try to install piwik on my windows server and already found out, that it is not possible to install it from command line, because cacls does not work even in administrator mode, because some directories have only write permission through webapp…
Milla Well
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3 answers

Domain Name Setup

I am new to setting up domain names. I do not think I am using the correct terminology because I cannot find an answer with Google. For this I apologize. I purchased a domain from (we'll call it I have a Windows…
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Is it a good practice use LDAP for auth in a public webapp beside the app DB?

Internet app needs to be really secure. So LDAP for auth got into the game. Instead doing the traditional db with users table, we want to authenticate agains a LDAP server. How good/bad you think it is ?
Rodrigo Asensio
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Use web browser to launch windows applications

I'm look for some software (it may not exist yet) that would allow me to do something along the lines of: Install the software on a server, "package" and "publish" it similar to Windows Remote App, but then run that application from a web browser…
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Amazon EC2 instances hosting Web + Application servers and bandwidth usage

I am evaluating and trying to estimate hosting costs for an existing Java based web application and am currently trying to determine the most effective hosting solution. In looking at Amazon EC2 hosting and am trying to get an apples to apples…
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Control Panel for Web App Server?

I'm about to deploy a PHP based web app. I'm looking at purchasing a Linux Box, and I was wondering if I should even bother getting a control panel (cPanel or Plesk). I'm going to be the only one with access to the box. Any changes I can make on…
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Try to use nginx to proxy multiple webapps

I have multiple webapps on a server, each on a seperate port: http://localhost:8080 http://localhost:8081 Now, I've tried to use nginx in the front as a proxyserver. Goal is, to use webapps.local.domain/mywebapp1 and webapps.local.domain/mywebapp2…
Thomas Deutsch
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5 answers

IE7 not allowed to access externally hosted web application but works on our server

My company has two identical applications - one on an in-house server, one hosted by a 3rd party hosting company. I'm using IE7 and can successfully access the app on our site. But when I use IE7 to attempt to access the app on the other site, I'm…
1 answer

Amazon Ec2 Slow Spin Up

I am attempting to use Amazon EC2 for a web site and noticed extremely slow spin up times. The first request to a server that has not been in use for awhile (couple minutes) can take 5 or so minutes to display a simple web page. After that first…
1 answer

My webserver just got hacked

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY My web server just got hacked. It was on a vps so I think it was hacked through another site. When I loaded the homepage it looks like it ran some script. Can anyone tell me if this script is…
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View website on intranet using machine name (as website domain name) of computer hosting website in IIS 7

I have a local website running on "localhost" on port 80 in IIS 6. On Windows XP (machine name WINXPMAC), I'm able to setup IIS 6 so that my local web application is visible on our company network. I don't even have to set up another binding for…
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VPS for each webapp?

I'm trying to understand how to use the VPS and how to use the resources I have. I need to run several webapps, each on a separate domain. I have 1 dedicated server. Should I split it to different VPS and have each webapp on a VPS or is that a…
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How to Deploy Web Application in an A/B Testing Mode

I'm looking for ideas as to how to deploy a web application and seamlessly siphon off a certain percentage of users to the new application while still sending the rest of the users to the old application. What I'm looking for is similar to how…
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Clientside Javascript --> Serverside Java --> user is served a .doc

I am helping someone out with a javascript-based web app (even though I know next to nothing about web development) and we are unsure about the best way to implement a feature we'd like to have. Basically, the user will be using our tool to view all…