Questions tagged [symlink]

166 questions
2 answers

Automatically create symbolic links in Linux to files in one folder when a file in that folder is created and edited

I have 2 folders on my Linux OS, Apache 2 Webserver. Call them folderA and folderB . They are have following paths site1/public/sites/all/folderA site2/public/sites/all/folderB I would like that whenever a file is added/edited to folderA, a symlink…
1 answer

Softlinking /home to a new folder on a big volume

I have a new large volume I would like to create a folder in called home to serve the users home folders, so the location would be /bigvolume/home. Would creating a softlink (ln -s) from /home to /bigvolume/home cause any problems?
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How do I make it so that I can run this program anywhere?

java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar ~/src/yuicompressor-2.4.2/build$ ls yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar Usually, I have to be in that directory to run this command. Is there any way I can set it so that I can run this command anywhere in my box?
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Why doesnt creating a sym link from python to python 3 work?

My goal is to make sure that python refers to python3 in my mac terminal. What i have tried so far are the following two attempts 1. Adding an alias in .zshrc alias python=python3 after re sourcing my .zshrc file this allowed me to type python…
Nicola Pedretti
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Subdomains as subfolders and symlinks

I have a main wordpress and several subdomains. They were created in the usual way - I added subdomains to the panels (Fastpanel), and in the subdomain folders I added symbolic links to the files of the main domain. It works perfectly as expected.…
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vsftpd won't allow user to follow symlinks and to write in the destination folder

Related to the questions : How to allow a vsftpd to write to a folder other than default /files? (The answers are not what I need) and Allow local users to access /var/www folder in vsftpd (I don't understand the answer, I don't know how to do what…
Alain Reve
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How to create .zip archive containing preserved symlinks (shortcuts) in Windows (CLI)

How can I create a .zip compressed archive in Windows from the command-line that preserves symlinks? I'm trying to create .zip file in PowerShell that includes a relative symlink from one file to another file in that archive, but I either encounter…
Michael Altfield
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Can you create a symlink for a file to multiple targets in bash?

I am looking to create a symlink for a file (E.g., /var/log/cron/cron.log) which will have a symlink to both /proc/1/fd/2 and /proc/1/fd/1. Is this possible?
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Symbolic link set but not changes until reboot?

I wrote a deployment script and in final step I have following code: ln -sf /link/to/latest/release symlink/to/current; I try to set the symbolic link or update if it exist, theoretically it works and with ls -l I see that correct directory was…
samius polis
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Why does mod_rewrite require FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch?

I would like to disable FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch options, but at the same time I do want to use mod_rewrite. I checked the source code of apache 2.4 and I found there is only a condition that does not allow RewriteEngine On, when the…
0 answers

linux shared folder for all users php not working mod_hive suexec

Feel free to educate me - I'm migrating from a windows server to a dedicated linux server with apache 2.4 and centos 6.10 ... all users on the server are actually ME, so this part is not a security concern. I want to share a folder to all users. I…
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1 answer

how to use symlink with different “base” (nginx)

I have chroot environment with Apache and some website. Outside of the chroot I have nginx that forwards the requests to the Apache. However, there are some directories that I want nginx to serve faster so I did: location ^~ /uploads/ { alias …
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1 answer

share user folder with other users apache

Migrating from windows server (where this was unbelievably easy with virtual directories) to a linux server and have worked on this for weeks... I want to share a users folder contents with all other users on the server. share this folder:…
1 answer

how to create fake symlinks when copying to CIFS share with rsync

So I have to backup lot's of data to a company server. And it creates a fair share of symbolic links. I'm on a Linux Machine, and the backup server is accessed via CIFS, which does not support symbolic links. And there is nothing I can do about…
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1 answer

Linux symlink does not working after reboot

I have created on our Debian squeeze my own daemon from skeleton where is my application starting (+I add there some logging to my log file). I have put this file to /etc/init.d/ cp /home/ja /etc/init.d/ucloud-test -f chown root…
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