Questions tagged [vsftp]

9 questions
0 answers

vsftpd won't allow user to follow symlinks and to write in the destination folder

Related to the questions : How to allow a vsftpd to write to a folder other than default /files? (The answers are not what I need) and Allow local users to access /var/www folder in vsftpd (I don't understand the answer, I don't know how to do what…
Alain Reve
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0 answers

Centos 7 - SCP or FTP for specific user to specific folder

I've found tons of entries for this topic - but I've still not managed to get the following running: I like to provide a new user for accessing a specific already existing folder, whose owner must not be changed. Folder permissions should be added…
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0 answers

Can I configure VSFTPD with PKCS11?

I want to perform TLS authentication for my FTPS server using a PKCS11 certificate store. Is this possible with VSFTPD?
0 answers

Clustered vsftpd service stops working with no error log

We've got a pacemaker cluster of vsftpd server made of two nodes in a active/pasive scheme. We have experienced the following behaviour. vsftpd.log stops recording activity while xferlog keeps recording (transfers keeps ocurring). vsftpd.log shows…
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1 answer

Active mode vsftpd configuration

i have a question about vsftp please ! if i use active mode for my ftp server , should i see that my vsftp server is listening on 21 and 20 port when i use netstat ?? when i test sudo netstat -lnp | grep vsftp i get only port 21 tcp 0 …
0 answers

"Combine" multiple FTP directories so they appear as one

I own a website that allows users to upload files. I have MY files on there as well, but I don't want to mix their files with mine, just in case somebody puts a bunch of malicious files and need to be mass removed. Rather than hunting them down…
0 answers

vsftpd says : 530 Login incorrect

i am trying to connect a ftp user it is showing [root@host etc]# lftp testuser@::: Password: lftp testuser@:::~> ls ls: Login failed: 530 Login incorrect. lftp testuser@:::~> and my vsftpd.conf…
1 answer

vsftp has a bug with Fedora 32 - how do I report it: 500 OOPS: SSL: cannot load RSA private key vsftpd

Just to be clear, this is as of Fedora 32, and vsftpd-3.0.3-36.fc32.x86_64 for vsftpd. This is NOT the same problem as previously was reported here, but it has the same outward appearance and, indeed, the answer(s) there were helpful in my figuring…
Richard T
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1 answer

vsftp work in terminal but not on filezilla and browser

I work under in a docker image, under a VPS! i have install vsftp in my ubuntu 20.04! at the beginning I tested ftp in the command line and everything goes well I created a user and I tested the file transfer. after adding the ssl…