Questions tagged [symlink]

166 questions
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NGINX file server with symlinks

This is a bit of a beginner question, but I'm trying to make Nginx serve a static file server that contains symlinked folders. Eg, the root directory might contain directories A and B, which each contain symlinks to one other, eg A/B -> B and B/A ->…
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Filesystem mounted with sshfs throws error inside of docker when creating a symlink

What actual is I have a server(EX42) and a storage box (BX21) both hosted at Hetzner. On the server runs a peertube instance and I want to save the data on the storage box. I installed sshfs on my Debian 10 root server and mounted the storage…
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Nginx make symlinks in autoindex link to their files but retain their name

I wanted a way for me to easily just rsync a directory up to my server and have a 'for short' way to download a file. Aka d/foo1 > ../download/ I want auto index to retain the name 'foo1' in the HTML it sends over but for the…
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How can I search for symlinks that point to other symlinks?

I have morass of chained symlinks like this scattered around: A (symlink) -> B (symlink) -> C (file) Some may even involve longer chains, I'm not sure yet. When manually examining a single file it's easy to see what's going on but I'm looking for an…
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Nginx configure location rewrite for all subfolders

This question follows on in many ways from a previous one I had asked - and ended up answering myself. A brief summary of the problem I describe there and my solution to it I need to perform different default actions when there is an attempt to…
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Two directories share storage without symbolic link

I am in a pickle. I have a server (physicals machine) that has a link between a directory and a partition. I don't see a symbolic link. The problem is that the root partition shows 0% space. Even if I delete data from other directories it doesn't…
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Point symlink to external URL

Not sure if this is possible at all, but maybe there's another way to go about this that will get the same result. The old situation I'm running a LAMP server with CentOS 6. This server hosts a LOT of websites that we own. In the file system, we…
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How do i create Symlink to /var/log/myapp to another mount?

I am not very familiar with unix terminologies but I have a requirement where I have installed Gitlab on one of my RHEL server. By default the installation and log goes to /var/opt/gitlaband /var/log/gitlab respectively. Gitlab doesn't recommend to…
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Git ignore is ignoring sym.llinks?

In a laravel project I have a storage folder and inside it, I have an app folder (normally). So the full path is: /var/www/html/myproject/storage/app Now I have a file server and I wish to serve the app folder from there. Thus I've set up an NFS…
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VPN connection fail DNS settings

I have a problem with DNS settings in Ubuntu 16.04. First I configure my VPN connection using .ovpn file with command: sudo openvpn vpn_config_file.ovpn The interface tun0 is up but it's not getting any traffic: tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr…
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symlink to PHP file not handled as PHP

I have PHP5 installed on an Ubuntu 14.04 server and it works fine. I create a file called foo.php anywhere in the document tree and it gets passed to the PHP interpreter just as you'd expect. However... I don't want the .php extension to be visible…
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Two website accounts on linux VPS sharing common files/directories via symlinks

I have two eCommerce sites currently on two different shared hosting platforms. The sites sell music digital downloads. They both sell the same music. I would like to move them to a VPS, and I would like to make both sites share the same music files…
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How to make a symlink for MySQL?

Sorry guys for the silly question but I am really need of help. Running df -h I get /dev/vda1 40G 38G 0 100% / /dev/sda 99G 60M 94G 1% /mnt/volume-fra1-01 I tried to create a symlink between the heaviest folder of my…
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How to prevent a symlink from being removed?

I cannot seem to work out how to protect a symbolic symlink from being deleted/removed or overwritten. Any ideas?
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Tomcat7 pointing to a symbolic link WAR

I have Tomcat7 running on a Linux server. Tomcat is pointing to a symbolic link WAR for my application. The link is pointing to the actual WAR. I am looking to upgrade the app. What I have done is placed a new WAR file of the upgraded app and made a…
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