Questions tagged [terminal]

Terminal: 1) A device or program used to talk to a terminal server, usually over Serial or RDP, 2) A synonym for command-shell or command line, 3) A specific OS X program.

414 questions
4 answers

How can I find the path to an executable in OSX

Is there a command I can use to easily find the path to an executable? I'm looking for identify on my local machine - something like pwd? pwd identify => /usr/local/bin/identify
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4 answers

How can I launch a screen session with a command over ssh on a remote server from my desktop?

I want to be able to launch screen sessions on remote servers from a single ssh command on my desktop. However, screen seems to need a terminal, which is not available when running a command through ssh. So the obvious ssh root@my.machine screen…
Thomas Vander Stichele
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1 answer

Can't enter the letter 'e' over ssh

Right now I am experiencing some very, very weird behaviour on a Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS server I am managing. Connecting to the server over ssh either from cygwin(mintty) or a terminal on a Linux machine, I can't type the letter e. I have done the…
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1 answer

Block select on a Linux console?

Is there any Linux console (konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.) that allows selecting text in a block mode, like you can in a Windows cmd.exe window, using Mark and drawing a rectangle?
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5 answers

Is there a linux terminal command that lets you see the amount of data coming in to your tcp connections in real time?

It would be something similar to top, where you see your cpu processes in real time. I'm not looking for a GUI like Wireshark to do it.
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How to make the 'less' command handle UTF-8?

On my Mac terminal, printing UTF-8 works in general, but the less doesn't work correctly. So this works correctly: $ echo -e '\xe2\x82\xac' € but piping it into less gives something like this: $ echo -e '\xe2\x82\xac' | less …
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1 answer

Recover a running script from a terminal session

So I'm using GNU Screen to manage multiple running scripts/programs. The multiplexing & detachability is quite helpful. I removed a script from disk and now I'm having some trouble finding the backup. However, one of the terminal sessions was…
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Is it possible to change value of $TERM when calling ssh?

On my local terminal, I have TERM=konsole-256color, but not all remote machine I connect to have this definition. Is it possible to make ssh change the TERM on remote machine? Without changing .bash* scripts on remote machine, just by changing…
5 answers

Getting ;5D when hitting ctrl + arrow key in a Terminal on FreeBSD

On centos I can skip a word by hitting ctrl + arrow (left or right) in a terminal. When I ssh into a FreeBSD box and I try the same pattern I get: $ tail -f 20120412.log;5D;5D;5D (each try = ;5D) Is there a way to fix this? I am using Ubuntu…
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5 answers

Most long-running commands instantly killed on Amazon EC2 (Ubuntu 10.04)

When running any sort of long-running command in the terminal, the program instantly dies and the terminal outputs the text Killed. Any pointers? Maybe there is a log file with data explaining why the commands are being killed? Update Here is a…
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6 answers

A better "top" command for Mac OS X?

The top command on OS X is pretty crappy.. The one included with most Linux distros allows you to change the sort-by column using < and >, there is a coloured mode (by pressing the z key), and a bunch of other useful options. Is there a replacement…
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3 answers

How to start qemu directly in the console (*not* in curses or SDL)

I seem to recall being able to start qemu with only the terminal emulator output, with the graphic window disabled. And here I don't mean with the ncurses interface, that one is nice, but I want the output to flow directly into my terminal, to make…
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7 answers

How can I keep the content I was reading from man after I quit?

So we use man whatever to get usage and other info regarding the whatever command, when the relevant section of info is found, I'd like to quit the man command with the info left on screen. So I can type the next command with the referee above. But…
2 answers

Why does password entering work in a piped sudo command?

If I do: sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf | less It will prompt me for the password, even though less (presumably) takes stdin. Over what fd's is the password prompt shown and how does it get the input back?
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7 answers

How to find out if a terminal supports UTF-8

I'm setting up the CPAN module for perl on CentOs 5, and one of the questions is 'Does your terminal support UTF-8?' (paraphrased). How do I find out?
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