Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
4 answers

Connecting static IP device on switch

Lets say that I connect a device with a static IP in a switch. How does the switch know that there is new device connected? Does the device send an ICMP packet in order to tell that it is new on the switch/router? Is there any protocol to resolve…
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4 answers

Should I worry about my static IPs?

We currently have a range of 12 static IP addresses through our ISP that I believe are leased. Now that the IPv4 space is almost gone, should I be worried that our ISP (it's a Time Warner fiber connection) will want to pull these back or in some…
Joel Coel
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2 answers

Register multiple static IP addresses ubuntu

I currently have 1 static IP registered on my server. I'd like to go ahead and register 4 other static addresses. I'm not sure of the syntax. Should I just do iface eth0:0 inet static? Here's what I have now: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto…
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2 answers

How do I combine static and dynamic DHCP leases on a Cisco router?

Basically, what I need is super similar to the unanswered cisco forum question below: I have a Cisco 850 Series router. I have configured a DHCP pool for the network. I have…
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2 answers

interfaces/static IP problem - Debian

I'm trying to configure my Debian machine (Lenny) to use a static ip address. Here's what my interfaces file currently looks like: # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system. # and how to activate them. For more…
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2 answers

Setting static IP on CentOS without system-config-network

Background information: I have a problem installing system-config-network. It appears it cannot find an update to sqlite (checks every mirror and comes back empty handed.) I have tried the skipping broken option and package cleanups from yum-utils.…
Joshua Enfield
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1 answer

Cannot SSH to after changing to static IP

I've been using for a long time, but just had my ISP switch my home internet to a static IP and now I can't SSH to github. What happens with SSH? The id_ed25519 key has just been re-generated. SSH just stops: $ ssh -T -F ~/.ssh/config…
Capn Sparrow
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1 answer

Static IPs for Asus router VPN clients

I have asus router RT-AC58U (fw and have successfully set up OpenVPN. Here are my custom settings: OpenVPN custom settings these setting automatically generate file config.ovpn # Automatically generated configuration # Tunnel…
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1 answer

docker-compose static ip does not work

I want to assign static ip to nginx, but it doesn't work at all. I have no idea where I'm doing it wrong. Could you please help? docker.compose.yml version: '3' services: web: container_name: nginx image: nginx:latest ports: -…
Spartan Troy
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0 answers

Renewing DHCP lease without losing static IPs? (dhclient removes static IPs)

I have this interface, with DHCP and some static IPs: $ ip addr 2: enp3s0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether e0:d5:5e:13:19:d9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet…
1 answer

Is it possible for OpenVPN Client to change IP address of "tun" device ignoring "ifconfig-push"?

I have set up static IP configuration for clients connecting to OpenVPN server running on AWS EC2 (CentOS) instance. Purpose of assigning static IP is to allot QUOTA using iptables to every client so that bandwidth usage is under control. Following…
Irfan Latif
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VSFTP Not Working After Static IP Change

Basically this is the deal. I install vsftpd everything was working fine with dynamic ip and these vsftpd.config settings, could easily access through…
1 answer

How to set the dns on lxc containers staticly?

I am trying to set the dns manually to a lxc container. I already read your comments on [Setting up bridged LXC containers with static IPs But this did not work with me. In etc/network/interfaces inside the container I tried: auto eth0 iface eth0…
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1 answer

How to reserve a static-ip on Mikrotik router for a device that is attached to a fixed router's Ethernet port

I am trying hard to figure out how can I force any DHCP client device connects to the port ETH10 on Mikrotik router get assigned a fixed IP-address. Please note that the device MAC address is unknown and I will not reserve the static IP address…
Sina S.
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Using SQUID or other proxy for non-http traffic (Modbus/TCP)

I'm trying to figure out how to provide a proxy server for Modbus/TCP traffic. This is non-http traffic (industrial protocol), and usually connects to port 502. The purpose is to give remote devices a static IP address which they can connect to…
Ryan Griggs
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