I am running this command:

ifconfig e1000g0

I have done over 50 variations with unplumbing/plumbing, up/down, netmask, and broadcast. Doesn't matter cause ifconfig e1000g0 always shows my ip address as

I need to get this set up so I can test my crossover network and get down to the root cause of why zfs is only delivering a fourth of the speed I have benchmarked the server at.

Probably useful info, I have two nics on the box and have been running all these commands over the second through ssh.

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1 Answers1


Did you disable AutoMagic with:

svcadm disable network/physical:nwam
svcadm enable network/physical:default

You should be able to configure anything you want manually then, like:

ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
ifconfig e1000g0 broadcast + up

You'll probably also want a default gateway:

route add default

Replace IPs as necessary for your network.

Chris S
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  • The automagic thing fixed it. Unfortunately no change in ZFS read or write speeds onto another area. Thanks. – David Mar 17 '11 at 03:29
  • ZFS is a local file system, what would it have to do with r/w speeds across the network? – Chris S Mar 17 '11 at 12:21
  • I have slow speeds(40MB/s) over SMB and NFS(using the zfs set command). Was seeing if my switch was causing problems. I guess I forgot to put a comma after 'write speeds' in my second sentence; now that I have eliminated my networking equipment as the culprit for my slow speeds, and a test this morning confirmed this with max GigE speeds over FTP on my normal network settings, I am moving onto why SMB and NFS protocols are slow. – David Mar 17 '11 at 15:58
  • Running NFS over UDP usually improves speeds drastically for small file/blocksize operations. Might also be the NIC, I know some implement polling which *can* noticeable improve speed. – Chris S Mar 17 '11 at 17:33