Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
2 answers

HOw to give static ip to router from window XP LAN

I have the USB modem internet connection. I am using ICS sharing in XP to share my internet connection. ON window XP LAN i have set up the LAN IP as Now i have joined the cable from that XP LAN to another LAPTOP running…
2 answers

Communication between two different network id

How can two hosts with different network-id communicate with each other? /24 needs to communicate with /24 I was able to make communication by changing them to same network-id by changing subnet mask. But is it the only way…
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How do I assign a static IP address to a Win 2008 VPN server?

I am setting up a VPN to a Windows Server 2008 box at my hosting provider. I actually do have it working already and am using a static IP range to assign addresses to my VPN clients in the range of As I said, it works fine, but…
2 answers

win7 internet access blocked when using a particular static ip

one machine on the domain has had the same static internal ip a long time, serving a couple small sites. All of a sudden internet connectivity is not available, although the LAN is. Switching to dhcp gets a new dynamic address which then works.…
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HP LaserJet 4250 Printer Networking Problems

We've been trying to assign a static IP address to an HP LaserJet 4250 Printer. When we click on the networking tab it asks for a username and password, however it says the admin user is Unauthorized. We've tried IE 8, Firefox, and Chrome and have…
2 answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Exchange in native mode vs pop3 connector

I've a client which has Exchange 2010 installed. He is thinking to have POP3 connector to get all emails from his provider as opposed to native redirection of all MX records to this server. He feels safer that emails are never lost there when he…
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Why is awstats reporting my static IP instead of Domain Name?

In AWStats under: "Links from an external page (other web sites except search engines)" it has generated a list of pages that had linked to my page. I see pages like: Bing, YouTube, HotFrog, etc.. However, there are many internal links within the…
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4 answers

Problem Assigning Static IP to CentOS Server

We have a sandbox server running CentOS that we run inside our office. Our ISP has assigned us a block of 5 static IPs. We now want to assign it a static IP. DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=none # have also tried "static"…
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1 answer

how to know device IP is static or dhcp on linux dhcp server

My system is Linux. I use udhcpd tool to build a dhcp server. I want to know what method(static or dhcp) is used for connected device on my linux server How can I do? do have any cmd can reach this goal? Thank you!!
Niu Ar
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Static IP configuration with ip command in Linux gives Destination Host Unreachable

I am a total newbie when it comes to network configuration. I would like to configure my Ubuntu 18.04 PC so that it connects to a device. I use USB to Ethernet converter and connect the ethernet jack to the device and USB connector to my PC.…
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Route Docker outside communication through specific route

My host has 2 IP addresses. One main (management) IP and one that is used for services and whitelisted. The service IP has no gateway but goes through the gateway of the management IP. My netplan looks like that: network: version: 2 …
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Network Configuration At ISP. Router vs Switch

Hoping actual IT folks can help me out. I’m standing up my own enterprise network for the first time. We are a heavy construction company so our tech skills are pretty limited. I have 5 static IPs available. I am hoping to set up 3 access points…
1 answer

Will updating Azure static public IP from Basic to Standard SKU reassign a new IP address?

as per the title. I have an Azure VM with a Basic SKU static public IP and considering to upgrade it to the standard. However, I do not wish the IP to change as it's being whitelisted in various of our partners systems. It seems I need to…
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Setting up a static IP, but for whatever reason when I load the openvpn file to a router it doesn't load the static IP I set

(Static IP is not one reserved by the access server) Pics here:
1 answer

Can't connect container with bridge to the internet using networkd

i have a server running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS connected through one physical ethernet interface to the internet. My prodiver assigned me a static primary IP4 (i will use A.A.A.A here for this IP), so my systemd-networkd config file looked like this…
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