Questions tagged [awstats]

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers.

AWStats is an open source Web analytics reporting tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers. AWStats parses and analyzes server log files, producing HTML reports. Data is visually presented within reports by tables and bar graphs. Static reports can be created through a command line interface, and on-demand reporting is supported through a web browser CGI program.

AWStats supports most major web server log file formats including Apache (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format or common/CLF log format), WebStar, IIS (W3C log format) and many other common web server log formats.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

119 questions
3 answers

Do I need to restart my server after editing fstab and mtab?

I'm just wondering if I need to restart my server after editing fstab and mtab. I changed something in this file manually due to problem with awstats report. I am using ISPConfig 3 with the help of the tutorial from howtoforge. But due to…
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How to analyze multiple gz log files for Awstats?

I am pretty new to awstats and have configured Awstats on my apache webserver to analyze nginx access logs(nginx webserver is for my django app), I am able to take the stats from LogFile=/var/log/nginx/access.log but how do I analyze multiple Logs…
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1 answer

Should I use cron.hourly or crontab?

It seems that all the suggestions for using/scheduling awstats is via crontab, as such: 0 * * * * /usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ -config=mysite -update >/dev/null (running awstats hourly). However, if I check crontab -l, it says…
fizzy drink
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1 answer

Getting AWStats to work in Ubuntu 12.04

I'm new to apache and i'm trying to set up AWStats on my ubuntu 12.04 server. I've followed the guide at Ubuntu docs. I set it up according to the instructions and awstats is able to generate initial stats from apache log successfully. I placed the…
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Analyze HTTP logs, looking for iOS

I am currently using AWStats to analyze the apache logs for a server that redirects links, etc from iOS apps to the app store (so we can track clickthrough). In AWStats, however, all of this traffic is grouped into 'Mac OS X' in the Operating…
1 answer

Awstats: only builds 1 report, not full reports

I remember running this command before and it used to build all the pages, but now that I use it again it only builds the main page. (new lines for readability) /usr/share/awstats/tools/ -update…
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Webstats for large Amazon S3/Cloudfront logs?

I'm trying to find a way to parse our Amazon S3 access logs to get some webstats. I've been trying to use AWStats 7, but I got to the point of where after day 9 of a given month it can't process any more logs because it runs out of memory. This…
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3 answers

AWStats and Time Taken to serve the Request

I have several IIS 6 web servers I manage and I turn on the time-taken field in the logs. I use AWStats to generate various reports from the log data. One of my developer counterparts has recently asked me to provide a report based on the Time-Taken…
λ Jonas Gorauskas
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1 answer

AWStats combine page URLs

I'm running AWStats on a Rails site with nginx and I have pages that are accessed like this[receipt_tag] I'd like for AWStats to show those as x hits for page /order/receipt/* instead of 1 hit for [tag x], and 1 for…
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Awstats - the 'HTTP Status codes' information is missing. How to fix?

I'm trying to configure Awstats for a website on Centos 7. Currently everything works fine (I can see stats, keywords, page hits, etc.), but there's a section on Awstats that reads "HTTP Status codes" and under that header there are some codes like…
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1 answer

awstats can't parse my log

I want to use AwStats to parse nginx access logs. The specified nginx log format is '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status ' '"$request" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; and logs seem to…
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Awstats - how to disable the robots detection?

I can read here that Awstats detects robots/spiders "Report/Filter robots (nb detected)". Here is a quote from that page: AWStats can detect robots visits: All robots among the most common are detected, list is in robotslist.txt (250Kb). Products…
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2 answers

Manually create dnscache.txt for AWStats

According to the docs for AWStats: AWStats can do reverse DNS lookups through a static DNS cache file that was previously created manually. Searching through the docs, as well as a fair bit of Googling, leaves me with one question. How do I…
John Gardeniers
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awstats "Permission Denied", but file and directories all have permission

I'm getting this notification from awstats: Error while processing /etc/awstats/awstats.conf Create/Update database for config "/etc/awstats/awstats.conf" by AWStats version 7.4 (build 20150714) From data in log file…
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1 answer

AWStats not showing anymore Referrers / Keywords /keyphrases

Me and my colleagues are struggling to find a solution over a strange problem with AWStats. Some months ago, we moved a production environment from a CentOS to an Ubuntu 14.04. Since then, the Referrers sections is not showing anymore browsers /…
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